1986 09-30 AgendaatT oF Pam' c mow= AGENDA REGULAR MEWING - SEPIEMBER 30', 1986 - 7:00 P.M. =TY13325 CIVIC DRIVE MING CALLED TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIWPIANNING CON ISSION/REDEVELOIME ABY 1. ROLL CALL EMERY, ORAVEC, SHEPARDSCN, TARZY, KRUSE PIZDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEFY MAYOR SHEPARDSOON PUBLIC ORAL. C7auDIJNICATICNS CALENDAR NUZICE PEIBLIC =MS ICMBERIM 7 THRCUGi 14 MAY BE FNRZTIIa IN Cid' MOE ICN AT THIS POIM IN Tom. MEETING. THERE WILL BE NO SEPPJRATE 'DISCUSSION OF THESE rims PRIOR TO THE TIME MUM= \AXES CN THE MOTICN MESS THE MIIMBERS aF CCDM IL, STAFF, THE. PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC I' 'I0` BE RFL4OVED AND , DISCUSSED' SEPARATELY.. MOSE • ITS MICR ARE REMOVED WILL. BE axisiDERED fl THe ORDER. IN. t�1SIC8 Timr APPEAR,_ W THE At A. IF YCI J WISH TO FUZZ, AN ITEt4, PLEASE FILL CUT A SLIP AND GIVE TO THE CITY .. Environmental ntal Ass et, General. Plan. Allendale& and Zone Change: 86-02A, Mr. Anthony Avaano and. CF Poway Ltd.apalicant: cansideratign of a General Plan Amendment and Zone Change. from RS -2' (Residential Single Family -2, 1-2 du/net acre) , to RA (Residential Apartment, 12-20 du/net acre) and. C (Open Space) on a 3.5 acre parcel to be bisected, by the relocation of Panerado Rad; located ' east of. existing Pamerado Rad, approximately 1,000 feet north. of Stage Stop Drive. CYT! Mme' S'CN:: Adopt Resolutiopdesignating' parcel. as Residential Amt. and (Vett, Space; hold first reading of Ordinance entitled, "An. Ordinance: of the City of Poway, California, Changing the Zoning Classification of Certain Property (ZC 86-02A) , and set second reading for October 7, 1986; issue Negative Declaration. Environmental Assessment, General. Plan Amendment and Zone Mange 86-02B, Raymond. Russ applicant: consideration of a General. Plan:. Amendment and. Zane: Change frail RR -C (1 du/1,2 or 4 `acres) to CG (Catmerca a1 General) on. a .35 acre parcellocatedwest of Adah Lane, approximately° 275 feet south of Poway Road. arz MANAGER'S S RECEMMBNDATICN ,Adopt Resolution on designating` proposed: parcel as Crmercial- General; direct staff to prepare a "specific plan" for the property and to bring back said planand requisite Zone Change as a concurrentrequest for Council nsiderat as ata future date; issue Negative: Declaration. *EXHIBIT ENCLOSED #SIT IST PREPARATION NEXT RESSC LUTICN NO. IS 86-109 NEXT ORDINANCE NO. IS 198 NEXT PLANNING RES. NO. IS P-86-66 NECRE'DEV1EXi0PMETIT MS. NO. IS R-86-19 General Plan Amendments (Continued frau Septanber 16, 1986, Item 13) *C. Environmental Assessment, General Plan Amendment and Zcne Change 86-02C, Ammarlo Navarro applicant: consideraticm of a General Plan Ainennt and Zone Change from RS -7 (4-7 du/ac) to CG (Commercial General) on• a .39 acre parcel located east of Claire Drive, 174 feet south of Garden. Road. CITY MANAGER'S RECCI+ ATIC : Adopt Resolution designating` proposed. parcel as Manufacturing Service; direct staff to prkoare a uspegific. plana' for the property and to bring back, said plan and. requisite Zone Change as a concurrent -rent rest for Council consideration: at a future date; issue Negative Declaration. Envircaxmintal. Assessment, General Plan Amendment and none Change 86-02D, GraybiLt Medical a Clinic Michael Hogan, applicant; con- sideration: of a Gene... -al Plan t and Zone ,....ange from Rural. Residential -A. (1 du/4,8,20 or 40 net acres) to Rural Residential -B (1 du/2, 4 or 8 net acres) on a 43.21. acre parcel located at the southerly terminus. of Blue Crystal Trails, approximately .6 miles south of Pommy Road` CITY Mt4I ER' S RE O ATICN: Adopt Resolution denying General Plan Amendment and Zane Change 86-02D. General Plan Amendment and Zone Change 86-02E withdrawn. Environmental Assessment, General Plan. Amt and Zone Change 86-023, City of Mayr applicant: a City initiated General Plan Amendment and. Zone Change to adjust an existing RS -4 (3-4 dufac)/RR- C (1. du/1, 2. or 4 ac) zone line to coincide with an existing boundary line for the property located. at the southerly terminus of Budwn tame. CITY* M N .'-S R'EC ATZCN: Amt Resolution designating proposed parcel as Rural Residential. -C; holdfirst reading of Ordinance entitled, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway California, Changing the Zoning Classification of Certain Property (ZC 86-022), and set second reading for October Tr 1986; issue Negative Declaration. KIN MIMIC B:EAR321GS *Tentative Tract Map 4191R, St and Pacific of , San Diego, . applicant: a request to revise the design for four (4) lots within Tract 4191R of Rancho Arbolitos. CITY' MANAGER'S ATICNClose public: hearing; adopt Planning Remolution.approving with conditions. 3' i C CITY COUN=,. AGWA r September 30 ; 1986 Page Vr *Development Review 85-1L Time Extension,, Cmnino AirConditioning, applicante a request for a six.-myth time extensicia for the construction of a,4".92- 9, °tq2 square footcommercial. appliance sales and. warehouse building, Zocst at the corner of Aubrey Street and. Midland Road.. CITY MANAGMI S F 3C; ag Adapt Planning ResoElutL= approving = with c anditions. 01 *Ratification, of YiGi1 rar& Aster- - �bC3ti.JCL ,18r 1986 8. *Approvaal of City's investment report, - Aujust 31, 1986 9. *Approval. of Cax Cable San Diegol ranchise transfer 10.;*Appro�tal of final. ms p for Tentattive Tract: Map 84-07; acr a of decZ. a-­ Approval, and apprcvaL of the Agreement f}o}grt a 3i%=m mmts'; _ �P�b].xi l�tef at the n'orti.hWP.st corner of Twin V aks ..Rmd and t� Roadw, - U.*Resolutica, No. P-86=-Use limit 86-70 Comer' of Gammerce applicant: =egtsest for- ofuse Pelt to alLaw - a rcxleo and dance, at PVRA; south of Z aa Peaks, and west of Tierra. Bonita 1.2r*Resolut cn No. P­86- - T Use permit 86-74 Chamber of Circe _ E3lRJ�Orary , r applicants rpt for approval of eamporary use I pe=dt for a. parade. on Civic Center Drive, Bcwron Rcedr and Povay Road.. L3 *Resolution No. P­86- - Minos Development Review 8649, Donald Patch, applicant:. a request to construct a 4,445 square foot residence at 14908 Gavan: Nista Road 14..#Award. of Bids 1986 ,`Street. Overlay P.rograia } MY MNONGExt ImmaETY � 15 A - - _ 16. 17..`Ra3ERT MEM' 18. =DA. OERAITEC 19 .*MARY SHEPARDSOT Resolution Supporting Proposition A