Item 20 - Loan of TDA Surplus to Mertropolitan Transit Dev. Board1NTA� EP O CITY OF POWAY This. report is included on the Consent Calendar... There will " be no separate discussion of the report prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff or, public, request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar anddiscussed separately.:If you wish to have this report pulledfor discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council. meeting IN THE GD TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James L. Bowersox,City Mana,;-:L INITIATED BY: Lee Lewis, Director of Community :Service% DATE: October 28, 1986 SUBJECT: Loan of TDA Surplus To Metropolitan Transit Development Board BACKGROUND TheMetropolitan. Transit Development Board(MTDB) has requested. that the City Council authorize a loan of 50 percent ($'325,000) of the City's surplus: TDA Funds toassist in establishing an "overrun account." to meet UTA fund .ng requirementsto build the El Cajon Light Rail. Transit (LRT) Project. (See Attachment) FINDINGS The MTDB, in order to meet UMTA funding requirements, 1 must establish a $5 million reser'Ve account for unanti.cipated cost. overruns during construction, of the El Cajon LRT project. The MTDB :will transfer $1.8 millionfrom their reserves and is requesting loanss from member cities to finance the $3.2 million difference. The funded loan, including interest, would be : reimbursei to the City in 1990. Staff has reviewed the City's funding requirements for public transit through. 1990 andhas determined that the loanamount would not adversely effect the City's ability to provide public transit services. RECOMMENDATION It is recomnended that the City Council approve the Metropolitan Transit Development Board's request and authorize the City Manager exe:cute the necessary documentation. JDB: DLL:, sf••' Attachment -ACTION: 1 of 2 OCT 28 199.5 ITEM #TDB etropolitan transit !me. t-Bcard ME - 62GGSir� t: Suite. 400',, Sail Dieg :C 921 01-53W {619} 23-144661 Septembew Zx lye' C'-9 2,: T 4 The Honorable: Carl Kruse Mayor,- C.it�t of Rowayf�rz v 1332 C44. fit Center- : Drive Powat, CA: g20b Dear; May, Kruse: rn or- der. to satisfy the Urban Masi Transportation AftinistratTon R r_equ cements for 'a fall° funding, agreeme to build the Cajon LRT project, MTQB must establ sh an "overrun account. "", This account must total $5, ml:lllon and: be Set cis, for' "unanticipated cost overruns«a Uue: to recent State, transit funding, cutbacks,. MT -QB reserves are limited We t �elleve .about I. mi lTlort-. -could prudently be transferred fro€: ourreserve leaving a need for: another $2 mi l ion; in and"er ° to aecuml atm the $5, i l:l ion totalE } . Therefore;, we are request nc� your support of a TQC .Transportation Development ct` cl:ai amendieut -equal to: 50% of your c:ityts s€rpus appor•ornt or $325-�.QQQ.. These monles�, wauld be. treated, as a. `�loen to N 8. and. would h- � commit to Ply tber(r bade no Tater than. the end of F w to a prop®rtio�tate sham of interest incu,„r red.. Your” council"SL falvordLle- action= with be. critical. tO° our, c"leting:the full funding, agreement. 51 neereTy,: James- R.: MiTIs Chairman c MR -dg: T M t member Agerscies: ityatLaMesaCityatLemon -o�OWa. �` �:�ctr��efr�xa��:v��-a?�a C4atCtrua%Asta.City ofComnado GityofElCaim- City ofImpeiiatBeackC,. Santee, County of San Dieg% State of CafffbrWa metroaetitart Transitoevetopment Boardis Coordcrsatatotthe Me€topoutmTansit:Systes rporabans Sarroie a rastsitGaiposai r� aSa Diewira�ey.trr,,aixt Saer€}ieW&mz=acasiemr asaY:Ga :t 2: C1 2