1986 10-07 AgendaC:Tri OF Y C.TTY OCUNCIEt AGENDA, REGULAR MEETING - =Mt 7, 1986 - 7:00 P.M. CON caimai =tam 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE MEETING TING CAPD TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING CCMISSIONAMDEVELopmwr AGENCY 1. RDLL CALL EMERY, ORAVEC, SHEPARDS 3, TARZY, KRUSE 2. PLEDGE Ce AIZEGIAtCEPurr MAYOR SHEPARDSCt4 PUBLIC ORAL CCMUNICAT1ONS =Mr CALIMAR MCMC E , TO SIC IMS NUMBERED 11 ,THRCEIGH 21 MAY BE 'ENACTED IN ONE MOTION AT THIS PO= IN THE MEETING. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISaJSSIW OF THESE ITEM PRIOR TO THE TIME COUNCIL CN THE Marun UNLESS` TEE MEMEERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF, OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS` ID BE RNID AND DISCUSSED SEPARATELY. THOSE` ITEM WHICH ARE; REMOVED NUL BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER ;IH MEECH ' APPEAR CN' THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO ,PULL AN Ir1'E I, PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP AND GIVE TO CITY �. =MIND SIC. HEARINGS *Coudttional Use Permit 83-01A and Dette.Iopment Review 83-06A, Church of Christ, applicant: a request to amend Resolution. No. P-83-36 to allow speci- fic improvenents tothe site (the develop int of a park) to be deferred;. located at 12730 Elm Park Lane. (Caatinued frau September 23, 2986, Item 5 ) CITY MANAGER'S RECUN ATION: Remove frau calender andreadvertise when a financing agreement has been. reached. Et:IBLIC HEARIMS 5. *Environmental Assessment for signal management program grant application and installation of traffic signal optimization program. CITY MANAGER'S REC ' I(N: Close public hearing; issue Declaration; and adopt resolution authorizing City's application. 6. *Environmental Assessment, Conditimal tYse Permit 86-08 and velopment Review 86-15 - Chabad Lubavitch, Inc., Applicant: a request to approve the , construction of 12,034` square .:foot synagogue with related class andmeeting road:. The 1.10 acre site is located cot the northwest corner of Espoia and old Espola Roads CITY MANAGER'S REOt IDATICN: Continue to October 28, 1986. ED #EXHIBIT IN PREPARATIONNEXT NECRESOLUTION NO. IS 86-114 ORDINANCE NO. IS 200 NEC PLANNING M. NO. IS F-86-71: NEXT` REDEVELOPMENT RES. NO. IS R-86-19 CITY' OF INAILY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA Cctaber 7, 1.986 Page 2 7. *Environmental. Assessment, Conditional. Use. Permit. 86-09 - Oak Knoll Country Day School, Applicant: a request to use three (3) existing commercial baildings as a. preschool; locates at 12271 Oak. Knoll Road. C,LTY `SR 7C CV: Close public hearing; ing; Planning Resolution approving with cor ifiicos; issue. Negative Declaration. OFDIMNCES SECOND READING: 8. *Ordinance No. 198 - "An; Ordinance of the City of Pony, California, Changing the ming Classification of Certain Property (ZC 86-02A)" If Council desires to adopt ordinance, read title and waive further . r (unanimous vote) .. Close public hearing and adopt.., (lollcall. vote.) 9. *C di encce No. 199 "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California,= Changing the Zoning Classification of Certain Property C 86-02F)" If Caincil, desires to adopt ordinance, read title and waive: further reading (1317MIIMOUS; vote). Close public: hearing and adopt.. (Rev: call vote.) MAW 10.*Report. regarding County Island Status CITY MANAGER'S 'i 3C TIC T.. Acceptand file report. CL 1 3;1.:.:*Ratification of Warrant. Registers - September 25:. 1986 12.*Denial of Claim: Shauna Knaphus 13.*Declarationandauthorization to dispose of sur_glua property 14.*Resolution No. P-86 Denying Conditional Use Petit 86-07 Pay Wesleyan Church. Applicant. (Confirming aataou. September 23, 1986,. Iter 8 . 15.*Resolution No. - Requesting the. Withdrawal of Territory from: San Diego Caunti Lighting Maintenance District: No. 1 16.*Resolution: No. Establishing a No -U -2=n sign_ at the intersection. of P=ray Road, and Espola Road 17.*Reso1utionNo. - Anneliin err toi the; e ®. gSir la-a'J:..t . District of the. City of Poway. : Paul Grimes applicant;. located at 13720 Highlands Terrace- cum MAY CITY COUNCIL October 7, 1986 Page 3 18.*Resolution No. - Annexing territory to the Sewer Inprovement District of the City of Paiay., it a i & applicant; located at 163d5 Martincoit 19.*Arard of Bid: Canstrnction of water neon/fire hydrants at miscellaneous locations 20.*Award of Bid: Pawrado School Bo1lfield Renovation. 21.*Award of Bid: Itmerado Sound Wall, Rase 11 cur xiawctzt ITEMS 22. crTr aaU/K2It res. 24..ICBERT MIRY 25=. LINDA CRAVEC 26. MARY SHEPARDSON I3RUCE TARLY 2 . CARL KRUSE ADJOURNMEMP Adjournment to 4:00 P.M., iiimrsday, Offer 3, 1986 City Cturwii c a , 13325 Civic Center Drive. -— E AGENZ. FCS =CM 9, 1986 For confirnaticn of items an the Workshop Agenda, please cal]. the City Clerk's Office, 748-6600. 1. Presentation by Bert Elkins San Diego County iter Reclamation Agency, regarding CEMA process. 2. Presentation by Grant Bmphrey, architect, regarding Twin Peaks School iti-pose Facility. RiA R A R/A