Item 11 - TUP 86-70 - Chamber of Commerce10 AGENDA REPORT G 9� CITY OF POWAY WN T�HSs i TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council AN% FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED By: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning ServicesxC Marijo Van Dyke, Assistant Planned DATE: September 30, 1986 SUBJECTS Temporary Use Permit 86--70 - Chamber of Commerce, Applicant: A request. for approval of a temporary use permit to allow a rodeo (14th -Annual Poway Rodeo), and. associated dance event at the Poway Valley Riders , Association'(PVRA) generally located south of Tvin Peaks Road.and west of Tierra Bonita Road in the Rural'' Residential. A and: C zones. APN: 321-190-25' arid. 26 k I s ABSTRACT Section. 17.26.020 of the,Zoning Development Code provides regula tions. for temporary uses within the City.. The Code. required out - dooms entertainment events such as: a circus, a. carnival, a parade, or a rodeo to be reviewed and approved by the Council'L Approval with conditions is recommended. BACRGROLiJD in previous years, the Poway Rodeo has been held in coajuncton with Poway Pow -Wow Days. For the past two years the Chamber of Commerce has separated -the two events to allow for greater community participation in both events. The 14th -Annual Poway Rodeo is ten- tatively scheduled for October 3rd through the 5th., This applica- tion ,requests approval for the. rodeo and associated dance: activity for the. property known as the PVRA grounds, which is generally located south of Twin Peaks Road and west of Tierra Bonita: Road in the Rural Residential A and C zones ( see Attachment 2) ACTIO SEP 3 0 1986 ME M I of Amok Agenda Report September 30, 1986 Page 2 Activities for the `events are as follows: Performance October 3 e 7:00 P.M.:.- 9:30 P.M. Rodeo j October 4 - 7":00 P.M.._ - 9:30 P.M. Rodeo x 9:30 P.M.- 12.:30 A.M. Dance: October '5 - 2:30 P.M.. - 5:00 P M. Rodeo App-roximatelly 1 :S 00 persons are expected ` to attend the events over the three -day -period. Parking for the rodeo will be. provided '! on the PVR& propertyand on, surrounding properties off Tierra Bonita. Road. Roughly 1,070. parking spaces will be provided. Pertinent departments have been contacted for specific requirements and thospe,'��have, been- incorporated as conditions in the proposed resolution. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Counci A approve TemporarX Use Permit 86_70 subject to the conditions in the attached 'riesozution.. s tiLR:R T'4; L Y ipai Attachments:: 1:. Proposed. Resolution 2 Site Plan 2 ()F8 SEP 3 0 1986 IT '` RESOLUTION NO. P- A -RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TEMPORARY USE PERMIT' 86-70 APN 321-190-25, 26 WHEREAS, Temporary Use Permit 86-70, submitted by the Chamber of Commerce, applicant,'requests approval of a rodeo -dance' activity at the PVRA grounds, generally located south of Twin Peaks Road and west of Tierra Bonita Road. WHEREAS, on September 30, 1986, the City Council held a duly advertised public hearing to solicit comments from the public, both pro andcon, relative to this application. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows: Section 1: Findings That the proposed use is in accordance with the purposes and standards of Section 17.26.020 of the Zoning Development Code. Section 2: Environmental Findings Pursuant to the procedures of the City of Poway, implementing the California Environmental Quality Act of 1974,.the above referenced project is Categorically Exempt, Class 1. Section 3: City Council Decision: The -City Council hereby approves Temporary Use Permit 86-70 subject to the following conditions: The applicant shall contact each of the following depart- ments regarding compliance with their specific conditions COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 1. One chemical restroom per 200 visitors expected shall be Provided. 3QF8 . • All food and drink concessions operated for profit shall secure the 'necessary Health Department permit and: State seller's permit. Provide a list of food concessions prior to rodeo. Inform all food concessionaires to contact this prior to opening. Require waste -water disposal from food unitsto sewer or holding tanks department acceptable E. Resolution No. P- 3 Page 2 6. bequest that non-profit food booths. comply with Same requrements as commercial..booths. 7.: Inform all vendors. using mobile units that their vehicles must comply with California Administrative Code,. Title l7. specifically, all. doors must beself-closing, service. win® down must be 216-square inches or less, andshatterproof guards are required for all- light. bulbs.- 8. Vendors preparing food in temporary booths must provide floors-,, walls, and ceilings for the entire stand; SHERIFF'SL DEPARTMENT' 1 One: or more identifiable; memebers of the Rodeo Committee- ommitteeshall shallbe on-site at all times when .the `parking areasare in use to assist with security of parked vehicles, to aid: in the. movement of vehicles in and out 'of the '1ots, to provide information to motorists, and to minimize- traffic congestion-on surface.` streets . 2 A temporary "No Parking -Tow-away. Zone" shall be established on the west -side of 'Tierra Bonita. Road from >' Donart Drive, north to Twin Peaks: Road, to provide > a. wider pedestrian walking area into and. out of the: PVRA grounds,, and tol ensure, sufficient access for emergency vehicles -- fire, paramedic, and law. enforcement. "No parking signs: shall be placed along this, area approximately 250 feet on j center. 3W All beverages shall be dispensed.in paper cups -_ no bottles or cans are allowed. 4. The Rodeo Commtte shall designate an on-si.te.location for _ police, fire, and paramedic units out of the main activity areas and adjacent to the south vehicle-gate of.the PVRA property. 5. All music activities shall be terminated on or before- efore12::30 12:30October 5, 1986, and at no time shall the. noise" level exceed, the: permissible...decibel tdB) level for the. area's zoning designation, I. a. RR-A and. RRA gone .' 7:00` a.m.. to 7:OQ p.m. 50dB _ 7:00 p.m.. to 10:00 P.M. 50dB 10:00 p.m.. to 7:00 a.m. 40dB SEP 3 0 1986 ITEM 4 OF 4 Resolution No.. P- { 21 Page 3 4 6. A waiver of ordinance Section 5.12.110 is granted to allow the sale of alcoholic beverages and the. attendance of F minors at the dance following the rodeo performance on. October 4 1986 between the hours of 9-:30- p.m,. and 142:.30 a.m.. 7. A copy of the Alcoholic Beverage Control. license for "Beer, Sale Only" shall be provided no later than. September 30, 1986. 8. The Rodeo Committee shall have personnel designated ;at all times and at a. specified location to provide liaison; with representatives of the City'a Fire and Police Services. 9. The fairgrounds shall be patrolled by uniformed private security guards. [a minimum of two (2) private security. - guards to assist with crowd control inside: the rodeo area dur. ing° houra of operation. and by members of rodeo. and dance to maintain security of. eguipmen . and control of personnel 'remaining/residing on ` property after hours. of operation 10. PVRA shall provide security in parking areas• during hours of operation.. E SAFETY SERVICES l,. A, 24 -foot access. (, firer Zane) shall be - maintained along the northern, edge of: the property from Tierra Bonita Road to the..western. boundary with adequate turnaround for fire and medical: apparatus-.. A sign shall be posted with copy readins "Fire Lane - No Parking._" . 2,. All fire hydrants shall remain clear of- obstructions- 25 feet in all directions.;, 3. The storage and removal of all.trash material shall. be provided so as not to constitute a fire -hazard. C 4:. All: materials used for decorative purposes shall be nonflammable:. 54 Aislespacing, as specified on the site plan., shall be maintained. 6. All electrical cords and connections shall. be utilized only in an approved manner. 7. Parking -lot areas which are covered with. weeds:, grass, �Y brush, etc., shall be bladed to bare earth, so as not to constitute a fire hazard. 50F 8 SEP 3- 0 1986 ITEM 1.1 ■ r Resolution No. P- Page 4 8 Any other Fire Code requirements not notedherein shall be complied with. 5. A fire- inspection will;.. be conducted the day before the rodeo opening.; PLANNING AND, BUILDING 1, Any necessary permits for electrical power shall, be secured. 2. In all. unpaved parking areas:, temporary markers shall be aisles and. to provided to: delineate parking areas and that no ocurs within. LOG feet of any ensure prking existing residential structure.. 3, A minimum of two brash receptacles per acre of parking area or per single. parking area, whichever is more per restrict alial.i be provided'. 9. A. copy of the agreement Frith. the .adjacent, property owner than. for parking rightsshall be provided no later September 25., 1986. 5. All signs for the rodeo. must: be approved by the Drepto` of 'Planning Servicesprior to installation:.. 6. The representatives. of the Poway Rodeo Committee shall 'representatives. of the City Departments meet with ofw each concerned at. leas -t. one week. priorto the: Ro.deo to ensure: that. all. conditions of approval will be- met. T, The site, shall he developed. , in accordance with. the in the Planning Department, approved site: plan on file except as: may otherwise: be provided herein,: prior to coni- mencement of the- activitye 8. Provisions for temporary electrical power will require an .. ;by the, and �.nspectan. approyal electrical germit an Building Inspection Division. ADMINISTRATIVE $.ERtICES The applicant shall. secure a dance, permit entertainment. permits as deemed necessary Perm, and any other related it from Customer Services.. SEP 30 1996 ITEM 1 i 6QFa Resolution No.. Page 5 APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council: of the City of Poway, State of California, the 30th day of September, 1986.. Carl R. Kruse, mayor ATTEST: Marjorie: `.. Wahlsten, City Clerk 7 OF S SEP se. 1986 ITEM 11