Item 16 - Complaint from Ms. Lori Whitlock re: Law Enforcement ServciesAGENDA, REPORT CITY OF POWAY This report is included on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of they., report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or publicTHE �Y request it to: be removed - rcm the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to have this report nulled-for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number - and give. it to the-City Clerk prior to. the beginning of: the City Council meeting. • TO Exorable Mayor and Members: of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowers=,, City Man* DaTIAM 8Y: J.C. 1aSuer, Captain - Poway Sheriff's Station; DATE; October 14, 1986: SUBJWr-. Complaint from Ms., Lori. Wbitlocic Regarding: Law Enforcement Services: On. September16,- 1986: during the Pablc. t3 Sectiom of the City Crcil. meeting,. Mss. Lori Whitlock described a tomer of she- haft:' with regard to- the, Sheriff's Department's handlirg- of fair bu�gla=ies at. I�e� homal sine. May- 1, 986. ayi986.. These: eamplainte are summarized as follows r 1. She. has lost $20,000 $26,006° from 4 related burglaries since., May 1986.` She has, seen little action by the Sheriff Is, Department. k 2. The Sheriffs s Dep went did not 'seen to be i in the description. which she obtained of a suspect vehicle. 3. A a at 6, 2986 burgh Y`r the, Dqpty Sheriff who res er vas: not interested in their proble�a. No fi er rints were: taken. and theDeputy F left when Ms. W i;tlocir's fianad: left the room to get a: list of serial, num!-, hers of the stolen property. 4.. The, first burglary in June. 1986 included a stolen, firearm. The Deputy who took the report 1was to recontact thin to get a serial. mmi er. This eras: not done 5. The detectives were uninterested in the burglaries and did not want to:con- solidate- the cases. 6,.. The.te`,tiues ztated that they did not have the , to =-.x the roses unless-they were a. series or involved injury or death of a; victim. ACTIQN QCT4: W ITEM I of Z t