Item 3 - PDC for Texaco USAOf JAN J 1986 ITEM 3 Agenda Report January 91 1986 Page 2: , A. The proposed nonconforming use will not have a greater adverse impact on the surrounding area than the existing or former nonconforming use. B. The proposed nonconforming use shall be a use that would be permitted to continue in the zone in which it would be located as prescribed in Section 17..44.,090. (Ord. 11.3 Sl(Exh. A 9.6)g, 1983) Section 17.10.140 C. In the CC zone, new construction and reconstruction or, rehabilitation of existing L buildings and/or sites shall be in accordance with the following design criteria: 1.. Development Plan.. A development plan shall be prepared for: the entire site under con- sideration regardless of whether development is: con- templated in the near future. The purpose of the development plan is to show conceptually where buildings might be located _and where and how parking and on-site and off-site; circulation will function. 2. Site Development Standards. The site development standards shallbes consistent with the requirements of the CCzone as indicated in both. Section. 17..10.130 and this section.. The, standards; shall. be reminiscent- and reflective of the early farming and rural country character of the: City Plan. The siteplan should seek to use. imaginative, creative, and stimulating architectural design with special consideration given to the provision of the following items: a. Low intensity lighting; b:.; Pedestrian comfort stations, c. Generous landscaping; d. Decorative paved walkways; e. Basic design: theme, f . Separation of pedestrian and. vehicular- f.f -way;. and g Architecturally -integrated ground- mounted equipment such. as trash recep- tacles and transformers. GENERAL PLAN x GUIDELINES': Objective 33 Focal points, or high activity areas:, should be. enhanced. through community design features to encourage: viable commercial,areas. 2 of 7 JAN 1986 tT E M 1 Agenda Report January 9, 1986 Page 3.> Police 33.aa The following areas are designated as t focal points because of current or future high activity: - The western entry along Poway Road at Oak Knoll Road;: The intersection of Poway Road and Pomerado Road;. The intersection.of Twin Peaks Road and Pomerado _ Road; - The intersection of Poway Road and Community Road, - The intersection.of Poway Road. and Midland Road; and The eastern entrance to the Poway Road business area at Garden. Road excluding Garden. Road. itself. Folie 33.b Design review of development applira- tions at focal points shall strive to encourage the best representations. of Poway's rural character. Polis 36.a Sign height and size should be consistent with the low profile nature and scale of buildings that are characteristic of Poway' s rural. character. Policy 36.c Signage should be integrated. into the overall site, and architectural design process to provide signs that are consistent with: architectural style, color, material, and landscaping themes. Policy 37.c Access points to adjoining lots should be shared wherever feasible. Folicr�41.b The site plans shall illustrate com- patblity with the planning of adjoig parcels arcels in planning the areas of building configuration, building design:,: landscaping materials, parking configuration, and access. `_y__rs used in commercial construction should be�primarily earth tonesi with complementary accents "in muted shades of reds, blues, greens11 grays, and yellows. Policy 50.b A totally monocromatic appearance should be avoided through the: use of complementary colors. Policy 50.c Materials used in commercial. construc- tion shall have textured surfaces such, as rough -sawn` woods, split -face block, stucco, and facade brick. it 3 of 7 JAN: 9 198E; IT E lUC r _ f E Agenda Report January 9, 1986 Page 4 Policy 50.d Excessive use of smooth surface materials such as metal, plastic, and glass should be discouraged or off set by overhangs or architectural projections,. Policy 45.a Landscaping materials used should complement the dominant structure in height, size, and location. Policy 45.b Front.setback areas shall be landscaped with a combination of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers that help to soften the: appearance of on-site struc- tures and define pedestrian paths. and the site area. Policy 45.c, Landscaping in parking areas- shall include one 15 gallon size tree per. every three parking spaces evenly distributed throughoutthe: parking area, GENERPL COMMENTS: Texaco remode ed this service station in. 1983 to comply with: the company�s new station design.. The level of remodeling was minor and did not require: ~; Development Review-.. As part. of the. remodeling prof- p � ectr a. convenience store area was incorporated into this design. Texaco now requests that they be; per- mitted to open the: convenience store phase of the service station. Zoning Ordinance, Amendment 85-01, adopted on April 1,, 1985,. prohibits convenience stores in the Community Commercial zone; however, the Code doesallow a change from one nonconforming use to another nonconforming use through the use: permit process where findings as: specified. in Section 17.44.070 can be made:. JLB:JEB:JHL: s Attachments.:: 1. Applicant's Request. Letter 2. Agreement of Understanding,- nderstanding3. 3.Site Plan _ 4 of 7 —.._ � -� 98 JAN ITEM 3 ED FIEDLER AND ASSOCIATES November 25, 1985 City of Poway P. 0. Box 789 Poway,. ' CA 92064 Attn: Mr. Lyon Assistant Planner 2322 WEST -THIRD STREET LOS ANGELES.CALIFORNIA 90057-1906 PHONE: 213-381-789.1 AM -3704 RE. Texaco Service Station 13341 Poway Road Poway, CA Dear. Mr.. Lyon, Per our telephone conversation of 11/25/85,please schedule a pre -development conference for the prop,osed modification, of the above referenced facility. Thank -o :t, Armando Morales AM/vin 5 of . 7 ENG. LIC. #ME -230 GEN. CON;: LIC. #B1.•201566 ARIZ.. LtC # 1792 • JAN 9 1986 ITEM City Council for the City of Poway, hereinafter referred to as "Cityn and ,hereinafter referredto as "Proponent"' enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts: Proponentowns or has an equitable interest in land described by tax assessor's: parcel numbers) X1"7 • Proponent desires to develop this property in accordance with the will of the City and without the expense of a protracted development. City is concerned that Proponent will create development plans unsatisfac- tory to City and consume tie and effort of City Employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development: plans unless City assists in directing Proponent. Based upon the above-icentioned facts, City will grant. Proponent a hearing prior to filing any application for development upon the following understand - • City will render no decision with regards to any developient proposal or part thereof. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a particular developaent plan. City will crake no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any development proposal, or part thereof Proponent may subsequently submit. If any development proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed at its sole and exclusive risk with the understanding that City has made no representations upon which. Proponent nay rely. JAN 91986 0.66 AC. 0•, .. _i 5e 51 so.+ ..- ! 1 11 till ACo u .22 9.75 h:, _ 2.29. T5` `; - . 9:1-o— — POWrAY f. -., IP tvt' Si'. .. v.a .a.Tv'I .1v tri? ya.1,k "r,'", s¢ /o, 013' 6:61 AC. HALEY S TRAILER RANCH SEE SHEET 2 MARKETING OPERATIONS ENGINEERING' ��,