Off Docket - Salary and Benefit Plan Management, Supervisory, Professional and Confidential Employees4 AGENDA REPORT of } G1� CITY OF POWA OFFDOCKET' C' 1N THE GO T0: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mans DATE July 22 , 1986 SUBJECT: Salary and Benefit. Plan Management, Supervisory, Professional and Confidential Employees BOK Eachyear at the conclusion of the budget process, the City Council approves a resolution designating the salaries and benefits for the management, super visory, professional, and confidential employees of the City.,These mploy ees are classified into 4 groups which are as follows: Group 1 - Department Heads Group -2 - Division Heads Group 3 - Supervisory and Professional aployees Group 4 Confidential Salaries are reviewed annually by the City Council at which time general increase and classification increases are discussed.- These salary increases are then adopted by resolution effective July lst. FtilDIi�S'- - Attached for City Council review is a'resolution designating the salaries and benef its for mane anent, supervisory g uper�r ry, professional, and confidential.employees. Reccamriendations for salary percentage increases based upon surveys of com- parable positions are as follows ACTION: t Agenda Report July 22, 1986 Page 2 Classification General Increase Group Increase Class Increase Total Group 1 (all) 6 6 12 Group 2 (most) 6 3 - 9 Fire Battalion Chiefs. 6 3 4 13 Group 3 (all) 6 3 9 Group 4 (all) 6 4 - 10 REOl IMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve the following resolution: A Resolution of the City Council Of the City of Poway,California, Designating the Salaries and Benefits For Management,. Supervisory, Professional, and Confidential Employees of The City MB:el) Attachment: 1. Proposed Resolution 2. Salary and Benefit Plan for the Management, Supervisory, Professional and Confidential Employees RESOLUTION NO. 86- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF MIE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, DESIGNATING THE SALARIES AND BENEFITS FOR THE MANAGEMENT, SUPERVISORY, PROFESSIONAL, AND CONFIDENTIAL IMPLOYEES OF THE CITY WHEREAS, it is necessary to designate the salaries and benefits of the Management, Supervisory, Professional, and Confidential EMplOyess of the City of Poway; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Poway wishes to provide a change in the Mana ement, g Supervisory, Professional, and Confidential Employees' Salary and Benefit Plan effective July 1, 1986. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE, DECLARE, DETERMINE AND ORDER AS FOLLOWS: 1. That the City of Poway Management, Supervisory, Professional, and Confidential Employees' Salary and Benefit Plan attached hereto and made a part hereof shall designate the salaries and benefits to be received by Management, Supervisory, Professional, and Confidential Employees of the City of Poway. 2. That the Financial Plan for Fiscal Year 1986-87 is hereby amended`to provide for changes in the compensation of City employees covered by the Salary and Benefit Plan. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of Poway, California, at an adjourned regular meeting thereof this 22nd day of July, 1986. Carl R. Kruse, Mayor LT]ESl: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk F, SAT. AND RFWW PLAN FOR THE r PFb' SIAL' AIS C FT2T The following position classifications are established as full-timer permanent. class ifiea- tions at the grade and salary, range. indicated. The City management/confidential employees shall be classified in one of the followingclassifications and , paid at one of the f ive . steps within the p salary range set forth- for the classification, Effective June 30, 1986 Article 1. SAID BI-hli2MY APPROC MGNTHrX CLASSIFICATION RANGE NO. SALARY RANGE' SALARY RAME Group Z Assistant City Manager 287 1855.83 - 2264.47 4021 -.4906 Director of Administrative Services 279 1713.83 - 2091.20 3713 - 4531 ' Director of Canmunity, Services 274 1630.65 - 1989.70 3533 - 4311 Director of Planning Services- 274 1630.65 - 1989.70 3533 - 4311 Director of Public Services 285 1819.26 - 2219085 - `3942 - 4810 Director of. Safety Services 279 1713.83 - 2091.20 3713 - 4531- ,' Group 2 Assistant. to the: City Manager 244 1209482 - 1476.20 2621- 3198 Assistant Director of Planning Services 259 1404.56 - 1713.83 3043 - 3713 Assistant Public Services Operations Manager 254 1.336.39 - 1630.65 2896 - 3533 Community Services Manager 244 1209.82 - 1476.20 2621 - 3198 Customer Services Manager 244 1209.82 - 1476.20 2621 s 3198 4 .Finance Manager 244 1209.82 - 1476.20 2621 - 3198 Eire Battalion Chief 250 1284.24 - 1567.02 2783 - 3395- cape Facilities Manager 235 1106.18 - 1349.75 2397 - 2924 Personnel Managed 244 1209.82 - 1476.20 2621 - 3198 Public Services Operations Manager 264 1476.20 - 1801.25 3198- 3903 Purchasing Manager 244 1209.82 - 1476.20 2621 - 3198' Senior Engineer 259 1404.56 -1713.83 3043 - 3713 Senior Planner 244 1209.82'- 1476.20 2621 - 3198' -2 CLASSIFICATION SALARY BIY APPROX. MONTHLY RANGE NO. SALARY RANGE SALARY RANGE �gu 3 Accountant 219, 943.38- 1 151.10 - . 2044 .2494: Administrative Analyst 224 991.50 - 1209.82 2148 - 2621 Administrative Assistant f 214 897.59 - 1095.23 1945 - 2373' . Assistant Civil Engineer 234 1095.23 - 1336.39 2373 - 2896 Assistant Planner 218 934.04 -- 1139.70' 2024 - 2469' Associate Civil Ehgineer 244 1209.82 - 1476.20 2621 - 3198 Associate Planner` 228 1031.76 - 1258.94 2235 - 2728 Code Compliance Officer 213 888.70 - 1084.39 1926 -.2350 Engineering technician 206 828.91 - 1011.43 1796 - 2191 Junior Civil Engineer 224 991.50 - 1209.82 2148- 2621 Junior Planner 208 845.57 -1031.76 1832-2235 Lake Supervisor 195 742..97 - 906.57 1610 - 1964 Programmer 218 934.04 - 1139.70 2024 - 2469 Recreation Supervisor 210 862.57 - 1052.49 1869 -- 2280 Senior Accountant 229 1042.-7 - 1271.53 2258 - 2755 5 E Group 4 Administrative Secretary (Administrative:Services)* 18? 686.12 - 837..20 148? - 1814 Administrative. Secretary (City Clerk's Office) 187 686.12 - 837.20- 1487- 1814 Data Entry ;Clerk 169 573.61 - 699.91 1243 - 1516' Data Entry Clerk II 174 602.$7 -735.63 . 1306 - 1594 Deputy City Clerk 197 757.90 - 924.79` 1642 -.2004 _ Personnel Aide 197 757.90 - 924.79 1642 - 2004 Secretary (Assistant City Manager's Office) 177 621.14 - 757.90 1346 - 1642 Secretary to the City Manager 197 757.90 - 924.79 1642 - 2004 Article 2. Leaves Section 1. Vacation A. Groups 1 - 3 -Management All employees in the management group, who have served for a mi.nimun of six t6 months continuous service, shall be entitled. to vacation leave with pay. For these of c purpo computing annual vacation leave, a working day shall be con- sidered as 1,/5 of the -.number of working or duty hours in the establishes work week. Annual. vacation leave shall be computed: in accordance with the following schedule:. -2 �s3w a' s For the purposes of camputing annual vacation leave, a working day shall be con- sidered as if 5 of the number of working or duty hours in the established work a week. One day vacation shall be accrued for each month of employment for a total of y y'e• r twelve (12) working days After five (5) years of continuous employment, an additional three (3) days per year shall be accrued, for a total of fifteen (15) working days per year. After ten (10) years of continuous employment, an additional three(3) daYe per year shall be accrued, for a total of eighteen (18) working days per year. After fifteen (15) years of continuous employment, an additional: two (2) days Y per year shall be accrued, for a total of twenty (20) working days per year. Vacation time can be accumulated to a maximum of 150% of one year's eligibility, and accumulation above 150% sha11 be forfeited. The times at which an employee may take his vacation shall be determined by the department head with due regard for the wishes of the � A eg employee and particular regard for the needs of the City. k In the event.one.or more holidays fall within a vacation leave period, such holi- days shall not be charged': as vacation leave, and the vacation leave shall be extended.accorcla.ngly. Employees who terminate employment shall be paid. in a lump sum for all accrued vacation leave earned prior to the effective date of termination, provided they have served six (6) continuous months with the City and successfully canpleted probation. Section 2 Executive Leave A. Group 1 Employees designated in this group shall be entitled to four (4) days executive leave each fiscal year. If not taken during the fiscal year, the executive leave nay be exchanged for caipensation equal to fifty (50) percent of ,its value, Executive leave may not be carried over into the next fiscal year. B. Group 2 Employees designated in this group shall be entitled to two (2) days executive leave each fiscal year. If not taken during the. fiscal year, the executive leave may be exchanged for compensation, equal to fifty. (50) percent; of its value. Executive leave may not. be carried over into the next fiscal year. 4- 6SY �-,...-..+... w .,...:...rn-........-,..: :-•r.i-. a_.rne. .}.r .... .r .-. .- ,. -. r _.....,,.... .T:..a!M.x«. --. w:. -..u.— 'rS:�" - - -. .. -. - ...._ 5,.:`R'y"9�*w:. ci3'�sY.F".§fes". '. r- Section 3 Sick Leave A. Groups 1 3 - Management Sick leave with pay may be granted to all probationary. and regular employees within the management group: who are regularly employed in regular positions, All management employees shall be granted sick leave with pay, up to a maximum of' sixty (60) calendar days per incident with no accumulation. In order to receive caipensation while absent on such leave, the employee shall notify his immediate superior prior to or within two hours after the time set for the beginning of his duties. Sick leave over three (3) working clays at one time may require certification by the employee's, physician in order to receive compensation. 9bis requirement is at the discretion of the. superior. In the event of illness in. the immediate family,,an ' employee may use accrued. sack leave not to exceed three (3) days in each calendar,year. Immediate family -shall be designated as mother father use and de ' gna , , spo , pendent children. employee must notify supervisor in advance when such leave is being taken and so note on time card. B. Group 4 - Conf idential Sick leave with pay may be granted to all probationary and regular employees within the unit who are regularly Toyed in permanent full-time _positions. C For-. the purposes of computing sick leave, a working clay shall be considered as 1/5 of the number of working or duty hours in the established work week. E one (1). day sick leave shall be accrued for each month of employment, for a total of twelve (12) working days per year. Sick leave shall be granted to an employee only for actual working .time off. ti • Accumula on of sick leave shall be unlimited. In order to receive ccmpensation while absent on such leave, the employee shall notify his immediate superior or the department head prior to or within two hours after, the. time set for the beginning of his duties. Sick leave over three (3) working days at one time may require certification by the employee'sphysician in order to receive compensation. This requirement is, at the discretion of the department head. In the event of illness in the immediate family, an employee may use accrued sick leave not to exceed three (3) days in each calendar year. Immediate family shall be designated as mother, father, spouse, and dependent children. Employee must notify supervisor in advance when such leave is being taken and so note on time card. Auer five (5) years of continuous employment with the City and upon termination or retirement, an employee will receive compensation for unused sick. leave. ;,. Y A. Upon normal retirement employee will receive 250 of all sick .leave hours accrued. Calculations will be at the employee's rate of pay at the time of retirement and will not exceed.$3,000. B. Upon leaving the employ of the City for other than retirement, employee will, receive 25 of all sick leave hours accrued. Calculations wi3.l be at the employee's rate of pay at the time of termination and will not exceed $1,000. C. Starting July 1, 1984, an employee can annually convert to pay up to 25561 -of their annual unused sick leave balance, if the employee has used less than 40 hours of sick leave during the year and will have a mini- mum balance of 192 hours of accumulated sick leave after the conver- sion. If the employee converts the 25% of the annual.: unused. sick leave accumulation to cash:, the employee shall forfeit twice the number of hours converted. The remaining unused balance accrued during the year shall be accounted for in a separate sick -leave balance that will be available for use by the employee in the event all other sick leave is- exhausted. sexhausted, As an example, an employee who has used no sick leave during year may convert three (3) days (24 hours) to cash. The employee would forfeit six (6) days accumulation (48 hours). The remaining six days (48 hours) would be placed.: in a separate account for use in the event all other sick leave is exhausted. The employee would not be eligible for any compensation upon termination or retirement for this separate sick leave balance. All other sick leave. accrued shall be eligible for conversion to cash upon termination; retiring, or death in accordance with subsections A, B and D Employee will be authorized to convert sick leave once annually. The L conversion may be made during the first pay period in July. D. Upon the death of an employee, prior to five (5) years of continuous employment, compensation for unused sick leave shall be at the same rate as the termination benefit. Payment shall be made to the s employee's designated beneficiary. Section 4. Holida s. The holidays for employees in the management/confidential group are as follows: NevYear's Day January 1 washingtonIs Birthday 3rd Monday February Memorial Day Last Monday -May independenceDay July 4 Labor Day 1st Monday -September Veteran Is, Day November 11 Thanksgiving Day 4th Thursday -November Day after Thanksgiving Fourth Friday November Christmas Day December 25 The day after Christmas, Friday, December 26, 1986, is designated a one-time only holiday. d g _ - -6.- For the purpose of outing holiday pay, a working day shall be considered as 1/5 of the number of working or duty hours in the established work week. In addition to regular pay for hours worked, employees in this unit shall be paid holiday pay, whether on or off duty on the: holidays above. f Holidays falling on Sunday, shall be observed on the following. Monday. Holidays falling on Saturday shall be observed on the preceding Friday and shall be considered t as the, legal holiday. Section 5. Bereavement Leave. In the, event of a death in the family, a regular employee shall be. eligible for 1-5 days off with pay to attend the funeral, subject to the: following provisions:: A. %lie relatives designated, shall include father, mother, father-in-law, r mother -in law, wife, husband, brother, sister; daughter, son, grandparents, grandson, granddaughter, brothers and sisters having one; parent in common, and those relationships generally called "'step" providing persons in such relationships have livedor have been. raised in the, family home and have continued an active family relationship. B. To be eligible for bereavement leave, the employee must attend or make bona fide effort to attend the funeral. C Pay for-campensable bereavement leave shall be in the same amount as pay for sick leave for the same period. D Bereavement leave is not canpensable when the employee is on leave of absence, vacation, bona fide lay-off, or for days falling outside. the employeeis regular work period. E. It is not chargeable against sick leave. ' F All -requests for paid bereavement leave shall be subject to approval of the Personnel Officer. Article 3. Payroll and Elork Week � Regular pay are designated as every Yother Friday for the two week Period ending the previous Sunday. in no event shall the City advance pay, including pay for - earned vacation, without the prior written approval, on a case-byase basis, by the City Manager. Requests for advance vacation pay must be made prior to the end of the Pay period for which pay is: to be received... A. Groups 1 - 3 - Management i It is recognized. that employees in this group may be required: to work hours in excess of 40•hours in a work week, and it is agreed that employees in this group shall not be renumrrated for such work beyond the current monthly salary rate of the individual employee, but for the purposes of computing benefits, the regular number of working or duty hours in a work week frau Monday through Sunday is established at 40 hours for all employees in the group. -7- y., 4 t B. Group 4 - Confidential The regular number _ of working or duty hours in a work week f ran Monday through. Sunday is established at 40 hours for all full. -time employees in the unit. For, employees regularly working Tess than40 hours in one week, or designated. as - part-time or temporary employees, the regular number of working or duty hours. in a work wec,': shall ` be that number of hours for which they are scheduled to work. Employees designated part-time and who work at least 1,040 hours per year shall only be eligible to receive fifty percent (50%) of the benefits set forth in Article 6, Section 2 and Article 9, Section 2. For full time employees, unscheduled hours worked on Sundays and holidays shall be paid. for at double the employee's rate of pay- Employees in this group shall. be . paid one and one:.:. -half (11), times their hourly rate of pay for all hours worked in excess of an 8 hour day or a 40 hour work week,' Article 4. Benefits 4 Section 1. Hospital and Medical Groups 1. 4: Management/Confidential i1 Health benefit premiums for each employee shall be paid in full by the City. Dependents of each employee may, also be covered by health benefit- coverage, upon proper application and acceptance. The cost of dependent coverage of the medical, and dental plan: will be shared between the City and the employee.. The City shall pay one:. -half of the dependent Medical premitun cost through December 31, 1986. After December 31, 1986, the City shall. pay one-half of the dependent Medical premium cost to a maximum of $93.56 each month, and one-half of the dependent Dental coverage during the life of this agreement. The employee's share of the cost will be made through payroll deduction. A representative of the Management/Confidential employees group shall participate in a joint, insurance committee for the. purpose of recommending an alternative to the existing indemnity insurance program. The goal for implementing a new program is no later than January 1, 1987. Section 2. Eye Care The City will provide an eye care plan. The City shall pay 100° of the prum for the employee and his/her dependent coverage. j a Section 3 Life Insurance. A. Groups 1 3 Managnt The first day of the month following date of hire, an:employee, upon proper application and acceptance by the insurance carrier, shall be covered under a group life insurance plan for the amount of one and one half times annual income ($10,000 m nkrm) B. Group 4 - Confidential �a The first day of the month following date of hire, an employee, upon proper application and acceptance by the insurance carrier, shall be covered under a group life insurance plan; for the amount of one times annual. income ($10,000 minimum)., The City. pays 100%. of the, pre az.um. 'Deferred gc�sat on/Supplemental Life Insurance: All Groups Additionally, employees designated in Groups 1. and 2 shall be eligible to, par- ticipate in a City supplemental insurance or deferred 'canpensation program.. I The City shall pay seventy-five ($75.00) dollars per month for each employee in Group l and f ifty five ($55. 00) for, eachee to _ in Group 2 toward the cost of y p insurance or as a contribution to in a. deferred compensation account. The City shall pay thirty-five (`$35.00) dollars per month for each employee in Group 3 and twenty-five 4$25.00"3 dollars per month for each employee in Group 4 to be placed. in a deferred canpensation account. 3 Those employees hired prior to July 1, 1983, and who are: currently, receiving benefits of a higher group will continue to receive the benefits of the higher group. f'Ekiployees hired into these classifications after July 1, 1983, will receive the bene- fits as outlined.in this resolution. L; Section 4. Long -Tena Disability Income Insurance. This employee benefit provides for the payment of a monthly income benefit payment for those covered employees totally disabled by injury or sickness. A. Groups 1 - 3 - Management l i The monthly benefit. provided under this coverage will be 66-2/3% of the employee's monthly earnings to a. maximun of $4,500 per month. The, insurance carrier is responsiblefor calculating the exact benefit amount, based on each. I individual's income status. The insurance carrier for this coverage requires a 60 day waiting period frau the t first day of the disability to the beginning of the monthly benefit payment period. -9- Monthly benefits are paid, with certain exceptions, as explained in the cer- tificate of insurance, until the, recovery from the injury or sickness or until the employee reaches age 65. The City pays 100% of the premium. E B. Group 4 - Confidential The monthly benefit provided under this coverage will be 60 of the employees monthly earnings to a maximum of $2,000 per month. The insurance carrier is responsible for calculating the exact benefit amount, based on each. individual's income status. The insurance carrier for this coverage requires a thirty (30)day waiting period from the first day of the disability to the beginning of the monthly benefit payment period. Monthlybenefits are id with certain exceptions, as ' paid, p , explained. in the Group Insurance handbook, until the recovery frau the injury or sickness or until the employee reaches age 65 The City pays 100% ;of the premium. An employee may use sick leave and vacation to supplement coverage under this benefit up to, but not in excess of 100% of his: regular rate of pay. Section 5. WorkersCarpensation Insurance AU employees in -the group o (regular,. temporary and part-tune) are covered. by Workers' Canpensat on Insurance frau the date of employment. Premium will be paid by the City. Any employee shall, upon receiving a work sustained' injury, report the incident. Mately to his department head. The filingof the accident report as required b� the Workers' Can ' po eslu� y pensation Insurance Fund shall be the responsibility of the employee's supervisor. An employee of the City who is or may be entitled to trary disability indemnity under Division 4 or Division 4.5 of the Labor Code shall receive any accumulated sick leave or accumulated vacation- for such absence. The City shall decrease the charge- of hargeof sick leave or vacation in the amount of temporary disability payment. received so that the employee shall not receive payment in excess of full salary or wage. If the employee does not wish to use his accumulated sick leave or accumulated vaca- tion, he shall notify the City' within five (5) days after the injury is reported to the City. After the five (5) days his accumulation shall be used until the date he notifies the City in. writing that he no longer wishes to use the accumulations. Men outing sick leave or vacation under this policy, the employee shall be given cre- dit for any holidays that occur during the period of absence hereunder. He is nevertheless entitled to medical, surgical, and hospital treatment as provided in the Labor Code. Men his accumulated sick leave or vacation, or both, are exhausted, he will still receive disability indemnity for which he is otherwise entitled. -i0- If an. employee is receiving Workers' Compensation and not actively on the payroll, the City shall collect fran the employee the employee's costs of insurance, and the City shall pay the employer's costs of insurance. During such leave, no contribu- tions ontribaa-tions shall be made to the retirement plan, s Section 6. Unemployment Insurance/State Disability Insurance The City shall not participate in the State Disability Insurance program. Article 5. Service and Special Pay Section 1. Tazition Reimbursement. The actual cost paid for tuition, boobs and required technical supplies and equip- ment, to a maximum of $150 per fiscal year per employee, will be refunded to all per- manent City employees for professional and technical courses in accredited educational institutions provided that: - 1.._ The employee has received at least a satisfactory proficiency rating on his/her last performance report. 2. The subject matter of the course relates directly to and contributes. toward the performance of the employee's position with the City. 3. The employee must submit a Request for Refund of Tuition and Cost of Books form to the department head and Personnel within three ( 3) weeks after the beginning of the class. 4. Before receiving reimbursement the employee shall furnish documentation proof of pay, and shall provide evidence that he/she has cappleted the course with a grade ' of HCH or better inr undergraduate work or a grade of "B" in graduate work. A grade of "C" or better will be accepted for graduate work from institutions where an average grade of "CIN is acceptable for gradua- - tion. A "pass" will be accepted for undergraduate classes where a pass/fail grading system is used. 5 Textbooks and equipment paid for by the City shall became the property of: the City. Reimbursement for texts and equipment will be approved only if the text or equipment were not available from the City. Section 2. Uniformsand Equipment. The City will provide and maintain. all uniforms that are required by the- City for management employees in the Public Services, Safety Services, and Community Services Departments. Employees of the Public Services and Cammunity Services Departments who are required to wear safety` shoes will be reimbursed a maximum of $60 per year, Employees of the. Safety Services Department shall receive an annual uniform allowance of $275. y r Section 3. Acting pay A. Groups 1 3 - Management An employee acting for an uninterrupted period of thirty, (30) or more calendar days in a higher classification or rank,will be compensated at the rate of pay for that higher classification or rank after the expiration of thirty (30). calen- dar days* This provision is not applicable to bona fide education, training and development, fob enlargement, or job enrichment. B Group 4 - Confidential A. Full pesponsibilitr. An employee specifically assigned on a temporary basis to a higher level position in which there is no appointed incumbent or in which.the incumbent is on paid or unpaid leave shall be compensated at the 'W' step rate of pay for the hs her level 9 position of the. service: in such: position exceeds fif— teen (15) consecutive working days, which payment shall be retroactive to thefirst day of such services; provided; however, that the full range of duties of the higher level position has been specifically assigned in writing on a form provided by the City by the departmmt head or his/her designee. Under no circumstance shall the rate of compensation be less than five percent (50-0 above the employees current rate of pay i. B. Partial Responsibility: An employee specifically assigned to perform a portion of the duties of the higher level position for fifteen (15) or more -consec2ative working days shall have the increased pay level determined, by the City Manager in rela— tion to the degree of the additional responsibility the employee is askedto assume. In no event shall the pay be more than, five percent (5%) . The . assignment shall be in writing and on a form provided by the City. C. At the: conclusion of such an assi nment g , the employee shall be restored to his/her former classification regardless of the time involved. I The employee may also be considered for promotion to the higher position on a permanent status if it were deemed by the City to be vacant. This provision shall not, be applicable to bona fide education, training and. develop job enlargement or enrichment. The employee will be notified in advance as to the nature of this assignment. Section 4. Physical laminations Physical examinations required by the City as a condition of employment or , continued employment shall be paid for by the. City. Section 5. Travel -_ Expenses' A. Group l Nsanagement An automobile allowance in lieu of mileage shall be allocated in the amount of $150 per month for personnel in this group. The automobile allowance is not applicable to employees who have been assigned a City vehicle. P B Groups 2 4 Management/Confidential 1. Prior approval of the department head and final approval of the City Manager shall be required prior to reimbursement for travel expenses. 2. Mployees using their own vehicle on approved city :Business travel will be reimbursed at the rate of thirty, (300 per mile. 3. Mployees on approved official business away from the. City will be. reim- bursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred. 4. In order to be reimbursed, employees must include original receipts for all expenses with the reimbursement claim form. 5. Advances of travel expenses may be allowed at the sole discretion of the City Manager. Section 6 Benefit Days. In, addition to provisions for vacation, sick leave, and holidays set forth elsewhere herein, each employee who has completed an initial probationary, period shall have available two (2) benefit days off each fiscal year. The times at which an employee may take a benefit dayoff, shall be determined by the department head with. due regard for the wishes of theto ee and emp y particular regard for the. needs of :the city. Mr�uneration for a benefit day shall be in accordance with the schedule of pay for one. working day of vacation. If not taken during the fiscal year, the benefit days}. shall be. forfeited. Section 7. Transfers. An employee transferring fron this group to recognized employee unit, shall maintain all and benefits accrued in this �y group,. and upon: the effective date of transfer thereafter be governed by the provisions: of any policy and/or agreement in effect for such other recognized employee unit. Section 8 Iayoff and Reemployment. R The City may abolish any position or employment and the employee may be laid -off without taking disciplinary action and without the right of appeal. Groups 1 3 Management 1 Persons in this group, to be laid -off shall be ` � gr p given at least ninety (90) calendar days prior notice, and they shall be maintained on a. reemployment list for a period of twelve (12) months. The order of reemployment after lay-off shall be based on prior performance. and seniority as determined by the City. Group 4 Confidential Persons to be laid -off shall be given at least ten (10) calendar days prior notice, and they shall be maintained on a reemployment. list for a period of twelve (12) months. -13- t Theorder of reemployment after lay-off shall be based on prior performance and seniority ;as determined by the City. Section 9. Resignations. a Groups, l - 4 - Management/Conf idential An employee in this group wishing to resign in good standing shall file with the City Manager a written resignation stating the effective date and reasons for resignation at least fourteen 14 calendar • C ) dar days prior to ..the effective date of resignation. �I The City will pay an employee for all hours worked within 72 hours after termination, E and will thereafter pay all accumulated reimbursable benefits as early ars feasible. An employee who has resigned with a good record will be given preferential con- sideration for rehire if a position is available. Decision to rehire is at the discretion of the City, and the employee will not reestablish rights and/or benefits lost at the time of resignation. Group 4 - Confidential An etiployee with five (5) years service who resigns in good standing and is reemployed within a two (2) year period to the same or equal position previously held, shall be eligible to earn and use vacation, sick leave, and other benefits to which they, are otherwise entitled as if there had been no break in service. - Section 10. Credit Union Eaployees may elect to make credit union contributions 'through payroll deduction. Article 6. Retirement And Social Security The City will provide retirement benefits through the Public MployeesRetirement System., The City does not participate in the Social Security System. Beginning July 4, 1983, the City will pay' seven (7%) percent of the employee's, contribution into the Public Employees' Retirement System (PERS) in addition to the normal employer's contribution. The seven (7%) percent. payment shall be. made to PERS in the name of the employee to. be credited to the employee Is account with PERS. The City shall annually notify the employee of the annual and total contribution made to PERS on behalf of the employee. The City, shall contract with the Public Employees' Retirement System to provide the 1959 Survivors Benefit Option. Article 7. Personnel Rules All other employee rights, privileges, and benefits are included in the Personnel Rules of the City of Poway. -14-