Item 20 - Award of Bid for Construction of Upgrading of Ballfields at Pomerado Schooliv+a f ITEM 2n AGENDA REPORT'# G1 -9p Y CITY OF POWAy Oda report is- included oLa: the Consent Calenal8r. '�ieze will bar � separate discussion of the . ` report prior to approval by -the City Camcil unless members of the Council, staff or public _V � frtsm the Consent Calendar discussed roquest it to be removed and separately. if you wish to r have.. this report pulled for- discussion, please fill out :a slip indicating the report number and, give it tc the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting.. TO ` Honorable Mayor, and Members of` 1 --he City Council/ 4 4 Chairman and Members of the: Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manager/Executive Dire a INITIATED BY. Lee Lewis, Director of Community Service Daniel W. Cannon,` Landscape Facilities manager DATE:: October 7, 1988 SUBJECT': Award of Bid for Construction of Upgrading of Ballfield's at Pomerado School ABSTRACT °. Bids were received on September 30r 1988 for the construction of upgrading of bal f i.elds at Pomerado School. It is recommended that the bid be awarded to Oak: Mountain. Development Service in the amount of $59j_999:.-34.- 59`g99..34..BACKGROUNy BACKGROUND . -'Requests: for bids for construction of ballfield'.- upgrading were vade available to seven (7Y -landscape companies. Two bids were deceived and the results are as follows,- ollows;Raul RaulMendoza Oak Mountain. Development Service 59r9991.34 FINDING: F` T Oak Mountain Development Service has constructed ballfiel.ds for i other cities to `the cities' satisfaction.,' The Pomerarso ; Sc avo� ballf ields are scheduled to be completed by December 1., ^ 1986.E RECOMMENDATION It is recommended: that the City Council award the bid for . construction of upgrading of ballf'ields at Pomerado School to Oak Mountaain - Development Service in the amount. of $59r959.34-. JLB DLL : DNC : sf ACTION.- iv+a f ITEM 2n