1986 08-05 AgendaCM O,PCfRAY CM CCM= AGENDA - AUGUST 5, 1986 - 7:00 P.M. CITY MOD= CHAMBERS -13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE MEETING CALLED To =ER AS CITY corarninamitsn camssial/REDEvErcemENT 1. ROLL CALL: EMERY, CRAVEC, SSEPARDSCII, TARZY, MUSE 2. OF ALLEGIAN= DEPUTY MAYOR SSEPARDSC CONSENT CAI SMP NCR4IERED 6 TBROUCRI 22 MAY BE IMPLIED IN CNEyoriouAT THIS POINT IN THE MEEITM. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DIS JSSION OFTIME ITEMS PRIOR ID THETIME COUbr.IL VMES Cit THE varsow UNLE S' THE MEMBERS OF anvil., STAB, OR ME PUBLIC REQUEST SIC: ITEMS TO BE AND DISCUSSED SEPARATELY. T OSE ITEMS 1niSIcE ARE MU= WILL BE CONSIDERED m THE ORDERIST mai inzz APPEAR Chi ME AGENDA. IF. YOU WIC T PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL C/OT A SLIP AND GIVE TO TSE CM CLERK. NEWS . *Report regar ding items to be placed on the tax rolls for fiscal year 1986-87 including: Fire Protection Fee; sewer and water assessment district charges. CTIT MANNER'S R ATIONMose public bearing; adapt resolution. 4_ *'Weed/Nuisance/Vehicle Abat®aent Programa and the associated costs of abating the nuisances on each separate property in accordance with Chapters 8.72, 8.76 and 10.52 of the Poway Municipal Code. CITY MANNER'S =CREMATION: IDND ION: Close public hearing; adopt resolution. 6. *.Approval of Minutes - City Coil: July 8, 1986, Regular Meeting July 10, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting July 15, 1986, Regular Meeting July 22, 1986, Regular Meeting MEHMIT ENCLOSED * IT r PREPARATION I RPSOILITION NO. IS 86-082 LIFE ORDINANCE NO. IS: 191. MT MANN= R. NO. IS 2-86-57 NEXT REDEVELOPMENT ENT RES. NO. IS R-86-15 J 7. *Approval of Minutes Redevelopment Agency July 8, 1986, Regular Meeting July 10, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting July 15, 1986, Regular. Meeting July 22, 1986, Regular Meeting 8. *Approval of Amended Minutes - tasty Council: May 20, 1986, Regular Meeting 9. *Ratification of Warrant Registers July 17, 10 . *Aoc ,stance of final report of Floodplain Advisory Cc uattee. al.*A.. Approval of Reimbursement Agrement between. City of Poway and Pacific Scene, Inc. (TPM 16711) Resolution No. Approving Fee Allocation. Asireenent Between Pacific Scene wad the City for Construction of a Traffic Signal at. the Intersection of Palmy and. Oak Knoll Roads and Rescinding Resolution, No. 85-024. Acceptance of Metates Lane and Garden Road 13. *Re7 .Sion to Committee a Charters regarding attendance. Resolution No. Adopting a Revised Charter for the Parks and Recreation Caniu.ttee and Rescinding Resolutions 101and 279. . Resolution No. Adopting a Revised. Charter for the Budget Review Cottee:. 14. *Appropriation of funds for reimbursement to Carmel Muntain Ranch for sewage metering station installation ation costs. 15.*Proposed-amendment to General Plan designation for Garden Road.. 16. *Resolution No. Annexing Territory to Sewer Impromment District (Harmon), located at 14157 MAlodi.e -mane. 17.*Resolution. No. Annexing Territory to Sir Improvant (King), located at 13750 Highlands Terrace. 18 *Approval of lease with County of San Diego for parking lot. 19.*Approval of participation in Southern California Joint Powers Insurance Authority pool. 20 . *Resolution No. Establishing a 4 -Way Stop at Aubrey and. Community District, CITY a? paia CITY CaTNCIL PSA August 5, 1986 Page 3 21.*Authorization to upgrade playing fields at Pecado School. A.: Resolution No. Benefit Resolution for Ballfields B. Resolution No. R-86- Benefit Resolution for Bal].fields 22.*Status of pending legislation. aux mamma =ELS 23. an imam' 24. CTl'YCCXRCIL Imo' 25. RalEEEE EMERY 26. LINDA °RAV C 27. MARY SBB'PARD1 28. BRUCE TARZY 29. CARL MUSE Adjournrent to Thursday, August. 7, 1986., 4:00 p.m., City Council Chaatbers°, 13325 C.iuic Center Drive. TENTATIVE ME= FOR AUGUST 7 1986 For confirnation of items ; on. the Workshop Agenda, please call the City Clerk' s Office, 748-6600. 1. Pre-Develont Conference - Stephen Prayer, motive Center at southwestcorner of Baday Road and Vista ITiew Drives, 2 Amt bid for 1986 Tax Allocation. Bondand approve resolution. RIA 0