Item 15 - Memorandum of Agmt. for Joint Use Projects with PUSDF' I DATE: y GENDA REPORT "' CITY OF POWAY Honorable Mayor and Renters of the City Council James L. Bowersox, - City Maria September 2, 1986 SUBJECT. Memorandum.of Agreeanent For. Joint Use Projects With Poway Unified School District BACKGROUND During; the : past year, the City of Poway and Poway Unified. School District have been working together to facilitate certain joint -use projects. On July 31, 1986, the Joint Subcommittee for Interjurisdictional,Cooperation agreed to recommend to the City ` Council and Board of Education the approval, of a Memorandum. of Agreement. FINDINGS Attached. for City Council consideration is a report regarding the Memorandum. of Agreement. Incorporated within the report are theterms of the City/PUSD cooperative relationship. This report is on the Poway Unified School District. Board of Education agenda for September 2 1986 with a 'recommendation for approval. RanteNDATIoN It is he recalmendation of the Joint Subcaan ittee. for, Interjurisddictional Cooperation that, the attached report be ;adopted as the Memorandum. of Agreement for Joint Use Projects. JLB:cb Attachments: Memorandum of Agreement 6 -A -P NT r , MEM AND V lr1 F CITY OF POWAY CnY.ly THE Go1 TO: yrs of the Poway city Council Members of the Poway Unified. School District Board of Education Elm: Lumbers of the city of Poway and Poway Unified School District Joint SubcomEni.ttee for Interjurisdictional cooperation DATE: August 18, 1986 SUBJECT: of Agreement =l in. september 1983., at the request of the City of Poway/Poway Redevelopment i j Agency, the Poway Unified School. District prepared and approved a list of: pro { juts to be included within. the Redevelopment Plan for the Paguay Project Area. This list of projects was included within the plan when it was approved. 1483. As the red %velapment program has; became financially viable, funds have been appropriated by the Agency for ilnentai on of the IIrstrict° projects. T In 1985, the Agency providedthe Distract with $100,000 towards the redeve3:op- meat of the Poway High Scbaol Football Stadium. This was followed with an addi- taonal appropriation of $150 1000 an 1986. In December 1985v the Redevelopment ; Agency ole a $4.3 million Tax Allocation Bond issue which included a $1.Q Million allocation for additional projects fran the District list. Ebllow� sig a joint City Council. and Board of Education greeting on February 6, 1986, the City Council and. Board of Education appointed: two members frau each of their boards to serve on a.. catmittee to facilitate the lementation of joint -use projects: This committee caMpriseA of s Brune Tarzy r Bob Emery _ and, Carl. t Kruse (alternate) and ` ers IlSed Kohler, Roger Reathly, and Sharon ... Purviance (alternate) %ave met an four dons. These meetings haus beent invaluable towards enhancing the cooperative relationship of the City and Schoch District. On June 12. 1986, the Redevelopment Agency authorized the issuance of bonds totalling $27.0 million. Projects suggested for funding through bond proceeds F include several which are of interest to both, the City and District. These pro- jects include completion of the Poway High School. Football Stad wwn, construction of a Performing Arts Canter at Poway High School, and construction of a neigh boyhood park. on surplus school property located at the nor hwest corner of Valle verde and Espola Roads .In order to =plete both the original and additional projects, it would. be appropriate for both the City Council and Board of Education to authorize the execution of a.mr< of agreement regarding the responsibilities of the City and: District in order to effectuate the cmp%tion of this ambitious $7.5 million work program as soon as possible. The following are the major matters to be addressed within the Mewrandum of Agreement. SEP 2 1986 ITEM 15 Menti Memorandum of Agreement August 18, 1986 Page 2 Football Stadium at. Poway High School The total redevelopment of the Football Stadium is estimated to cost $1.3 million. It is estimated that the Foundation will raise $150,000. It is proposed that the Redevelopment Agency appropriate $600,000 and that the School District appropriate $550,000 for this project. This provides for seating, lighting, field improvements, all-weather track, snack bars, restrooms, ticket booths, and parking. Multipurpose Roan/Gymnasium. at Twin Peaks Middle School The Agency will construct a Multipurpose Room/Gymnasium at an estimatedcost of $1.0 million. Field Improver ents at Panerado and ,Midland. Schools The Agency will construct field improvements at both Panerado and Midland Schools. The improvemnts at Midland School will include a restroom and snackbar similar to that now in existence at Panerado School. The esti- mated cost is $250,000. Performing Arts Center at Poway Hight The Agency will construct an 800-900 seat Performing Arts Center at Poway High School. Theproject may include land acquisition, parking, and landscaping. The estimates cost is $4.5 million., Parksite at Vale Verde/Espola Roads The District has declared as surplus a parcel that was previously planned to be used for the construction of a school at Valle : Verde and F pola Roads. The 22.5 acre parcel, which is zoned RS -2, will t the : construction of 24 hams and a +4.6 acre neighborhood park. The District will give the parksite to the City/Agency and the City/Agency will provide in-kind ser- vices to the District. The City/Agency will prepare and process a parcel map to separate the park frau the remainder of the property. The City/Agency will then prepare and process a subdivision map on the, residential portion of the property. The. Agency willconstruct a park at an estimated cost of $500,000. glitz Property Adjacentto Poway High School The City owns a parcel adjacent to the northerly boundary of Poway High School. This parcel will be given to the District for incorporation into the Poway High School mus SEP 2 1986 ITEM 15 Memo Memorandum of Agreetnent August 18, 1986 Page 3 Joint -Use Agreements The City and District willenter into joint -use agreements for the Football Stadium, Multipurpose Roa x /G rnnasii n, Playing Fields, and Performing Arts Center. These agreemnts will specify use, operation, f and maintenance' opportunities and responsibilities of the respective parties. . Other Agreements In order to fulfill the obligations of the bond issues, the. District will expedite any agreements necessary to give the City/Agency lease/option, or future ownership rights for Nand on which the Performing Arts Center and Park will be constructed. RBCCEAMENDATI It is . recamnended that the Poway City Council and Poway Unified School District. Board of motion authorize thesigning of a Memorandum of Agreement Agreement which substantially eanformsto the above by the Mayor and President. Members of the Joint Catmittee on Interjurisdctional Cooperation Carl Kruse r Mayor Ned. Kohler, President of the Board Bob Bnery, ` CounC].inian SEP2 1986 ITEM 15