Item 27 - Acceptance of Temporary Parking Lot at Community CenterAGENDA. REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to. have this report palled for discussion, please fill out a, slip indicating the report number andgive it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. TO: FROM: INITIATED BY: DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND Honorable Mayor and Members of t e City Council James L. Bowersox, City Mena Alan D. .Archibald, Director of Public Services Javid Siminou, Associate Civil Engineer v September 16, 1986 Acceptance of Temporary Parking Lot at Community Center At. the July 8.,, 1986 meeting, the Council awarded a contract to J&S Asphalt in the amount of; X18,259.20 to construct a temporary parking lot at the Poway Community Center. FINDINGS Staff has inspected the project and finds :t complete and. in compliance with the Plans and specifications. One change order in the amount of $495..00 was issued for additional overlay that wasneeded, thereby making the total contract amount. $19,702.60, RECOMMENDATION. It is recommended that the City Council: 1. Formally accept the improvements. 2. Authorize final payment to the contractor in the amount of $17,732,.32 3`. 'Authorize the City Clerk to file andrecord a Notice of Completion. . Authorize the payment of the 10% retention to the contractor in the amount of $1,970.26 if unencumbered 40 days after filing the Notice of Completion. JLB:ADA:JS:ke ACTION: SEP 16 i98 ITEm 2? 1 of 1