Item 4 - EA, CUP 86-06 and DR 86-09 - Andrew LaiAGENDA REPORT CITY OF PO AY TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox. City Manage je INITIATED ,BY. : Reba W. To , uW Director of Planning Services DATE: July 22, 1986. SUBJECT: Environmental Asssssmentt Conditional Use Permit 86-06 and Development Review 86-09 - Andrew Lai., Applicants A request to construct a 48 unit motel and manager's office/apartment in , the CG (Commercial General) zone located at 12430 Poway Road. APN 317-540-10, 13, 14 ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER: James H. Lyon, Assistant Planner PARCEL SIZE: 1.01 Gross Acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial General ZONING: Commercial General. SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS: (See Attachment 3) RELATED CASES: DR 85-20, CUP 85-14: CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: (See Attachment 7) ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION Issue a Negative Declaration STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions ‘4, ACTION: JUL 2 2 1986 ITEM 4 1 OF z3 Agenda Report July 22, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND A. Project Description On February 25,'1986 the City Council heard Conditional Use permit 85-14 and Development Review 85-20 that proposed the construction of a 55 unit motel complex.. 'The applications were denied on the grounds that the project was not consistent with adjacent structures, uses, and densities. The applicant petitioned.the City Council's decision and requested a rehearing to present new material not discussed during the public hearing. A rehearing was:granted, however, the new material reflected more of a project redesign and not new relevant material. On those grounds, the Council reconfirmed their denial of the application. During the February 25, 1986 hearing the City Council. discussed other x issues that contributed to: the denial of the application. These issues centered around the amount of opposition from the adjacent single family residences, the lack of adequate landscaping, the pro- posed overbuilding of the site, the visual impact of the building's west elevation, and -the -use of kitchenettes as an attraction for unde- sirable transients.' it comments regarding the ori i - The: applicant: has consideredthe Council g g °g� nal motel application and has proposed a project that addresses all the aforementioned concerns. This application requests approval of Conditional Use Permit. 86-06 and Development Review 86-09 to allow the construction of a two-story 1.6,500 square: foot motel and a 1,740 square foot lobby and manager's r apartment. The project site is located on the north side of Poway' i• Road approximately 360 feet east of pomerado Road. Tune Craft is located to the west and a Mobile Service Station is to the east. A Targe undeveloped knoll borders the project to the north. k The two-story 26 -foot > high wood frame structure will consist of 48 guest rooms and no kitchenettes are proposed. Mr. Lai, in an effort to create a colonial building theme similar to the nearby Home Federal. Bank, is proposing the use of brick veneer and off white colored stucco on the main exterior features. Exterior doors_, handrails, balconies and other wood trim would be painted a "linen" white. Staff is recommending that the doors and handrails be painted a complimen- tary darker color. Flat grey/blackconcrete tile will be used for the roof covering. Through the alternating use of brick veneer and stucco, and the incorporation of Targe multipaned windows and pitch f roofs, the applicant has greatly enhanced the building elevations from the previous proposal. The visual impact of the west elevation has been enhanced through the structural separation of the building into two units and through the use of the aforementioned building materials. Staff is additionally recommending that shutters be applied to the windows on the west elevation. 2 of23 JUL 2 2 7986 I TE M 4 3 Agenda Report } July 22, 1986 Page The motel -'s lobby and manager's apartment is located in a separate 1,740 square foot building west of the main structure. The two buildings -are attached by a canopy roof. The 840 square foot lobby extension and registration desk are on the first floor and the residential manager's living quarters are located above. Although the applicant has incorporated a number of design features into this building, additional accents are necessary to enhance the exterior elevations. The site plan has been expanded and includes a 40 foot landscaped front yard setback and a minimum of ten ;feet of landscaping along the rear and side setbacks` As previously noted the motel is divided into two units and separated by a 36 foot landscaped guest area. Staff is recommending that the rear motel unit be adjusted forward four feet to provide a landscape planter along the building's north elevation. Additionally Staff is recom— mending the eight foot parking lot planter island adjacent to the rear unit's west elevation be cut in half with the remaining four feet used as a planter for the building's west elevation. Staff has analyzed the relationship of the Galileo parking lot and the proposed motel and has determined that with the proposed design, the lights from the automobiles using Galleo's Restaurant parking lot would shine directly into the motel. The applicant has addressed the issue by providing a maximum four foot retaining wall behind which would be a 14 foot landscaped area. Within the landscaped area would be a four foot high criblock retaining wall in which vegetation could be planted. A four foot fence would then be installed west of the cribwall in Galileo's parking lot (see Attachment 6) Staff is recommending, for durability and compatability purposes, that a slump block wall be constructed, rather than the proposed wood fence. B. Development Facilities Access to the project is via a 30 foot shared driveway between Tune Craft and the proposed motel. Staff recommends that the 30 foot easement be reduced to 25 feet with the remaining five feet to be used as a landscape planter to help screen the Tune Craft: and/or the motel. swimming pool. A landscaped median is located directly in front, of the driveway, restricting access to west a bound traffic only. _ 3 OF23 . e JUL 2 2 1986 ITEM 4 Agenda Report July 22 1986 Page 4 Although. the overall slope of the property is approximately five percent, there is a ten foot high slope of approximately sixteen percent located within the front one third of the property. The applicant has proposed to reduce grading by locating each. building at a different elevation pad foundation. Retaining walls, howeverp will. still be required along the majority of the west property line -to provide'adequa.te parking areas.. Drainage of the property will be in a general southeast direction toward Poway Road. The Public ServicesDepartment is requiring the applicant to complete a hydrologic/hydraulic study to determine if the: existing drainage facilities are adequate to accommodate the additional run-off produced by the construction of, this project. As the proposed project site consists of three individual parcels, a merger of the parcels must be approved prior to the issuance of the building permit. Water, sewer, and other utilities are: presently _available to the site. The City Fire Marshal has required. a sprinkler system to be installed within the motel. An additional fire hydrant.shall be located toward the rear of the -lot. Although not required the applicant has proposed an emergency vehicle access location in the northeast corner of the: property. C. Environmental Review` The 1.01 gross acre site slopes approximately five percent to the 4 south with a ten foot of approximately 16 percent rise occurring within.the front one third of the property. The previously graded site lies: vacant and void of 'trees and significant amounts of vegeta- tion. Small shrubs and annual grasses cover the fringes of the par- cel. There are no rare or endangered species nor historical or cultural aspects associated with these parcels } A review of the proposed Environmental initial Study and an on-site. inspection indicate that potentially significant impacts exist relative to the area -wide drainage and the addition of traffic, noise, and light generated by the proposed development, s Conditions for the mitigation of those impacts contained within the proposed resolution include, but are not limited to, the payment of traffic mitigation fees, the master plan of drainage- fees, and the construction of an eight foot wall on the north property line. With these measures, a Negative Declaration is recommended. Lt OF 2 3 JUL 2 2 1986 ITEM„ Agenda Report f July 22, 1986 Page 5 E. Correspondence Notice of this project has been sent to all property owners within 500 feet of the property boundaries and: published in the P®X News f Chieftain* Mr. Nunn 0 a representative of Mr. Lair. .has contacted and eviev'ed the proposed application with the surrounding property owners-.. Two of the three who spoke in opposition to the project and other neighbors have sighed a letter that they now do not oppose`ths project (see Attachment 7) FINDINGS The proposed project is.consistent with the General. Plan and complies with the requirements of the Zoning Development.Code. The project is Ti s: compatible with surrounding uses and structure, and will not cause advers& health or safety related impacts on adjacent properties The =j proposed development encourages the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures. and property within the City` RECOMMENDATIoN it is recommended that the City Council apprflve Conditional Use Permit 86-060 and Development Review 86-09, subject to conditions contained in the attached resolution and issue a Negative Declarat onw JLB.RWT.JBL:js Attachments: 1. Proposed Resolution 2.. Standard Conditions 3. Surrounding'General Plan and Zoning 4. Site Plan 5 Building Elevations 6 Galileo Parking Lot Cross Section 7. Letters Received I RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 86®06 AND DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 86-09 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 317-540-10s, 13j, 14 WHEREAS, Development Review 86-09-, and Conditional Use Permit 86-061 submitted by Andrew Lai, applicant-, requests to construct a 46 unit motel and manager's livingg-quarters on the property located. at 12430 Poway Road, in the,,Commercial General (CG) zone; and WHEREAS, on July 22, 1986, the City Council held a hearing- on earingon the above -referenced item. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Findings,, CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 1 That the location,, size, design, and operating charas terstcs of the proposed use will be compatible with. and will not adversely affect or be materially detrimentalfi. to adjacent uses, residents, buildings', structures, or natural resources; 2. That the harmony in scale, bulk, coverage, and density is k consistent with adjacent uses i 3. That there are available public facilities, services, and. utilities; 4. That there: will not be a harmful effect: upon. desirable neighborhood characteristics; 5 That the generation of traffic will not adversely impact the surrounding streets and/or the City's Circulation Element; 6.. That the site is suitable for the type and intensity of use or development which is proposed; 7. That there will not be ;significant harmful effectsupon environmental quality and natural resources; 8. That there are no other relevant negative impacts of the proposed use that cannot be mitigated; and F JUL 2' 2 7986 ITEM 6OF23 Resolution No. P Page 2 9 That the impacts, as described above, and the location of the proposed use will not adversely affect the City of Poway General Plan for future as well as present development DEVELOPMENT" REVIEW 1. That the proposed development is in conformance with the Poway General Plan. 2. That the proposed development will not have an adverse aesthetic, health, safety, or -architecturally related impact upon adjoining properties. -4. That the proposed. development is in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance 4. That the proposed development encourage the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and property within the City. - Section 2: Environmental Findings: The City Council finds that this project will not have significant adverseimpact on the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration. Section 3: UtX Council Decision The. City Council hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 861-06 and Development Review 86-09 subject to the following conditions: 1. Within 30days of approval, the applicant shall submit in E writing that all conditions of approval have been read and understood 2. An alley type commercial driveway with modified handicap ramps parallel to the sidewalk shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 3. Should the new driveway be built on a location that is different from the existing driveway just east of Tune Craft building, said location shall be subject to City Engineer's approval and said existing driveway or_a. portion thereof shall be closed and replaced.with a new curb, cutter and sidewalk. 4. The developer shall construct a water train extension from the existing water main in Poway Road to the most northerly fire hydrant location onsite. Locations of fire hydrants shall. be to the satisfaction of the Fire Marshal. The new water main and its appurtenant fixtures shalt bP in accordance with City of Powav specifications. 7 OF 2 JUL 2 2 1986 ITEM 4 y Resolution No. P- Page 3 5. A 20 foot wide water easement shall be dedicated to the City of Poway prior to building permit issuance. 6. Water meters can be set at locations designated by the developer within the easement and shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 7 The developer shall notify the City of Poway Public Services- Department of the number and sizes of water meters to be installed prior to issuance of a building permit 8. A new sewer lateral shall be constructed from the existing sewer main is Poway Roadto the north right-of-way dine of said road.. Sewer lateral construction and its appurtenant- ppurtenantfixtures fixturesshall be in accordance with. _City of Poway speci..- f ications' . , 9.. Surface drainage shall .be as shown per City approved t grading plan. 10. A detailed hydraulic/hydrology analysis shah: be provided fi to the 'City to determine the tun -off to be produced by the development and its effect -on the existing driveway devices.., H to be used by the project.. Should the amount of run-off .produced by said development result in an amount: that exceeds the capacity of'existing drainage devices, construction of additional drainage devices will be necessary to mitigate the effect. such devices shall be: per City Engineer's approval. Surface drainage shall, be confined within the development and directed towards the streets x 11. Improvement plans shall - be prepared for street. improve-- t menti, water and sewer lines construction. It shah be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted -to the City for review and approval by the City Engineer. 12. A covenant of property merger shall be filed and recorded prior to issuance of a.building permit. Said property. merger is to combine those parcels identified as Assessor's Parcel Number (APN) 317-540-13 and a portion of APN 317-540-10 and 14 (said portion of APN 317-540-10 and 14 identified as Parcel B in Certificate of Compliance C85-005, recorded May 10-p,1985, F/P 165419). Since Assessor's Parcel Numbers are subject to change, said num- bers herein before mentioned are those that identifies the subject development as of the date of this instrument. JUL 22 1986 ITEM 4 8 OF23 19 9OF23 The northerly building of the motel shall be adjusted four feet to the south. A four foot landscape planter shall be reconstructed adjacent to the north elevation of said building. 20. The eight foot wide: parking lot landscape planter west of to the northerly mote] building shall be reduced to four feet with the other four feet of planter to be relocated adjacent to the northerly building's west elevation. JUL 2 2 1986 ITEM 4 Resolution No. P- Page 4 13. A reciprocal access and maintenance agreement shall be executed between the owner of the development and the owner of that lot where Tune Craft building is now located. It shall be reviewed and approved by the City Engineer prior to recordation in the: Of f ice of the Recorder of San Diego County. 14. The developer shall get approval prior to building permit issuance from all easement holders in the development wherein a building or buildings and any other structures affect the easement use. 15. Whenever City of Poway Specifications. is -mentioned herein, it shall mean, but not be limited to CADTS Specifications, Public Works Specifications. and the. San Diego Regional Standards. 16. Prior to occupancy the applicant shall acquire an easement } ' or boundary adjustment of at least five feet in a westerly direction and construct,a four foot slump block wale across the easterly border -of theGalileoRestaurant parkinglot at the top' of the- slope . The wall design and ocatin shall be subject to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services and shall be constructed prior to occupancy of the facility. '17. The applicant shall provide additional architectural I embellishment for the exterior of the lobby/manager's living quarters subject to the satisfaction of the L Director of Planning Services. 18. The developer shall provide solar panels to serve the: swimmi.ng_pool and spa. Said panels shall be located so as not to be visible from Poway Road. Minor modifications to the building parapets necessary to screen the solar panels shall be subject to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 19 9OF23 The northerly building of the motel shall be adjusted four feet to the south. A four foot landscape planter shall be reconstructed adjacent to the north elevation of said building. 20. The eight foot wide: parking lot landscape planter west of to the northerly mote] building shall be reduced to four feet with the other four feet of planter to be relocated adjacent to the northerly building's west elevation. JUL 2 2 1986 ITEM 4 Resolution No. Page 5 P- 21. Exterior doorsand handrails shah be painted a dark color that is complimentary' to the structure and acceptable to the Director of Planning Services. 22. Shutters shall be applied to all standard windows on: the. motel's east. elevation. 23. The 30 foot .entrance road shall be reduced to 25 feet with the remaining five feet to be constructed as- landscape planters to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services Department. Section 4: City Council Decision: The City Council hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 86-06,. and Development Review 86-09 subject to the attached Standard Conditions. APPROVED. and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 22nd day of July, 1986. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTES'E Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk JUL 2 2 1986 ITE M �0°F23 STANDARD CONDiTiONS OF APPROVAL Subjects r Applicants x �� A � Locations 1230` by ry �n+E co Those items chocked are cond tions.of approval. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT TBE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND. BUILDING CITY OF POWfif _� SERVICES- ERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE BITS THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONSs '.. A. SZ'tE QL9LLOFMENT, r 1. Site shall. be developed is accordance with the appro4ed site plans: an file- in they, Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein.- Z. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of. approval stall be submitted to the Planning • Sesvieas. Department prior. to issuance of building po i 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of then Zoning Development Code and all other - k' effect at th applicable City Ordinances in the time of building poxmit issuance. 4. The-developer shall provide a minimumof 25$ of the lots with adequate sideyard area for recreation vehicle storage pursuant # to City standard$• and the C.C.iR.'s shall prohibit the storages of recreational vehicles is the required. front yard setback. S. t+laail boxes, oa lots 10,000 square feet or less in size. and in areae where sidewalks are required:, shall be installed sad located by the developer subject to-approval. by the Planning Services- Department., - 6. The developer shall. integrate an appropriate variety of approved roof materials and coiors-.intc the design of the retsideatiaL development in a. manner which is both compatible and complemtary among each of the residential units:- 7. Trash receptacle shall be enclosed by a_ 6 fact- high masonry wall with view-obstructinq gates pursuant to City standards. Location shall besubject to approval by the Planning Services Depastmant. W100S. All roof appurtenancest including air conditioners,- shall b architecturally integrated#, shielded from view and. sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning'Services Department. L Prior to any use -of then project site or business activity ` being commenced thsreoa, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director Of Planning Services. 1]200,1The licant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform a• ilding Code. Uniform Mechanical Code. Uniform Plumbing Coder National Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance. 1. prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible construction,, evidence shall be submitted to the Director of Safety services that water supply, and facilities for fire 5. protection is available. Where additional fire protection is required by the: Director of Safety Services, it shall her serviceable prior to the time of constructer. 12. For a new residential dwelling unit(s), the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, School Fees (.in accordance with City-adopted poli cY and/or ordinance), water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid: a. Prior to Final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. JUL 22'7986 ITE 1. M(13. For s new1..�ercia2 or ihdustrial develo meat c addition to an existing deveivparent, the applicant small pay development fees at the, established rate`. Such fees may inciude,'but not be limited tat Per=mit and Plan - Checking Peasc water and Sewer . Serview Fess. These lees shall be paida so priar to final asap approval- b. Prior to�building permit issuance. 14. This approval shalL becoma null and void if building permit= user not issued for this project within: one year from the date of pco feet approval. 15. Street names shall approved by the Planning Services sr Department prior tOr the recordation of the, final inapt and street addresses shall be provided prior to the issuance of building: pewit$: placed an 12rJ6. euilding_identification and/or addresses s pll,be visible all now and euisting buildings so f the street of aceesa roadt color of identification and/or addresses` shall contrast witit their background; color. W. PSSS;ZhG MEr VMZCMM ACCESg 1. All parking lot landscaping shall -consist of a minirwm of one � fifteen, (15) gallon, size tcee° for every t brae ( 3) parking spaeaw-. Tor parking -lot islands# a minimum 12 inch wide walk adjacent to parking stalls shall. ber provided and be•eparated from vehicular areae by s 6 inch bight 6 inch wide -Portland coactetee- cement corbinq- Fa Parking- lot lights: shall be low pressure,: sodium and. have a maximum height of eighteen. ( 18) feet from the finished grade of th* parking surface and be directed away,frow all property linesr adjacent streets, and residences 3. All two-way traffic aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide. and emergency access shall be provided, maintained free and cleart. a: minimuat of 24• feet wide at all times during contraction to accordance, with Safety Services. Departmeat requirements. 02(4. All parking spaces shall be double striped. C 'LANDSCAPING 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shalL be submitted to and approved -by the Public Services .Department and Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. A Claster Plan of the existing on-site trees shall be. provided to the Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits and prior to grading# to determine which trees shall be retained. .3 Existing on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall be,trimmed'andlor topped. Dead..decaying or potentially dangerous trees shall, be approved for removal at the discretion ti of the Planainq- Services Department during the -review of the Master Plan of existing on-site trees. Those trees which are approved for removal shall be replaced on a tree -for -tree basis } as required by the Planning Services Department - W/ 4. epartment- W/4. street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in accordance with the city of Poway Ordinance and shall be planted at an average of every 30 fest an interior streets and 20 feet an exterior streets. S. A minimum of 50 trees per gross acre, comprised of the following sizes, shall be provided within the development; 204 - 24" box or larger, 70t - 15 gallon, and 10t - 5 gallon to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services and in accordance with the approved landscape plan in all multifamily and PRO projects. 6. All landscaped areas shall be maintained in a healthy and ti thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. l Z OF 2.3 JUL 2 2 1986 IT LM 4 • 0. B o el. Any signs proposed for this developmentshall be designed -and approved is conformance with the Sign. Ordinance. 2. A- Comprehensive Siga Program for this development shall be submitted to the ;Planning Services Department for their review prion to issuance of building permits. Approval shall he by the City council. g 1. on lots having & private or public equestrian/pedestrian � trail oa cc adjacent to their property. the developer is required to have contained within the C.C.an.'s the following statements- tatement:Za litpuzcbssftq the home#, s have- read the, C C.&A.'s and understand that said. lot is subject to as easement for the. purpose: of allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffic. is 2. The developer shall, improve the equestrian/pedestrian trail ' syster in accordance with the adopted sign standards and to the- satisfaction: of thew Directors of Public and Planning } Socvices t a. Prior to final map approval. tr. Prior to building permit issuance. l 3. An open space easement shall be granted to the City over, j upons, across and under the• ares defines- on the final maps asI an equestrian trail and no building, structures or other things shall be constructed* erected, placed or maintain ed on, subject easements except for the construction and maintenance of said trail and structures, appurtenant to the, trail.. E 4. Dedicato the Master planned equestrian/pedestrian trails to the satisfaction of the Directors of tbe, Departments of Public and -planning Services is accordance with the Master Plan of Trails Element. S. Parkland Dedication or payment of Park Fees' at the established rate shall be mades a. Prior to final coag approval. t b. Prior to building permit issuance. P. EXISTING STRQCTORES 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for property line clearances considering use, area and fire-reaistiveness of existing buildings. Z. Existing buildinq(s) shall be made to comply with current building and zoning regulations for the intended use or the building shall be demolished. 3. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply with appropriate grading practices and the Uniform Plumbing Code. h. fi M=IONAL -APPROVALS REQOIREII 1. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a building permit. � 2. Development Review or Minor Development Review• shall be accomplished prior to recordation of the final subdivision Rap. { 3: This Conditional Use Permit is granted for a period of month(s) at the end of which time the City Council may add or delete conditions, or revoke the Conditional Use Permit. t t. The developer shall display a current Zoning and Land Use Map OFZ in the sales office at all t-imes,•and/or suitable,alternative { to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Service, 1T E JUL 2 - � Y 5. When PO"'7,11c, or private equestriscslpedeStrfar' �'-ails are coquired as.a part of the subdivision. the developer shall display a map in the galea- office, of said subdivision. indicatingthe trails. 6. All sales maps that are distributed or mads available to the public shall include but not be-limLted to trails, future and existing schoolso parkst and streets. 7. The developer shall, provide a noise dfspiay-board in the sales office to the satisication of the planning Services• Qirectcr. The display shall include the site plan and noise study. 6: working- draria & shall include & certiffcatioe by a: recognized acoustical, aspect that the requirements of they City- of Poway' a noise ordinance will be met. 4. At the cospletiom of construction•t and prior to occupancyr interioc and exterior CNS• shall be -determined by field testinq.at developeces expense. Testss, to be conducted by a recognised acoustical expert.- Ra occupancy permitw sball be greeted until ConditioQ Ec7 is met to the satisfaction of the Building Codes (latest ad opted edition) 'Sound Transmission Controls-* 10.- The applicant shall, provide verification of State Board of Equalization notification -and that appropriate reviews and/or approvals have been accomplished to the satfafaa ;i tion. of the Dfzactor of Administrative Secvicss. o� ZZ, APPLICANT, APPLICANT, SHAM CONTACT,THE PUBLIC SERVICE'S DEPAATt�N�r E�GARDaNG CoMpLIANCE; WITS' TSS FOLLOWING CONDITIONSs L B. GM NM MrL. Grading of the subject property shall be is accordance with the, Uniform Building'Codes City Grading OrdLnaneee approved , grading plan and geotachnical report, and accepted grading practices. 2.. The grading plan shall contain a certificate signed by a registered civil. engineer that the grading plan has preserved. a minimum of 100 square -feet Of solar access for each dwelling unit and for eacir future building site within the subdivision. 3. A soils report shall. be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State- of California to perform such works a. Prior to final map approval.. b. Prior to building permit issuance. {sa "'�'R•0i�c da-s:k- �, sr�cftEnr+�� �yEtu 6. f geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of. application for grading plan check. l.-L'J s- The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Services and Public Services Department and . shallbe completed prior of an, me 6. A pre -blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted to the satisfaction act the City Engineer prior to any rock blasting. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting and.blasting shall occur only at locations and levels approved by the City Engineer. ti s Z. STREEfi3---lNO . SIDEWALKS 1. All circulation Element roads shall be dedicated and improved to circulation Element road standards and to the specifications i of the _Director of Public Services. ` Jut 2 2 3985 ITEM, . 4. I. The dove per shall, pay a pro -rata share for the installation • or mods motion of the traffic signals at t a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. " 3..veb cular access rights to Circulation Element roads shall be dedicated to the City of Poway and labeledon the final soap to the satisfaction of` the Director of I Public Services or by separatedocument. 4. 741& interior and estecioc public streets shall. be constructed to- public street standards. S. Sidewalks- t#.S / $1 feet in• width shall be required on (both/one) side(a) of W010*61. Reciprocal accesaaIad maintenance and/or agreements shall bo provided insuring access tm all parcels over private roads. doves or parking areas 'and- maintenance thereof to the satinfactica. of the Director of Public Services. 7. Street striping and signing shall. be Installed to the satisfaction: of the Director of Public Services. 8. All street* structural sections shall. be submitted to.- and approvedbythe Director oEPublic Services. 9.. Street Improvement plant prepared an standard size sheets by a. Registered. Civil Engineer shall be submitted for approval by the Diractor of Public Services. Paan check and inspection expenses shall be paid bg the developer. 10'. All exterior street improvements shall be constructed prior to Issuance of building peemitso to the satisfaction: of the `Director of Public Services-.:, rte,Mfil. Street improvements that Include# but are not limited to: k s/ a. Sidewalks e. Cross gutter s'.77b. Driveways ®f. Alley gutter c• iiheal chair ramps. street paving d.. Curb -and gutter ® h. Alley` paving shall be constructed price to the occupancy of the units. to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services i3'. All damaged off-site public -works facilities.imcluding parkway trees, shall be repaired or replaced prior to exoneration of Fronds and improvementst tor the satisfaction of the Department of Public Services M0113. Prior to -any work being performed in the public right -of -Way, an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Services office and appropriate fees paid. in addition to any other permits required. 15 OF 23 02014. The developer shall pay one half the cost of a City approved landscaped median along the project frontagetsia a. Prior to final crap approval. " be Prior to building permit issuance. 5. Street improvements and maintenance shall be made in accordance with City ardlnance standards foci as Urban streets b. semi -rural streets c. Dedicated rural streets d. Non -dedicated rural streets 16. The developer shall pay the Traffic HLtigation Fee at the established rate: a. Prior to final map approval. .iUL b. Prior to building permit issuance. 2 ry IV00 (I L M 1F J, DRAMM AND FLOOD CONTROL s 2. Intersection drains will be required -at locations specified by tho Director of Public Services and in accordance with standard enginsesing practices. 2. The proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the National Flood. Insurance Program and is subjectto the: provision& of that program and City Ordinance. 3. & drainage systew- capable of handling and. disposing of all surface 'water originating within the subdivision. and all surface waters that my flow, onto the subdivision froom adjacent lands, shell be. required. Said dra nage..systew shall Include. any easements: and structures a& required by the Director of Public Services to properly handliw th* drainage. 4 Portland ceniat concrete- cross gutters sisal/ be installed where water crosses the roadways. M010S.- The Master Plan of Drainage Fee shall be- paid at the established ratty im accordance with the "Drainage Ordinances ae. Prior to final map. approval.. b. Prior to building- permit issuance. 6. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not peroitted. • ' LPL. All proposed utilities within -the project shall be installed underground including existing utilities alonT Circulation Element roads and/or highway& less than 36.5 RV. C12TO"2. utility- easements shall be provided to the specification of the aerviag utility companies- and the Director of Public Services. 3. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation ,and aadergrounding of existing public utilities, as required. rgK4. Watert sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall be designed and constructed to most requirements of'the City of Poway and the Health Department of the County of San Diego. 5'• Prior to acceptance of property for sewer services, annexation to the sever improvement area shalt occur. 6. The, applicant shall pay for a water systear analysis to establish the proper size and location for the public water system. The amount will be determined by the -cost of the analysis and shall bei paid: a. Prior to final map approval. b. Priorto building permit issuance. �. 4,,41 � • 7. a applicant shall, within 30 days after receiving approval of the tentative tract map, tentative parcel map, use permit, ok development review, apply for a Letter of Availability (LOA) to reserve sewerage availability and post with the City, a nonrefundable reservation fee equal to 201 of the appropriate sewerage connection fee in effect at the time the LOA is issued. M(8. Developer shall construct a light system conforming to City of Poway Standards at no cost to the public, subject to the following: a. Cut-off luminaries shall be installed which will provide true 90 degree cutoff and prevent projection of light above the horizontal from the lowest point of the lamp or light emitting refractor or device. i h. All fixtures shall use a clear, low pressure sodium vapor light source. 16OF23 JUL 221986 tTt�vi . I JUL-22 1986 ITEM e. Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall be paid by the developer. . r. d. Annexation to the lighting district shalt be accomplished fees and evidence of annexation and payment of lighting shall be presented to the City prior to final map approval or building permit issuance@ whichever' occurs first. M119. Cable televisionr services shall be provided and installed • underground'. The: developer shall. notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be- accomplished. L. RF.Ounumsm AND ApFROQAL3 1.. Permits from other agencies -will be required as follows: a:. Caltrads b. Sacs Diego: Count} Flood. Control District o. Others 2. A copy of the Covenants. Conditions and Restrictions (CCiR's) and/or' Articlew of incorporation of the aameowners Association s shall bw subject tar the review for compliance with conditions herein# to- the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of. Planning Services, and shall be filed With the Secretary of a: State. the County Decordec and the- City Clerk at the time of T final map consideration. 3.. Prior to-recordationa a Notice of intention to form. Landscape and/or Lighting- Districts shall. be filed with the City Conseil. The en �eerin coats... involved h district formation . g 9 }'. shall :be borne'by tho developer. J 4. Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards x and procedures• 1 S. By separate document prior to the recording of the final subdivision map, or on the final subdivision map, there shalt be granted to theCity, an open space easement over Lots: , cosmion areas Said open space easen-ant a ill be approved ai=c form by the City Attorney and shall limit the use of said open space to recreational purposes, including buildings, structures and improvements. 6`. Should; this subdivison be further divided, each final map shall be.submitted for approval by the Director~ of - Public Services: 9. All provisions of the Subdivson ordinance of the Poway . Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the divisive of land. 8. Triose portions of the subject property proposed to be held under common ownership shall be labeled such and identified by a separate lot number on the final map. 9. prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall be installed and provided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation within txo years from map recordation or prior to building permit issuance, whichever occurs first, by the execution of a performance agreement, secured with sufficient securities, in a form approved by the city Attorney. All necessary processing fees, deposits, and charges shall be paid prior to final map approval. 10. Prior to final map approval, all dedications shall be made and easements granted as. required above. 11. The tentative map approval shall expire on unless an application for time extension is received $Q days prior to expiration in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. JUL-22 1986 ITEM QS.- Albs 40 .�.�. C0 R ®4. C 4 LLQ ni � 1�..{ G3 ,� � .►�'� ISO e too- . . .. • ee: . iii '' 71� 1! • y tLW _ � .. •_'��:.. •sir Ae��a�! »�A�`.lK;,, � iL 41MM EKAL,: FLA -.9 �, fpr• i i' 16 ' as a• .. ✓ . i is e.� ..• !I • O -4b'oB •' .• • rig l O of vv ITEM ' PO wAY TITLE SCALE ATTACHMENT 3 JUL 22 1985 ITEM 4 18OF23 • �j� al11111111111111111111111112- =='t 111:11 ;li inn ='F�� iii itlllllf`l�''' .T.tpo ��IIf�EIIir = E�<<� IIIA llhIl(I(ll(ir�� :. .11lilllillllli!!!1!!at - - -- _= � --_ --_ � � �• �. sir•. :a1illl'!III ll1Ta 1IlIIIl11�1�: a�>tr�saiatai-.. ' ---��itt �(n•". - '•1��1tac�u��•` • '-tl,�>;a+:.1l�� •_ • � i/ -71 ml 7:n m7il �T *. nnm tt ill it a `� q 191 rutttr " t IMill � i f r _ _ I. ir>Iur �► ............ I (We} do not oppose the proposed Motel project which would be located at 12430 Poway Road. I am a•residential property owner. SiE2ature, Address Phone , 2 3) a�' NC/� �/ / �✓ ��o r E T t 5 1 X43 9 D fid. 743- J7 � N e :. . 13I �, a sG,� 71 _- 9) - ., _ 3 ral -r0 6ka R J 7 10) " �'rC) A t 43 3 ti+ 13) 14 15) JUL 2 2 1986 ITEM 4 � Z of L a ,a•TT,ac.: M� 7 23 oF2 .JUL 22 1986 ITEM 4