Item 9 - Minutes of the Adjourned RDA Meeting Septmeber 25, 1986COT 14 ITE 9 249 R QED C M OF POW,MUM CF TEE POWU AGEWZ AE1110128M R GULM 25, 1986 The. SeptWber 25 , 1986, regular meeting of the Poway Redevelopment Agency adjourned frac the 23, 1986, regular meeting, was called to order at 4:00. p.m.. by Chairman Kruse at the; City Council Chambers, 33325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California. f Ems_ . ,, N - RmLt CAM Linda Oravear Maty Shepardson 0, Carp Kruse " DI , s" AB.SEiti ' AT Rte: CAIL r cb Emery (Director Eaery arrived at 4:35 P',M.) Bruce Tarzy (Director Taray arrived at 4:05 P.M.) -i S James" Bowersox Miecutve Director ;I John Fitch Assistant Executive Director Suzanne. Oliva Duty Secretary ITEt+f. 5 � Introduction by Executive Director Sowersox.: Of the. 38 proposed immediate and 3+ - short term, goals for EY 85-86, 12 have been completed, 25 have been ti.ated. and will. be implettente3 in FY 86-87 and. the one remaining goal may beimple- mented in Fd. 86-87 "i Agency discussed various items including: old Pomy specific plan which wili be discussed in a series of upcoming workshops; reactivating the sewage fiseatt t plant and potecitia custamsrs" for rechaid water; developing a calendar- for �ai.I: a Verde ranch, ` the Perfornu ng Arts Center, and Twin. Peaks MIt -purpose fac - ; lity; the aesthetic improve mt the kio& siga prhas meds, the gbLl::ty Of c'E ilig the sign ordinance to require the removal of eWty' sign cans, and adding upgrade of medians on Oak Knoll. Road east of Carriage to the: goals list. F.3(OL'1�lRi DnEC= MEN s Executive Director Bvwersox stated an: ward of bid will be on. next Tuesday's agenda for stmt overlays- Sim. J. Harris'' law bid. was $636,000, $60.,000 below the engineer"s estimate. COT 14 ITE 9 249 Yr,-,6mT APPROVED