Item 6 - Minutes of Adjourned Meeting December 19, 1985r �f • u _ . • _ ,,,. •''�' `••�� rte, ?�j C]L"i°Y OF POMY QU IFORMA f N!INMW CF THE CITY' v A'DGt1LAR N .E DECEHM 19, 1985 a� The December 19, 1985, meeting of the City Council of the City of pmay, adjourned from the December 17, 1985, regular meeting, was called to order, at } 4:05' P.N. by Mayor Kruse at the City Council Chambers,,... 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway, California.., AT ROLL, CALL: ' Linda Oravec, Bob Eery, Carl. Kruse ATz ROLL CALL Mary Shepardson,. Bruce Tarzy (Councilmember Shepardson arrived at 4:06 P.M,) t Council member Tarzy arrived at 4:20 P.M. STAFF MEMEM PRESW James Bowersox City Manager Steve Ecki City Attorney John Fitch.Assistant City Manager Patrick Foley Assistant -to the City Manager John. Bridges Acting Director Planning Services Alan Archibald Director of Public Services Joe Gamble Associate Planner Jim.Nessel. Associate Planner Brad Kutzner Senior. Civil Engineer Alan Schuler Senior Civil Engineer Jo Seibert. Deputy City Clerk t ITEMS2-5 CONSENT CALENDAR Motion by Counclmember, Oravec, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to adopt the Consent Calendar as follows: 2• Approval of Progress Pay Estimates: F #l, Daman Construction., Poway Road Medians, Phase IV, $33,471.04 t2, Fritz A. Nachant, Lake Poway West Expansion, Phase IIIB $80,,534.97 #4, T. B. Penick,: Lake Poway. West Improvement, Phase IIIC, $51211 3. Rejection of all bids; and authorization to rebid the Camino del Norte Civic Center Drive bike lane project.. 4. Ratification of of Warrant Register December 12, 1985. 5. Authorization to retain Security Pacific National Bank as Trustee Registrar and Paying Agent for the proposedissuanceof Special. Tax Bonds for the South Poway COMMUnity Facilities District No. 1., Notion carried 3-'0 with Councils:Shepardson and Tarzy absent JAN. 14 19865 2 2� i Page: 2 - CITY OF POWAY ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - December 191, 19851 ITEM` 6: ORDINANCE: NO.. 183: DEVELiOPMErTi AGREE - CF POWAY LTD SOUTH POWAY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. ITEM: 7 OVA PARTICIPATION CF POWAY, LTD. SOUTH POWAY COMM MTY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO -1 ITEM 8 ACQUISITION CF' POWAY, LTD SOUTH POWAY' COMMUNITY' FACILITIES DISTRICT' NO .l. City Manager Bowersox announced the documentation on Items 6, 7, 8,, and the. two. Off -Docket items will not -arrive until 7:00 P.M. He suggested either recessing until 7:00 P.M. or adjourning the meeting to 4:00 P.M., Friday, December 20, 1985. Council. concurred in trailing Items 6, 7, and 8 and the two off -docket items; until 7':_00 P'.M. IT, g -- - POWAY ROAD SPECIFIC, PLAN INITIAL; WORKPLAN & PHASE I WORKPLAN REFINEMENT` E Introduction by City Manager Bowersox.. He stated the Poway Road Specific Plan program will serve as the overall program guide for the preparation of the Poway Road Specific Plaa. Recamsendation is to approve the initial workplan and the- Phase hePhase I workplan. refinement. Staff report by Associate Planner ° Gamble.. He stated the initial workplan has six. phases. An amendment to the schedule has been made to begin the initial woorkplan the first week of February, rather than the first week. of January. The project will require 48 weeks to complete. At the end of that time,, the Specific Plan.will be ready for adoption_ p Council concurred in extending the study area to the west city limits and to Espola. Road on the east.; motion, by, Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilirember Shepardson, to adopt staff reconmendations, as follows, with work to begin the first week in February and extending the boundary of the: Poway Road Specific Pian to the City limit on the nest and Espola: Roach. on the east:: i iAN 141 1986 ITEM C. 2028 3 4 • Page 3 CITy of PowAy ADJouRNED REGLTI AR MEETING December 19, 1985 • 1. Authorize Acting Director of Planning Servicesto schedule City Council/staff workshop for the purpose of issue identification as spe- cified, in Task; 1.c of workplan and preschedule two City Council/community workshop forums as identified in task 3.a 2, Instruct Acting Director of Planning Services to include as part. of the Phase 6 Workplan Refinement a tabloid size journal suonrary of the Draft Specific Plana 3., Approve the Poway Road. Specific Plan. Initial Workplan. and instruct Acting Director of Planning Services to begin work the first week'. in February. f 4. Approve the: list of the defined: needs and desires statement as iden— tified in Task 1.a. 5, Approve, the use of Alternative "A as the format. for the Poway Road. Specific Plan. 6. instruct Acting Director of Planning Services to prepare a draft list of relevant planning issues: to be submitted to the City Council for review and approval,, 7'. Approve the Phase 1 Workplan Ref inement and instruct Acting Director of Planning Services to in work the first week inFebruary. E Motion carried unanimously. f _ ITEI: 10' REDEVEWPMENr COMMITS CHARTER Staff report Cit Manager Bowersox. He stated the eleven member f !� by y g Redevelopment Advisory Ccm uttee was appointed in September 1983, to review the: proposed plan for the Paguay Project Area. Council then determined the camit tee should have an ongoing advisory role In order, to formalize the role:, the: proposed charter is presented for approval. Recommendation is to approve the: charter and confirm the appointments of the nine existing: committee members. At the convenience of Councilmembers Shepardson and Tarzy, Council. should accept and, confirm their, nominations for vacancies. and the mayor appoint, a chairperson from among the committee members. Council concurred the appointments should run for the term of the Councilmember, with reaffirmation on a yearly basis and that the concurrence of the. Executive Director"` in Section VI be changed to "notification of the Executive Director.." JAN 14 1986 11 i ZENos.1, 2oa Page 4- CITY" OF POWAY ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING - December 19Y _ 1985 Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded: by Councilmember Shepardson. to: 1) approve the proposed charter for the Redevelopment Advisory Committee, adding a provision; for reaffirmirq appointments: on. a yearly basin and amending the %lording in. Section VI 2) request applications from those m embers of the commit tee who wish to continue to serve; 3) solicit applications from _individuals interested in appointment to the committee; and 4) the mayor appoint a chairper- son from, among the committee members. Motion carried unanimously. ITEM 11 POM�ROAD` ALIGNMENT` ' Staff report by City Manager Bowersox.. He reported on a meeting he attended with representatives: of the City of San Diego and property, owners in the area regarding the alignment of Pomerado Road.. He showed drawings of the three suggested alignments of Pomerado Road. Council discussion centered on SANDAG's Alternative 8 and Alternative 11:align mint for SR 125 as it relates to Pcmerado Road.. Councilmember Emeryrequested a. discussion of Alternative 8 at a workshop meeting with aerial photographs of the area to show where cuts and fills would be necessary. F Council concurred in supporting the San Diego City Transportation and Land Use: Committee''s recommendation to adopt in concept Alternative 8 of SANDAG's June 1985 report. and. to: register preference for Route C for Pomerado Road if. ' Alternative 11 is chosen. RECESS AND CALL TO ORDER { Manager er Bowersox stated: he: has received word the documents in Items 6 7, � X g 8, and, the. two Off Docket Items will not arrive until at. least 8.00 P.M. - i Mayor Kruse recessed the meeting: at 5:25 P.M.. and called it back to order at 9:00 P.M. All Councilmembers were: present. � TRAILED, ITEM 6 2 ORDINANCE NO. 183 FIRST' READING DIM, WHAWT AGREEMERr WITH CF POWAY,, LTD SOUK POWAY CM== FACILITIES DDISTRICT NO.1. 1 Mayor Kruse read the title of Ordinance No. 183, "An Ordinance of the City, of Poway, California, Approving a Development Agreement. with CF Poway, Ltd, Under. Government Code Section 65864-65867.5 and Poway Municipal Code Chapter 17.53.' JAN 1 44 3986 1 I =L I', 2030 i E } x { Page 5 - CITY OF' POWAY ADJOURNED 'REGULAR MEETING December 19, 1985 3( .4 City Attorney Eckis askedd that approval of the documents in Items 6, 7 8, and the two Off Docket Items be subject to approval of the City Attorney in specific - form,. - Motion by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to waive t further reading., issue a Negative Declaration, and continue the public hearing to December 30, 1985, for second reading of Ordinance No. 183, subject to appro-val of the document in specific form by the City Attorney. Motion carried. una- nzmmusly .. n TRAILED ITEM 7 MM. PARTICIPATION AGMib= CF POWAY, LTD SOUTH POWAY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT N0.1. motion by Councilmember Oravec seconded by. Councilmember Tarzy, to adopt. Resolution No. 85-102. entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council: of the City of Poway,, California, Approving an Owner ParticipationAgreement by and. Between: the Agency and CF Poway Ltd. Determining That. the Construction and Acquisition of Certain Public Improvements on. or Adjacent to the Site is: of Benefit to the Paguay Redevelopment Project and the Immediate Neighborhood in which the Project is Located; Determining that There are No Other. Reasonable Means of Financing Said Improvements;- and. Authorizing the Execution and Delivery of Said Owner }` Participation Agreement, subject to approval in specific form. by the City Attorney. Motion carried unanimously TRAILED ITEM 8 ACQUISITIOU - CF' POWAY, LTD., SOUTH POWAY'COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO.l- Notion by Councilmember Oravec, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to: adopt Resolution No. 85-103 entitled, "A Resolution.of the City Council of the City of Poway, California,- Approving an Agreement with CF' Poway,. Ltd.,, for the ;i Acquisition of Certain Public Improvements by the South Poway Community Facilities District No. I- subject to approval in specific form by the City Attorney. City Attorney` Eckis stated he has reviewed this document and it will require some: revisions. The substance: is acceptable, and it can be approved subject to approval of the City Attorney. Motion carried unanimously.. i JAN 14 1956 111 2031 1 Page 6 - CITY OF POWAY ADJOURNED REGULAR: MEETING December 19f 1985 : ITEM OFFDOCKET' PURCHASE AGREEMENT: & AWARDING SALE OF' BONDS SOUTH POWAY COMMUNITY FACILITIES DISTRICT -NO:. 1 City Attorney Eckis stated two changes- are necessary tothe purchase -agreement.. On page- 7, subparagraph M. it states there, is no action pending regarding the validity of the. bonds or the validity of the Community Facilities District. As of this- date, thre issuch an action, and it is scheduled for hearing on December 24, 1985.. In addition.,. on Page 16 there is, an indemnification which,. runs to the benefit of the City on line 2 of subparagraph B the: word '° County" should be "City.: He stated this agreement should be: approved. subject -to appro- val by the City Attorney. Motion by Councilmember- Oravec, seconded by Councilmember Tarz to adopt. ' Y - P Resolution No. 85-104 entitled., "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California,, Accepting a Purchase Agreement and Awarding the Sale of Bonds in a Camiunity Facilities District, with the changes noted, by City Attorney Eckis. Motion.carried unanimously., ., ITEM" OFF DOCKET v REVISED ENGINEERS REPORT' SOUTH POWAY-COY24UNT-TY FACILITIES DISTRICT NO. l r Motion by Councilmember Oravec, seconded by Councilmember Shepardson, to adopt Resolution No. 85-105 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the.City of Poway,. California, Approving the Supplemental Report Prepared in Connection r With the Creation of a Community Facilities District,. Motion carried, unanimously. r Doug Millen, representing Cadillac.-Fairview/California, Inc., expressed thanks For the cooperation of staff in the negotiations leading to the: establishment of the Community Facilities District. ADJOURNMENT Upon motion by Councilmember Ew-ry, seconded by Councilmember Tarzy Magor. Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned to 5;00 P.M.,, Monday, December 23, 1985. The: time of adjournment was 9:10 P.M.. JcVSeibert, Deputy City Clerk City of Poway JA N. I J 1986; J, T IE 6 2032