Item 10 - Approval of Final Map for City of Poway Tract 84-07AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included: on. the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the: council,; staff or, public request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar• and. discussed separately. If rtv THE ca F X• you wish -to have ..this re rt: po pulled for discussion., please fill. out a slip .i.ndicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to thm.baginning of the City Council meeting. To: Honorable Mayor andMembersof the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox,, City Mana 5 INITIATED BYE Alan D. Archibald, Director of Public Services6�tL Dale Walters, Project -Engineer OW ; DATE September 30, 1986, SUBJECT': Approval of FinalMa for City of Poway Tract G - 84;-07, Acceptance of Dedications- and Approval of the Standard Agreement for Public Improvements ABSTRACT This final,map is for a. -28 -unit subdivision on an-approx%mately r 12 -acre parcel located on the northwest. corner of the intersection of Community Road and. Twin. Peaks ,Road. (Attachment I ) . All: requi:recT dedicati.ans easements and right of . way have been secured. Required deposits and fees have been made (Attachment 2) and offsite' grants • have been secured (Attachments 3 and 4). BACKGROUND This. project:was originally approved as;aK 32-lat subdivision on F April: 30, 1985 by City Council. Re.solut i n P -85-2I (Attachment 5i .. 6 The developer recruested.a reduction of four -lots due to grading and planning considerations. The present 28-1ot subdivision (Attachment - 61 conforms to all applicable. City of Poway ordinances and incorporates. all of the Conditions oaf ,Approval for the tentative map. The developer has requested deferred payment of some fees as outlined in Attachment 7. t FINDINGS T The final map has been examined and found to be, technically correct, in -compliance, -with State law, City ordinances and in substantial compliance with., the Approved tentative map and conditions of ` approval;.. ACTrON: - t _. SEP 3 0 6 - !TEND 1 fz of 21 _ AGENDA REPORT - September 30,1986 Approval of Final Map for City of Poway Tract 84-07 Page 2 - The owner has executed the Standard Agreement for Construction of Public Improvements, posted improvement securities to guarantee performance, p payment for labor and. materia s, and setting of monuments, and paid all applicable fees and.deposits.- RECOMMENDATION _ 1. Approve the final map for City of Poway Tract No. 84-07 and Fdirectits recordation T "# 2. Accept on behalf of the. City of Poway, subject to`improvement: A Roast portion. of Twin Peaks . and a portion of Aillndale Way- -the easement; the drainage easement; the water easement; # . -thePublic utility easement - the easements for equestrian... and pedestrian: trail purposes; the abutter's, rights of access- appurtenant to Lots 1, 2 23,, 24r 25, 26, 27'r. 28, 18 ' & 19, - Lots A and: 3 in, fee.. Twin Circle Way and Twin. Circle, Court all as. dedicated on said map 3. Accept on behalf of the City, of Poway, fee title to. Lot 31.8 of Poway MesaUnit 4 as shown on. Recorded. -Map 7795 of the officiar ` records San of Diego County.. 4. Accept on behalf of the Public arant ofd offsite � ri ht g g of way, for Twin: Peaks Road over, under, upon and across, portions of Lot 318° of Poway Mesa Unit 4 recorded as Map 7795 of the, official records of San Diego County. 5. Approve deferred. payment of the fees outlined in Attachment 7 and. ;instruct the. Director of Public -Services, to collect such fees prior to the°issuance -of any residential building permit for City ,of Poway Tract 8,4-07 or within. 15 days of map recordation., whichever is first. 6. Approve, the: Standard Agreement and authorize its execution on behalf of the City by signature of the.City Clerk.. F i„ JLB :ADA: D.Wmh Attachments:: 1. , Vicinity Map 2. Recap of Fees 3. Grant Deed for Lot 318 of Poway Mesa Unit 4 4. Grant of:Right of Way for Twin -Peaks Road: 5. Resolution P-85-21 6. Reduction of Final. Map 7. Schedule of Deferred -Fees SEP 3 0 1986 IT EM 10 of 21 3 CARL R. KRUSE, Mayor MARY SHEPARDSON, Deputy Mayor BRUCETARZY,;Councilmember LINDA ORAVEC, Councilsuember BOB EMERY, Counciimember City Hall. Located. at 13325 Civic Center Drive ling Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92064- '' (619) 748-6600, (619) 695-1400 SEP 30 1986 ITEM 10 F � k Final Mapfor TPM Date.; 9/9/8 TTM 84-07" $: Recap of fees: paid, deferred to building permit, not appizcabZe.. Pa ad Building not appl Ma. Permit _ Traffic Mit a tion Pee 18, 480.00 Drainage Fee 19-1,468.>00 Park Fee 22,:344.00 Median. Sm rovement N/A. t Sewer m r.. Deist. Annexa N/A SeTivp.Y C1.�C3noiltS ; sewer* Connection Fee "' 42, 000.00 inspection 700.00 Water meters-, Water E arso Fee 8.,820.00 Si goal Contribut oa I, 400.00 County Lighting° District: Annexati mm Fee N/A. Advancer Energy- Clh rge 1712.00 f tither Iuprovement/Mag Check Deposi . 10, 900.00- =mment. InS on Degos.t lars00:.00 ndscape Bond t20 da) 25,200.00 Performce Security 360.0;000"600" Paynmt Security 180,000.00 ta�ntatican. Seuriiy 28 000.00 ATTACNT 2:' 4.a 21 SEP 3' 0 3986 ITEM T Q (c-"") 5 of 21 RECORDING REQUESTED' ANO. WHEN RECORDED MAIL THIS OEEO ANO. UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN BELOW MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO< ` LADERA ASSOCIATES, INC snEr 6680 CONVOY COURT AWMSS SAN- DIEGO, CALIF. 92111 CI Tr STATE ZIP TITLE ORDER -._ ESCROWNO. SFACEAROVETHO UN FOR RECORCEWS'USe GRANT DEED THE UNDERSIGNED GRANTOR(s) DECLARE(s) DOCUMENTARY` TRANSFER TAX is $' O computed on full value of property conveyed, or O computed on full valueless valueof liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale, and FOR A VALUABLE. CONSIDERATION. receipt of which is hereby acknowledged. POWAY INVESTMENTS, N.V.. A NETHERLANDS. ANTILLES CORPORATION hereby, GRANT(S) to THE CITY OF POWAY the foltowing.described real .property In the CITY OF POWAY County of SAN-- DIEGO . State of California: LOT" .318. OF POWAY MESA-, WIT NO 4 ACCORDING TO MAP E REOF NO. 7795 'FILED=, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER. OF SAN DIEGO. COUNTY;. INT THE CITY OF POWAY, COUNTTC OF SAN: DIEGO ,• STATE OF CALIFORNIA. CAT. NO; NNont TO 19411 CA (7-12)- (Agenc of: Corpoistioo)1 f WITeLEINSURANCE ANOTRUSU anawaormw STATE OFCALIFORNIA COUNTY QF' SAN 0447-'00 Ors= .q,r%C?': /9- /9-. before me the undelimed, a Notary Public in and for t` saidSta to personally appeared Af t,W.Ce2.. Yknownto:meorproved,tomonthe hair of_ satisfactory evidence to be the peasort who executed the witthin insttumenr as the agentof the c ool:ion' as that: executed thewithin u tram== and ack towiedged'., tome that; such corporation existed the withininstm meant pursuant to its-- brit : o:Ca resolution of'ets bond - of d oardofd rect=rs. WiTNESSmy' Off seal. sOlture ATTACHMENT' OFFICIAL SEAL KATMLELN A JUAREZ wog" PIM—CALIFORNIAA suf Oio CIXRIFF U' COWL sa is: API l3. asp Crhis ss for off kid noDri sod) SEP a 1.0 "�- RECORDING REOL ED BY: Ii CITY OF POWAY .... nnt�1CTO-: Whin.REC.�v'- ..0' MAIL } } CITY OF POWAY' } P. 0'. BOX 785 } POWAY CA 92064 } } (This space: for Recorder's use) i GRANT OF RIGHT'-OF-mWAY FOR CITY STREET OTiAi INVESTMENTS, A. NETHERLANDS ANTILLES CORPORATION (hereinafter "GRANTOR:'I hereby... grants to� cI Y ®F POWAY nerei Wafter is ; 'its. successors'4, or assigns,. the r7 ght-of-way `and z incidents thereto: for a public street upon,,, over and across that carte n: real property x inthe City of Powayo-,: M :¢ County of San: Di of California,. described: as follows: (See Attached Legal' Description: and Exhibit Plat) he City of Poway The GRANTOR ierebyfurther grants tat the privi:ega and right 4to: on, and. embankment slope e�ctcrsi drainage structures and excavatis beyond. the' limits of the herein described right-of-way where required for the- construction and maintenance E of sa�i`d. City Streets- RESERVTHC unto GRRNTa� ofir the above described. parcel of hand,: his successors or assigns, the, right to eli#tinate such slopes and/or drainage structure ,< or portions thereof, where i rr the written: opz n on- of the City. Engi neer of. GRANTEE,. the necessity therefore: is removed. by substituting; ocher protectlonfr Support and%r f drainage facility„ provided sso irst approved %rr wri ing_ by said uch substitutiorf i Engineer. The GRAN AOR hereby further grants to GHEE al -l' trees,. growths (growing or that mtti hereafter grow) -g and. road building materials withzrr said right-of-way, including right to talo water, together wtfr the right to: use- the same n such manner and at such: locations as. said: GRANTEE. may deems proper,, needful or necessary;; i n- the construc- tiom., reconstruction,: improvement or maintenance of said highway. The GRAirOR�: % him/herself Z. hislher. successors and assigns,. hereby waives any claim for any and all: damages to: GRANTOR.`s remaining7 property contiguous to the right-of-way hereby conveyed, by reason of the location, construction, landscaping or maintenance of said h:i`ghway. } Dated th day, of MICELUL, GEDDE ANSMHONY P. UR330 I SEE NOTARY' FORMS ATTACH r; _(-��r�at-t�e�-m�s�--a�e�aF-=�3r�a►ac� r ATTACaMENT 4} SEP` a 1�8 i T'E M '16 6:0f 21 T of 21 LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR GRANT` OF RIGHT OF WAY FOR CITY STREET'(TWIN PEAKS ROAD) ALL, THAT POR'�ZON OF LOT 3�Z8 OF pOWAY foes-A Un.17 NO,, 4 ACCOR ING TO MAP THEREOF` NO. 7795 FILED IN THE OFFICE f OF THE COUNTY R CORDER. OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY DESCRIBED As FOLLOWS,: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEASTERLY CORNER OF'SAID LOT 3 i8 THENCE NORTH 72°03x091'!' WEST' ALONG THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE: THEREOF' 5.35, FEET` TOA POINT` ON A. 73.7.'0 0 FOOT RADIUS. CURVE CONCAVE NORTHWESTERLX' A RADIAL, BEARING TO SAID= POINT` BEAR: SOUTH 42°'58° 19� EAST, THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY ALONG -SAID CURVE 92. 78 FEET THROUGH A. CENTRAL- `" ANGLE. or Twl2t,46" TO' THE- HHGINN:ING , OF A C01�iPt U111D' 25f 00 FOOT.RADIUSCURVE CONCAVE - NORTHERLY; THENCE WESTERLY ALONG RAID CURATE 39.78, FEET THROUGH A CENTRAL. ANGLE' or 9Ll3lGt QZ' TO A. POINT" OF CUSP WITH TANGENT` I70:.4f1: FOOT RAIII:US CURS CONCAVE NORTHEASrTERLy, BEING A POINT` "OAT THE SOUTHWESTERL.3r LINE: OF9.ArlY LOT` 3l8 A RADIAL BEARIN'C TO= SAID O'INT BEARS SOU 55 2r 29�, WES-T; 'THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SArD SOUTI WESTER LINE AND. ALONG.SAID- CURVIE � 1364,103 FEET THROt3GH A CENTRAL, ANGLE OF 45° 50°0` 4E " TO THE 1�+�C3ST SOU=T-HERLY CORNER OF _- SAI D LOT 3`I B; THENCE NORTH Q + 007 U3 EAS_ T- ALONG THE EASTERLY" LINE: THEREOFI2�•�9 FEET TO THE`' POINT Or, F3EGINNING.= *� r �i t, SEF, 1TE iQ a of .21 1aar3 cZ,e1 E%/5TCNG£`DR,4/N46'O ZelSgAILWTp4R 11411, .1 0 7 s, /p 77-3/8/74 REG:.AVY14 /9?,3 -Z. 31 7 r Nw.rioc z 6 -% oma. NOT APART RESOLUTION' NO. P-85-21 & RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACTMAP 84-07 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBERS 3'14-380-3g'r 45f 75r TG, 77 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Ma No. 94-07, hereinafter "Kapp submitted, by Madera. Associates Inc.., Martin Gleich, owner applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property. situated. in the, City, of Poway, County of San: Diego, State, • of California, described as ai subdivision of Lots: 257 and 31.8; of Poway Mesa. unit 4* according to Map . No.. 7795. inta 32 i otst regularly- came. before the City Council for public hearing and: action on. April 30', 1985; and WHEREAS, the Director, of Planning' Services has recommended- APPROVAL: of the Map subject ec:t to all conditions set forth in-. the Planning Services Department report; and f, k' WHEREAS-, the City CounclL has read and considered said report and has considered, other evidence presented at the public hearing. ° NOW's TSEREFOR9r, the City Council, of the Ci y of Poway does41 resolve as, follows:.- ,. s , Section 1. z Find°°las The: City ­Council makes: the following fsndings< .in regardto� � Tentat -ve. T=act: Nv.W84f0-7" and the- MaP° thereof ;. aw The tentative .tract is, cons=istent, with. all applicablek interim= and: proposed: general. and specific-, plans.. � _ b. The: design. or improvement of the, tentative" tract is z consistent with all. applicable: interim and proposed: goneraL and specific pians; T: cs- The site is physically su:Ltabl& for the: type Of development proposed - do -The site; iso physically suitable. for the density -of the development proposed;; ea The des=ign; of tete SubdTY . 10 is ti0t likely t0 C1LTs substantial envirohmen.tal damage- and avoidable injury to, humans and wildlife: or their habitat,-, f. The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health. problemew ATTACHMENT 5 Of 21. SEP' 3 0 19863 ITEM 1,0 t t I4t2•u::�te:. -.'.-su.z..a.. e`x :^.rc...,«y.....-•yrs:.-..:., ,..-. :.s--•.....z"--rS°': r _...-....: . .. . ........,-...., ...-,,,..,...-..o,...,....,ur _,r usn:>i�[srms °.:-..-.. ... _ .. ., - - -.. :.. - _ .. - � w=---.-x-.'�'�-g" _... ,. '..-..Jiv i Resolution No. P-85-21 Page 2, go, The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public. at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within the proposed" subdivision,- ubd:iv s on;h. h.That this project will. not createadverse impacts on they environment and a Negative Declaration= is issued-- { i.: The effect of subdivision approval on the housing needs of the San Diego region has been considered and balanced against the public service needs of Poway residents and: available fiscal and environmental resources.; j. The design of the -subdivision has provided, to the extent feasible` for future passive or naturals heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision.. Section 2t Tentative Tract Hap No® 84-07., a: copy of which is on file � the, Planning Services officer is. hereby approved subject to all: of the following conditions. 'I.'Twin Peaks -Road shall. be dedicated. to a width of 126 feet 1 from . they westerly boundary of the subdivision to the easterly boundary of Parcel 20` within: the subdivision boundary.. 2W' Twin Peaks shall be fully improved to urban street standards: to:a graded widts. of 126 feet, (.64 feet curb to curb),r to the satisfaction of the- City Engineer. 3.. Rllndal.e• shall: be fullyimproved- to urban _street standards to a width. of 46 fee , to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 4. An offer of dedication shall be made: for both "A"' street and 088 street to the City of Poway', whish will include a dedication. for two cu3-de-sacs having a 4.8 foot right-of- way radius and a-38 foot curb.,Line radius:. S. The., subdivision shall be annexed to the City's Landscape Maintenance District 83-°l. { .... 6P A se�fi�ii► iii- shall•, Y tended into, the. subd,�vi's''i®n�. from ' _ the existing sewer main on Hill ndale to the�satisfact on of the City Engineer. The developer -shall also provide a 20 foot minimum easement for sewer purposes. SEP 3-0 06 ITEM 10 11 of 21 Resolution No. P-85-21 (. Page 3 7. Prior to final map approval the d`eveloper"s. engineer shall prepare and submit a. detailed hydrology and ` hydraulic report on the project and the proposed storm, drain.. This study shall be subject to ' the review and < approval of the City Engineers and: its results shall be implemented in they site grading and drainage- "improvements. 8. Grading to ultimates width. {.126 feet), w,411 be required. by the developer along then north side of 'twin peaks Road between Community Road and: they west property boundary. This `will: include the property owned-. by CALTRANS. 9.. Access roads graded 15.feet. wide shall be provided over all utility easements outside of the street right-of-way to the - satisfaction of the City engineer* The road may be waived at the: option of the City En �neetr p y g~ 10., The Planning Services Department shall' approve -al gnmeat of utility easement: and access roads: prior to map approval. Il. The developer shall relocate and reconstruct the- existing traffic signa4 at. Community Road: subject to the satisfac:ticrr of the- Director of Pub-lic Services*, r Z2.. The developer shall: construct 'a six foot high noise masonry (,,not prefab} a.ttenuatida wall along- _the top.. of the slope of those, parcel adjacent to T. n. Peaks Road. The wall should be constructed out o a tan slump b? ock and include pilasters.. An entry wall wGith landscape .pop -outs shall, be, installed orr Lots Lr 20r 21., and: 32._ The entry. wall. shall- be art extension: of the-, proposed: noise walls and continue toa the front. of the= proposed residences. The location: and design of the. wall shall be- subject to the satisfaction of the= Drectolc of Planning Services.. 13., All slopes boarde.ring Twin Peaks Road,' the west slopes, on Lots t and Sr and the: two "'not a part." parcels 'south of Twin, Peaks Road shalL be landscaped in: accordance with City- ityordinances ordinance7Tr placed into an open -space easement, and annexed into a Landscape Maintenance Di:atrct. 14. An equestrian/pedestrian tr&' L shall -be constructed., dedicated and improved across= the two "not a . part. lots' as part of the, Twin. Peaks Trail. to the satisfaction of the Director of Community and P1-anning, Services. 15. Street trees shall be installed on Streets 'A',, "'BI and Twin Peaks. Road prior to occupancy of future residences. 1.6.. Driveway access to Lots= 19`, 20' and 21 shall be located} as far, back from Twin Peaks Road: as possible, with a turnaround on site subject tol approval. by the Director of Planning Services., SEP` 3 d" 1986' IT E M 10 12 0f Resolution No. P-85-21 t Page 17. As a requirement for the development of future single family homes the developer shall install six foot wood fencing on all rear and side property lines and between houses.- Front lawns with irrigation systems, preplumbing_of the house for solar hot water and the enhancement of the rear elevations of those residences adjacent to Twin Peaks shall also be required not L including the rear lot lines of those lots adjacent to Twin. Peaks Road. 18. Residences proposed on Lots 1, 32 and 20 shall be limited to one story to aid in the view of east-bound traffic., 15.Aleft turn pocket shall be, striped on Twin Peaks Road to permit access to Street "Aw. 20. Homes-on thoselots adjacent to Twin Peaks shall be single story or if 2-story shall have no windows facing Twin'Peaks. 21.rrrespective of the decision of Cadid vs. Grossmont the developer shall agree to enter into an agreement to pay school .j fees This agreement shall be executed within 30 days of approvals 27. The conceptual grading plan shall be revised to reduce the eases .} slope of Lots 11 22r and 23 subject to ' the` ` satisfaction of the- Directors of Planning and Public Services. t • 23. As a condition of the final map those portions: of Lots -5-16 devoted as encroachment-areas shall. be deeded to the adjacent parcels to the north. rf an existing adjacent property owner- does not wish title to the encroachment portion of the nevi lot said land shall then be included as part of the. tentative map. Section 3. Tentative Tract Map No. 84-07r a copy of which is on f iZe in the Planning Services office, is hereby approved subject to the following Standard Conditions: A. S ZT DSVELOPI ENT` 1.. Site shall be developed in accordance with the approved site plans 3 on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. ` rovaof this re - App l _ quest shell not waive compliance with all.. sections of the Zoning Development Code and all other, applicable City ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance, 3. The. developer shall providel a minimum of 25W of the lots with adequate sideyard area for recreation vehicle storage pursuant to City standards, and: the C.C.&R.•'s shall prohibit. the storage of- recreational f recreational vehicles in the required front yard ,setback. SEP 3 0 1986 tT E 13 of 21 _0 Resolution,No. P-85-21 ri Page 5 4. Prior to any use of the project: site or business activity being of approval contained herein a commenced thereon, all conditions shall. be completed to the satisfaction of the. Director of Planning Services. 5. Prion to the issuance of building permits for combustible constructions evidence shall be submitted to the Director of Safety Services that water supply and facilities for fire protection is available. Whereadditional fire protection is requited by the Director of SafetyServices, it shall be: serviceable, prior to the time of construction. 6. For a. new residential dwelling unit(s) the applicant shall pay include, development fees at the established rate. Such fees -may be limited to: Permit 'and Plan Checking Feess, School Fees bu not {in accordance with City -adopted policy and/or ordinance), water and Sewer. Service Fees.. These- fees shall be paid prior to final map approval. 7-. Street names shall beapproved by the Planning Services. Department t prior to the recordationof the final map r and street addresses shah. be provadec-- prior to the ,issuance of building permits-.. J r S.VEHICULAR pARAiNTA��'lCC SS No Conditions Co. LANDSCAPING � ? 1=- A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall. be submitted: to and approved by the Public Services Department and Planning Services Department prior `to the `issuance of building perzsits . ` _ 2., Street trees,- a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed iri accordance= with the city of Poway ordinance and shall be planted at an average of every 30 feet: on'interior streets and, 20 feet on exterior streets. 3. Allandscaped areas shall. be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition.;, free from weeds, trash, and debris.. DW SIGNS is Punysigns proposed for this development shall be: designed and approved in conformance with the Sign, Ordinance.. MW' RECREATION 1.: on Tots having a; private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail on or adjacent to their property, the developer is required to have contained within: the G.C.&R.'s`the following statement; In purchasing the home, I have read the C. C. &R. F s and understand that said lot is subject to an easement. for the ose of'allowin a destrian traffic. pu rp 9 4uestrian/pe SEP, 3 @ 1986 1 T E. M 10 14o: Resolution No. P-85-21 Page 6 2. The developer shall improve the equestrian/pedestrian trai., system in accordance with the adopted sign standards and.to the satisfaction of the Directors of Public and Planning Services prior to final mapapproval. 3. An open space easement shall be granted to the City over, upon, across: and under the area defined on the final Wraps as an equestrian trail. and no building, structures or other things shall be constructed, erected, placed or maintain-ed on subject easements except, for the construction and maintenance of, said trail and, structures appurtenant to the trail., 4. Dedicate the Master planned. _equestrian/pedestrian trails to the satisfaction of the Directors of the Departments of Public and Planning Services in accordance, with. the Master Plan of Trails Element.. 5. Parkland Dedication or payment of Park Fees at the established rate shall be> made prior to final. map approval.. F. EzrST=SG. STRUCTURZS G.. AQQXTT:0KAL, APPROVALS REQQIREII 1., Development Review, or. Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a_ building perm-it.. ; 2. The developer shall display a current Zoning and. ;Land Use Map in the sales office at ,all times, . and/or suitable alternative to tie satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 3. When public or private equestrian/pedestrian trails are :required as a part of the subdivision:,. the developer shall display,,a map: in the -sales office, of said subdivisions indicating the trails. 4.. All sales maps that are distributedor made available: to the Public, shall include but not be limited to trails., future and � ex s*t ng schoolsp parksr and streets. II. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE 'PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARMENT REGARDING -COMPLIAN.CE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 15 of 21 SEP 30 198fi ITEM 10 Resolution No. P-85-21 Page 7 GRADING 1. Grading of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, approved grading plan and geotechnical report, and accepted grading practices.. 2. The grading plan shall contain a certificate signed by a registered civil engineer that the grading plan has preserved a minimum of ` 100 square feet of solar access for each dwelling unit and for each future building site within the subdivision. 3. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform' such work prior to final map approval approval. ▪ The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Services and Public Services Department and shall be completed. prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or issuance of building permit, whichever comes first. S A. pre -blast survey of surrounding property shall be conductedto the satisfaction oof the City Engineer prior to any rock blasting.. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting- and blasting shall occur only at locations and levels approved by the City Engineer. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS • All Circulation. Element , roads shall be dedicated and improved to Circulation Element road standards and to the specifications of the Director of Public Services. The developer rt shall pay a pro-ratashare for the installation or modification of the traffic signals at Community and. Twin Peaks prior to final map approval. • Vehicular access rights to Circulation' Element roads shall be dedicated to the City of Poway and labeled on the final map to the - satisfaction of the Director of Public Services or by separate document. All interior and exterior public streets shall be constructed to public street standards. Sidewalks (4.5) feet in width shall be required of N side Twin Peaks, Hilindale, Streets A & B. Street striping and signing shall be installed of the Director of Public Services. 16 of 21 on (both) side(s) to the satisfaction SEP 3 0 1986 ITEM 10 Resolution No. P-85®21 Page 8 .. 7. All street structural sections shall be submitted to, and approved by the Director of Public Services. 8. Street improvement plans prepared on standard size sheets by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for approval by the r Director of Public Services. Plan check and inspection expenses shall be paid by the developer. 9. All exterior street improvements shall. be constructed prior to issuance of building permits, to the satisfaction of tete Director of Public Services . 10. Street improvements that. include, but are not, limited to: X a. Sidewalks X e. Crossgutter X. b.. Driveways f. Alley gutter c« Wheel chair ramps ` g. Street paving d Curb and gutter h. Alley ` paving shall be constructed prior to the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services.. ll.. All; damaged off-site public works facilities, including parkway- �j . trees-,- shall be repaired or re laced p p prior ` to exoneration of bonds and improvements, to the satisfaction of the Department of Public Services. 12., -Prior . to any. work being_ performed in the public right-of-way, an encroachment permit shall be obtained from the Public Services. office and appropriate fees_ paid, in addition to any other permits required. - 13. Street improvements and maintenance•shall be made in accordance- with City Ordinance stadndards for urban streets Streets. A and B. 14L The developer shall pay the Traffic Mitigation Fee at the established. rate prior to final map. J. DRAINAGE AID FLOOD CONTROL } 1. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface- urfacewater wateroriginating with n the,subdivision, and all surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision from adjacent. lands, shall be required.: Said drainage system shall include any easements and; structures as required by the Director of Public Services to properly handle the drainage. 2.. Portland: cement concrete cross gutters shall be installed where water crosses the roadways. 3._ The Master Plan of Drainage Fee shall be paid at the established s rate in,accordance, with the Drainage ordinance prior to 'final map approval. SEF 3 Q 1986 ITEM 30 17 of 21 r t ResolutionNo. P-85-21 ; Page=_ Q 4. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not.be permitted. K. UTILITIES 1. All proposed utilities within the project -shall be installed underground including existing utilities along Circulation Element roads and/or highways less than 34.5 RV. 2. utility easements' shall be provided to the specification of the serving utility companies and the Director of Publ ic: Services.. 3. The developer shall be responsible for the relocation and undergrounding of existing public utilities, as required. 4. Water, sewer, and fire protection systems pians shall be designed and constructed to meet requirements of the City`of'Poway and the Health Department of the, County of -San Diego. 5. Prior to acceptance of property , for sewer service, annexation to the sewer ;improvement area ahall occur.. b. Developer shall construct a light system conforming to City of Poway Standards at no cost to the public, subject to the; following a. Cut=off luminaries shall be installed which will provide -' r true 90 degree cutoff and prevent projection of"Light above ,. the horizontal- from the t: lowest poinof the- lamp or �lght emitting retractor or device: - All fixtures shall. use a clear, low pressure sodium vapor light -source, c. Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall be paid by the developers d. Annexation to the Lighting district shall be accomplished and evidence of annexation and payment of lighting fees shall, be presented to the City. T. Cable television services shall be provided and installed underground. The developer shall notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be accomplished. L. GENERAL REQIIIREMENTS AND APPROVAL: 1. Permits from other agencies will be required as follows Caltrans on -Twin Peaks Road. 1s of 21 SEP 30 1986 ITEM 10 Resolution No. P-85-21 - Page 10 2. A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC'&R's) and/'or Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners Association shall be subject to the review fora compliance with conditions herein, to the satisfaction of the. City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the Secretary of State, the: County Recorder and the City Clerk.at the time of final map consideration. 3. -Prior to recordation, a Notice of intention to form Landscape. and/or Lighting Districts shall be filed with the City Council. The engineering costs involved in district formation shall be borne by the developer. 4. Final parcel and tract, maps: shall conform to City standards and P rocedures. 5. By separate document prior to the recording of the final subdivision{ map, or on the final subdivision map, there shall be granted to the City, an open space easementover portions of Lots 1-4, 27-32, and the two nota part. areas Said open space` easement shall be, approved as to form by the City Attorney and shall limit the- use of said open space to recreational purposes, including buildings, structures and improvements. 6. Should this subdivision be further dividedp each final map shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services. TO All provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance of the Poway MunlcipaL Code shall: be met as _they relate to the division of land. 8. Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall be installed and provided, _ or deferred. by guaranteeing installati,`on within two years from map recordation or prior to building permitt issuance, whichever occurs first, by the execution of.a performance agreement, secured with sufficient securities,inr a form approved by the City Attorney.: All necessary processing fees, deposits, and charges shall be paid prior to final map approval. 9.- Prior to final map approval.p all dedications shall be made, and easements granted as required above.. { 10.. The tentative map approval shall expire on April 30, 1987 unless.an application for time extension is received 30 days- prior to expiration in accordance with the City's Subdivision Ordinance APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the C'ty f Poway, State of California, this 30th day of April,, 1985.' Robert. C. Emery, ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk J 19 of 21 SEF 3 0 1986 I T E M 10 Ztd m J Ty i. dt 44 WA ( ud�'w Wd ZOCC gaS �oN)/... _ ; / I �f DEFERRED FEE SCHEDULE' TTM84-07 The owners of City of Poway Tract No. 84-07 have requested that the following fees be deferred until after the final' map for this subdivision has been recorded with the County of San Diego. A copy of a letter from Heartland Savings guaranteeing payment of these monies within 15 days of final map recordation is attached. as Exhibit 'TAR. No building permits may be issued for any lots created by the recordation of the final map prior to payment of these items: a. Traffic: mitigation. $18,480 b. Park 22,344 c. Water expansion 8,820 d. Water meters 2,800 e. Sewer connection: 42,000 f. Sewer cleanouts 1,400 g. Sewer inspection 700 h.. Drainage fees, 19, 468 i. Traffic signal 1,400 1a Street lights 1,712. School fees for this project are separately secured by a Deed of Trust recorded August 19, 1985 as document number 85-329181. with Poway Unified School District named as the _ beneficiary. A letter affirming acceptance of this security front the School District is on file with the Director of Public Services. ATTACHMENT 7 21 of . 21 SEP30 1986 ITEM 1