Item 19 - Memorandum - Appropriate Action Regarding Coyote "Problem"9: FRO:. DATE: IVIEM(:)11,A14.1)IJIVI , CITY OF POI TAY Mayor and Members of the City Council Bob Eery, Deputy Mayor December 16, 1986 SUBJECT: Appropriate Action Regarding Coyote "Problem" OF Po try i\* TETE First, I want to, acknowledge that there is a "coyote problem,' in a part of the Green Valley area. Whenever the citizens of an area, perceive a problem, then one exists. My concern is that we address the problem frau, an informed position that willinsure. a long range solution. Inthe past few days, I have done considerable research, onthe question of man r s intrusion into the coyote'snatural habitat. r have contacted the Curator of mals of the Wild Animal Park, the. Escondido Humane Society, the former director- of the Wildlife Rescue Center in: Poway, and a represen- tative of the Sierra Club. I havealso contacted several. residents in. the Green Valley area toy learn firsthandof their concerns. My intent in this issue stems from a long time acclimation for the coyote as. one of the most intelligent, wily,resilient andresourcefulanimals, anywhere in the: world. I have lived. in Poway for nearly 20 years and one of my greatest. pleasures istohear the coyotes at. night. I have lost several cats to coyotes,cats that failed to "get smart. I also have a 17 year old cat that learned the ropes early.. Coyotes are a part of rural Poway. After making my contacts,. sane "truths" become very apparent. Allpeople contacted agreed`, that: of 2 1. Elimination of the present coyotes willonly result in their place being taken by a new group. Coyotes instinctively fill a void where there is a food source. 2. Live trapping of coyotes is nearly impossible. They are just too smart. 3. Coyotes go where there is a food supply and that food supply includes , rabbits, other rodents, cats, small dogs, catfood, dog .food, open garbage, etc DEC 1 3986 ITEM 19 c Nr - Mew,_: Coyotes december 16, 1986 Page 2 4. If the food supply diminishes, the number of coyotes will decrease. Y 5. Coyotes do not run in "packs." They may remain as a family unit until the pups reach a certain age, but they hunt alone. 6., The tong range solution to the problem rests:- with an educated pope— . loos!,, not eradication. Coyotes are-here to stay. 'est of the above information is contained in the staff report. However,; as much firsthand. knowledge of the subject is kinportant to fully understand: the problem and proposed. solutions.. To consider supporting a control activity, the following must apply: 1. That the. City°s liability be clearly, outlined. F j r .20- That the threat or menace of these animals be clearly. established.. �= If they are as omnipresent. asreported, photographic evidence should be obtained. 3. .definite time limit (30days)be established for the program.: i 4. Defnite.boundaries be established that cannot be. exceeded. 57.z Daily reports on animals contacted be, available. to. Council. and Staffs 6. That the: carcassest be disposed of through;, some means that does not provide, pelts for. sale. 7'e That the agency hired be: licensed by the State of California.. 8. That all families in-the. area be notified that an eradication program, is being instituted.. AtL present, 'L would hope: that some. to shooting can: found. I •alternative do. not support that. method of dealing ng ws.th endangered wildlife. However, ' if the Council chooses to adopt the Staff recommendation, I would hope that the above criteria would be'requlred. 5/C/COYOTE1. & 2 { ,a 2 of 2; DEG 1 6 1986 iTEN 19` }