Item 7 - Minutes of RDA Meeting July 8, 1986car ce MAY, CATZECECCEA 3 E POW REDEMECESENT' MINTZES 0.2 oorf MEM MEEMING 8,r 1986 r. The July 8, 1986, regular meeting' of the Poway Redevelogrent Agency was Called to order at 7.00 p.m. by 4 Kruse at the City Council, Chambers, 13325 Civic Center.- Drive, y, California. DIRECBCIRS At/1MI ROM OM Boh Merl, Linda Oravec n, Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse MAW MEMBERS PRESSE James BQvaersox Executive Director Jdin Fitch Assistant Executive Director Marjorie: Wahsten, Secretary - CH AU Director a epardsoc. Ted the Pledge. of Allegiance. ITEMS 13 AMID- 17' CCNSELW CAIEMAR Mctoa, by Director Sh rardSOar seconded . by Director. Tarzy, to approve Items 13 and 17 of the Cc sent, Calendar as, folly: 13. Approval of Ninutes: June 17, 1986, Regular Meeting 17. B. Adoption of the foliating agrts: for the Tax Allocation. Bond. Issue. 1. Special. Bond Counsel Agreement. with Stradling, Yocca, Carlson & Rauth. 2.: Financial Consultant Agreannt with. Drexel Burnham Lambert Inc. 3. Fiscal Pent Agreement . with Security Pacific National Bank. 4. Fiscal Consultant. Agreeent with Urban Consultants, Inc. 14otion carried unanimously. AUG 5 1986 ITEM ant • -t Page 2 - PCMAY REDEVEECEMENT ME= - July 8, 1986 MEM, 11 PRCEOSM COMONTer ROAD %AMSCAPE`MAILITIMANCE_ DISZRICT Staff report by Executive Director Baiersor. We: have received a petition signed by residents in Olive Falls area request assistance with the failing block wall alongCormunity' load: and indicating g to contribute funds: towards sol vang the problem. Staff's reccumendation is to include the $110,000 wt.L replacement , as a Redeveloper& Agent project if the hareowners. agree ` to the formation of a landscape Maintenance District. The cost is estimated to be. $96.46 per Winer for initial installation of landscaping and $15.38 per year for ca - going maintenance. Motion by Director Eery, seconded by Director Tarzy, to adoptstaff r - dation, to spread the initial cost over three years. Mbtion carried �_ni is y. ADODOPIEMZ Upon. motion by Director Shepardson, seconded by Director Brery, Chairman Kruse ordexed the meeting adjourned. filtm time of adjourrarent was 8:51 p.m. Marjorie K. T ahlsten, Secretary Poway Redeveloginent Agency Ave 5 198 5 ITEM: 229