Item 14 - Reimbursement for Off-Site Sewer CostsGED. REPORT- CITY OF POWA. This report is included on the: Consent Calendar. There will -be no. separate discussion .of the report Prior to approval by the City Council unless members of the Council, staff orpublic request it to be removed from; the Consent_ Calendar and discussed separately.. If you wish to have this report pulled: for.di.scussion, please:fi.11 out a slip indicating the report number and give: it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. n To: Ronorable Mayor and Members: of the City. Council FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED By: Alan D Archibald,, Director o Public Services, ;{ DATE November 18, 1986 SUBJECT: Reimbursement for Off -Site sewer Costs BACKGROUND At the December 6: 198'4 . meeting, the City Council approved the reimbursement to the: developers of Del Poniente Crest: (TTK 3:951) for the additional. costs associated with. the off-site' sewer needed to serve- the westerly I.9" lots of this subdivision. Rather than `construct an 1100 foot sewer extension to a sewer. manhole in Hat Creek Road at an approximate cost of`$60,000,"the developer was rec uu red to construct a 4150 foot sewer main to Tierra B°onita Road through lair, J L. Roberts property along an a3ignment compatible with the Green Valley Ridge tentative _map (.TTM 85 , 0 2 Because of environmental concerns, the map has been revised twice stopping = the construction of the sewer main and requiring the sewer to be redesigned to the approved tentative. map configuration,: TTM 86-0I. Because of the delays,. redesigns, soil problems and rock blasting, the project costs have increased. from the original. estimates: FINDINGS The off-site- sewer has been satisfactory completedat a total cost of $263r5T7'.77, Attachment 1,. The sewer will serge 19 lots in Del. Poniente Crest and 62' lots in Green Valley Ridge.' The pro ra=ta share would. be $3,253 per lot. Based, upon that formula, Del `Ponente Crest' s share. of the off-site sewer. main will be- $61,r.812. e $6Z., 8I2. The City' s. original es=timate was. $60,000. ACTION: a. Of 110V 18 1986 ITEM Reimbursement for Off -Site Sewer Costs Page 2 November 12, 1986 FINDINGS As a condition of TTM 86-01, the developer is required to "reimburse the city for all costs, including reasonable interest, associated with extending the sewer south of Manhole itTo. 18 to the connection with Tierra Bonita Roadas shown on plans TTM 3951. prior to approval of the final map for Unit 1." That pro -rata cost is $201,708. RECOMMENDATION It is . recommended that the City Council reimburse the developers of TTM 3951 $201,706 for the additional costs associated with the off-site sewer required for their map and appropriate $201,.706 frowm, the, sewer fund. contingencies. JLB; ADA ° ghr Attachment .4 N0V 18 1986 ITEM Mohler Corporation Land Developers of 4 City of Poway Box, 789 Poway, Ca., 92064 874 North Batavia. Orange. CA 92668 (7141997-2320 October 14, 1986 RECEIVED OCT 141985 PUBLIC SERVICES DEPT. Attention:. Alan D . Arc h.ibal d P. E. Director of Public Services/City Engineer. R: Reimbursement for Offsite Sewer on Tract No. 3951 Dear Alan to .accordance= with our conversation. of October' 13, 1986,.and in response to your letter of July 23,: 1986.regarding construction of the offsite sewer. for. Tract No. 3951.,. we have compiled. all the expenses and are forwarding copies of all invoices to you for your.. approval - the total of same being $263,.517..77 Per our prior agreement . and: City Council: approval, the City of Poway will reimburse North: Poway, Ltd. all amounts in excess of $60,000 from their sewer fund, or an- approximate amount. of $3000 per lot for the 19 lots of Tract No. 3951 being served by thatmaim sewer.. We appreciate your assistance and working with us through, this project, and hope for a quick conclusionand reimbursement of same:. Thanking you in advance, HBF:d1.d Enc. Sincerely, NORTH: POWAY TQ. Herbert B. Frommhoaz; NOV 1 8 1986 1T Emt1 Mohler Cororaiioo Land Developers. 8-74 North Batavia, Orange. CA 92668 {7 } 4) 99T -232Q October 13, 1986 NORTH POWAY, LTD. Tract No. 3981 OFFSITE SEWER CONSTRUCTION COSTS - INVOICES ENCLOSED Madera � Associates $ 13,531.67 Hale', Surveyors 131,203.52' Mid' Engineering 8,585.,00 Miles Dtill ng & Blasting, Inc., 2,6I2.53 KIP, J. Baxter Drii i ing Vo • 7X752.03 Backhoe Breakers 3155.QQ Cobra EngUeer ing s282.O0' I.,220.00 io- 090 39,508.55 yt 1.,:640. QO 40,-336:.49 13520.36 7;680.00 6,465 ,35 - 1I,797.80 TOTAL CONSTRUCT COSTS X248,601.b7 a Plus: Mohler Corporation Overhead &Supervision, 6 - 14,916.10 TtT EXPENSE $253,5iT.7T NOV 18 1986 ITEM � 4 Of 4 o