Item 8 - Minutes of the Meeting December 2, 1986CITY OF POW, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL _R®GYLAR MEWING DECEMBER 2, 1.986 The December 2, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway . was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Mayor Tarzy at the. City Council. Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California.: Gtr',CALL Bob Emery, Carl Kruse, Bruce Tarzy COUNCIIMEMICRS ABSENT AT ROLL CALL Linda Oravec, Mary Shepardson STAFF MEM PRESENT James Bowersox Marjorie Wahlsten Steve Eckis John Fitch Patrick Foley Susan Pulone Alan Archibald Bill Toon Reba.Touw Jim Bentz John Bridges. Jay I;aSuer Bob Krans Brad Kutzner' Suzanne Oliva City Manager City Clerk City Attorney Assistant City Manager Assistantto the City Manager Director of Administrative Services Director of Public Services Director of Safety Services Director of Planning Services Ca nunity Services Manager Assistant Director of ` Planning Services Sheriff is Captain Battalion Chief Senior Civil Engineer Deputy City Clerk PLEDdE OF ALLEZIANCE Deputy Mayor Emery led the Pledge of Allegiance. ITEM 3 NOVEMBER 4, 1986 GENERAL ivlINICIPAL ELEt'_TION A. City Clerk Wahlsten: reported the results of the November 4, 1.986 election. held to elect three members of Council for four-year terms. She stated. Linda Brannon received thehighest number of votes at 6,231. Don Higginson was second with 4,801 and Carl Kruse, third: with 4,287. There, was a total of 11,588 ballots cast out of 20,030 registered voters. DEG 1.6; isso ITEM. 2386 Page 2 - CITY OF PC AY - December 2, 1986 3. Motion by Councilmenber wry, seconded by Councilmeenber : Kruse to adopt Resolution No. 86-130 entitle, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Reciting ' the Factof the General. Municipal Election Held in Said City on Novenber 4, 1986, Declaring the Result Thereof and Such Other Matters are Provided by Iaw."Motion carried 3-0 with Councilmenbers Oravec and Shepardson absent. e• City Clerk Wahlsten administered the Oaths of Office and presented. Certificates of Election to Linda Brannon,. Don Higginson and Carl Kruse. The new Councilmanbers were seated. PUBLIC' ORAL. CSC CATIA Mayor Tarzy explained the procedure for Public' Oral Communications. There was no one present wishing to speak ITEMS 7-14 CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Councilmenber Emery, seconded by Councilmenber Kruse, to adopt the Consent. Calendar as follows:, 7. Ratification. of Warrant Register - November 20, 1986. 8. Denial of claim against the City: Lisa Anderson 9. Approval of annual review of Conditional Use Permit 82-10, Poway Country Preschool, Mary Tamayo, applicant; 14411 Norwalk Lane. 10. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-131 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Councilof the City of Poway, California, Approving the Application for Grant Funds Under- the Carmunity Parklands Act of 1986 for Poway Ccrmunity Park West Development. Project." U. Award of bid and authorization to enter into an agreanent with California First Bank to provide benk ng services to the City. 12.. Approval of change in the Long Term Disability Insurance carrier and. authorization to sign the appropriate application and agreement. 13 Adopted. Resolution No. P-86-84, entitled "A Resolution of the City Council. of the City of Poway, California, Approving Development Review 86-19 TML 4090R (M14A226 ). "' 14. Approval of designof sidewalk on Twin Peaks at Tierra Bonita, Country Creek TTM 84-04R.. Motion carried unanimously. DEC 16. 1986 ITEM 8 2387 s:i 3e;f, j Page '3 - CITY OF Paw - December 2, 1986 i ♦Ski. F ITEM', 5 ,�• � taw T4. ORDINANCE SIO. 203 - SEcm RmING MISDMMOR VIOLATIONS Mayor Tarzy read the title of Ordinance No. 203, "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Amending Section 1.08.010 of the Pomy Municipal. Code to Increase the Main. Lind Assessable for Misdemeanor violation and to Authorize the Issuance of Citations for Violation of the Poway Municipal,Code." r Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. This ordinance will enable enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance through citations rather than misdemeanor violations, enhancing the level of service to the ca munity. ` City Attorney Eckis stated Cauncilmembers Brannon and Higginson were noir present at the first reading of this. ordinance, however, there was no public testimony, and. they would be consideredeligible to vote if they have reviewed the staff report fran, that meeting. Councilmembers Brannon and Higginson indicated they have read the staff report. There was no one present wishing to speak. Motion: by Councilmember, Emery, seconded by Councilmember Kruse to close the public: hearing, waive further reading and adopt Ordinance No. 203. Motion carried unanimously on a roll call vote. _ ITEM 6 DOI3MON. TO POKU HIGH SCHOOL FARMiniG BAND: F Staff report by City Manager. Bowersox. Staff recc tion is to authorize a $1,500 donation to the'P«ay High School Emerald Brigade Marching Band for their nationall televised c ' y cg�tpeti.ton in the Fiesta. Bowl, to be heldin Phoenix, Arizona. - Speaking in favor of staff recanuendations Ronald Downing, 16926 ,St. Andrews Drive, President, Poway High: Sc1 Band. - -Boosters Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Kruse to approve staff' reca miendation to authorize the donation- of $1,500- to the Pmiay High School Emerald Brigade Marching Band. Motion carries unanimously-. CITY .COUNCIL ITEMS 20. Councilmember Kruse invited everyone to celebrate the City's sixth anniver- sary at Thursday's Sundavmer to be held in conjunction with the Chamber of TM, Catmerce. The celebration will take place at the Ctmnunity Center starting at. 5 s 30 p.m. r DEG 16 1986 ITEM 2388 Page 4 CITY OF P( AY December 2, 1986 21. Mayor Tarzy requestedand received concurrence to hold a pre -development conference. on December 11 for John -Ross. Partners to allow construction of two restaurants at 12400 Poway Road. Amomear Upon motion. by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmanber Kruse, Mayor. Tarzy orderedthemeeting adjourned. The time of adjournment was 7:25 p.m. Marjorie K. Wahllsten, City Clerk, City of Pc»uay` DEC 1; 6. 1986 ITEM 8 2389