Item 14 - MDRA 86-47 - Sidney XinosOF I 2 e Agenda Report July,15, 1986 Page- 2. BACKGROUND j A. Prosect: Description I .moo. The applicant is requesting approval for the. construction of a single-family residence:. a 4,300 square foot residence at 12960 Glen Circle Drive. The. -property is located in an area covered.by the "Major Topographical Features" map as identified in the Comprehensive Plan. On April l2s, 1985 the Council adopted Resolution No. P-85 019. The resolution required Council review for the construction of single family residences. located onparcelslying within the "'Ma.jor, Topographical Features." area.. The policies in the Comprehensive Plan and the proposed policies and standards in the Ridgelne/ Hillside Study report assist Staff with. the evaluation of minor development review applications. Approximately 90 percent of the 3.9 acre site has a slope of 25. percent or more. The General Plan requires the construction of a multi -pad foundation when:the building pad is proposed fora an area j with a 25 percent or more slope. The proposed building envelope is situated on:a pre -graded pad.. No additional grading is proposed for the driveway or proposed house. The proposed residence is; a two-story house with a.stepped foun- dation to a basement.and attached three -car garage. The..architec- tural style is contemporary California Ranch with pastel stucco exterior finish and mission the roof.The house design satisfies the Uniform Building Code definition of a two-story structure. Additional landscaping. surrounding the north -facing side will help to blend the proposed residence into the: adjacent hills. The structure. will be visible only from Glen Circle Drive and an approximately one half mile length of Stone Canyon Road. FINDINGS The proposed development is consistent with the General Plan and the Zoning ordinance. No adverse impacts of an aesthetic, safety, or architectural nature upon adjoining public and private proper- ties will occur because rooflines, construction methods, materials, building locations.. and elevations will be compatible with the tone and textures of the surrounding biology and landform. The project meets the Zoning Ordinance: criteria and encourages the orderly development of the City because it is similar to and complements adjacent development. JUL 1 1986 ! T E M 11. OF 12 Agenda Report.' July 15, 1986 Page 3 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Minor Development Review 86-47 subject to conditions contained in the attached. resolution, JIAB: RiWT :-MVD` a<nm Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution 2. Surrounding Genera]. Plan and Zoning 3. Major Topograplucal Features Area 4. Site Plan and Slope Analysis 5. Proposed Elevations 6. Floor Plan 7. Floor Plan 8. Floor. Plan 3oJUL 15 198S ITEM 14 OF 1 Z JUL 15 1986 ITEM 14 i F RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL t OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING MINOR DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 86-47' ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 275-240-35 WHEREAS, Minor Development Review 86-47, submitted by Sidney Xinos, applicant, requestsapproval to construct a 4,300 square 12960 Glen Circle Drive, within an foot single family residence at area identified on the: -"Major Topographical Features" Map, in the RR-C - (RuralResidential ' C) zone., and WHEREAS, on July 1.5, .1986,. the City Counci . held a. hearing on the above-referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows:, Section l: Findings: 1. That the proposed development is in conformance with the i Poway General Plan.: 2. That the proposed development will not have an adverse related aesthetic, health, safety, ,or architecturally impactupon. adjoining properties. 3. That the proposed development is in compliance with the honing Ordinance. 4. That theproposeddevelopment encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City. E Section 2 Environmental Findings: The City Council finds that this project is categorically exempt Act., designated a minor from the California Environmental Quality r: structure.. Section 3: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Minor Development Review 86-47' subject to the following conditions: 1. Within 30 days of approval, the applicant shall submit in and writing that all conditions of approval have been read understood.. OF 1 Z JUL 15 1986 ITEM 14 Resolution No. P Page 2 r 2 This; project..must meet.any applicable requirements related to Ordinance No 103 (street improvements, drainage fees, park fees, traffic mitigation fees) to the satisfaction_ of the Director of Public Services. 3.. A landscape plan, to the satisfaction of the Director :of Planning Services and Director of Public: Services,, shall. be. approved prior to building permit issuance. 4. All new utilities shall be undergrounded. 5. The appropriate Building Department approvals shall be received prior to initiation of construction. - 6. All slopes over five feet in height shall be planted with' ground cover shrubs and trees to the satisfaction of the. Directors of Planning and.Public Services. 7. School: impact fees. shall be paid at the time ofissuance of building: permits: in accordance: with Ordinance No.. 184. Poway Planning Services should be contacted regarding this requirement.< - 8.. All applicable construction standards pertaining to private driveways: shall be in compliance with Municipal Code Section 17.08.190P to the satisfaction.of the: Directors -of Public and Planning Services.. 9 This approval shall become null and void if building permits, are not issued within one year. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 15th day of July, 1986. Carl R..'Kruse, Mayor ATTEST': Marjorie K. Wahls,ten, City Clerk • •.�. tip.'_ .S « r •. . • .. • .w. • f ,,, � ��. ... • i. . . •."'N�. / ^.f lir .l L..Y{Y • - x �e-s� ar � e-•- � MOM e s�►`: c® GLEN CIRCE os c �f RR - RVR ITEM M-DARA 5366-47 CITY 1'PO W AY TV SCALE. : N®Nl�lr ATTACHMENT: 2 i 6 of 12 JUL 15 19866 ITEM: 14 a i r- Ill •q��s i`5..: �?�, 3.`'i 5. 'tY\A `�i-e'`'fcrir^—z. ''vo 9. .�t'!*�� °t �+ -17- 'N 16 � la T T MN �,6'...»'��,r Wit.; • 1 v .7!,f•r "rq '�- Y :1 � r� "; ��. ,r"11.y A) y�~3v,4'(t��•.'.'\ .,y�! ^� .+��--; `�' �:� .�, y._�,Fs �1 ��n >� ''fy t CITY OF POWAY SCALE : NoN ITEM MhIZA S4.. 4.7 TITLE : T' A�utz ATTACHMENT : 7ofl2 JUL 15 1985 ITEM 14 r qr 8 of12 JUL 15 1988 ITEM 14 ■ • 4ii .24:411 ri mama I, MLA IIIiIIiIIiII1111tIIHl ' ad ;dim Ilia tp: 4 9nF1? JUL 15 1986 ITEM 14 CITY OF POWAY SCALE 1a "cit — �j lime- litt dAASi�It' ®f.OP%GQflI asses �. "Ilm t f 0 i. T .nesse 1iA84Ei4 •JOYIf WATIO ►s I Oyes STUDY r / i t E: r UPPER FLOOR PLAN' .i~'.r• � nes ss. Srtsat asSs-auto es.S n.Sees assa t UI TY AITEM M 3�!SA afi- 4- 7 TITLE SCALE wsN ATTACHMENT : 7 7 �� JUL 15 1986 ITEM 14 o+44.od4.. G .ft` 71.410+ o0:4. !lR•s� •ame", 14. Aakat:7111.5C, r• 0111•0101,04 N �Ts+s1t F ER U.B.C. STANDARDS ,1 THIS LEVEL IS NOT DEFINED AS A STORY ITEM MbiZA-7 TITLE 7:11 -AM ATTACHMENT