Item 16 - Minutes of Meeting August 5, 1986YET APPR VED car OF , cr+M MUTES aLPCIT! ADT 5, 1986 The August 5, 1986, regular meeting of the City Councilof the City of Paway was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. COORMIMEMBERS ANSWERING RCM CALL. Bob Emery, Linda Oravec, Mary Shepardson, Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse STAFF MOMS PRESENT James Bowers= Marjorie Wahlsten Steve Eckis John: Fitch Patrick Foley Lee Lewis Alan Archibald Bill Toon Reba; Tauw Brad Kutzner Alan .Schuler Suzanne Oliva PIS te ALLEM= City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistant to the City Manager Director of Community Services Director of Public Services Director of Safety Services Director of Ply Services Senior Civil Engineer Senior Civi.1 Engineer Deputy City Clerk Deputy Mayor Shepardson led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Kruse explained the procedure for Public ` Oral Cartmmicat.ions.. 1. Theodore Eb11as, 13642 Midland Road, stated there are non -conforming busi- nesses in the residential zone on both sides of his home and he cited problem with noiseatnight frac autaotive repair. He asked about having hours of operation limited for these non -conforming businesses. Co ncil referred this iter_ to staff . 2'. Marty Helmlp, 14112 Ipava Drive, owner of a business on Midland. Road, thanked the Council for signs on Midland Road redirecting traffic, but rev este i simplified language on the signs. Staff w8s directed to work with the aaerchants on the mrding for the signs. SEP 2 1986 ITEM 16 2260 ocr 4 1986 ITEM; 16 2261 Page 3 CITY OF POMY - August 5, 1986NOT Y APPrcova) 16. Adopted Resolution No. 86-085 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council Of the City of Poway, California, Annexing Territory to the Sewer Improvement District of the City of Poway, Harmon, 14157 Melodie Lane," and authorized the City Clerk to peke the necessary filings required by law. 17. AdaptedResolution No 86 -086 -entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Powayr California, Annexing Territory to the Sewer Improvement District of the City of Poway, 'King, 1.3750 Terrace," and authorized the City Clerk to make the necessary filings required by law, 18. Approved lease with County of San Diego for construction of a parking lot north of City Hall . 19. Approved cxantinued participation in the Southern California Joint Pawners insurance Aut cxity by receiving and filing report.. 20.- Approved; Resolution. No 86-087 entitled "A; Resolution of the City Council of the City of noway, California, Establishing 'A -U -My" Stops at the Intersection of Community Road and Aubrey Street and at the Intersection of Aubrey Street and York Streetw.and directedthe ;Sheriff Is Department to muni '. for the ntersectan during peak periods and direct traffic as necessary to avoid - long delays on. Cnity-Road. 21. Approved Resolut2ol'1 No. 86-087 entitled "A Resolution of the City Council of f. the City of Poway Californiathat the Construction of Certain Public Improvements are of benefit to the PaguayRedevelopment Pro 3ect aid the 'Immediate,Neighborhood in i which the. Project. s located and detemm�znq that there are no Other Reasonable Means of Financing Said. Public Improvements 22. Noted status of pending legislation. Motion carried unarm Y ITE�+i. 4 1986-87 Tax Roll, Staff report, by City Manager Bowerrsax. It is necessary to. adopt a Resolution to collect fire protection fees, sewer and water assessment district charges on the tax: rolls Motion by Counc er Bme=y, seceded by Couneilmmnber Oravec, to adopt Resolution No. 86-089 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council. of the: City of- Poway, fPoway, California, Establishing the Fire Protection Fees, Sewer Annexation Fees, r and Tater District Asst to be Coih on the Property Tax Roll. for Fiscal Year 1986-1987." Motion carries unanimously. SEP'2' 1986 ITEM 16 2262 2263 2264 s Page 6 - CITY OF POWAY August 5, 1986 Councilnwmber Tarzy asked if the new traffic signal at Silverlake and synchronized with the other signals. Dir of Poway R has been Public Services Archibald Mated thin has been referred to the City's traffic- engineer consultant. Cauncilmember Tarzy asked: for a report back when the work is completed.. CouncilCouncilmember Tarzy requested a de erm mat cn. on the ultimate width of Road. City Manager Bc aersox statedthis itemswould- be scheduled• for a September w rkshop. Staff has received projected traffic counts from SANDPar. Upon nvtica by Cm.ncilmember CouncilQravec,seconded by Como" Mary, " , Mayes Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned ad to August 7, 1986 at. 4:00: p.m. The tiu e of adj ratt vas 7:50 pin. Marjorie K. Wablsten, City Clerk Cityof Faway SEP 2, 1286 ITEM 16 2265