Item 23 - Temp Sewer Connection for George BoghosAGENDA REPORT CITY OF I'OW'A` Thisreport is included: on the Consent Calendar. There will-be no separate discussion of the:, report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Counca ,, staff or public: civ request. it to be removed from the Consent. Calendar and. discussed separately. If you wish. to have this report pulled for. discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report: number separately. Mayor and Members of t e. City' Council dames L. Sowersox, City -Manage AGENDA REPORT September. 2,, 1986 TeMporaEy Sewer Connection - George Boghos Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council -approve a temporary connection.to serve Lot 6,, Block 22j, Tract E,, Map No. 536 (APN 314-133-34), subject to the following conditions: 1. Payment of all related. fees and costs. 2. The execution of Agreement Respecting Temporary Sewer Connection by the owner. (Attachment 3). A Lot Book Report shall be provided to the. City for verification,of ownership.. 3. Should the applicant obtain.permis-sion to hook into that private 8" sewer line in Lot 7, he shall furnish.the City with a,copy of his recorded easements through Lots 7 & 8 and. a copy ,ofletter of permission to connect, both. from ithe' private line4owner. 4. Should the applicant not be, able to obtain permisst ion. to connect into thasaid private line, he. shall connect.to that publiasewer main. in Lot. 8, of which he isrequiredto obtain easements from Lots 7 & 8. Copies of recorded easements shall be furnished to the City. 5. The applicant. shall dedicate to the City for a proposed sewer main extension to Lot 6.,, a sewer easement, a minimum of 20 feet wide over, along, and across the westerly portion of said lot. 6.- Completion of the, above:conditionswithin 6 months of Council approval, if granted, and prior to issuance: of a sewer connection. permit. otherwise the approval shall be deemed expired. JLB:,ADA:.AFS:NTB:mh Attachments: 1. VicinityMap 2. Letter Requesting Temporary Sewer Connection. 3. Agreement Respecting Temporary. Sewer Connection SEP 2 1986 ITEM 23 2 of 7 DESCRIPTION: BE/NG L076 AND F 770N5 OPACLOCENT SCALE: r -6d Auer rcz LEYrCL4S(Df144G47EW, AND 57?EETC7F 1LerrrG)-, rfJ/0 ///CT ©FPOA / Gam/V2'OF541DiE0exitre OP C4L/ZRN/4. DATE• JAY /4, /.9e0 A • 02/ AcA:c5 )116:11. 41111MISMIHMINHO S 22 vKvvwn� rw'nw�wr�.•Kot v►.ww.v`v nv.w.� 0 • 21 M11111•1111•1111•••=11 411•111111•111111111111•MINIMIN. 0 Erder 13/67 3 ■i tr 40 ." d•11 •ti:•:• lIO{{ i. 19 F I: 4 I'c(i 6 143.LINE 185.E 011111.. • 1 AEN.314-133- 34 -:•• ..•1800sctuNE''•.:_, 1 7 L'6. a ,j dao` s'®#_S EXISTING 8" SEWER MAIN CITY OF POWAY ati SCALE 9 -:P UNE 0, TION GAT MOD ITEM TITLE: VICINITY MAP ATTACHMENT 3of7 RECEIVED JUL 3i1986 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPT. k tv% The CttZt 0404 bu.tkAilet Qek 1 4oc4<, 22 -1T -fact E o, SSS esst's tct,Yce Qzie 314 -133 -3 4, a vci ctdp S 3 C ce 4'e SC. d. e tt.0 -e. The,re .►t. aalAnak eeyk2 oortct, qr6to, nv hoc t p ‘)eltkekvka v Eck km pekivAtI5icvn to the Pi.tS4-tto &u1 Lof [ j. - � lel‘v%%"5 C`C° 55- Int S ecat. TO &4 St r -te'1a v-o-ri; Semler • w< fihrt. �� �® w $e j ke..se ATTACHMENT 2 4of7 )A /l e r r_ n r^ LI M s'E! �.y d Q J c(ti .� e&se , ,e.v• sews( 1 -4.i -tint gtt.6,4 -, +aStovt d. a' C'ineck- fair 2, ro -w Co ie it ;ke fen( betaf,e- Go% c' dcrc.ta i sit-ino, �� r3 CA qZo S CH) SEP 2 1986 ITEM 23 When'Recorded Mail to.- CITY o:CITY'CITY. -OF F�WAY Post Office Box 785 ) ' Poway,. California 92064 . ) AGREEMENT RESPECTING TEMPORARY SEWER CONNECTION THIS AGREEMENT is made , 19 between herein called "Owner",: and the City of Poway herein called "City", in view of the; following facts: A. Owner has. title to the following described real property situated in the County of San Daego, State of California, and within the boundaries of the City, The Property of Owner, is more particularly described as follows: B. The property of .Owner is not adjacent to any sewer main of the City, and Owner, has applied for permission to connect with a.City main, at a. locationremoved from their property for the purpose of providing a sewer s stent for the Pr®Py. '. C. City is: willing to permit a temporary convection at its nearest main, provid Ing Owner agrees to and accepts the following terms and conditions. IT IS, THEREFORE', AGREED: by Owner, as behalf of themselves and, their successors ss in interest. in the above:.. described. property, and City,as follows,.- Owner ollowseOwner will, within six (6) months from date of this agreement, make appli- cation for a connection and pay all City's regular gutar charges and fees_, in effect at the time of service connection to the City's nearest main, and acquirerany easement or encroachment permit which might.be.necessary to run a. service lateral from the: main to. the Owner's property line.:. The cost of acquiring any such easemehht;or, en- croachment. permit, the installationand subsequent maintenance of the. service lateral shall be entirely at. Owner's expense, and the. City shall have no liability or re- r sponsi.bility therefor-. 2. The Connection,provided under the terms of this agreement shall be available. to the.property of Owner, as,above described, only so long as such connection shall serve only one parcel.. Such service and use of the connection may be terminated by the City upon thirty days"-written notice addressed to Owner at their last known: w address on file, in the City in the event the service is extended to any division of the property into two or more separate parcels to be served from such connection, or in the event.of the construction of two or more residences thereon... 3.. Should City or others hereafter- install or provide a City sewer main ad- jacent to Owner's property or at a location from which City, then determines is to be the Point of permanent connection, the temporary connection permitted by this agree meat shall, upon demand by the City, be tezminated. After, such termination, any future 'MENT 3; 5 of 7 Page Z o 3 SEP 2 1986 ITEM . �3 6 of 7 STATEOF CATZFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ). On this day of ,. 1883, before me, the .undersigned, a Notary Public: in and for the State of California; personally appeared' proved to me on, the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the 'person ,_,_� whose name subscribed 'to the within instru.- sent, and acknowledged to me that - he ® executed the. same. WITNESS' my hand: and official. seal. Notary Public in and for said County and State (seal) sTATE of CATaPOPNIA: ). } ss. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO ) On this day of , -1983, before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public- in and for the State of California; personally appeared MARJORIE K. WAHLSTEN, personally known to me. to be the, CITY CLSFac of the CITY OF POWAY, and . ` knownto m to be: the person who executed the within instrument on behalf' of said public corporation, agency or pol3.tica1 sura - division, and acknowledged to me that such public ° corporation, agency, or political. subdivision executed the same. 7 of 7 (seal). Notary Public in and for said County and State Page 3 of 3 SEP 2 1986 ITEM 23.