Item 2 - PDC 86-33 Charles E. Herold� GENDAREPORT' ` 'CITY OF POWAY M TO Honorable Mayor and Membersof the City Council FROM:James. L. Bowersox.r City Manager INITIATED BY: Reba W., Touw, Director of Plannn Services' Kris A. Hughs , Assistant Planner. DATE: August 19f 1986 SUBJECT: Predevelopment Conference Analysis (.PDC: 86-33) for . Charles E.. Herold, APAlicant ABSTRACT e REQUEST: Consideration of a request fora proposed Conditional Use Permit to allow the use: of an existing structure located in the MS zone: as a contractor's office and storage -yard. LOCATION: 14037 Poway Road i GROSS ACREAGE': 13,680 square feet t 3 acre} SURROUNDING ZONINGAND LAND USES: Properties to the east and west of'the site are zoned MS and are: developed with commercial uses..` The lot which is adjacent to the south is zoned; RS -7 and developed with a one-story sngle.- family dwelling. HISTORY: The subject structure is a historic building+ t which is currently occupied by a real estate office: and an antique furniture business.. The applicant proposes to utilize the existing- xistingbuilding buildingas: a.general-contractor'soffice and to usetheunpaved rear yard as a.storage area for lumber and parking area for one truck used in: the business. He plans to use the building f:ar . aper -10 d of three: to four years. 9-4-860 '11h_ Kr ._ TIS �N; C on c �1G utred to hold* on Marjo ie K. Wahlsten Cit ` lerk SEP 4 1986 ITEM 2 �- ....___..._._:_.�_�.._...-....:•.-_. ._.:— a..—.—._..—u.-...,.+-....«...+.a-.w.r...-•tu-_�.w•.�--rn.:ss.ssr:!.++.+v�Rl�.»�,_ AUG 1. 1986 IT EI M 2 z ._.- _>3c_,>s.., .. _ .�.. _ -- _ 3 -_. _., asp. u a.—....3� 1�:. Iv Agenda Report August 19, 19=86 Page 2: The only site. improvement proposed is the, construction of a six: foot high. solid wood fence= along the southern property line. The remainder a of the rear yard is already fenced.. ` The property development standards: of the: MS zone would require the following site improve - menta: 1. Construction of an eight foot high: masonry wall enclosingthe outdoor storage area. A. five foot wide raised landscape planter would be required adjacent to the wall, along the southern property line, where. the: site: adjoins residential zoning. 2.: installation of landscaping in the. required 20 foot: setback area along Poway,Road and. Welton Lane. 3.Five off=a rest parking space., J �LB:.RWT:RAH: is Attachments: 1r zoning Map - • Site ..'Plan 3 3. Agreement of Understanding SEP 4 igen tT E M' . eAUG 19 1�AT84 LO ITEM . PDC 5(0-33 TITLE . Z Ot\( ► SCALE :, NONE ATTACHMENT C 60 tubo DRFAICC To 73 F-26c.T&Z 7' *FiOA L� OL 3i Q � 1 f LX G %I A TZCA 1 is �_PAV1 N . -+ �. '. ♦ n J All tsM � - to Pt. .`L.e t +• V �_ •.i"e i Tem:. DC_ �✓ 6Si— -� i.l"i'• o� A /� D • ad ,11fR,o i DGWALK i ST966 SEP 4 198fi t tll: 14 )RRA MP M %s AGREEMENrOF UMEt s IDING City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as `'City' and. AieEgzo blee..eL6 0157. Loc.. , hereinafter referred to as. "Proponent" enter into this Agreement: of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponent owns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's parcel. number E s 3 3z._3 -:-Z7 0—�� Proponent desires to develop this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted development. City is concerned that Proponent will create development plans unsatisfac- tory to City and consume tine and effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless City assists in directing Proponent.- Based upon the above-mentioned facts, City will grant Proponent a hearing prior to filing any application for development- upon the following understand- ing: City will render no decision with regards to any development proposal or part thereof. s.. City will receive no evidence:, specific in nature, in support of a particular develogent plan. . City will make no representations that will _obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any development proposalor part thereof Proponent may" subsequently sulcnit. _ • If any developrre.nt proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and: exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made: no representations upon which. Proponent may rely. Dated: Proponent: Signature • IT -Em: p D c 867-33 TITLE 51 TE PLAN SEP 4 198Wt" t EN T: Attt 19 1986 ITEM • is AGENDA REPORT OF POS p t� _ E CITY OF POAY j. 4-n—a too !N THE G 'Os Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FPM: Janes L. Bvwersox, City Managet$lb NtTIATED BY Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Services DAI e, September 4, 1985 SUBJECT Determining the Future width of Garden Road BACKGROUND When the General Plan was adopted. in 1983, Garden. Road wasdesignated as, a future four Lane, secondary arterial road with a right-of-way width of 84 feet: and a curb -to -curb width of 54 feet. Since Garden Road is presently a. two lane roadway with varying widths from. 28 feet to 54 feet, the General Plan designated it as a bine route street without. striped: bike lanes. The General Pian also cates that because "an school, a park, and multi family residents are located on the street,` bike lanes should be installed along Garden Road. when it is widened to four lanes. Orden Road presently carries approximately 12,000 cars per day. In order to determine future traffic, volumes, SANDAL prepared. a horizon year computer analysis with the cities: circulation. element roads in place. SANDAL estimates that the future traffic volumes will. exceed 22,000 cars per day between. Pty Road. and Neddick Avenue: and reduce to 15,000 cars per day between Neddick -and Route 125.1 - n order to (1) handle the future traffic voluri es rn (2) provide left -tum access to the many side: streets and driveways; and (3) provide striped bike lanes, _ Garden Road must be widened. to 74 feet curb -to -curb r with. a right-�of-mey width of 90 feet. Theexi sting right -of -sway varies from 40 feet to 102: feet, with. an average right -of pray width of 72 feet. Additional right-of�ray must, thereforer be acquired to construct a four lane: roadway. I ACTION: R SEP 4 1986 ITEM 3 Future Width of Garden Road Septeuber 4, 1986 Page - 2 FINDINGS In order to handle the traffic projected by SANDAL, GardenRoad should retrain designated as a four -lane roadway in the General Plan,. but the curb -to -curb width andright-of-way should be _increased. from 641/80' to 74'/90' to accom- modate cco nmodate both bike lanes.. and a left -turn lane. However, the capacity of Garden Roadwill determine it's desirability as a through route between. Sycamore. Canyon Road (SR 125) and Poway Road. If the road remains two -lanes, then motorists will be more likely to use either Poway Road or the South Poway Parkway for through east/west traffic. RECCMMIDATICtg Itis recommended that the City Council direct staff to initiate an amendment to the General Plan to designate Garden Road as a future two. --ane road east of Neddick and four -lanes for : that area 'west. of Neddick the majority of whaich is generally zoned either CN or MS, and currently "Constructerr to that standard.. JLB:ADA pwial_ cr SEP 4 1986 IT t