Item 6 - Minutes of Meeting July 15, 1986I _ Ilk • SSSS ♦ ti*• Sw i A rl/ F lYL i.s Sd�iy P rim CIPPY CrPCNMr mnv cr T= C �i R JMY 15, 1986 The July 15p 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of POMP was calto order at ? r 00 p.m.. by Mayon Kruse at the City Councils f 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, a, C lI 2IT 1 C L% CFS Linda Oravece Mary Sii pardson, Bruce 'I'arzy, Carl Kruse ABSWr AT R= CM, Bob Emery SIDW SSSS Pte' ,James Bcwwso City`Manager .a Marjorie Wahlsten City Clerk j Stever Eckis City Attorney John - Fi tc Assistant City Manzger Patrick Foley Assistant to the City Manager Lee Lewis Director of Caroni ty` Se vices ' Alan Archibald Director` of Public :.'vices Bill. TOOn. Director of- Safety. Services Reba Touw Director of Planning Services° _ John Bridges Assistant Director of Planning Services Jim Decker Sheriff Is Captain Stewart Gary Chef Brad Xutzner Senior Civil Miner .Prn= tr` Deputy Mayor led the Pledge of Allegiance. PP�5�1'rATiC�N Mayor Kruse prasented a- plaque. to Sheriff °s Captain Jim Decker Poway"s "Police Chief since 1984. Captain Decker has been reassigned to the Sheriff's Personnel 'Division. Captain. J.C. burr who is replacing Captain- De�ck�er as Camrc nyder of the Poway Substation, was presented a "Poway Police Department" hat, and welcomed to Poway. Mayor Kruse explained the procedure for Public Orap Caimaications AUG 5 1986 ITEM 6 2247 f t Page 2 - C=Y CF - July 15, 1986 i. A l.. caval HMO, 13001 Bowron Road, spm regarding the c t3.on between the City and the Chamberin preparing new maps 2. pact Chaplain, 3202 E. Willow Street, LaV Beach, representing thet CaLif. Teamsters Union, stated they have filed a petition for recognion,• ha4everthey have been told a change in employee representatives can only- occur .n March: Be stated hisbelief that when a contract has . expired, a. new representative can be chosen ` ' City Attorney Echis stated the procedure. for changes representatives is set E forth in the City's a ployer-mployee relations policy and is not tied to the of 3im"s expiration. { 3. mamas Howard, 13051 Via del. Valedor, San Diego, representing the Poway City f` emplay�s, spoke regarding low employee morale and requested the council to recognize its. financial. respwsibility, to pay the a ployees for the work theyltel doing. 4. Rick Bye, 16985 Rio Maria F�oad, Zakesic[e, presented a petition in o�pposi tion to the proposecl rockquarry ma Ior use peami t application pending before the County in the. Sycamore Canyon area off: Highway 67. He thanked. Council for their cont;.nt opposition to the project and told. of concerns egarsr` thy. �r webs if this project is apprawed, in addi- tion to envirand traffic problems. C ncilmember Shepardson. stated she: would add this item. t6 the list of things to bereviewed with the city of "Santee whea she and Ccuncilmember Emory meet with then. TTII�+S` 5-15 3T CA MAR. - Motion by Councilmember =vec, seconded. by Cauncilmenber Tarzy, to approve.. the caLsent Calen&= as follows: 5 royal of Minutes city Q il: June 24, 1986, R,�� gu Meeting June 26r 1986, Add Regular Meeting 7. Ratification of Warrant. Registers July 2 r 3, 1986. 8'. Approval of progress pay estimate to Hayward Construction caapany for Banerado Sound Wali. Phase I, in the amount of $45,365.40 9 Authorize: the City Manager to execute the current contract. with Duane Rogers, Personal Assistance Services- of San Diego, for the aployee Assistance. Servicez program, and to negotiate future yearly extensions with 1 -the annual activity report go -ng to Council upon receipt AUG 5 1986 ITEM 6 2248 AUG 5 1986 IT EM 6 2249 l5 I986 LIZ, .a= Page 4 CITY CF PC OY July , ITEM 4 ENAND GRADIM PLAN G297-86 ApP7GICAt�T� ' SAN DOW GAS ADID ELBCMIC C CWANY Mayor- Reuse opened the public hearing. Staff report by City Manager Bowers=. Because of used power demandsr ,SDG&E' must add an aadtional 12r l.i.ne, to the existing transmission. `line: free BU&dn Iane substation. westerly across Twin Peaks This requires the addition of appr= mately ten poles and the replace menu of: sum existing poles with tatter poles. Fa=vendation is to approve these: charges and issue a. Negative Declaration. r Mr. Keith Hatchens, SDG&E District. Director, explained project in mare detail in response to Council. cats regarding requure�nt for unciergroundulg and. aesthetic impact on TI-An Peaks. Be: stated. there are. no pians uc add any other.lines: to the poles for -at least ten years. He further stated that all, rough: gra, done in order to gain access to new pole locations. will be restored to original. condition upon oa�leton. _ I Council asked about other projects in the City that are being Yield up pending SDG&E`s pole relocativa. Director of Public Services Atchibald stated they were scheduled to beg,, :, on VOL and R and yester�'� r _ e they did, not, sib •4p. Mr. Hutchensi agreed that completion of other" City projectscan be a condition of this approvals Cauncilmad er Tar � se ended by Ca2nc laeember S�hepardscnr to apprawe. t�iot,.on by zy the above: ground addition of a 12,000 volt transmission-..line to the. existing 69,000 volt transmission line system. fran Budwin Zane to Rea d;k issue a Negative Dec tion; and, cMcurrent with this project, require. expedition' notion Aertaken rer=al. of poles in. the Ca ty where: public projectsare being ur w, carried 4-0 with CAuncln�nber �ne�ry, absent. CCUNCIU4MMM ITWS 21. A.I Tarzy asked if the new Sr lverlaka traffic Signalis inter-tied with the other' Signals on Poway Road, City Manager Ba-versoX stated there are problems with that because of its closeness, to the carriage Road. signal,.. B., Counc?u®amber Tarzy asked if there dull be access fron Wild Holly Lane to Stoney Acres Road. Staff stated there: will not be. I