Item 8 - Minutes of Adjourned Meeting October 30, 19864 MY OF POWAY,, - 1 r'Mnwm OF TBE. CITY i 30, 1986 The October 30, 1986, meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway, { adjourned. frau the October 28, 1986, _ regular meeting, was called to order at 4;04 p.m.. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers, 13325. Civic Center Drive, Poway, California._ PIUMM AT `CALL Nary Shepardson,: Bruce Tarzy, Carl Kruse } 96 ABSM5 AT Bob Eery tCouncilmanber, F.me1.Y arrived at 4:10p; M Linda Oravec (Councilmanber Oravec arrived at 5.30 p.m.,) STA' MEMBERS PREMW James: Bowersox I City Manager. k Marjorie Wahlsten City. Clerk _. Patrick. O'Conner Assistant. City Attorney L-- John Fitch, I Assistant. City Manager Patrick Foley Assistant, to, the City Manager Alan Archibald I Director of Public Services Reba Touw,Director of Planning Services Bill Toon. Director5 of Safety Services. John Bridges Assistant. Director of Planning'Services Jay. LaSuer Sheriff.''s Captain r ITEM 2 PRE-DE.VEMPMEW CaqFERENM z SARASTW DEVEEOP14M COMPANY` Staff report epo by City imager ' Bowersox.: This is a request: for aurin: -storage , facility in the 14200 bloom on Panay Road. A light industrial building° was recently, approved on this property for Greenwald/McDonald. Barry Stone,; 2575 Nleadowmist. Lane�a fol vanh� architect for the project, and: Jerry Saraston, 5941 La Jolla Mesa Drive, presented -the r proposal,. Following discussion, Council concurred this could be an appropriate use of this property. r _s DEC 9 1986 tTEM 8 235-7 a , a Page 2 - clTy OF powAY ADJOURNED REGULAR ME TING - October 30, 1986, ITEM 3 _ a PRE-DEVELOENM CONFERENCE E FOR PARE%lTS ALGID KIDS'SAKE Staff report by City Manager Bowersox.. This is a request to use the second. floor- of the former Post office as a respite day care center for a maximum of eight children. This could be: consideredan accessory use for crisis interven- tion. Maximun stay is three hours-.. Beverly Andreos, :14362 High Malley Road, representing Parents. -and. Kids" Sake, stated the stay cannot exceed three hours or a state day care license would be. required., Council concurred that under these conditions, no permits would be requi d. ITEM 4 LAW ENF0FUb= OVERVIEW Introduction by City Manager. Bowersox.. In May, 1981, the City Council. selected the San Diego County Sheriff as the City's law enforcement provider. He intro- duced. Captain Jay Lasuer'Captain of the. Poway substation, who presented a. statistical overview of the Sheriff's service .n in Poway. He talked about the new programs, including fixed wing aircraft'~ patrol for Highway 67 and Poway Road.Ar { to observe passing violations, and daytime' bicycle: patrol to reduce burglaries. Council ccamended Captain LaSeur fort the workdone: by the Sheriff's, deputies and noted the equ gnent purchased by the. City for the Sheriff ° s operation in. Poway. , ITE24 5 CFF -SIS REAL ESTATE; SIGNS Staff report by City Manager Sowersox. This item was referred from tho-- octdber 14, 1986, meeting;, when Ann Taylor. 12739 Beeler Creek Trail, appeared under Oral;. t Camnunications . Mrs. Taylor's: street is a long, private. cul-de-sac; and under the sign ordinance she cannot post a "For Sale" sign on. Poway Road which reduces the market ability of her .home. The City Attorney hasi determined an "Open House" sign could, be posted; however, it may be appropriate to. amend the sign ordinance with respect to.real estate: signs. Council discussion included using some type of reader board or mini -kiosk that would indicate, "House: for Sale," and concern. over changing the sign ordinance in,. light. of the "Ellis bill." a . A DEC 9 1986 ITEM' 8 2358 rr� Page 3 - CITY OF POWAYADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - October 30, 1986 Ann Taylor, 12739 Beeler Creek. Trail, and Diane Rath, ERA Realty, thanked the: Councilfor their assistance and made additional suggestions. pis. Rath offered to work with staff. (Linda Oravec arrived. at 5:30 p.m.) Council requested a report backon both the consequences of changing our ordinance and a mini -kiosk program. ITEM 6 PARKING IDP (Ai SDG&E PROPERTY BUIMIN LANE. AND TWIN' PEAKS ROAD Staff report by City Manager Bawersox.' SDG&E has not given the City a lease cost yet, but staff requests direction from. Council on the scope of the project. Within ten years, SDG&E will expand their substation tocover the site, but in the meantime 154 spaces could be created for $104,000. TDA funds can not be used for this many spaces. Determination needs' to be made on moving SDG&E poles, landscaping, access to Twin Peaks School, fence, curb, gutters and: sidewalks. Ccxincil concurred_ this should be a "bare bones" project, with landscaping only on the perimeter, stairs to the school, and sane lighting. Council also suggested somemotorcycle spaces be striped. ITEM. 8 STREET PROJECTS FOR SALES TAX PROPOSAL Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. SANDAG has requested a list of street. projects that could. be funded if the sales tax proposal is approved in November,, 1987. Council concurred this is prenature. The sales tax proposal on the November 4th ballot will beindicative of how the voters feel about this type of proposal.: Council suggested an increase in the gasoline tax would be more .equitable. OFF -DOCKET ITEM ALTERNATE 8 ALIGNMENT STUDY Staff report by City Manager Bowersox:. In order to assess the costs of the various possible alignments of Alternate 8 it is necessary to obtain accurate. topography. Staff has received a proposal frau BSI Consultants, Inc., and recannendation is to authorize the contract. Motion. by Councilinanber. Every, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy, to approve $58,500 for BSI Consultants to study three alignments for the South Poway Parkway between ` Panerado Road and I-15 at Mercy Road. Motion carried unanimously. DEC 9 1986 !TEM 2359 ------------ Page 4 - CITY OF' .POWAY` ADJOMM REXI AR MEETING - October 30 , 1986 CITY MANAGER, ITEMS 1. City Manager Eawersox stated the Council is invited to a dinner, with the Sheriff 's Deputies at, Iake Poway on Monday, November 3. 2. City Manager. Bowersox stated there will be a Neighborhood Watch. dinner with. x an. earthquake preparedness program at the. Canmuni.ty Center on Monday, November 10 COUNCILMEMEER, ITEMS 1. Councilmember Ferry requested a. Sheriff ' s Deputy to direct traffic at Canunity and Aubrey from 3:30-4:30 p.m. each day.:, The - traffic is- backing up tothe sign._ at Twin Peaks and Camtunity. 2. Councilmember Elery asked if a store other.' than Target, is. possible for. the Pamerado and Twin Peaks site. Council directed staff to discuss alter- natives with the developer'.. CLOSED SESSION Mayor Kruse called for a closed session. at 6:00, p.m.. to discuss employee. perfor.- mance with. the: City Clerk and the City Manager.. C.AL]G TO; CBM, Mayor Kruse called the meeting back to order at 7:00'- p.m.. with all Council- m��anbers , present except. Councilmember Tarzy who left the closed -session, at 6:40 1 .m • Mayor Kruse announced that during closed session, the Council had.discussed the City Manager's. contract. Motion by Councilmember Oravec, seconded- by Counci ]menber Emery, to extend the contract with James Bawersox for an addi.- tional three: years, to March., 31, 1990, and authorize the Mayor to execute.: Motion carried. 4-0 with Councilmember- Tarzy absent. AD OUMMM Mayon Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk -City of Poway DEC 91 1986 ITE 2360