Item 21 - Arns Annexation to Sewer Improvements DistrictI AGENDA REPORT f CITY OF -POWAY This report is included an the Consent Calendar'. There will•be'no separates discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless -members of the Council, staff or public r�'nv THE G�Vr request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and.discussed separately. if you wish to have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TOOHonorable Mayor and Members of the City Council' FROM:- James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY: Alan D. Archibald,. Director of Public Services/City Engineer- C DATE: September 2, 1:986 SUBJECT: Arns Annexation to Sewer Improvement District BACK -GROUND: The boundaries of the City of Poway's Sewer, Improvement District. are not' coterminous with the boundaries of the,City of Poway.. All properties, receiving sewer service must, be. includedin said. District. > i FINDINGS I. The -Ares property is not within the boundaries -of the: Sewer, improvement District (Attachment Q.- 2.. The legal description. of theproposed. annexation is as described in Attachment 2. 3. Project is exempt under CEQA - Attachment 3. 4.. The property owners have consented to the annexation (Attachment Q. and (' have paidd the required fees. RECOMMENDATION It. is recommended the City Council adopt the standard resolution, Attachment 5, ordering the Arns annexation to the Sewer Improvement District and. authorize the; City Clerk to make the necessary filings required by lav,r.. JLB:ADA:mh Attachments: 1. Vicinity Map: 2. Legal. Description 3". CEQA Document 4. Consent to Annexation ACTION � } SEP 2� s ITEM 21 1 of 6 PROPOSED ARNS ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF PONAY SEWER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT SCALE: 1% 1000' 89 CONSULTANTS, INC. ;wwww" 16880 West Somrdo Dr. • Sen Diego. CA 92127 (619)451-6100 2 of 6 070411011mb 1 'r ATTACHMENT 1 sFp 2 ME 052-22.4- //2A/ 514` ARNS ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF POWAY SEVER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT' ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO. 275-291-15 LEGAL DESCRIPTION. BEING ALL OF PARCEL 38, AND A PORTION OF ADJACENT STREET, ACCORDING TO RECORD OF SURVEY MAP NO. 3897, IN THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, AS RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID SAN DIEGO COUNTY, APRIL 10, 1956, AND BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE MOST EASTERLY 'CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 38', SAID POINT OF COMMENCEMENT ALSO BEING THE TRUE, POINT - OF BEGINNING;: THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID PARCEL 38 SOUTH: 73°13'40"f VEST 309.29 FEET TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY RIGHT OF VAY LINE OF MARTINCOIT' ROAD; AS DELINEATED ON 'SAID RECORD; OF SURVEY MAP NO. 3897; THENCE SOUTH 8.9°.53'40" .VEST' 34.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE CENTERLINE . OF` SAID MARTINCOIT ROAD; THENCE'NORTHERLY ALONG SAID CENTERLINE NORTH 0°06'20"` VEST 260.00 PEET; THENCE NORTH' 89°53r40“ EAST 34.00 FEET TO SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF VAY LINE OF MARTINCOIT ROAD; THENCE.; SOUTH 42°06r20" EAST 132.58 FEET; THENCE NORTH 52°32' 1.0s". EAST 139.45 FEET; THENCE. SOUTH 31°40'10" EAST 184.81 PEET .:TO THE. *TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING` THEREIN 1.22 ACRES JULY 16, 1986 052-224-519 ATTACHMENT 2 3 of 6 SEP 2; 1995. ITEM 21 4 of 6 .TTY OF POWAY NOTICE OF EXEMPTION s (15035.5 CEQA Guidelines) Arns Sewer Annexation Project Title 16178° Martincoit. Rd. — APN 275-291-15 Project Location - Specific City of Poway County of San Diego, Project: Location, City Project Location County Annexation to provide sewer service to single family residence Description of Nature., Purpose and Beneficiaries of Project City of Poway Name- of Public: Agency Approving Project City of Poway Name of Person orAgency Carrying Out Project Exempt > Status: (.Check One); Ministerial (Sec. 15073) Declared- Emergency (Seca 15071. (a)) Emergency- Project (Sec. 15071 (b) and (c) Categorical Exemption.: State type and: section number: 15115(b) Annexation of individual small parcel of minimum Reasons why project is exempt: size for facilities exempted. by Sec. 15103 748-66`0.0 Ext. 266 Contact Person Area Code Telephone Extension. Date Received. for Filing Mav 20, 586 ATTACHMENT 3 Di actor of Pu Lie Services SEP 2 City -Hall Located. at 13325 Civic Center" Drive ing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92064 •: (619) 748.6600, (619)' 6954400 ITEM 21 CIITY OF POW, AY RSO A RSCWIW o TSE: cur c CF' Tffi CITY a? PQ Y, CAr1 CRNIA, MINEXIM TO TSE SLIVER; ZNVFIP DISTRICT OF THE CITY' CP POW SEEREAS, the. propertydescribed in Exhibit A requires sewer service; and, MIMEO, property must be within the Sewer loprovement District to receive seer service and TEEREAS, the City Council of the, City of Poway has reviewed and, considered the annexation, of the prcrty to Seer Improvement District of the City of Poway. NM, THEREFORE, aE. IT RESOLVED>, ZgiAT: 1. The territory to be annexed is as described in daibit A. The condi tions of annexation are: The Imam&.' of the sum of $ 875.00 to the City of Poway for the. right and use of all existing property, real andpersonalof the Sewer r t District. The payment of all costs, of said, annexation, including bit not limited, to advertising, engineering, and attorney's fees. 3. The inclusion of the territory in the Ser++er. Improveaent Distr et. is in the best interest of the land awners and. the City of Poway.; The annotation has been reviewed pursuant to the provisions of the California. Eavironaental Quality Pct,: and has been found to be exempt under Class 19 of Categorical Exenctions.. No City tax split shalloomr due to this annexation. The property is within the corporate boundary of the City of Poway and the annexation is to an improvement district within the City.- The annexation of the territory de.saribed in. Exhibit- A shall become effective iamediately upon' passage of the ;Resol.uticax., The City Clerk shall make, the necessary filings required by law. MEM, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, by the City Council of the City of may, California, at a regular meeting thereof this 2nd day of September,1986. of 6 Rorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk —"ACHMENT 5 Carl. R. Kruse, Mayor SEP 2_ 1 ITEM 21