Item 19 - Award of Bid on the Construction of Water Main/Fire Hydrants at Misc. LocationsAGENDA REPORT Whir' CITY OF' -OWY Thisreport is included On. the Consent Calendar. There will • be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by, the City Council unless members'. of the Council, staff or public request it to be removed: from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If youwish to have this report pulled. for discussion,, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it te.the•City clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council. meeting« FROM: INITIATED BY. DTE:: _ October 7, 1986 SUBJECT: `° Award of Bid•on the Construction of Water Main/Fire Hydrants: at Miscellaneous, Locations Honorable Chairman and Members, of the Poway -Redevelopment Agency i James. L. Bowersox, Executive Dire\ Y.. AlanD. Archibald, Director of Public Services/City Engineer Jaid Sizninou, Associate Civil Engineer.;,: t . nv a BACKGROUND At the August 19, 1986: meeting,. the Redevelopment Agency authorized staff to advertise for bids on this project. FINDINGS` : he following four G4) bids were received on. September .23, 1986 Kircbnavy, Ina.... e......, ...... $1.21,655.3G Coast Grading Company, Inc'.. a . „a ...: ,.: 148,999.05 rr ._ �}tor izoons Constructions...' .... a s .• :- •;..- a ... • 410,• s:.. 166, 974:.00' iF t'.• .-M, Xutlesa, Inc....... r.....: s .0,...*.... s� 19(4632.00 'The engineer f s. estimate was $128, 000.00 RECOMMENDATION It. is recommended that, the Redevelopment Agency award the bid to William. J. Kirchnavy, Inc.. in the amount of $121,655.30. JLB:ADA:JS ke: ACTION: OOT 7 ITEM 19