Item 26 - Approval of Final Map for the City of Poway Construction of Public Improvements_ G � A ENDA. RE PORT CITY OP PCWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will lie no separate discussion of the" report: prior to approval by' the City Council unless members of the Council, staff; or public request= it to be: removed from the Con -sent Calendarand. discussed separate] g. If you wish to ' �Q R h_-= this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a. slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the: beginning of the City Council. meeting.. TO Honorable Mayor and Members, of they City Council FROM James L. Bowersox, City Mana#" s INITIATED BY: Alan D Archibald, Director of Pblic Services Dale Walters.,, Project Engineer DATE September 16,, 1986 SUBJECT Approval ofi:nal Map for City of Poway Parcel Map 84-08°, Acceptance of Dedications.. and: Approval of Standard Agreement for Construction. of Public Improvements: ABSTRACT' The Final: Parcel Map for TPM. 84-0811 a 6,*Z-acre% parcel, at..the northerly end -of Old Espola Road (Attachment 1)r is ready°`for approval. All dedications= have been made_ fees, " charges: acid deposits: paid (Attachment '2) agreement executed.,,- bonds posted.,. and. all required.e"asements have been secured. BACKGROUND This project. was originally approved on November 20r 9Z8 4, by City Council. Resolution P'-84-73 (Attachment 3 The final parcel- map for the 4 lot, divi ionn incorporates all, of the conditione of approval. outlined in. the resolution.: A reduction of. the reap is attached (Attachment 4) . FINDINGS - The final parcel map has ' been. examined. and found. to be technically correct,: in compliance with State law, City ordinances and in substantial compliance with the approved parcel map and conditions of approval. ACTION - SEP 19 1886 ITEM 2:6 AGENDA. REPORT A uroval of Final Map for Ci. of Poway Parcel Map 84-a8 Page The owner has executed the Standard Agreement for'Construction.Of Public Improvements, posted improvement securities to guarantee performance payment for labor and mater , and setting of monuments, and paid all,applicable feesanddeparts. RECOMMENDATION 1. Approve - the Final: Parcel Map for 'C%ty of Poway Parcel Map- $4-08 and direct its recordation. 2. Accept on behalf of the public, subject. to ;improvement', the "water line -easement and open space easement for pedestrian and equestrian trails as offered, for dedication on said map. 3 F Reject on behalf: of the public the: easement for roadway and. water, .line purposes over. Old; E"spola Road, as; offered for dedicat ion. on said=, map.. 4 . App the Standard Agreement arzd authorize its execution on behalf . of the City by signature of the. City Clerk.' %MB`: AOA,w -mri '. Attachments J.L. V cin ty Ndap 2.- RecapR of Fees 3.. `Resolution P=8.4-°73 4. - Reduction of parcel Map 84-05 SES 16 - ITEM b_ M Final Map' for. TPM. 84-08 Dated 8/22/86 - -. TTM - Recap' of fees paid, deferred to build =f g permit, not applicable. Y not appl Fai.d Build:=I q ` Permit Traffic Mi ti a"tion Fee 2 7 Draina a Fee no ' fee area $798x3'= Park Fee k' Median. Im rovement NSA Sewer Imi3r. Dist.. Annex., N/A. - Se, tia .4 Sewer Coauieet%Oil Fee,Nf'A - Septic Water". Exl2ansion. Fee bbE 945 Signa L Contribution: N/ r' County Lighting District Annexation. Fee 435 Adaancw Energy urge. Other -Deposits Final Ma Check 900 rcvement Plan:. Check - jM -. i.i - A IIA rQvement Ins ection 2, ,11.8 Water.Anal.zsia 630.77 ATTACHMENT21 5 SEP 16 1986 ITEM 26 f 4 of 1 RESOLUTION NO. P-8 4-7 3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 84-08 ASSESSOR'S- PARCEL NUMBER 273-820-01 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel. Map No. 84-08, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Harold D. Flater, applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in. the City of Poway, County of San Diego, State of California, described as the northerly 657.47 feet of that portion of Lot l* in Section 26, Township 13 south, Range 2 west, San Bernardino Base Meridian: into four lots, regularly came before the City Council for public hearing and action on November 20, 1984; and WHEREAS, the Director. of Planning Services has recommended APPROVAL of the Map subject to all conditions set forth in the Planning Services Department report; and WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered said report and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW', THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Poway does resolve as follows: Section 1. Findings: 'The City Council makes the following findings in regard to Tentative Parcel. No. 84-08 and the Map thereof: a. The tentative parcel is- consistent withall applicable interim and proposed, general and specific plans; . The design or improvement of the tentative parcel is consistent with ail applicable interim and proposed general and specific plans; • The site is y hysically suitable for the type of development proposed; . The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed; • The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantialenvironmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlifeor their habitat; s. ATTACHMENT 3 5of12 The tentative parcel. is not likely to ';cause serious Public health problems; tip 16 1986 ITEM 26 IL* Lna'F Lalb _ Px7U jecr_ Witt. nou- crea.ze auverse _ Impaur-a on the environment and a Negative. Declaration is issued. i. .The effect of subdivision approval on the housing needs of the San Diego region has been considered and balanced against the-public service needs of Poway residents and available fiscal and environmental resources.: j The design of the; subdivision has provided:, to the extent,. feasible., for future passive" or natural heating or cooling:, opportunities in the subdivision. Section 2:. a Tentative Parcel Map No. 8'4-08 , a copy of which is on file in. the Planning: Se ev ices office, is hereby approved. subj ec t to all of the following condi.tions :: 1 Existing access road both. on.- and: off-site shall be improved and an Irrevocable Offer° of Dedication (IOD) ;. shall be made to,City standards for asemi-rural road. The limits of this access road are from the northerly end of Old Espola. Road to the westerly boundary .of _ Parcel. 2. ` as shown. on. Tentative Parcel Mag 84_08.. The minimum paved, road width will be. 24 feet with a road angle that will conform to a 48 foot radius. 2. The terminus of the access road shall be: improved and an IOD shall be made for 41 foot radius graded width cul-dei-sac and 3:5 foot radius pavement width. � 3. A water main shall be.extende d northerly from the end of ,• +ir Old EspoleL Road, along. the: west side of Parcel 4, and along the southside of Parcel 1..Fire hydrants' shall tS be insta.rled: at locations designated by the Director of SafetyServices. The exact sizes and loco ions of the - t water mains shall be as required -by the Director of Public Services. A 20 foot. wide water, Eine easement shall be dedicated along the route of the water main.- SF-F* 16 1986 1 T EM 2.6 Of u n 7 of 12 Resolution No. P-84.73', Page 3 . Copies of the approved leach field layouts shallbe submitted to the Department of _ Public Services prior to map approval i.. All deficiencies in Grading Plan G-181-84 shall be taken. care of to the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to building permit issuance or map recordation,. whichever comes first- . The applicant shall dedicate and improve a 15 foot wide trail easement adjacent to the north/south access road. and the ,Private drive for. Parcel 1 to be used for a community horse trail, including fencing to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services The applicant shall enter into an agreement with the owner of parcel 2:73-820-13to dedicate a 15 foot. wide trail easement concurrentwith the existing road and utility easement.: It shall be theresponsibility of the applicantto improve- this easementto the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. If, after reasonable effort, this easement: cannot be attained, then the City shall use its power of eminent domain to obtain the 15 < footwide trail easement with the - applicant paying for all costs involved. Annexation. to the. lightingdistrict shall, be accomplished and. evidence of annexation and payment of fees shall be presented to the City. Section 3: Tentative Parcel. Map No. 84-08, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Servicesoffice, is hereby approved subject' to the attached Standard Conditions. .: APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: SITE: DEVELOPMENT~ Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services -Department and the conditions contained herein. Approval- of this request shall not waive compliance with: all sections of the Zoning Development Code and all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building permit. issuance se) itS 1986 ITEM 26. r Resolution No. P--84-73 Page 4 3. Prior to any use of the project site, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of. Planning Services. 4. The applicant shall comply with. the 'latest adopted Uniform Building Cade', Uniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, j National. ElectricCode, Uniform Fire Coder and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building: permit issuance. 5. Prior to the issuance" of building permits for combustible construct .on,. evidence shall be submitted to the Director of Safety, Services that water supply and facilities for fira ;. protection is available.` Where additional fire protection is required by the Director of Safety- Services, it shall be serviceableprior to the- time of construction. 6. For a new residential dwelling uni.tt.$) the applicant shall pay ' development fees at the.. established` rate.. Such fees may include,: but not be limited tot permit and plan Checking Fees,. School Fees i.n accordance with °City --adopted policy and/or ordinance) ,. Water and -Sewer S'e ry ice s± ees . 'These fees shall, be paid prior to building permit issuance-. -� Building identification and/or, addresses shall be placed on all new and existing buildings so as toc be plainly visible from the street. or -access road., color of identification, ication, anti%or addresses shail contrast with their background. color'. B. PADDING AND: ' VEHICULAR ACCESS _ No conditions.. C.. LANDSCAPING; I. All landscaped. areas: shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris. D -1W SIGNS'" No conditions r Z. RECREATION 1. On lots having a private or public`equestrianjpedestrian trail on or adjacent to their property, the developer is required to have contained within the C..0 .&R.`I s the `following statement:, In purchasing the home:, I have read the C.C. &R.t "s and understand that said lot is subject to an easement for the purpose of allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffic. SEP I. 186 ITEM 26- 8 of 12 ► ,leResolu.ti.on leo. P-84-73 µ? Page:. 5 2.` The developer shall improve the equestrian/pedestrian trail system.in accordance with the adoptedstandards-and to the sa.tis€action of the Directors of Public and Planning Services: prior to f incl. map. approval. 3. An open space easement shall be granted to the City overt upon - across and under the area defined; on the final maps as an F equestrian trail and no building., structures`or,other things shall be. constructed, erected, placed or maintain ed on subject - easements except for the construction and: maintenance of said ' trail and structures- appurtenant 'to the trail. 441 Dedicate the Master planned equestrian/pedestrian trails tothe satisfaction of the Directors of the Departments of Public and. Planning: Services in accordance with the faster -Plan of Trails Element 5 . Parkland Dedication or payment of -Park Fees- ' at the established - `. rate shall be made prior, to building permit! issuance., 3. F.- EXISTING STRUCTURES - No,,conditions. Ga ADDITIONAL APPROVALS: REQUIRED 1. Development. Review or Minors Development Review shall be accomplished prior to the issuance -of a building` permit:. II. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT' THEN PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT -REGARDING COMPLIANCE: WITH THE. FOLLOWING CONDITIONS 8. ' GRADING-, 1. Gradin of, Grading- the C abject property, shall be in accordance with the City Grading. Ordinance,, approved grading plan and geotechnical report, and accepted grading, practices. 2.` A coils report shall, be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the state of California to perform such work prior to building permit issuance. 1 -*.'-.STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 1.. Reciprocal, access and maintenance and/'or agreements shall be # provided insuring: access tol all parcels over private roads drives or parking areas and maintenance thereof to the satisfaction of: the Director of Publics Services. All street structural sections shall be submitted to, and approved by the Director- of Publ i.c Services. 9 Of I216 t ITEM 26 Resolution No. P-84-73. Page 6' 3. Street improvement plans prepared on standard size sheets by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services.. Plan check, and inspection expenses shall be paid by the developer. 4. All.damaged-off-site public works facilities,r including parkway trees, shall be repaired,.or replaced:priorto exoneration .of bonds and improvements,. to the satisfaction of. the Department of Public Services. 5. street improvements and,mal.ntenance shall be made, in accordance., with City Ordinance standards for semi -rural, streets, access roads. 6-. The developer shall pay the. Traf f is Mitigation. Fee at the established tabli hed 'rate prior to building permit issuance. J. DRAINAGE AND FLOM CONTROL, 1. AdraiLnage system capable. of handling and disposing of all . . - surface water originating within, the subdIVi isionr and all -surface waters, that may flow onto the subdivision fromadjacent lands, shall be. requ:ired. Said drainage system shall. include any easements and structures as required by the Director of Public Services to properly handle the drainage. S. -Plan of Drainage, Fee shall be paid at the established The Master s rate in accordance wlth­ the Drainage Ordinance, prior tofinalmap. approval. K _UTrLXTIES 1. All proposed utilities- within the project shall be. installed underground including. existing utilities,, along Circulation element roads and/or highways, less than. 3'4..5 KV.: 2. utility easements shall be provided to the specification of the serving utility- companies, and 'the Director of Public Services.. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation and. undergrounding of'existing public utilities, as required.,, 4-1 Water,, sewer, and fire ptotectiort systems plans shall be designed, and constructed to meet requirements of the City, of-Roway and the Health Department of the ,County,oaf -San Diego. 5. Prior to -acceptance of property for sewer service, annexation to thesewer improvement mprovement area shall occur. 10 Of 12 SEP lo 1986 ITEM 26 Resolution No. P-84-73 Page 7 Cable television services shall be provided and installed underground. The developer shall notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be accomplished. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: AND APPROVALS • A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrict.ons (CC&R's) and/or Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners Association shall be subject to the review for compliance with conditions. herein, to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the Secretary of Stater the County Recorder and; the City Clerk at the time of final 'map consideration: • Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards and procedures- . All provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land. ., Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall be installed' and provided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation within two years from map recordation. or prior to building permit issuance, whicheve r occurs first,: by the execution of a performance agreement, secured with sufficient securities:, in a form approved by the City Attorney. `' All necessary processing fees, deposits, and charges shall be paid prior to final map approval.. Prior to final map approval, all dedications shall be made and easements granted as required. above. The tentativemap approval shall expire on November 20, 1986 unless an application for time extension is received 30 days prior to expiration in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 20th of November, 1984. ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahisten,, City Clerk 11 of 12 • Robert C. Emery, M SEP 161986 ITEM 26 4