Item 17 - Minutes of RDA Meeting August 5, 1986LT! cPOTTY` CALIFOINIA MOM O8='3' POSY MUST 5, 1986 The August 5, 1986, regular meeting of the Poway t Age Toes called to ` at 7:00 P.M. . by Chairman Kruse at the City Council Members, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California.. DIRECTORS1NS 1G` /CM GILL Bcb Emery, Urea E ravec, Mary Shepardscn Bruce Tarzy, STAFF' MEM PRIEM Jam' Bo rsc x, JollaFitch Marjorie Masten Suzanne Oliva. MEM C =MOMS Director Shepardscn led the Pledge; of Allegiance. utive Director Assistant Executive Director Secretary Depity Secrete MIMS 7r 12, and. 21 OICSIENr BAR Motiat by Director Shepardscn, seconded, by Director~ Oravec, to adopt the consent calendar as for%.' T.: Approves of Minutes --.Redeveiopnenti Agency: Jsly 8, 1986, Regular Meeting ally 10, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting .lily` 15, 1986, Regular Meeting July 22, 1986, Regular i ting 12. Axe of the Metate lane and: Garden Road Sidewalk. Projects: A. 1Ly acceptthe improvements.. B. Authorize final patent to the contractor in the amount of $54.,689.38. C. Authorize the City Clerk to file and record a Notice of Carpleticn. D.. prize the payment of the retentionto the contractor in the amount of $12,117.75, if unencumbered 40 days after filing the Notice of Ccmpletion SEP 2. 1986 ITEM 17 Page 2 awl or. Paw RILDEVEUDEMENT AGENCY August 5 R 1986 r 21. Aut.horizatim to upgrade piaying fields at Panerado> School. B. Approve Resolution No. R-86.15'. entitled 0A. Resolution of the Poway Redeveloment Agency Determining that the CaIstruct on off Certain Public Itrprovements are of Benefit to ,the Paguay Redevelopment project and the Immediate Neighborhood in Which they Project is: Located and Detraining that there are no Other Reasonable -Means of Financing Said Public Improvements" and execute Director to acpend the ` funds necessary. Motion carried unanimously. ly. ADICORMENT 'Upon moti c n by Director Oravec., seconded by Di rector Y r Kruse: ordered the adjourned. time of adjournment was 7:50 p.m.. MarjorieK. Wahlsten, Secretary Pray Redeye r it. Agency SEP 2 1986 ITEM 1 236