Item 2 - PDC for El Real Cotijas Taco Shop1 of Agenda Report January 9, 1986 Page 2: The site is completely developed with a 1,040 square foot building, landscape areas, nine parking spaces,: t- and a drive-through lane. Ingress to the'drve- through laneis, from Poway Road and Quate: Court., The lane egresses into Poway Road (see Attachment 2). GENERAL PLAN GUIDELINES: Land.Use Element Policy 2..a. Incompatible land uses shall not be made. contiguous without adequate buffering and/or. setbacks. Pol,icv 2 .c In the eventa question of compatibility exists between two uses or intensities, the lower intensity use shall take precedence. ZONING GUIDELINES: Section Permitted and Conditional Uses requires, approval of a Conditional Use Permit for, a fast food restaurant with a drive-in or drive-through lane. Section 17.4 2.0 30 Schedule of Off -street Parking Reggirements requires: one space: per -seven seats plus one space. per employee anal an. on-site queue line for at -least -eight vehicles when.a drive-through is included. Section 17.42..060: S'pe.cal Requirements requires that any unused space resulting from the design of the parking area shall be: used for landscape purposes. Section Performance Standards requires a. y = 20 foot landscaped front -and street side yard area.. SUMMARY: The site is adequately designed and located as a drive-through restaurant use. Off' -street parking and queue line areas exceed the Codes requirements.. A- preliminary analysis of the site indicates one of the two driveways. on Poway Road may need to be removed.; Although the Code requires a 2.0 foot f r.ont anal street side, yard area (landscaped), requiring- the applicant to provide: said area along Quate.Court would result in a major redesign of the site. However, the required landscape area could be provided. along Poway Road by removing approximately one parking space. JLB:JES:SEC: js: { Attachments,, - 1. Zoning 2. Site Plan 2 of 4: JAN 9 i9�6 I T E_M 2 m i ':�►�'�-310.et� Via_ .r rH a N T Eseitr4 U.. T` oRof.2 Dox C'. CITY OF POVTAY trie 44/7"Eize 7%o4f I T E- M =cs711.4s T s,i-10 TITLE sr--t--._-� ,CALF : ATTACHMENT 4 of 4 JAN 9 1986 ITEM