Item 11 - TTM 4191R Time Extension, Standard Pacific of San DiegoGENDA REPORT CITY OF F Oft A { Td honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM James L., Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY Reba W. Touw, Director of Planning Services DATE; November 1.8, 1986 SUBJECT:.-.Tentative Tract MaRr TTM 4191R, Time Extension, Standard Pacificof San Diego, Applicant.- A, request for a one-year time. extension for a. 624. lot division of land in the Rancho Ar boltos Planned Communitylocated on; the north; and south side. of Twin Peaks Road between`Pomerado Road and Community Road. - ABSTRACT PROECT'PLANNERd Kris Hugs,. Assistant Planner r -x PARCEL SIZE4 Approximately- 529.6 acres GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION. Planned Community, .ZONTNG-w PC-- .. - GENERAL, PLAN '��URROUNDING F _ AND ZONING (See Attachment 2) RELATER CASES- TTM 419IR"and TTM 4113R CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED None` ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION:,, A supplemental Environmental Impact Report and Draft Addendum Environmental Impact Report were certified by the City Council on November 20,,1984. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Approve the request for a ane-year time: extension subject to conditions.: ACTION.: Mai 1 8 1M ITEM1 o Agenda Report November 18, 1986 Page BACKGROUND Project Description On November 20, 1984r the Council approved tentative tract map 41918.. The map proposed the division of 529.6 gross acres into 624 lots with averagelot sizes ranging from. 10,000 square feet to one -acre. The map is part of the Rancho Arbolitos Planned Community which will ultimately contain a total of 975 single family homes as well as two park sites andone school site- The ite.,The applicant is requesting a one-year time extension to comply with the conditions of approval and to record the final map. In December of 1985 the City Council. adopted Resolution P-85-095 which established criteria the Council could consider when evaluating the progress of eachmap prior to granting a time extension. These criteria includepayment of fees, submit- - tal and/or approval of grading and improvementplans, posting of bonds, construction of improvements, acquisition or granting of easements, formation of landscape maintenance districts, Pay- ment of deposits for engineering reviews, demolition work completed, and completion of archaeological, biological, or other environmental mitigation requirements. The applicant at this time has completed a significant portion of the plans and improvements required for the development.. The following list summarizes the progress made on each of the. nine proposed tracts included in TM 4191R. 1. Tract 4191-1R (Woodside & Parkside) 140 lots recorded; 82 Woodside units under construction; utilities construc- ted; paving to be completed _ in 30 days; 58 Parkside building permits have been obtained. 2. Tract 4191-2R (future Parkside) 71 lots graded and sub- mitted for recordation; utilities under construction including $150,000 of offsite storm drain on Glen Oak con- necting to Pomerado Creek. A major water pressure reducing station has been relocated to this tract fromits. existing location in Tract 4191-1R, 3. Tract 4191-3R (Palisades) - 63 lots designed with grading plans,will be submitted in two weeks; the grading of this tract will provide access to Carriage Road and complete the grading and design of Starridge Park. 4. Tract 4191-4R (Palisades) 49 lots with grading design substantially complete; the completion of this tract will provide additional access from Carriage connecting to Palisades Drive. 2 oF2 9; Nov 18 1986 ITEM 1/ Agenda: Report November 18, 1986 Page 3 Tract 4191-5R (future Parkside) - approximately 129 units (subject to density transfer from other tracts) ; mass grading has been substantially completed by export from Tract 4113-3 and the major pond area has been filled. .; Tract 4191-6R (future, Parkside) grading plans for 27 lots are being processed; exhibit under preparation for a Proposed . Parkside model home complex. Tract 4191-7R (future Parkside) - grading and improvement plans for 70 units are being prepared. Tract 4191-8R (future Parkside) - grading and improvement plans. for 62 units arebeing prepared, this tract is _sub-- ject to exporting material to the Twin -Peaks Plaza Shopping Center. 9.: Tract 4191-9R future. 13 large lots. The applicanthas made several changes to the map which was originally approved in November 1984 (see Attachment 2, sheets 2 through 7) . Changes in lotconfiguration and: road alignment have been made in response to: (1) the easterly relocation of Route 56, (2) therelocation of an access point to Twin Peaks Road from Brookstone Street to Deerwood. Street, (a) the reloca- tion of . the . southerly park site from an area west of - Carriage Road to a site east of Starridge"Street, ; and (4) the southerly extension and dedicated connection of Arbolitos Drive to Celestial Road. These changes were all either required or suggested by the City. B. Development Facilities Development facilities pertaining to access, street improve- ments, grading, drainage, publicservices, and: facilities to serve the proposed development have been required through the approval of the map (TM 4191R) and are contained inthe. approved resolution, . Environmental. Review A supplemental Environmental impact Report and Draft Addendum.' Environmental. Impact Reportwere certified by the City Council on November 20, 1984. These reports address the environmental 3.8F 9 NOV 18 1986 ITEM Agenda-Report November 18, 1986 Page_ 4 impacts of the project. No new significant impacts have occurred or will result with the granting of the time extension and further environmental review is not necessary.. D. Correspondence Public: Notice of the hearing for this project was published in the: Poway News Chieftain and mailed to the surrounding property owners within 5OO feet of the subject. property. FINDINGB Granting the one-year time extension will allow the applicant time to "record all phases of the.map.. There have been no.sign ficant changes, in circumstances since.the original. map. appproval. The map is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan.. 'The site is pi IY--- s,cally. suitable for single:-fami.y� residential: development, at the. density proposed. The- design of the project and its proposed impro- vements will not cause substantialenvironmental: damage as mitiga- tion measures have been included as. conditions of approval, The, poet will not result 'in serious` pualic health problems in that essential Oubl is services will; be provided. The project will not conflict with any public access easements. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Cit 'Counc l approve.a one-year time extension_ fora. TM ` 4191R subject to conditions the contained in the attached. resolution,.* 3LE:RTn T*.KAH:pcm Attachments l.: Proposed. Resolution 2..; Map. Index and Site Plans TM,,_ TE 3. Surrounding General: Plan and Zoning 4. Resolution Na.: P-84-71 NOV 2 8 1986 IT k eve fl RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE. CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 4191R TE ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS. 317-090-31, 35, 36, & 17, 314-040-21, 317-680-37 & 38, 314-060-01, 08, 15 THROUGH 33., & 36 THROUGH 39, 314.371-10 & 13, 314-050-01, 02, 13, 17, , & 20, 314-540-46, AND PORTIONS OF 314-371-12, 314-032-64, 314-050-18 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract. Map No. 4191R TE, hereinafter "Map" submitted by Standard Pacific of San Diego,, applicant, for the pur- pose, of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Poway, County of San Diego, State of California described as Por- tion of Sections 1, 2, 11, 12, and 14, Township 14 South, Range 2 West, San Bernardino Meridian into 622 lots, regularly came before the City Council for public hearing andaction on November 18, 1986; and WHEREAS, the Director of Planning Services has recommended APPROVAL of a one-year time extension: for the Map subject. to all conditions set forth in the Planning Services Department report; and WHEREAS, " the City Council has read and considered said report and has considered other evidence presented at the public hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City` of Poway does resolve. as . follows Section 1: Findings: The City Council makes the following findings in regard to Tentative Tract. No. 4191R TE and the Map thereof: a. The tentative tract is consistent with all applicable interim and proposed generaland specific plans. b. The design, or improvement of the tentative tract is consistent with all applicable, interim and proposed general and specific plans,: in that it meets' the City's Comprehensive' Plan policies for residential development. c. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed in that the more intensive single-family development is proposed for the flatter portions of the site while the larger lots will be located on the steeper areas. d . The site is physically suitable for thedensity of the development proposed for the same reason described immediately above. 5 OF 2.9 NOV 18 1986 t i t;rvs I1 _Resolution No. P - Page 2 e. The designof the: subdivsion,is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and. avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat, in that substantial open space has-been provided as part.of the project design.. f.' The tentative tract is not likely to cause: serious public health problems, in that all essential public facilities for residential development have been provided... g.: The: design: of the tentative tract will not, conflict with any easement acquired by the public at large` now o record, for access through: or use of the property within the proposed. subdivision. h. That this project will not create adverse impacts, on the environment as a result of mitigation_ measures added as conditions of approval, and the Supplemental Draft'Environmental. Impact Report (.August 25AV 1991) and the Draft. ' Addendunt Environmental Impact Report for. TTM -4191R and. TTM' 411.38 (October° 4 1984) were certified by the: City Council on November ` 20..,'19,84. ., The effect. of the subdivision approval on the housing needs of the San Diego region.has been considered and balanced against. the: public service needs:: of Poway residents and available fiscal and environmental resources, J.. The design of the subdivision has provided, to the extent.- feasible, ` for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunhies. in the subdivision. Section 2;;. Tentative Tract Map No. 4191R TE,,� a. copy of which is on, file: in the Planning Services, office, is hereby approved subject to all. of - the following'_ conditions.. 1.. Approval of TTK 4191R TE: is based on its conformance with. the Development Plan for Rancho Arbol.itos CPlanned Community 84-0`2;) and- all final maps for this portion: of the project shall. - conform. to. that. Plan and shall comply with all conditions of City Council Resolution. No;. P-84-71 • , w 2-. . This time extension shall expire on November 20r 1956. OF 2 4 ResNo.utiNo.P_ ol r gage 3 Section` Tentative Tract Map N6. 419IR TR,. a copy of c�hich s on file Ie in: the Planning Services office, is ..he �y app roved: sv�b��ct. to the conditions listed an- Section 2 of ` this resolution. APFRQVEB and ADOPTED by theirtrCouncil of they: City of Poria; State of Cal :for xl:a, this 18th 'of November, 19,86. Carl, Re, ]Kruse, -Ma.�or- . ATTEST V- k Mar or'ie E€.• Wah-lstea, CityClerk r k NOVTF 06 -IT T 0F=, J � €y1�iY�r'�jY .....: t".^".. �- . - •,•tas w .�v.• ... ,•..y`••y 5 - Ti_.,� wy �.f: f � tip rM�-��1� ,. � rr . . _ •- -• - - ' • U. 4191 - MA C r 191•MACr l el OC fp INJ tIt, ,W 1 �' � i T ' � .. .t •� ice. ��i" 9i%� � � -_�� ` �, - � � `1.._� rte•• � Jt' �- �; J�iAP."IVD:TZ+tt. poll- AVV VPS 0, AM PC' CA4jlXWAfIA-1- PL 14 101 • ;'f�; P . Vft dam• .jib f� I .� • ��i. _ i .. �-� '� low 4 n�N ✓ ice` _4 _y. i � � I .A` `R ,` • •� j 1 � •r. A. � l .. rOS. r �-'✓ I!b ' •'d i f' /. fF.,//� ^ I: , Iii. ` ,-." j� ji l.i �.. �r I.r. idol Al , i s 7, �' �� �� �" •l •- � .`' -r _.• ./• sem' r` �• - v %�.j,1r ,.- `y � - a�� - �� ,t•S�'� "' :�'�r�l; mol ' ,� fir- �Y= r-' sp y 41.E %0-4PNO. 7432 Q V'f 2. e R�'1�lSEl.� alt s° a.•rf A...r tna�, �JSJJJiJJ�sJ�w: • i d 0E 2 9 NOV 18' 1986 ITEM !l �i : i ..: mo,- 1 an-. I r t -- : �.. >o PW IN t .: �, :`f' ' _ •' �' // T. f 4ftr +� vy q ` , ens. t- _ •. r JFPF s; 1• i . .` 'o. bbl 4 ' .fi. •.� _ - Sw9j�+ ��sa•.l �v ...ice �. `. Y.�� - ` lid id 5. «••s��' .�. ��_ ♦ � � sem. - �. t s ' 4' ..,nor^-- ;T.• -i 4' �. • . e I �, t •.. `• .ti _ • !: • fes- AdrowAm nr do^ jar .. � _ �._.: _ d � j * � � •eta wr. r ' s , f=� owl cc j} O _ _ rc rw— �. � . y' { �, - . ice. �� ♦: -_ t .ilP ��1.• It oor or i1 •i &MPaaW;70Vv.'�A-� z � i. r. �.. i� , .rte V •, `i� Ax _ /f .�a.s. • t ®- '! " l 1:, • _, f - a�*'__�_! / 1�1I i -t... K . w�'"i �_ Ji.. �t. �' . i t aaw-. 9 LML s ki Is m F1 T. AWR j - I ;• ♦ •a J� w. +i to : �, .1��1L��_. - _ • Ago op— raw . 'i - � w . rr� • i1 f T t t PA ' - tVA. ' `fit %Q OV ,, MOW AMOSOM` Amt• 1. ' 'R i (` !• t; J_ i` _ It _ a '! ~ Js % � i�t1Y� • � •. 5 - • • - f !t`� oil? ,e:'i �r fir_ 'r^ , „ �• .+ref. r t ' lop ': .. �� r +a. Y � r Wit. yam• {� +. , � .i t - .. '_ \l �'`-r � It � � ` �► ♦ � ' , ... >: is ' 1 - • � Ri r, �r `-�� • � t� •" { � - � • �, , . °' !'S.�—•: .– sem•_.-s�- �.r w i... � � 0 .+t } _ � � � _• 7 '. fy! jLf �pr.•�.j�I�1} r.:, Vit_ }•. i _ t. ; s�.R' - ��. v �i '. •. _ ? k i FC WAX %ALLEY v; iT tt .4 � 'AAP '40.4G:i4 asr's ear ta[ts.�/�/s .!4 12 of 2 g �--'-= NOV 18 1988- 1TTE # ♦.._• '�' i_ �•' ::fe+� —a«r�'a. T.Y..41!!•Rtp R RA:4CAO' VERDE U-64 NO. 5 MAR"lid. 75.78 / - �.- t • ` 33 r _ o y r1li lb am tv s y At A .! z> •'� l �. ,� .� ,.� -W,, y „� ..► .• i -fit? �• a _ f!tU�t �`-►`:4_,s'r��•"I�� s� low - ' �- T e. •� !. t�R / . •rte 1 � ., �` P' fp `! !-.S•'°'.e. ,Bibi d�-e.it . ( - a �, "+► oaf f a t7.� ���,� r itAp •'tom-• �+ t },A - � - - � � ',eta - a �•r.� �r .� .. ,. r o„ • r � + i _� ! - fX• a i� � j J ate; �:. -` I- rt + _•cam c y } _ j a~l�ls • _ `` ` • f: �.`"` `m�F T. 7. !• i •t .- �' � � � - - _ ell. r�It f!F i ra®�i:t, rfa-ffrr�rffrs�rst®- { �. i. 1i''29 NOV' i 8:1986- IT E M ss - 150F,29- Nair 3..8 1986 IT LIVI �� I RESOLUTION NO.. P-84-71 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 419I8 ASSESSOR PARCEL NUMBERS 31.7-090-31t 35s, 36, & 17t 314-040-21t 31.7-680-37 & 38 314-060-41t- Gag, 15 THROUGH 33r & 36 THROUGH 3%r 314-371-10 & 13 31,4-05:0-G r- G2,r 13p 17? 19,v: & 20; 314-540-46 AND PORTIONS OF 314-371-1201 314-032-64r 314 -050 -la WHEREASr Tentative -Tract Ka 51R Map No., 41 hereinafter *Map" submitted by Standard Paclif ic of San Diego,,,_ applicants for -.the purpose of subdividing the: real property situated -in the City of POway,r. County. of San Diego.rState of California, described as portions of Sections 1, 2, 11, 12, and 141, Township; 14 South,,- Range.. 2 West'. San. Bernardino Meridian into. 622 lots, regularly:cama before theCity Council for public hearing and action on November: 20,, 19&4, -- and WHEREASt the Director of Planning Services' has recommended APPROVAL, of thet Map, subject to- all conditions set :eorth in. the Planning, Services Department report; and WHEREASr the Cieport tyCouncil has read `and considered said r and, has considered other evidence, presented at the . public hearing NOWV THEREFOREr the City Council of the City of Poway does, resolve as Iollows*­ Section Iz Findings: The,. City' Council makes the. following findings, in, regard to Tentative, Tract No. 4151R and the Map. thereof: a. The tentative tract is consistent with all applicable interim and proposed general and specific plans., b.- The design or improvement of the tentativetract, is consistent with all applicable, interim and proposed - general and specific plans, in that it meets the City-s,Comprehensive Plan policies for residential development. - The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed in that the -more intensive single family development is proposed for the flatter port -ions of the site while the larger lots• will be located on the steeper areas. d. The site is physically suitable for the. density of the development proposed for the same reason described irmediately above. NOV I 8 1986 IT L M 16 Or'z 9 ATTACHMENT Resolution No. P-84-71 Page 2 e. The designof the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat, in that substantial open space has ;been provided as part of the project design. f. The tentative tract is not likely to causeserious public health problems, in that all.. essential public facilities for residential development havebeen provided. g. The design of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public atlarge, now of record, for accessthrough or useof the property within the proposed subdivision. h.. That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment as a result of mitigation measures added as conditions of approval, and -the Supplemental: Draft Environmental Impact Report (August 25, 1981) and the Draft Addendum Environmental Impact Report for TTM, 419tR and TTM 4113R (October 4, 1984) are hereby certified as complete,. The effect of . subdivision approvalon.. the housing needsof the San Diego region has beenconsidered and balanced against the, public service needs of Poway residents and available fiscal and environmental resources., The design of the subdivision hasprovided, to the extentfeasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling opportunitiesin the subdivision. Section 2: Tentative. Tract Map No. 4191R., a copy of which is on file in the Planning Services office, is hereby approved subject to all of the following conditions: Approval of TTM 4191R is based on its conformance with the Development. Plan for Rancho Arbolitos (Planned Community 84-02) and all final maps for this portion of the project shall conform to. that Plan. 1 7QF29 NOV 18 1986 ITEM • Resolution No. P-84-71( Page 3 Circulation'' 2. Carriage Road shall be extended, dedicated and improved froni. its present point of termination at the south boundary of Rancho Arbolitos as -a: secondary arterial (84 footright-of-way) to its intersection with Entrada Road. North of that intersection, Carriage shall be transitioned to an urban residential collector (64 foot right-of-way) to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. The name of Carriage Road shall be changed to Silverset Street at its intersection with Pequot Drive. 3. Arbolitos Drive, Entrada Road, Pequot Drive, Tobiasson. Road, Woodline Street, Triumph Drive, ' Laja Drive, Stoutwood Street and that portion of Triumph. Lane connecting Stoutwood Street and Triumph Drive shall be dedicated and improved: as urban residential collectors. The improved width of Silverset north of its intersection with Arbolitos Drive shall pe 46 feet. as required by the City Engineer to provide a turning lane- All other streets shall be dedicated and improved to urban local or semi -rural local standards to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. All public streets shall have concrete sidewalk on both sides. The private street south of the Arbolitos Drive/Entrada Road intersection shall be improved as a non -dedicated rural street. . An extension of Sagecrest Street as a local semi-ruralstreet including asssociated utilities shallbe irrevocably offered for dedication in the area of the proposed boundary separating Lots 395 and: 396 to provide a second means -of access to the Ginsberg property, north of Rancho Arbolitos. Triunnph Drive shall be cul-de-saced between Triumph Lane a:nd. Laja Drive, renamed, and improved as an urban local street. A knuckle shall be provided at the intersection of Triumph Lane and Triumph Drive. The connection: between Treecrest Street and Twin Peaks Road shall be closed and Twin Peaks shall be restriped as required by the City Engineer with the opening of Silverset Street in phase A-1. 10F29-NOV 18 1986 1 1: t : 1 / Resolution No. P-84-71 r page 4 8. A traffic signal shall be installed at the intersection on Twin. Peaks Road and Silverset Street with the, first phase of TTM 4191R South of Twin Peaks: Road (A3 - see Figure 2 of Development Plan_ - about 1986) A pro rata- contribution shall also be made at that time _toward tra.ff is signals at Twin, Peaks Road/Pomerado Road and Community/Twin. Peaks Road. ; The traffic signal at the intersection. -of Carriage Road/Poway Road: shall be upgraded. to -the satisfaction of the City Engineer prior to the opening of the Carriage Road connection of Twin Peaks Road and Poway Road.: 9-. Shaliman Street, Vaugn Road, Conchos Drive, LaJa Drive, and Glen Oak Road shall. be cul-de-saced where they stub -Into the Rancho Arbolitos property. LajaDrive within Rancho,, Arbo-litos shall be cul -de -Raced and renamed.: Bicycle access. shall be- provided between: the. Conchos Drive and Woodfield Lane cul-de-sacs. Quasar Road and Ring Road -shall be barricaded -in a Manner which' provides. emergencyvehicle access to the satisfaction of the Directors of Public: and' Safety Services.; 10. The precise'design_of Celestial Road as a cul-de-sac or through street shall be- determined by the Director of Planning Services and Director of Public Services after a meeting with the existing property owners of Celestial Road north of Ring Street. U.- Entry streets to theproject '(Carriage Road"', S .lverse:t Street, Woodpark. Lane:, and Tobiasson Road) shall be= improved with landscaprig and boulders to the satisfaction of the. Director of Planning, Services, 12.. All proposed street names` beginning with the prefix "'Wood:"shall. be renamed to the satisfaction of the Director of. Planning. and Safety, Services and Woodgreen; Lane, shall be changed to Ahwanee Way, 13. The developer shall provide ,on all final maps a one -foot wide. strip at the end of all stub streets which shall be.a. portion of the. adjacent lot and which will be offered €or dedication and rejected. Access rights to the proposed: streets shall, be granted to the City. 14. Proof of access rights over the vacant. State of Cali€ornia- land and Heritage Hills, land, shall' be provided: to the Department of Public Services prior to final map -approval for Phases R-1 and A-9.respectively. NOV 8. 1986 I l govt t.� 19OF? 9, 1 { Resolution No. P-84-71 Page 5 Grading - 15.. All grading for the Rancho Arbolitos, project shll ,be in accordance with the City's Grading Ordinance and, the recommendations of applicable geotechnical/soil-Is. studies. Prompt revegetation of all graded slopes: shall be accomplished to, the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Eupalyptus: plantings. shall.: be util ized in all. areas where slopes exceed fifteen t 15 ) feet in heights but mey also be- used on lesser slopes.: Contour grading, shall be, used wherever- possible,, 16. The reserved school site, is: approved as..a borrow site. As material is' removed from: the site, -any sloped areas which are permanent shall be revegated immediately. Contour° grading: shall be used on all slopes on this site,,, 17. A pre -blast survey -shall be conducted to the satisfaction of the City Engi neer in all areas where blasting is necessary, for rock k ° removal., 18... COnstruction: traffic shall be minimized: on. existing -City streets ,and all construction, trafid routes shall be subject to approval of the Director of public Se.rv;ces Drainage 19_ .. {3a site drainage: acili.ties shall be constructed to the A stud shall. be re ared s�atisfacbion of the City,- Engineer � prepared addressing both the adequacy of off-site, drainage facilities between the project and. Poway Road and: those in Glen Oak- Road between Powers and Frame Roads. Any deficiencies revealed by the study shall: be. corrected by the- installation of improvements or the construction of detention basins prior to the last phase-` of" TTM. 41918 and Phase A-3, respectively, to, the satisfaction of the City Engineer.; The existing: run. -off through the drzAnage structure between Lots 101 and 1.02 of Poway Valley Unit No.. 2, Map N. 3:9.95, s;hal.l not be. increased as a result of this deve-lopment. Water and Sewer 20.'Although a master wager system analysis has been performed for the Rancho Arboli.tos project, additional analysis, as required by the City Engineer shall be provided to determine incremental development impacts upon the system. 2.1. The developer shall install all water and sewer lines within ; each phase as required: by the City Engineer prior to the issuance of a building permit for any lot in that phase, Z Q OF29 NOV 18 1986 ITEM I 220F2g Nov'is'tees 1TtH► f r - Resolution No. P-84-71 Page 7 30.. open Space easements "shall be free of structures except fencing. Fencing shall be restricted tobackvinyl coated chainlink on wooden post supports.. Page-l.7 of the Development Plan shall be modified to exclude orchards and: gardens from the open space areas #, and: a statement should be added indicating that- a black _. vinyl ,chainlink fence- six feet in height,, supported by wooden posts will be erected wherever open space areas are adjacent to streets.. In, addition to the natural vegetation, the open: space shall be vegetated primarily, with Eucalyptus trees. These easements: shall be delineated by low profile wooden or metal -pole markers at the intersection of the easement and each side lot line: and every 50 feet between side: lot lines.. Recreational Facilities. 31. The proposed equestrian trail shall be improved and, dedicated as a Community Trail. Within ninety.(901 days of this approval the trail which; follows the SLG& R access road and easement shall be irrevocably offered .for dedication. 32.. Lot 655 shall be combined: with Lots 514, 515, 5.1.6 and a portion of Lot -54.9 to constitute the_: southerly park site to be known as Sturridge Park, Lot 654 sha-11 -be used as., single- fawn Uy residential lasts with the number and desagn. as approved byy. the Director, of Planning, Services,*, The -design shall include athirty J30) foot opera"`. space landscaped buffer- along, the southerly property. line of Lot 654. Starridge Park shall. be _dedicated: and improvements shall include, grading,. drainage-,- irr .gationr landscaping,., and:a, parking rot (Add to. page 2.0-21 of Development plan, delete all other references to Quasi-Public: Site and Carriage Park.):. Improvement and dedication: shall occur prior- to' the occupancy of units within phase A-3 Noise Attenuation 33. Combina:tion. earthen berm/concrete block. noise: attenuation' barriers to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services shall : be provides along Twin. Peaks Road as necessary to reduce exterior noise levels to 6:0 CNEL Lot Desi2 rt 34.; All corner loos: shall have their driveways, on the interior 50 percent, of the lot. 35... The side. lot Line: separating Lots 490 and 491 shall be- extended; southward to: Peguot drive., 36. Lots 42;4; and 425 shall, be redesigned to take access from: woodmere Terrace. 37.. Access for Lots. 63,70 6381, 645, and 646 shall be taken. from treeline. Way. 220F2g Nov'is'tees 1TtH► 41 s t Resolution NOL., P-8:4-71 Page 8 38. Lot 647 shall take access from Woodmoor Street.. 39. Lot - 644 shall take access. from Treellne Court.; 4:0.. The gide lot line. separating Lots 5.12 and 513 shall be relocated to the top- of the are on Carriage Road. 41.: Lots 289, 2;90, `30:3, 304ti 346, and 347 shall take access, from Woodpark Lane. 42. Lot ' 291 shall take access from, Oaks -tone Lane. 43. Entry treatment consisting of landscaping and boulders shall provided at: entrances to the `-project from Twin Peaks: Road, ; Carriage, Road., Tobiasson Road, Lala Drive, Woodpark. Lane,. and. Si.lverset street.. 44. When final maps have been, recorded for 300, lots within th.is tract,. no further time exxten:tion.s for the tentative map will:; be required to record final maps; on the remaining lots.. Section 3: - Tentative Tract: Map No. 4:19I8, a copy of which is on file in. the Planning: Services office,.; is hereby approved subject to the following,, Standard Condit.i.ons.: I : APPLICANT` SHALL, CON.TAC7 THE, DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING= AND. 'BtTILDINO SERVICES'L REGARDING COMPLIANCE, WITH THE FOLLOWING. CONDI.TIONS01 K. SITE.1' EVELOPMR111, ` - l. The developer; shall: provide a:` minimum of 25% of the lots: with adequate s.adey rd area for recreation vehicle storage pursuant to City standards, and the:"C..G`..&R:. 1',s shall prohIbItL the storage of recreational vehicles in the required front yard setback a 2. The applicant shall. comply with the late-st adopted Uniform a Building Code, teniform Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbin.g``Coder, National: Electric: Code, Uniform Fire Code, and all, other applicable codes and ord-liranc:es- in effect at, the time of baildin gpermit -issuance. - 3.: Prior to the issuance of building permits: for combustible construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Director of _ :Safety- Services that water supply, and: facilities for fire protection is; available:.., Where additional fire protection; is 4; required - by, the Director of Safety Services:, it shall be n serviceable prior to the time of construction. 4 30F 219 NOV 19 1986. ITEM�� Resolution. No. P-8'4-71 _ Page 9 . 4.1 For. anew residential dwelling unit(s), the applicant strain. pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, G but not be limited to: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, School Fees tin accordance with City -adopted policy and/or ordinance) j Water and Sewer Service- Fees. These fees shall be paid prior .to building permit Issuance. 5.. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Services_ Department prior to the recordation of the final map, and street addresses shall be provided prior to the issuance of building Perm its. Be PARKING AND VEHICULAR ACCESS No Conditions co; LANDSCAPID I.. A detailed' landscape and irrigation plan shall be submitted to and approved. by the Public Services Department 'and Planning- Servi:ces. Department prior -to: to the. issuance of building permits. 2:. A. Master Plan of the existing on trees shall be provided. to. the Planning Services Department prior to -the issuance of building pelrmts and prior to grading, to determine which trees r shall be retained..- etained..3. -3.Existing on-site- trees shall be: retained wherever possible and shall be trimmed and/or- topped. Deadr decaying or potentially ' dangerous trees .shall be approved: for removal: at the discretion of the. Planning Services: Department. during the review of the Master Pla6 of existing on-site trees. Those, trees which are approved for removal shall. be replaced on a tree -for -tree basis as required by the. Planning Services Department. 4. Street . trees,- a minimum of 15 gallon size or-" larger, shall be installed in, accordance with the City of Poway Ordinance; and shall be planted: at an average of every 30 feet on interior streets and 20 feet on exterior- streets. h 5., All landscaped areas shall ber maintained in a. healthy and r thriving condi-tion., free- from weeds., trash, and debris. LP SIGNS 1. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and approved in conformance: with: the Sign- Ordinance. x 240F2g Nov .8 1986ITEM Ji i, Resolution No. P-84-71. k- F Page 10 E. RECREATION 1.: On lots having. a private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail on or adjacent to their property, the developer is required to have contained within the C.C.&R.'s the following statement: In purchasing the home., I�have read- the C.C.&R. I's and understand that said lot is subject to- an easement for the purpose of allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffic. ' Z.: The developer. shall improve. the equestrian/pedestrian trail system in accordance with the adopted sign standards and' to: the satisfaction. of,,the Dir,ectors of Public and Planning Services prior to building permit issuance. 3 An open. space. easement shall be granted to the City over, upon, acr.oss and under, the area defined on the final maps as an equestrian trail. and- no buildings, structures or other things shah:, be constructedr erected, placed or maintain ed on 'subject easements- except for the construction and maintenance; of said trail and structures appurtenant to the trail. 4• Dedicate the Master planned equestrian/pedestrian trails to the satisfaction of the Directors of the Departments of Public and Planning; Services Ln,accordance with the Master Plan of Trails Element. F f E�ISTIKG STRUCTURES No Conditions GM ADDITIONAL, APPROVALS REQUIRED _ y 1. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior, to the issuance of a building permit... Z. The developer shall display a current Zoning and Land Use Mafia in. the sales off i:ce at all times, -and/or suitable alternative to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 3 When ;public or private -equestrian/pedestrian trails are required as ' a part_ of the., subdivision, the developer shall display a 'map in the sales office, of said subdivision, indicating the trails. 4. All sales maps that are distributed. or. made available to the public shal1 include but not .be limited to trails, future and existing schools, parrs, and streets, 50 9 NOV 18 19861 ITEM l 1 Resolution Na. P-84-71 Page 11 5. The developer shall provide a noise display board in.the�sales, office to the satiafcation of theplanning Services Director. The: display shall include the site plan and noise study. 6.. Working: drawings shall, include a certification by a. recognized acoustical- expert that. the: requ.rements of the City of Poway` s noise ordinance will,. be mete 7.. At. the completion of construction, -and prior to occupancy, interior and exterior CNEL: shall be determined by field testing at developerts expense. Tests to be conducted by a recognized acoustical expert.: No occupancy permits shall be granted until Condition G-7 is met to the _satisfaction or the Building Code 4 (latest ad opted 'edit.ion') "'S'ound Transmission Control.." I ZIr APPLICANT'. SHALL= CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES' OEPARTMENT REGARDING CONPLIAN.C-E WITH TETE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS Et. GR 1. Grading. of . the subject property shall be. In accordance: with the, Uniform Building Coder, City Grading Ord. inancer approvedgrading plan . anti geotechnical report, and accepted grading. practices.. �p - 2r A sails report shall be 'prepared by. a qualified engineer' licensed by the State of California to .perform such work -prior to final, map approve 1. 3. A geological report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer or, geologist and submitted ° at the time of application for grading plan check.. - 4.. The- final grading; plan shall be subject to review and-approval by the- Plarn:ng Services and Public Services Departmentand shall be. completed prior to. recordation of the final subdivision map. or issuance: of building permit, whichever, comes first.` I.. STREETS AND. ' S:TDEF ALKS 1 1... All Circulation Element roads .shall. be dedicated and improved to Circulation Element road standards and: to the specifications.of the Director,of Public Services Z. Vehicular acceLLss rights to Circulation Element roads shall be ded ca.ted: to the City of Poway and labeled on the final map- to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services or by separate document. NOV 19 1996 ITEM Ij 6-. 0Q ~ Resolution No. P-84-71 Page 12 3. All interior and exterior public streets shall be- constructed-to- onstructed topub public is street standards. 4. Sidewalks (4.5) feet in width shall be required on both side(s)of all, public streets,. 5. Reciprocal access: and maintenance and/or agreements shalI be. provided:. insuring access to all parcels over private roads, drives or parking areas and maintenance thereof to 'the satisfaction of the Director of - Pub-lic Services. _ 6. Street, striping and signing: shall. be: installed to the- satisfaction of the. Director of Public Services, 7. All street structural sections shall be submitted to and approved. by the Director of Public: Services.., $ ¢ street improvement. plans,prepared on standard: size. 'sheets,, by. a Registered Civil Enginee:r shall, be submitted forapproval by the. r Director of Public Services., Plan check and inspection -expenses: shall, be paid by the developer.. 9. All, exterior street improvements shallbe constructed prior to issuance of building permits, to the satisfaction of the Director, of Pubs a:c Servi.ces:.. I 10... Street improvements, that inc dde-, but are riot limited- tos X. a:. Sidewalks x e. Cross: gutter X blw Driveways f. A114Y gutter • C , Wheel chair ramps: ®g. - 'Street paving ` do. Curb and gutter ,�. gh. Alleyn shall be constructed: prior to- the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Se ru es., 1.1. All damaged off-site public works facilities:, including parkway trees:, shall be repaired or replaced prior to, exoneration. of bonds and improvements, to� the sat isfaction of the Department of`Publllc Services,... 12. Prior to any, work being performed in the- public right: -of -ways an' encroachment permit shall be obtained from they Public Services office and appropriate fees paid, in addition to any other permits re.qur reds 13:. The developer. shall pay, the- Traffic ffit gati.on Fee at the established rate prior to building: permit issuance. Novi $ i9ea IT E M,� # 70F2 % Resolution No. P-84-71 Page 13 J. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD° CONTROL 1. int drains will: be required at locations! specified by the Director of Public Services and - $n accordance with. standard. _ r #' engineering: practices. 2.. -A drainage system. capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating:. within the subdivision, and "' all surface waters that. may flow onto the• subdivision from adjacent lands, shat be. required. Said drainage system shall include any easements 'and structures as required by the Director of Public Services to properly handle the drainage... 2.. Portland cement concrete cross gutters shall be installed where water Grosses the roadways. 3. The Master, Plan of Drainage Fee shall be paid as the established rate in .accordance with. the Drainage Ordinance prior to final map approval for those lots in the map to be finaled..; 4.- Concentrated flows across sidewalks shall not be permitted*-, K. UTMrTr-K 1.. All. proposed utilities- within the project shall- be installed underground including:: ex sting. utilities along circulation Element: roads and/or highways ` less than 34.:5 XRT.. 21W utility, easements shall be provided to the specification of the serving utility compare-lesand the Director` of Public Services.: 3.- The developer shall be responsible for the relocation and undergrounding of existing public utilities, as requ.red'.. 4.. Water, sever, and `f re protection systems plans shall be designed and constructed to meet requirements of the City of Poway and the Health Department of the County of San. Diego.: 5. Prior to acceptance of property for sewer service annexation to the sewer improvement area, shall occur.. 6. Developer shall e-astruct a light system conforming to., City of Poway Standards at no cost to, the pub -1, ic, subject to the fo -low ingz a. Cut-off luminaries: shall be. installed which will provide true 4 90 degrees cutoff and prevent projection of light above. the horizontal from the lowest point of the lamp or lightemitting refractor or, device. b. All fixtures shall use a clearr low pressure- sodium vapor light source. NQI 1 a` 1986 IT L W1 t f 2. g: OF Resolution No. P -8'4 -?1 Page 14 c. Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shail be paid by the developer. d. Annexation to the lighting district shall be accomplished and evidence of annexation, and payment of lighting fees shall be presented to the City prior to final map approval. Cable television services shall be providedand installed underground. The developer shall notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be accomplished. L GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ANO APPROVALS 1. A copy of. the Covenants, Conditions and. Restrictions (CC&R°`s) shall be subject to the review for compliance: with conditions herein, to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services,, and shall be filed with the Secretary of State, the County Recorder and the City clerk at the time of final map consideration. 2 Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards and procedures,. 3. By separate document prior to the recording of the final subdivision map, or on the final subdivision map, there shall be granted to the City,- an open space easement over. Lots shown on the tentative map as open space. Said open space -easement shall be approved asto form by the City Attorney and shall limit the use of said open space to recreational purposes. 4. All provisions of the Subdivision. Ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land. 5. Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall be installed and provided, or deferred by,, guaranteeing installati onwithin two years from map recordation or prior to building permit issuance, whicheve r occurs first, by the execution of a performance .agreement, secured with sufficient securities, in a form approved by the City Attorney. All necessary processing fees, deposits, and charges shall be paid prior to final map approval. _ 6 prior to final .mapapproval, all dedications shallbe made and easements granted as required above. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the Cit of Poway, State of California, this 20th of Novemeber, 1984. ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk Robert C. Every, Mayor NOV 18.1986 ITEM if 2 9oF2.9