Item 8 - Minutes of the Meeting December 10, 1985JAN 7 1986 1!i' E Ni 8' 2013 I VIED CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA MINUTES OF THECITY COUNC IL RB(ULAR MELTING D17 MBER 10, 1985 Thei December 10, 1985, regular, meeting of the City Council of the City of PowaY was called to order at 7:00 P.M. by Mayor Kruse. at. the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive,, Poway, California.. k ROLL j' Bob Emery, Linda.Oravec, Mary Shepardsono, Bruce Taxzy, Carl Kruse STAFF MavMERS PRESEW James Bowersox: City Manager g Marjorie Wahlsten City Clerk Steve Eckis City Attorney John Fitch .Assistant City Manager Patrick Foley Assistant to the City Manager Alan Archibald Director of Public Services Bill Toon Director of Safety Services Jim Decker Sheriff's Captain f John Bridges Acting Director Planning Services- k. Brad. Kutzner Senior Civil. Engineer Joe Gamble Associate Planner Jim Bentz Community Services Manager , Dan Cannon Park Supervisor Jo Seibert Deputy City Clerk PLEDGEOF ALL=ANC- E Deputy Mayor Sheparcison led the Pledge of Allegiance, PRES'Et�ATION Julie Walker, representing the Pocaay News Chieftain, presented a check for $300 to the city. The check, represents 50% of the. proceeds: of the News Chieftain's. fire prevention campaign. The donation: was accepted by Director of Safety Services Toon. He stated the funds will be used for the "Learn, Not To. Burn" program. inthe elementary schools. PUBLIC. ORFS, COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Kruselained the: eXp procedure for Public .Orap Gc�mnuncatons. There was no one present wishing to speak.. t< JAN 7 1986 1!i' E Ni 8' 2013 JAN 7 1986 ITEM 8 2014 ■ �c;ss"; �:�� � Pae 2 _ Page - CITY OF POWAY December l0, 1985 _ ITEMS 10 - 16 CDNS M CALENDAR Items 15 and 16 were pulled by Councilmember wry and the public. City Manager Bowersox stated a revision to the Resolution in Item 13 has been distributed to Council. Notion by Councilmember Tarzy, seconded by Councilmember oravec, to adopt the Consent Calendar as follows including the revision to the Resolution in. Item 13s 10. Approval of Minutes - City Council: 1 November 14, 1985, Adjourned Regular Meeting ' November 19, :1985, Regular Meeting November 21, 1985, Adjourned: Regular Meeting 12.." Ratification of Warrant Register: November 26, 1985. 13 Adoption of Resolution. No. P-85-73 for Poway Country Preschool entitled, "A F Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Conditional: Use Permit 82-10R; and Rescinding Resolution P-82-67 Assesor"s Parcel Nmber 314-194-23,,"' as amended, confirming action taken November 19, 1985.. 14. Authorization for City Clerk to make the Local Apointments hist available to the: public before December 31, 1985. 4. Notion carried unanimously. ITEM 5 ORDINANCE NO. 181 - SE00NDREADING VESTING: TENTATIVE MAPS Mayor Kruse read. the title of ordinance No. 181, "An ordinance- of the City of 3 Poway, California Amending the Subdivision Ordinance Title 16 Division I to Add Vesting Tentative Maps.." There was no one present wishing to speak on this item. Motion by Councilmember E mry, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to close the public hearing, waive further reading, and adopt Ordinance No. 181. Notion carried unanimously with a roll call vote. JAN 7 1986 ITEM 8 2014 P 4[•i.l s 1 f 'fit Page 3 - CITY OF POWAY - December 10, 1985 ITEM 6 URBAN WATER PLAN` 3 Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He stated California Assembly Bill 797 requires all urban water suppliers of more than 3,000: customers to prepare and adopt an Urban Water Management Plan by December 31, 1985. diepTan has' fed on a regionalTonal "Master Plan" basi's supplemented and expanded, with spec i- e activities of the City of Poway. Recommendation is to adopt the plan and ` direct staff to file a copy of the plan with the State Department of Water t I Resources within 30 days._ There was no one present wishing to speak on this item. Notion by Councilmember Oravec, seconded by Councilmember Tarzyr to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 85-097 entitled, "A Resolution. of the City. Council of the City of Poway, California... Adopting Its Urban Water I' Management. Plan. Notion carried unanimously. a ITENf 7 ORDINANCE: I . 183 - FIRSTREADING DEVELOPMENP AGREEMENT -_ CADILIAC-FAIRVIEW/CALIFORNTA, INC'. Mayor Kruse, stated the ordinance will approve a. development agreement with Cadillac-Fairview/California, Inc. 3 City Manager Bowersox stated recommendation is to continue consideration of' this ordinance and the resolution approving an owner- participation agreement with. First Caulfield, Development Company in Item 8,: because. the material is not ready, to be presented to the: City Council., - s a There was no one present wishing to speak on this item. Notion by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to con- tinue the public hearing on Ordinance Na. 183 to December 17, 1985.- Motion: carried unanimously. ITEM 8 PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT APPLICANT FIRST CAULFIEL,D DEVELOPMENT COMPANY There was no one present wishing to speak on this item. s Motion by CouncilmemberShepardson, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to con-- tinue the public: hearing to December 17, 1985. Motion carried unanimously. 4' f JAN 7 1996 ITEM g 2015 Page 4 CITY OF POWAY December ber 19 85 l�E�.I..'C.ttLLJCJ. 10 � K• :,+: s.s , 'rj �."'''s••` �� Y ITEM 9 TAX ALLOCATION BONDS ISSUED BY REDEVEDQPMENT AGENCY city Manager Bowersoxstated the bids for the issuance of $4,260,000' principal amount of Tax Allocation Bonds were opened today. He stated the interest rate s came in at. 8.48%, substantially lower than was: expected, resulting in.a savings to the City of approximately $400,000 over the life of the bonds.. He intro- duced Frank Fargo, representing Urban Consultants, financial consultant for the bond issue. Mir. Fargo gave information on the bond issue. He stated itreceived a AAA rating from Standard and Poors, which allowed for the favorable interest rate. He recommended approving the Resolution authorizing the issuance- of thebonds and awarding the bid to Prudential-Bache Securities. Motion by Councilmember Shepardson., seconded by Councilmember Oravec-, to adopt. Resolution No. 85-098 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving the Issuance by the Poway Redevelopment Agencyr of its Paguay, Redevelopment Project Tax Allocation Bonds, Series '1985, and Making Certain Determinations Relating Thereto." Notion carried unanimously. ITEMS -15 and 16 FINAL MAP TPM 17204 _ HUGHES FINAL MAP TPM 17101 M=S These two items were pulled, from the Consent Calendar by Councilmember Emery and the: public. Mayor Kruse stated.: two, slips have been: submitted in favor of staff recommen- dation on both items, but not wishing to speak.. City Manager Bowersox stated, the resolutions of approval for these two maps, prepared in accordance with the: agreement reached by attorney for the applicants and the City Attorney, were scheduled. for approval on. December 3, 1985 The items were. continued to allow time for staff to incorporate revisions to the resolution. Recommendation is. for adoption of the proposed resolutions. Notion by Councilmember Tarzy, seconded by Councilmember Emery, to adopt Resolution: No. 85-099 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving a Final Map with Conditions for Tentative Parcel Map 17204 Delbert L. Hughes." and Resolution No. 85-100 entitled,."A Resolution of the City Council of. the City of Poway, California, Approving a Conditional Certificate: of Canpliance for Tentative Parcel map TPM 17101, Nick Kuljis." Motion carried, unanimously.. t .JAN 7 1966 ITEM 8 2016 ■ i n Ana page. 5 CITY of POWAY - December 10, 1985 - 1 UV •,, E CITY MANAGER ITEMS t, expressed appreciation to Frank Faro fora_ his efforts 17 City Manager Bowersox. expg ., � on behalf of the Redevelopment bored sale. He stated the favorable bids on the issue were in great part_ due to Mr. Fargo's knowledge of the bond market., CITY ATTORNEY ITEMS' 18. City Attorney Ecks requested a closed session to instruct. the City's negotiator. COUNCIL ITEMS. 19. A. CounciLTenber Emery announced San Diego Mayor. Hegecock resigned today`.: B., uncilinembeer. stated there is perpetual, seepage in the hole C7o Emery created north of Poway High. School by the: developers of Fridlewcod. He° expressed concernthat when. the hole is filledin the: underground I' seepage will continue and cause future problems. Director of Public r Services. Archibaldstated. the devloper is required to dewater the. area, compact it, and. put sone kind of sub drain in before fill and construc- tion onstruetion can take place. Council memiber Emery, asked for a report when this has been campleted., j C. Councilnpamber Emery asked for and received concurrence from Council to - replace the microphones in the Council Chamber. The voice-activated ones do not amplify or record when people move their heads to speak. 21. A. Councilmember Shepardson asked for a. report. from Safety Services regarding requiring fire suppressing sprinklers in apartment buildings?. uncilromiber, She dson asked to have the traffic signals along Poway B. Co par Road checked,. They do not operate uniformly. 22.. A. Councilmember Tarzy announced he: will attend the Board of Supervisors hearing on Castle:H Ranch tomorow. B. Councilmember Tarzy asked. staff to insure a smooth: patch job is thane on Stone Canyon Road following the installation of the sewer lines. JAN 7 1986: ITEM 8' 2017 9 Councilueinber Tarzy suggested adding the widening of Ccununity Road. in the area of Hilleary Street as a priority in the next group of Redevelopment capital improvements Gouncilmember Tarzy asked when a report is scheduled regarding pre- serving open, space granted to the City. Acting Director of Planning Services. Bridges stated he and. City Attorney Eckis have beenworking on it and will present alternatives within 30 days. 23. Mayor Kruse asked when the Metate Lane sidewalkproject will begin. Director. of Public Services Archibald stated staff is waiting for. San Diego Gas & Electric Company to move their poles. This should be completed in about 90 days. Mayor. Kruserecessed the meeting at 7:35 P.M. and called for a closed session as requested by the City Attorney. Mayor Kruse called the meeting back into open session at 8:.44 P.M. All. Councilneinbers were present. He announced direction had been given to the City°s-negotiator Upon motion. by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councils ember Oravec, Mayor Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned. The tine of adjournment was 8:45 P.M.. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway JAN 71986 ITEM 2018