Item 9 - Request for Authorization to Advertise for Bids to Sell @ $17.000,000 Tax Allocation Bond IssueJUL 2 2 1986 ITEM o`. I RESOLUTION NO RESOLUTION OF THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY PROVIDING FOR. THE SALE OF TAX. ALLOCATION BONDS IN THE APPROXIMATE`PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF SEVENTEEN MILLION DOLLARS ($17,000#000) FOR . THE PAGUAY REDEVELOPMENT' PROJECT, APPROVING THE FORM OF NOTICE OF INTENTION TO SELL SAID BONDS -AND DIRECTING THE PUBLICATION THEREOF WHEREAS, the Poway Redevelopment Agency (herein sometimes { referred to as the "Agency"), is a redevelopment agency (a, public body, corporate and politic) duly created, established andauthorized to transact 'business and exercise its powers, all under and pursuant to the Community Redevelopment Law (Part I of Division. 24 (commencing with .Section 33000) of the Health and. -Safety Code of the State of California) and the powers of the Agency include the power to issue notes for any of its corporate purposes; and WHEREAS, the. Agency wishes to sell at this time not more { that $17,000 000 of the aggregate principal amount of the Tax Allocation Bonds to provide financing in connection with the Paguay Redevelopment Project; and. WHEREAS,. the Agency` is required by law to sell. the Bonds at E compr�titive bid following publication of notice of intention to sell such securities. NOW, 'THEREFORE, THE POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY DOES HEREBY RESOLVE DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS. Section 1 Sale Authorized. The sale of an aggregate principal amount of not: to exceed Seventeen. Mi lion Dollars ($17,000,000) (or such lesser amount as.may be specified in the notice of sale as -approved by the Executive Director) of the POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PAGUAY REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT TAX. ALLOCATION BONDS, SERIES 1986 (herein -sometimes referred to as the "Bonds"), in accordance with law, is hereby authorized Section 2. Publication of Notice of Intention to Sell Securities The Notice of Intention to Sell. Securities attached hereto as Exhibit."A is hereby approved subject to such changes as requested by Bond Counsel. The Secretary of I the Agency shall cause said Notice of Intention to Sell „ Securities (a) to beP ublished in a newspaper published -and o . general circulation in the City of Poway, California, by at i. F JUL 22 1986 ITEM 9 2_ of 4 i least one (1) insertion at lease -ten (10) days prior to the day fixed for the receipt of bids; and (b) to be published in a financial publication generally circulated throughout the State, namely the Bond Buyer, by at least one (1) insertion at least fifteen (15) days prior to the day fixed, for the receipt of bids. Section 3. Furnishing of Notice Inviting Bids and Official Statement. The Executive Director of the Agency and the Financial. Consultant .are hereby authorized and directed to cause to be prepared. and furnished to prospective bidders a reasonable number of copies of the notice inviting bids (including the bid form) and a reasonable number of copies of the Official ' Statement. Section 4. Effective Date. This Resolution shall take effect upon adoption. ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of 1986 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: (SEAL) ATTEST' Secretary, Poway Redevelopment Agency 30f 14 /2345/07 Chairman, Poway Redevelopment Agency ��� JUL 2 2 1986 ITEM 9 J P EXHIBIT '$A„ NOTICE OF INTENTION ` TO SELL SECURITIES Notice i a hereby given` that on or before August 7 1986, at 11:00-a.m..-Pacific Time, or at such time on. August 12, 1986 or August 19, 1986 until bids are accepted, in the off ices of Drexel Burnham Lambert Incorporated, 800 Nest Sixth Street, 17th. Floor, Los Angeles, California 90017, the Poway Redevelopment Agency will. - r receive bids for the sale of its Paguay Redevelopment Pro3ec Subordinated Tax Allocation Bonds, Series 1986. in the aggregate p=.incipal:' amount of non to exceed Seventeen Million Dollars, ($17,000,000}. Copies of the complete Notice Inviting Bids and other information concerning said bonds may be obtained from Drexel Burnham Lambert Incorporated, 131 S. Rodeo Drive, Suite 100, Beverly Hills, California 90212, (213Y,2811-3688.1 Secretary] Poway Redevelopment Agency k r of 2345 07 JUI 21 2 1986 ITEM