Item 4 - TTM 86-03, Frank PiersonxtiEN A REPORT' CITY OF POWAY DATE: SUBJECT: Tentative Tract Map 86-03, Frank Pierson, Applicant BACKGROUND On October. 2r 1986 the City Council reviewed Tentative Tract Map 86-03 that proposed the subdivision of 18.5 acres of land into seven (7) lots located at the southerly terminus of Welton Lane. During the hearing, Council. directed Staff to confirm the slope calculations as submitted and to investigate the possibility of alternative accessways to the site. The tentative map hearing was continued three weeks for the analysis. On September 23, 1986, the applicant requested, and.was granted, an additional 30 days to review the recommended conditions and to determine the economic viability of the project. Staff calculations confirmed the average slope of the property to be 24.8 percent. With minor deviation, all the remaining slope percentages were confirmed. Staff did, however, locate in. parcel 4, a new area approximately one-tenth acre in sizethat exceeded the 45 percent slope requirement. In accordance with Section 17.08.180 of the Poway Municipal Code, slopes in excess of 45 per- cent cannot be included, as part of the total acreage. As parcel 4 consists of 2.01 acres and 0.1 acres must be removed, the parcel acreage becomes 1.9 and the parcel non -conforming. A minor adjust- ment of the property line between lots 4 and 5 will bring parcel 4 back into conformance without jeopardizing parcel 5's conformance. Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council James L. Bowersox,_city Manager Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Services Ae- James H. Lyon, Assistant Planner October 28 I Agenda Report October 28, 1986 j Page 2 The Council's second concern was the investigation of alternative accessways to the proposed subdivision. The applicant has proposed the use of Welton Lane to gain access to the property. A major portion of Welton: Lane is of substandard width. Conditions of TTM 86-03 approval require that Welton Lane be improved to City standard. If the asphalt is. determined to be adequate, six: to ten feet of additional asphalt must. be added to either side .of the road to bring it into conformance. Asphalt berms will be required on both sides as well. These improvement costs have been estimated to .be approximately _$50,000 if it is determined that the: existing bridge on Welton Lane is not constructed for -a 100 -year flood, an additional $200,000 will be necessary for its removal and replace- ment. Slopes on Welton Lane vary from 11. percent near the base of the hill to 19 percent near the summit. There is a second access point on the west. As shown as Alternative 1 on Attachment A,, a 40 -foot wide road within a 60 -foot right -of -Way -could be extended approximately .,000 feet east from GateDrive to a new access road within the subdivision. The pro posed road is located within an open space zone as designated in the adopted South Poway Specific Plan. Construction pf the road would require removal. of approximately one and three-quarter acres of vegetative habitat and create a highly visable.scar resulting x 3 from the required cut and -fill slopes. A major portion of the slope ,through which the road would traverse consists of landslide materials, Further, the -road grade would exceed 26 percent slope. Cost estimates for Alternative 1, exclusiveofmitigation measures a necessary:to-traverse the landslide material, are in excess of $2,50,000. Alternative 2 (shown on Attachment A) is approximately 700 fee in length and would require the removal of one-half acre of open space.. The road with an average slope of 12 percent is estimated to cost approximately $70,OOQ. Three factors must be considered when reviewing this alternative. One, the proposed extension `of Gate Drive is onlya proposed roach on a neap that has not been sub- mitted to the Planning Department. Secondly, development of this suggested map would probably not occur for five years or at least: until utility improvements can be extended from approved and yet to be approved subdivisions to the west., Finally, access to this residential subdivision must traverse through an industrial zone. 3 t { OCT2 8 1986 ITEM 4 2 of 23 Agenda Report October 28, 1986 Page 3 Although it is possible to access Tentative Tract Map 86-03 from the west and south, Staff recommends that because of the potential destruction of open space, visible scarring of the hillside, construction on unstable soil, excessive roadway slopes and/or the access to a residential area through an industrial zone, that Welton Lane be considered as the primary accessway to the proposed subdivision. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that because of environmental and aesthetic constraints that Welton Lane be retained as the primary accessway to Tentative Tract Map 86-03; and that TTM 86-03 be approved as recommended in the September 2, 1986 staff report attached hereto. Attachment: TTM 86-G3 Location Map OCT 2 8 1986 ITEM 4 f 23 TO: `ENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY Honorable Mayor and Members of he City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Manag INITIATED BY: Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Services PC DATE: September 2, 1986 SUBJECT: Environmental Assessment, Tentative Tract Map 86-03 Frank Pierson, Applicant: A request to subdivide 18-5 acres into seven Parcels located at the southerly terminus- of Welton Lane in the'RR-C (Rural Residential) zone. APN: 323-090-52 and 53 ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER: James H. Lyon Assistant Planner PARCEL SIZE: 18.5 gross acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Rural Residential C ZONING: Rural Residential C SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS: (See Attachment 3) RELATED CASES: None CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: None ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: issue a Negative Declaration STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve TTM 86-03 subject to conditions ACTION: Continued to September 23, 1986. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk OCT 2 8' 1986 ITEM 4 SEP 2 1986 t T EM 5 of _ 23 t . b Agenda. Report September 2, 1986 Page 2' BACKGROUND A. Project Description This application requests approval of a Tentative Tract Map (TTM 86-03) to allow the: division of 18.,5`gross acres of undeveloped land into seven parcels- (See Attachment 3). The subject property islocated on a crest of a ridgeline at the, southerly terminus of Welton Lane and surrounds an existing City water reservoir. Tentative Tract. Map 86-03 is composed of seven lots that range in. size from two to four acres. The site is characterized by a slat ridge -line with a prominent knoll located in the northwest corner of = the property. Vegetation on the site belongs to the coastal sage scrub community, with areas of both wild and introduced. grasses.. There are no rock outcroppings on site and no cultural or.histor - cal significance is: attributed to the site. Although the property is undeveloped, dirt roads. and fire: trails have disturbed the site. � The property is zoned RR -C (Rural Residential C! permitting one dwelling unit; per one,. two, or four acres, depending upon the: 4 average slope. of` the property., The conventional design of the sub- r division, whose overall average slope is 2.4...8 percent, is con- Code that Y sistent. with. section` of the Zoning Development rlcy0ires a minimum two -acre, parcel where slopes range from 15 to 25 percent and four -acre paicela on slopes that vary from 25 to 45 percent.. The slopes for each parcel areas follows.: S1o2e Parcel Size Parcel, 1 18..61 2.02 acres Parcel. 2: 24:.7% 2.04 acres Parcel 3 23.6% 2:..03 acres ; Parcel 4 2.3` . 71 2.0.1 abres Parcel 5 28.;6% 4.. 9-6 acres Parce 6 24.2i, 2.04 acres Parcel. 7 24.8-a 2.62 acres In compliance. with section 17.08.170, approximately- 1.2.5 acres. were removed from; the net acreage calculation because slopes exceeded 45 percent. .A.majority of these steep slopes are contained. within the proposed Parcel 5.' Surrounding properties are; zoned RR -C` and designated dor single - 'family. residences of lots. approximately one, acre or greater in, size. The property to the immediate north is undeveloped,. except for the municipal water- reservoir. Properties to the south and. east are also undeveloped. Rancho Los Lomas, a 19 -lot single- family subdivi:.s on is currently under construction to the west. 4CT 211986, !TEM' SEP 2 1986 ITEM, 6 of Agenda Report September 2, 1986 Page 3 B., Development Facilities Access to the subject property is from Welton Lane. Because of its varying width and levels of improvement:.,. the Department of Public Services is requiring that Welton Lane be uniformly improved to dedicated rural street standards. Said improvement should begin- at - the southerly, terminus of the previously improved road. sections that end approximately 800 feet. south of Poway. Creek.. The interior streets of the subdivision should be improvedto nor -dedicated rural street ' standards with: a 20 -foot wide paved area within, a. 40 -foot wide ease- Ment. A cul-de-sac and temporary turn -around should be similarly improved. on the. easterly extension of then.terior road. A hydraulic and hydrologic analysis should be conto determine if the present Al drainage improvements over Poway Creek arae capable of handling a 10'0 -year flood.. A similar study should also. be- completed to, determine the amount of run-off produced by the development and its effect; on ' exstin drainage S .Stems,, - g g y Modifications. to, either, or both, drainage `. facilities will be. required if the- proposed studies indicate inade- quacies in, drainage capacity levels. The -applicant should construct a. wager system capable • of providing �- for the needs of the development and its fire flow requirements,. p d requsr'ements.,: Becausethe proposed subdivision is located ata higher elevationn, than the -existing water reservoir, a watdrT systems analysis should: be; completed to. determine . the proper size and location: of future water l.ihes .: Payment far the Gity contracted, study should be made prior to the: fust submittal of grading plans, improvement plans: or final ma:p�. As access to the public sewer system is not immediately -available, all necessary approvals. for. a septic system to serve the develop- should be obtained prior to map.. recordation., The--payment-ofdedication, water, and master plan of drainage fees is required priort to final map approval.: The proposed subaivis..on is located on the crest of a ridgelne Because of the high. visibility of the project, grading of the: area F is of special concern. Grading should be Limited to that: which is necessary for building. pads r street. construction., and utility improvements. Building pads- and grading concepts should be ;con-: with. the policies of the Comprehensive flan as they relate:. to hillside development and the current grading ordinance. GOT'2 811986 ITEM of 23 SEP 2 1986 ITEM, Adruk ,. Agenda Report September 2,. 198`6 Page 4 C. Environmental Review The: topography of the s to is 18..5 contiguous acres: located on the crest' `of a ridge at the end of Welton Lane and surrounding a nater storage tank.. Slopes, vary from -nearly flat to in excess of 45 per- cent ''near the- southboundary,of the r'o ert r . No: rock outcro in s. p p y Pp g� are visb=le.. The site' is= best ecologically classified as a flat` r'idgeline belonging to the coastal. sage- scrub vegetation community.,- with areas of both wild and introduced grasses_ interspersed., Dirt roads and fire trails have disturbed the undeveloped site.: Birds and animals present at the site aye= those: common to the: area and. to the coastal sage vegetation community.. The most common animals. include the comnnon field mouse, various rahbits,. and small: burrowing animals and coyotes... Local birds., includes the Rufous Sparrow, Bushtitr Brown Towhee�r :Sage ;Sparrows,, and hawks. There are no existing structures on the site. No cultural -or historical resources: are. evident.. 4 Review of the Environmental. Initial Study and an, on-site inspection indicate that, potentially sign ficant. impacts: exist relative to the area: -wide drainages the additional traffics and:. the visual aspect of the: development Conditions for the mitigation of those impacts contained. within; the= proposed resolution ' inc=lude the payment of the Master` Plan of: Drainage- and. Traffic Mitigation fees;,and the: requirement of one-story homes; on some of the future lots -as, well. as supplemental, landscaping. Withthese measures,: a Negative Declaratiom -is recommended.. D.- Correspondence. Notice -of thin project has- been sent to all property= owners within, 5.00 feet of the site and. the public hearing has been advertised in the Poway News. Chieftain. As of August= I9 1986 no correspondence or comments have; been received regarding theproject.. OCT 2: a, 1986 ITE 4 5 o z 3: SEP a 19% tTEM 5 Agenda Report September 2, 1986 Page 5 rNDINGS The proposed project is consistent with the City `s Comprehensive Plan in termsof its design and improvements. The site is physi- cally hysica ly suitable for the type and density of development proposed.' The design and improvements of the project will not cause substan- tial environmental damage nor serious public health problems The project will not conflict with any public access easements and will not create adverse environmental impacts that cannot be mitigated. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council approve Tentative Tract Map 86-03 subject to conditions contained in the attached resolution and issue a Negative Declaration. JLB RWTi: JaL: pn Attachments: r 1. Proposed Resolution TTM 86-03 2. Standard Conditions TTM 86-03 3. Tentative Tract Map 86-03 4. Surrounding General Plan and Zoning 9 of 23 8198R:. ; P' 2 1984 T Nf 5 RESOLUTION NO.. P {{ A RESOLUTION i OF TS E: CITY :OF POWAYri CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 86-03 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 323-090-32 and 5:3' WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Mag Na.6-03 hereinafter 'tMa Sub- , p�r K. sub mitted sx mitted by Frank Pierson.r applicant,, for the: purpose of subdividing i j 4- th real property situated s.n 4". ht�i City,' of Poway...'- _Ler 4r A p y Y C,ournatt o:_ 5-aln ., Diega State of California,- described as a portion: of the Westerly W Acres of the ` Easterly 40 Acres: of the North- Half of, the: f Northwest Quarter 'of Section 19j., Township: 14 South,- Range" 1- Wesft, San Bernardino., Base Meridian- into. seven.parcels, regularly- carne before. the. City Council. for public: hearing and action on, September 2r- 1986, and WHEREAS,- the. Director of Planning Services, has: recommended approval of the. Map subject to all. conditions- set forth: in. the Planning, Services Department report; and WHEREAS, the City Council has read and. considered _said report and has, considered other evidence presented: at the public hearing, NOW r THEREFORE'r the: City Council of the City of Poway does resolve as fellows. Section. 'l:° Findings:: g The City Council, makes the following findings in regard. to Tentative: Tract Map No.. 86 -G3 -and the Hap thereof.; a,. The tentative tract is consistent= with a:lI appL icable general and. specific plans: because. single-family residential. lots. are proposedfor an area designated by the: General. Plan for that use:; b.. The design or improvement of the tentative tract is consistent with all applicable general and specific glans because, the let sizes., arrangements, and, improvements provided meetthose required: for res -i-= dential development by the General Plan;; - c. The sate - is physically suitable for the type. of deve- lopment proposed because building sites can: be created without the need: for excessive grading.. k' d. The a%te is. physically -suitable for the: density of the development. proposed because all lots are one acre in size, or larger and consistent with the general Plan requirements for that area.,: OCT'2 8` 198fi SEW 2 1886 t . . 5* TO of 23 The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat because potentially significant impacts canbe reduced. The tentative tract is not likely to case serious public health problems because City water and septic services are available and: adequate access to the lots will be provided; The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for accessthrough or use of the pro- perty within the proposed subdivision; The effect of subdivision approvalon the housing needs of the San Diego region has been considered and balanced against the public service needs of Poway residents and available fiscal and environmental resources The design of the subdivision has provided, to the e extent feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision; and That, this project will not create adverse impactson the environment in that the mitigation measures pro- poses in the Environmental Impact Report prepared for this project ' and ceri f ied on February 4, £9-86 were sufficient to reduce: the proposed: impacts to insigni- ficance. Tentative Tract Map No. 86-03, a copy of which: is on file in the Planning Services office, is hereby approved subject to all the following conditions: Walton Lane front Station 19 + 42..67 as shote on City Drawing No. 801-04-15g southerly to the project site shall be improved to City of Poway specifications for local. dedicated rural streets,. Minimum structural sections shall be 3" AC/4" AB for the paving, with. 6" asphalt berms on both sides. The _improvement shall be within the access easements. 12 ;o f 2 Resolution No. P Page 3 The interior streets of the subdivision shall be improved. to local non-dedicatedrural street, with 20-footwide paving on a 40 -foot. right-of-way. Minimum structural sec- tion shall be to the City Engineer's approval. The, cul-de-sac and the temporary turnaround on the easterly boundary of the subdivision shall be improved similarly. Cul-de-sac and turnaroundshall have a minimum 76' diameter paving on a 96' diameter right-of-way. 3. The applicant shall construct a water system for the deve- lopment needs and fireflow requirements. The proper size and location shall be established froma water system ana- lysis that the applicant shall pay through the City and which must be paid onor prior to first submittal of either grading plans, improvement plans; or final map. Fire hydrants shall be installed at locations to be deter- mined by the City Fire Marshall. 4. The applicant shall provide the City witha detailed hydraulic/hydrology analysis to determine the run-off to be producedby the development and its effecton existing drainage devices to be used by the project. Should the capacity of these existing devices be lower than the amount of run-off as a result of the development,, the applicant shall construct additional drainage devices. Such devices shall be per City Engineer's approval. 5- The applicant shall. also provide the City with a hydraulic/hydrology analysis of Poway Creek crossing with Welton Lane to determine if the capacity of the existing drainage pipes meetsthe requirement of a 100 -year flood. Should it be determined that said existing pipes are not enoughto handle the 100 -year flood, said crossing shall be reconstructed by the applicant. 6. The applicant shall obtain necessary approval for a sewage disposal. system (septic) to serve the development prior to map recordation or issuance of a building permit, whichever occurs. first. A. leach field d. layout for each lot shall be preparedin a form available at the. City's. Public Services Department andsubmitted tothe City Engineer for. review and approval prior to obtaining the septic tank permit from the San Diego County Health Department., OCT' 2 8 1986 ITEM 4 SEP` 2 1986 ITEM a Resolution No. P. Page 4 7. Improvement plans for the following shall be submitted to the City dor review and aPP rov31 s a. Welton Lane improvements b. Interior streets improvements c. Waterlines improvement: ds Poway Greek improvement crossing with Welton Lane. 8. The interior street shall be: a., reserved -as a private road easement and shall be noted on -he (anal map. b=.,, encumbered for a waterline= easement to be dedicated. to the City of Poway and dedication shall be made on the. final_ map. c. irrevocably offered for street dedication to the City of Poway and shall also be. offered and/or accepted on tine f is nF.� l map ♦ 9 The applicant shall execute a. standard agreement for construction of public improvements (as previously stated} prior to final mag approval.. 10. The project falls within the hillside study area- Ali proposed single-family residences ire this subdivsitn must be designed in compliance. with. the Cityrs hillside Policies. AMinor Development Review Application must be approved by the. City Council prior to the issuance of building. permits. 11. Grading of the property shall be limited to building pads, road and driveway'constructionr and the installation: of Utilities. Building pad design shall be in compliance with the, policies of the Comprehensive Plan regarding hillside- development. F l2dw A landscape plan illustrating evergreen street trees and sloe planting shad be approved P P g pp prior to building permit issuance and installed prior to finalizationof the building permit.. Slop es over five feet in height shall be planted with- t=ees, shrubs and.groundcover. COT 28 1 fi ITEM 13 of 23 SEP 2 1986 ITEM 5 AMML Resolution No. P Page 5 13. Pursuant to Ordinance 184, school fees shall, be paid prior to the issuance of building permits unless a previous agreement has been arranged with. the Poway Unified School District. 14. Homes proposed for parcels 1 and T shall'be limited to one story in .Leight. thin 30- ds of approval, the. applicant shall sub- 1,5', W ay mit in writing that all conditions of approval. Piave been read and understood. Section 30 Tentative Tract Sap No .. 56-03 a copy of which is on file in tTe Planning Services office, is hereby approved subject to the attached,Standard. Oondtions . ALPRaVEI} D ADOPTED by the City Councai, of the City of 'Poway State of California, this 2nd day of September, 1986. ��: R. Kruse°, Mair4r , ATTEST : , Matjorie R...T+�tahlster! City Clerk .: 4 of 21 SEP 2 19816 ITEM, �_ ;- :.. `WwriW►.'.. .: f.. ,: .. .__.�e-"gym_ .:.- ..P .kL1g;`.c STANDARD CONDITIONS OR APPROVAL �, subject:3 Applicants rti THE,�aL'satiosa.xxSt�-!. Those items checked' are conditions of approval. MY OF Pow"! I. APPLICANT SHALL:CONTACT TBE DEPARTMENT' OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITS THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS.- a. ONDITIONS:a. sin DZWELOP Z. Site -shall bee developed is accordance with the approved site plans on file ia..the Planning Services Department and. the, conditions contained herein. 2., Revised, site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval sbal:l be submitted to the Planning Services Department prior, to issuance of building permits. r1a"*3', Approval of this; request shall not waive compliance with all sections of. the Zoning Development Code and .ALL other k applicable City Ordinances in effeet.at the time. of building Permit issuance. 4.. The developer shall provide a minimum of 25% of the lots with t adequate sid'eyard area for recreation vehicle storage pursuant to City staandards, and the C.C'.&R-J& shall. prohibit the storage of recreational vehicles- in the required front yard setback. S. Mail bcxessr on lots 10,000 square feet or less in size and in areas -where sidewalks are required, shall be: installed and located by. the developer subject to approval by the - Planning Services. Department. S. The: developer shall integrate, an, appropriate variety, of approved roof materials and colors. into thedesign of the residential developmentn-a manner which is both compatible and complementary- among each of the: residential units. . T. Trash receptacle: multifamily developments. shall he enclosed by ,& 6 foot -high masonry wallwith view -obstructing gates pursuant to City -standards:. Location shall be subject to approval by the Planning. Services= Department. a:. ALI. roof: appurtenances, including. air conditioners, shall be: architecturally integrated., shielded fromi view and sound buffered from adjacent properties_ and streets as required by the Planning Services= Department. 9. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced -thereon, all .conditions, of approval can ` herein shall: be completed. to, the satisfction of the Director of Planning Services.. li%.. The, applicant. shall. comply with the retest adopted Uniform Building C®aer Uniform Mechanical Coder Uniform Plumbing Code, National Electric Code, Uniform Fire, Coder and ALL, other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time-ot buildinq permit issuances 21 _ Prior to the issuance of building permits: for combustible construction., evidence shall" be submitt6d to. the Director of Safety Services that water supply and facilities for fire protection is available.. Where additional, fire protection is required by the Director -of Safety Services, it shall be serviceable prion to the time of construction. mr12. For a new residential dwelling unitts)r the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such .fees. may include, but not be: limited tos Permit. and Plan Checking Fees-, School Fees Cin accordance with City -adopted policy and/or ordinance),.' Water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees k...i' shall be: paid. a. Prior to f ina, map approval. QCT 2 $986 ITEM b. Prior to building permit Issuance. SEP 2 1886 - iT E 5 15 of 23 W 13. !For ar neer commercial, or $ndustrfai developmat a or ."df tion to the applicant shall pay development ,,existing development, €e: at-the,estabished rate. Such fees may include, but not Permit and Plan -Checking Fees, wetter and Sewer be limited, tot Service: Fear e These. fees shall be paid a a prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance - 14. Tha approval shall become null. and voidff building permits . are- not issued for thiss, project withilt one year fraw the date ofproject approval., S. street tames: shall be approved by the Plaaning Serviceand of the final map# Department prior to the street addresses shall be provided prior. to the issuanceof building permits• 16. Suilding identification and/or addresses shall be placed. on existing buildings so as to: be plainly visibn all, new ;and from ;tate; street. os access roadg dolor of ident€fication and/or with their background, color. } addresses shall a ntrant . F H. PARKING _AND'yEHICOY.AR: ACCESS 1. All parking, lot landscaping shall consist of a mini of one fifteen US1 gallon: size tree . for every three Oil parking , spaces.' For parking lot islands, a minimum 12 inch -.wide walki adjacent to:paskinq stalls shall be provided and be separated, free vehicular areas by a. 6 ineit high, f inch wide_ portland concrete cement. curbing. ' E R 2'. Parking lot lights shall: be- low pressure sodium, and have a vets Amus height of eighteen (181 feet from the; finished grade. of the parking surface:- and be directed away from, all, property lines,, :adjacent streets and residences. j¢ All two -Way traffic: aiglea shall bel a minimum of 2.4 feet wide ; and emergency access shall be provided# maintained free: and durl.ng cleat # a minimum of 2'4: feet wide -at. all times constructioa ins accordance with Safety Services Department recioirmanta 4. All parking spaces shall.. be double, striped-..- C'. LANDSCAPING: A detailed landscape; and. irrigation place shall: be submitted: to and approved. by the Publ a services .Department and Planning. : Services Department prior:. to the issuance of rents. 2. A Has Plan. of they "existing on-site. tees: hall be provided to the Planning` Services. Departmentprior to- the issuance- of building permits, arnd, prier tc grading°,, to datermine which trees ' shall be retained. I. Existinq on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible and stall. be trimmed and/or. topped... Dead.; decaying o='potentaily dangerous trees shall be approved, for removal. at the, discretion, of the. Planning Services Department during the review' of the Master= Plan; of existing on-site, trees. Those, trees which are approved "for removal shall. be replaced on a= tree -for -freer basis asp' required: by the Planning Services DeparlmOnt- h [S!(4. `Street trees,, a minimum of 15 gallon. size or larger,: shall be installed -,,in accordance with the City of Poway Ordinance and shall be planted at an average. of eery, MY feet on. interior streets and 2.0 feet:on exterior streets. S. A mLnimum of S0 trees: per gross acre, comprised, of. the: following sizes:, shall be provided within the development; 201 - 24" bog or larger, 701 - JS, gallon, and I4$ 5 gallon to he satisfaction of, the Director of planning Services and: in in all multifamily accordance with the approved landscape pian and PRD projects. inhealthy and 6. All landscapedareas shall be maintained :a thriving_ condition. ¢Lee from weeds. 'trash, and ` '8 1986 ITEM 4 16 of 23 SEP' 21 1986 ITEM 5 W D'.: SIGNS I. luny signs proposed for th€s development shall to designed and approved in conformance with the Sign ordinance.; ' 2. A Comprehensive Sign,, Program, for this development: shall. be: submitted to"the Planning Services Department for their review 4 prior toL issuance of building permits. Approval: shall be by tha City Council. ,. E RECBEATIOi�� - ` a. on lota having a private or publicequestrianlpedestrian trail, on or adjacent to their property. the developer is required to have contained within the C.C.AR.•s the. following. F statements: ' In purchasing, the homer l have read the`CeCsSA.'s anct understand, that said lot is. subject to aneasement for. the' purpose- of allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffic. . Z. Tits, developer. shall.Improve- the equestrian/pedestrian trail system; in. accordance with the adopted sign standards.and to ` the satisfaction of the Directors of Public and. Planniaq Servicers a.. prior., to final map approval. b. Prior"ta building: permit Issuance. 3. An open. space easements all be granted to the City cvee, upon,: across and under they area defined onz the final maps 'as as equestrian trail and no buildingr stcuctures or other ` things shall be. constructed, erected, placed or maintain ed oa subject easements: except. for the construction. and.- ndmaintenance--of maintenance- ofsaid. trailand structures -,appurtenant to -the trail, h. Dedicate the Master planned equestrian/pedestrian-trails to the satisfactioa~ of the, Directors of the Departments of Public and Planning_5ervice& in accordance with the Master Plan- of TrailsElement. , 5. Parkland: Dedication or payment. of Pardo Fees: at. the established. rate= shall- be made: a. Prior to final, map approval. . b. Prior to' building- permit issuance. F. -EXISTING STRQCTURES I« Provide- compliance with the Un form; Building; Code for �. property fine clearances considering use, area. and: fire -resistiveness of existing buildings. Z. Existingbuildin (1 shall be made to, comply -*with` current buildinand zoning regulations for, the: itnded use or the - building shall be- demolished. 3.. Existing sewage: disposes°l facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply°with appropriate grading practices and the Uni orm. Pium6Lng Code. - Go. ADDITiOHALi- APPROVALS RE UIRh.D 2. -Development, Reviewt or Min= Development. Review shall., be accomplished prior to the issuance of a, building permit.. I.. Development Review or. minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to recordation of the final subdivision map.. 3., This Conditional Use Permit is granted for a, period of nonth(s) at the end of which time, the City Council may, add or delete conditions, or revoke theConditional Use Permit. t. The. developer shall display a. current Zor:a:� arid: Laud` ePlan.��� In the ales office at all tfl�seSr andfor suitable alta S` . $986 ' o 17 of 23 tat the satisfaction of' the Director of Planning Services. SEP 2 1986 !TEM 5 S. 1fhAaahablic '�� private equestrfanlpedest 's tra` ace r _ .:red as. _ past of the subdivision, tb.: devel,, _ .c shall display a map is the sales office* of said subdivision, Indicating the trails., 6. All, sales soaps, that are distributed or made" available to the public shall include. but not be, limited to trails, future and existing" schoosso po-rks.. and. streets:.: . 7. The developer shall provide; a noise display board: inn, the sales office to, the, satisfcation of the planning Services.otrectoc« The display shall include the site plan `and noise study. g; !torkinq drawinga zhaLl Include a certification by a res ogn sed acoustical.expest that the requirements of the, city of Poway' ¢" noises ord"finance will, be mat. " 9. At the comp3etioA of construction. and prior to occupancyr interior and exterior CNEL shall be, detecmine3 by field A testing at developer's expense. Tests to be'conductedby a recognized acoustical expert. No occupancy permits small be granted crit#1• Eonditton G•-7 is mot, to the satisfaction of the t Building Code tlatest ad. opted. editions 'Sound Transmission 5 Control." C310. The appt #cant: shall provide verification of State, Board of notif oation and that appropriate, reviews ,Equalization- and/or approvals have been accomplished to the satisfac- tion of the: -Director of Administrative Services.' I1. APPLICANT SHALL. CONTACT, THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING +� COMPLIANCE. WIM QBE` 'OUOWYNG CONOZTEONS"t. •` ." Gradinq of the subject property shall. be in accordance "with the nniform:'Building Coder City. Grading Ordinance, approved s gradingpian and geotechnical report, and accepted g=ceding,: practices. 2• Thi grading plan: shall. contain a- certificate- signed by a registered. civil engineer" that the grading, plan has preserved a: minimumof 1€ 0- square feet of solar access for each, dwelling unft 'ancl for each future building -site, within. the subdivision. 3. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the State of California to perform. such works a.. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building, permit issuance. 4. W. geologi:cal.report shall be prepared by a"qualif:ed engineer or geologist and submitted at the-time of application for grading plan check. S. The: ficial grading plan shall be subject, to review and. approval. C2(3 3 by the: Planning. Services and public_ Servicem Department. and shah be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or, issuanceL of building ,permit., whichever comes, first. V. A pre-blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted to the satisfaction cof the City Engineer prior to any, rock blastiaq. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting and blastinq shall occur only at. locations and levels approved. .. by the City Engineer. r. STAEETB' AND "SIDEWA? S 1. All, Circulation Element roads shall, be dedicated and improved to Circulation. Element road standards and to the specifications of the ©hector of Public Services. OCT 2.8 198 !'TE Ni . SEP 2 1986 ITEM: 5 of 2. • I Z'. The developer shall pay a pro -rata share For the Installation • or sodiflap r of the traffic signals at a.. Prior to Einar asap approval b. Prior to building permit issuance. , - 3..Ve53culac access: rights to Circulation element roads shall be -dedicated to the City of Poway, and labeled ca, the final rasp to the satisfaction of the- Director of Public services or by separate document. �. All interloriand exterior public streets shah be constructed to: public street. standards.. s. Sidewa ka t#,S / 61 feet in width shall be raWilred on tboth%nei Bidets) of 6. Reciprocal. access and maintenance and/or agreements shah be: provided', Insuring., access 'Lai . all paccels over private roadsv dti.ves_ at parking areas- and waintnnauce- thereof to - tris satisfaction of the. Director OE PubLic. Services., T. Stceet ;striping and sfgaiaq: shall be Installed to the -satisfaction of the: Director of Public: Services. fe All street structural. sections shall be submitted to.: and approved by the Director of::..Sublic Services. t- Street Improvement plans prepared: an standard size: sheets by a. Regstered Civil, engineer: shall be subasLtted Fore approval by tbe.Directoc of Public Services. Plan check andinspection expenses shall be paid. by thedevelopere tolliu. All exterior: street imptovements shall. be constructed prior.` to, issuance: of building permits,,. to the satisfaetioni of the Director of Pubtfa Services. 11. Street improvements that Include# but are not limited tat a. Bidewalks- t/r.. Cross gutter --Lb. Driveways ®f.. Alley, gutter a. sheet" chair camps g.. SLre at paving: ,.. G.,d. Curb ; and gutter Alley- paving. shall be constructed prior to the. 'occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of- the Director of public Servicest 1 all damaged. off-si.te public wocka. faellia3es .including parkway trees r shall. be eepairedor replaced prior to exoneration. of bonds and arprovementse to the Sat sfactiox of the: Qapartsaant of Public; :Services.: �13. Prior to any vor.k being performed in the: public cight-cf-WaY• an°:encroachment Permit shall be obtainedfrons tha pubi e Services office: and appropriate fees paid. in addition to any other permits required. '14. The: developer shall. pay one half: the. cost of a City approved: landscaped median`alang the project frontagetstt a.. Prior to final. map, approval.; . tr. Priorto building pecasit issuance 15. Street improvements and maintenance shaLL ba made in accordance with City ordinance:• standards foss: as. urban stresta: Semi. -rural streets c. Dedicated rnral.streets: d.. Non-dedcatedi rural streets EM 16. The developer shall pay the: Traffic: M£tfgatton Fee: at the established r.atez F &0 Prior to final map approval. OGS` 2 8 1986 ITEM; 4 19 of 23 b Fetor to building permit issuance.: SE 2 19086 tTEM 5 4T, DNAZNAGt AND FLOOD CONTROL crerl- intersection drains wilt be required at'locations specified by tbe_Director of Public Services and in accordance with standard engineering practices.. 2: Rita:: proposed project: falls within areas indicated: as subject to flooding under the National Flood rnsurance Prograw and is subject to the provisions of that program:and City ordinance. 3'. A. drainage system capable of handling: and; disposing of all surface` water a iginating° within the subdivfslaaw and e1.Y. surface • waters. that way flow onto the. subdivision, from. adj'aceat.lands• shall be required. Said drainage systett4 shall ' include any easements and.structurew an required by,the- Director of Public Seevicesi to -properly dandle tha, drainage. , 4. Pattland'cement concrete cross gutters shall beinstalled where:: water crosses the -roadways. 5. The° Master Plan of Drainage, Fee shall, be paid., at the established= rater fa: accordance: with. the Drainage ordinances r aa. Prior to final- map, approval. .. b. Priorto building permitIssuance,.. G. Concentrated flown,across driveways -and/or sidewa ks shall not bei- permitted. i 1.• All proposed. utilities- within. the. project shalt be installed ' underground; including existing utilities: along Circulation Element roads, and/or highways less than. 34.5 W j 2.. utility easements shah be provided: to.the- specification of -3 thee=setvinq utility companies and the Director of Public l { Servicew&, e' 3. The developer shall, be. responsiblefor the .relocation. and. atadergronndng of existing public, utilities a as- required.. x 4.: water,sewers and ffre protection; systems - plass hall be designed; and. constructed.'to` meet. cequicements: of the City of Poway and the Health: Department. of the County of: San: Diego.. S. Prior totacceptance of: property for sewer service. annexation toy the sewer- improvement area shall: occur.. 6.r The. applica4zt shall pay, forz a; water system analysis to establ sb� the proper sizer and . location. for the public water system.The amount will be determined. by the cost of the analysis and shail.,be paid: a.. Prior to, final map' approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. �a�p ` C. �Cto�c•t'd isc"�tM:i1�C�fr�ffi4t4C�It,WiJtt�lhe�TrsLc,���"'01`�' shall, within 30 days atter rece:fvn approval e applicant of the tentative tract maps tentative parcel magi -use 'permit, ok development review, apply for a.Letter of Availability _ (LO&I to reserve sewerage availability, and-, post with the City,: a;nourefundable reservation fee equal to 20% of the a�pgpropsiate sewerage- connection fee_ in effect. at the times the L43A. is issued. 8. Developer shall construct.a light syatem.conform ng to City of Poway Standards at no cost. to the public, subject to the } following a.. Cut-off lumina -Les- shall be installed, which- will. provide g true 90 degree cutoff and prevent. projection of light above the horizontal from the lowest point of the: lamp or light emitting refractor or device. b. All fixtures shall use- a clear, low pressure sodium -vapor light source. • - - OCT 2 91986 tT SEP 2 1986 ITEM 5 20 Of2'3. c. Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall be paid by they developer• d. Annexation to the lighting district shall be accomplished' . and evidence of annexation and payment of righting fees shah be presented to the City prior to finalmap approval. or building permit issuance, whichever oceurs first. ' 9. Cable television services shalh be provided and installed underground. The developer shall notify the Cable company when. trenching for utilities is to be accomplished. y MUIR TS AND APPROVALS C3. 1. Permits. from other agencies will be required as fellows x a. Caltrans - b. San Diego County Plead Control. District • F: c Otherx >f Z`. A copy of the Covenants. Conditions! and restrictions. 4CC&R'si iE. and/or Articles ofIncorpor-ation of the: Homeowners Association shall be subject tothe-review for compliance with conditions hereinf to the satisfaction of the: City. Attorney and. Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the Secretary, of States the County Recorder and. the City Clem at the: time. of final map consideration.. 3 Prior to recordation/ a Notice of intention to form. Landscape. E—: and/or. Lighting Districts shall be. filed- with- the City Councilor Theengineering costs involved in.district.formation shall be: borne , by the developer I 4. Final parcel and tract" maps shall conform. to City standards and procedures. S. 8y separate document prior to the recording of the final subdivision: map, or- an the final. subdivision map,• these shall be. granted to the City,. an open space easement over - iots: comma areas Said open. space easeeent shall be approved a� a tc form by the City, Attorney and shall keit the use: of said open space to recreational purposes, including buildings s.tre:ctures and improvements. S.. Should this subdivison be further divided., each final map shall be submitted for approval by the. Director of PubLLa Services.., T. All provisions'of the Subd visor Ordinance -of the: Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the: division of land. 8`. Those portions of the; subject property` proposed to be held under common ownership shall be labeled such and, identified by a separate: lot number on the final map. 9. Prior to final mag approval, all of the above improvements and. require aaenta Shall- be :-stalled and provided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation within 'tors years fromr map recordation or prior to building- permit issuance, whichever occurs first, by the �. execution of a performance agreement, secured with sufficient. securities. in a fo= approved by the city Attorney. All necessary processing fees, deposits, and, charges; shall be: paid Prior to final map approval. x 10. Prior to final map approval, all dedications shall be made and easements granted as required. above.. ll. The tentative asap approval shall. expire an L ' ' unlesa an application for time extension is rece ved:QB days prior to expiration in. accordance with the City's �o a� Subdivision: ordinance..4 2r 6 1ov6 i T E I�' OCT SEf.2 1986.I'TEM 5 21 of 23 CL 32 GLAOK' stlK! CRROE TO FOLtC+. OUST t LR*O CONTOUR', CUTS *NO FILLS. C REVERT ,��LAD OINERS' UPOW EXTENSION OF CM ITEM -frm-O3 TITLE : �rT j'.atJ ATTACHMENT s 3 s RA RA.� R(; •� by Jr tr. ;a • c�tftte� MS MS -AA R ` .CC G ms S. RSi7..r ; cc zo os;►s �' .. (RR-c� _ s PC 1. • �� � - r 1: r - _ _ e i�.iie'•i•i• ..,0.,.. s s e-fp e'•,a s,. li.el sf f --f sf easffee�.re•e •r1'�sf1•!fs'rF1'ie' -'~ •�• f'satet'siff •• t«silslire:a�si ;.. - �► os•s:f-s.si=sce-e ` �•. �a��s!s,�®`�:•K sst - .. 4,WW*0010 s'id, k- f-s•0'f"4 f•i -sip1r�cie: orf ,. - I L n K N t` .. eta . s• f 4 i s f et1 or i f !'e �...,}� ��� q •• ea'M• -,.«�, �' 'f siesass fw id es. a ... - s.ss•`sfelsasse e•s se •�. r '• asss�s.Ast'.Ttt . e •.a . se ..L.. !'1 ss • 6.0 se we aP\-► T�� I�`�. tr' �e el �1 4w 4b.", IF s . W! f/t.• /rte .. lssia0.a /,� "J�t w+t �►� ��ti ta.fiete..=�4 Y�; .. _ sa•espsss8%�ae tla tt�../ i1�..��l�f\r+� �/fes �:� •%`ir 'ss.saye�s*els=s , to j\/�a� a'i\�t /' � �1 �: {a=te .• sfsr®•ssrlrr rf. tom♦ ��_/ ..r Z 1 J. N .s . tl.� t�J// t/`/ �/, ;•- i it��k+t�t�i�a .. S e1s•:�es.e1_see J / /\ ��I♦i \ r i / Iilt •f + i. :mal.' ...i . / r �.t /I\'� \ to a {t Z" +-tea/fi�{ �/')�.\� I�� es � ��t\j a��/�''-. /v t+\/./�I �, /�t•►t//lI ti :`l ,t\/�:i Y+!_ 11, �Ii t� �;tt t _. i ; �` �/ /� i`;`V► ;� 1,` i/ `�'�'f' 1�t Z►�� ` `_ �ICI►�\'trt�trl.�� Y' fti � � ��/� :iY �� j /1� �./►•`��f �\� k�f /�!tl� I��l � J:�'1��� s[ � t 1 It j ft�l'�t�(l ��1 t� t� l/. l/ 4t��fii+tea• `4�1 Z/ti 1"1�f l.: i%tom /�h�t:,.\��r.` :��• r t \ �.. / li, ��J t/ � arm/ r ♦/ - - !tom i t fa [-. ►./: i tri � �•�1rr � (.� / f`4,: t\ �, mit t�.ja,� t/itt�{. ••t �/ �Y �.t ��r �,t� ra' ! `I r i4� ►.► `\rt".i t�'s,i��-i �'a,/C t .�.1+./ Y t rpt l s.Y ` 1 �♦ �111,�. 1�'r> �a�. '� t1j.. r/rifr_t-••t�:elfa' tl Y!i://►f.\'G•+/�1j,It-i_iitaa_t/:at-�1�'�{r � t '- a/•��-./aura ..��� /+ int.. t,\ �/�\ =�. t t, !� is=. a t `� �. / �� a�l'� /.• t�t� � �tJ�st /� a /a �1 ♦\I+; �.r 1 t= rim /� r I r /1��t �� r 's �i�.-..r /t i1. ..J tib 1 I.t � r�+t 1'! ♦i► �.tf / � �\I ''. L F PTA ITE M TTTL l SCALE WQWE ATTACHMENT 0CT 2 8' 1985 ITEM 23 of 23 SEP 2 1986 ITEM, SUBJECT CUP 86-08/DR 86-15 Staff recommends: that the fol. lowing be added to Condition 9, Page Ii of 13 of Item 5, Chabad Lubavitch.,; Inc. , Applicant. The building shall be attached to a permanentfounda- tion and ready for occupancy, or removed from the site.,, within i8=0 days of relocation. Prior to issuance .of a building relocation. permit, the applicant shall post a cash deposit or Letter of Credit sufficient to guaranteeremoval of the building if necessary after 180 days. OCTWo 1985 ITEM