1986 01-07 AgendaCITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL ANDA REGULAR MEETING JANUARY 7, 1986; - 7:00 P.M. CITY' COUNCIL . t3A -- 13325 CIVIC CENTER DRIVE IT IS THE INTENTION OF YOUR CITY COUNCIL To BE PTrVE To YOUR CONCERNS ABOUT THIS COMMUNITY. YOUR PARTICIPATION IN IOCAL GOVERNMlENT WILL ASSURE A RESPONSIBLE AND EFFICIENT CITY OF POWAY. IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THE, COUNCIL ON ANY SC DULID AGENDA ITEM[r PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP AND GM TO THE CITY CLERK. YOU WILL BE INVITED TO SPEAK WHEN THAT PARTICULAR ITEM IS BEING CONSIDERED. TO SPEAK ON ANY CITY -RELATED ITEM NOT ON: THE AGE DA, PIMM FILL OUT A SLIP STATING YOUR SUBJECT, GIVE TO THE CITY CLERK, AND YOU WILL BE CA= FORWARD DURING THE ITFM "PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS." WHEN YOU ADDRESS THE COUNCIL, PLEASE STEP' TO THE MICROPHONE AND STATE' YOUR NAS AMID ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. THERE WILL BE A 3 MINUTE TIME LIMIT PER SPEAKEKER, UNLESS A LONGER PERIOD OF TIME, HAS BEEN MATED WITH THE MAYOR IN ADVANCE. TIME WILL NOT BE7 PROVIDED TO SPEAK{ ON AN ISSUE' UNRELATED TO CITY GOVERNMENT. NEETIM CALLED To ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNIM cON.USSION/REOEVELOPM[ENr AGENCY r 1.. ROLL CALL EMERY, ORAVECSHEPARDSON', TALRZY, KRUSE 2.. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE DEPUTY MAYOR SHEPARDSON 3 PRESENTATION Jerame Foster, Parks & Recreation Committee 4., PUBLIC ORAL. COMMUNICATIONS An, C)ONSEN CALENDAR NOTICE' TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMBERED 8 THROUGH 14 MAY BE ENACTED IN ONE; MOTION AT THIS POINT- IN THE MEETING. THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO THE, TIME COUNCIL VOTES. ' ON THE MOTION. UNLESS THE M M ERS OF COUNCIL, STAFFy OR THE PUBLIC y REQUEST SPECIFIC, ITEMS TO BE REMOVED AND DISCUSSED SEPARATELY. THOSE ITEMS WHICH. ARE REMOVED WILL. BE CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA. IF YOU WISH TO PULL AN ITEM, PL ASE FILL OUT A SLIP AND' GIVE TO THE CITY CLERK. CONTINUED PUBLIC RINGS 5. *Ordinance No. 184 Second Reading - "An Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Repealing Chapters 16.26 through 16.34 of the Poway Municipal Code; and Adopting Regulations Implementing the Educational Facilities Section of the- Public- hePublic- Facilities Element. of the General Plan and Requiring a Written Certification from the School District Prior to the Approval of - Proposed Land. Developments" If Council desires. to adopt ordinance, read title .and waive further reading (unanimous vote). Close public hearing and.adopt. (Roll.call vote.) x *EXHIBIT ENCLOSED OSED' NEXT RESOLUTION NO. IS 86-001 #EXHIBIT IN PREPARATION NEXT ORDINANCE NO. IS 185 NEST PLANNING RES. NO. IS P-86-01 NEXT REDEVELOPMENT' RES. NO. IS R-86-01 CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA January 7, 1986 Page 2' NES PUBLIC EZARIt S 6. *Conditional Use Permit 85-12 and Development Review 85-18 Palomar/Pomerado Hospital District, applicant: a request for approvalof a conditional use permit and a development review for a 149 bed, skilled nursing facility.- located acility;located at 15615 Pcmerado Road CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Close public hearing; adopt Punning Resolution approving with conditions. 7., *Conditional. Use Permit 85-13. and Minor Development Review 85-70, Palomar/ Pamerado Hosptial District applicant: a request for approval for the construction of a. congeneration plant, addition to the. existing power plant located at 15615 Pomerado Road. CITY N.ANAGER'`S RBOOMMENDATION: Close public hearing` adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. j CONMW7 CALENDAR 8 *Approval of Minutes - City Council; December 10, 1985, Regular Meeting' December 17, 1985, Regular Meeting ' - 9 *Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency: December 10, 1985, Regular Meeting December 17, 1985, Regular Meeting 10*Ratification of Warrant Registers December 12, 26, 1985 11.*Resolution No. P-86 Denial of Development Review 85-07, Kimberly Park' .. Apartments. Confirming action taken on December=. 17, 1985. 12.*Approval of additional appropriation and contract- change order for Poway Road. sidewalks and drainage project. 13.*Resolution No. - Approving an Amendment to. the Revised. San Diego Regional Solid Waste Management. Plan, 1982-2000, for the Camp Pendleton Ysidora Landfill and the SANDER Project at Miramar. 14.*Authorization to bid on the construction of one lighted. Tennis Court at Poway Cmmuni.ty Park. CITY MANAGER ITEMS 15 CITY ATTORNEYITEMS �o- 16. CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA January 7, 1986 Page 3 car axaci ITEMS 16. ROBERTEMMY Sand and Gravel trucks on Poway/Twin. Peaks/Espola Roads 17. LIMA ORAVEC 18. MARY SHEPARDSON 19. BRUCE TARZY 20. CARL KRUSE ADJOURNMENT Adjournment to Thursday, January 9, 1986, 4:00 P.M., City Council. Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive. TE rATIVE AGENDA FOR JANUARY 9, 1986 For confirmation of items on the Workshop Agenda, please ` call the City Clerks Officer 748-6600. . Pre-developrnent Conferences ▪ Discussion of Ridgeline/Hillside Study Report