Item 19 - Midland Road Widening Change OrdersI AGENDA, REPORT OF CITY OF -POWAY This. report is •included on the Consent. Calendar.: There will -be .no separate discussion of the. �y report. prior to approval by the City Council unless .members of the Council,. staff or '"' public urs request it to be- removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. if you wish- to • txe co have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the report number and gine it to the City Clerk -prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting. r - s _ TO Honorable Chairman: &. Director of the Poway 3 Redevelopment Agency ~ s o r f FROM.. James L. Bowersox, Executive Direc. INITIATED BY Alan: DW Archibald, Director of Public Sery r c J Bradley Kutz-ner, Senior Civil. ' Engineer • DATE: November 1.8, 1986 SIIHJEM: MIDLAND ROAD: WIDENING CHANGE ORDERS ' BACKGROUND On September'30, 1986 the Redevelopment Agency approved contract order #�11. for installation of subgrade preparation:.. The. amount included. an estimate of 'the crushed rock needed. to do,the wort r _ s at $12/ton:.• The: ` actual. amount` used exceeded: the estimate by _ X11, 490. i2.. This is covered in contract change order#11 (.aj .. On September 16, 19'86 the Redevelopment Agency approved. change order #7 for charnel subgrade work.. Prior. to that time thee. - eontractor had attempted to stabilize the channel. through a variety of other methods. These were partially successful and allowed staff to evaluate the actual. conditions:: of the: subgrade. After extensive discussions.:staff has agreed to recommend payment: fi for this .work under change order #'15 for$9',287.88, FINDINGS Approval of these items will resolve outstanding . ., ; PP ding discussion with k the contractor over payment for this work-. These two change orders are listed, on the agenda under item 1:6 is as -Progress Payment #-3, for Midland Road. Widening. If any changes: are made to. them, the corresponding changes need. to be made on the Progress Payment 1r3 before -its approved bar the Poway. Redevelopment Agency. -,- ACT ON: OF NOV-48-1986, ITE _ -- - - OF 2 AGENDA REPORT MIDLAND ROAD WIDENING CHANGE ORDER Page 2 RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the poway Rec eve opment Agency approve change order 1i. (a} in the amount. of $ I1`490.12 and change order #15 in the amount of $9,287.88 JLBI:ADA:JBK:ke NOV 161986'ITEM