1986 01-21 AgendaREmLAR MSG - J UMM 21, 1986 - 7:00 P.M. CITY COUNCIL CsAmmmS - 13325 CIVICCENTER. DRIVE' IT IS THE MON OF YOUR CITY COUNCIL TO BE RECEPTIVE' TO YOUR CONCERNS, ABOUT THIS COMMUNITY.. YOUR PARTICIPATION IN LOCAL, GOVERNMENT WILL ASSURE A RESPONSIBLE AND EFFICIENT'CITY OF POWAY. IF YOU WISH TO ADDRESS THECOUNCIL ON ANY AGENDA ITEiK, PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP AND GIVE" TO THE CITY CLERK. YOU WILL BE INVITED TO SPEAK WHEN THAT PARTICULAR ITEM IS BEING CONSIDERED. TO SPEAK ON ANY CITY RELATED ITEM NOT ON THE AGENDA, PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP STATING YOUR SUBJECT,, GIVE 'I'O' THE CITY CLERK, AND YOU WILL BE CALLED FORWARD DURING THE ITEM "PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS." WHEN. YOU ADDRESS THE am=, PLEASE SPEP' TO THE MICROPHONE AND STATE'. YOUR NAME_ AND ADDRESS FOR THE RECORD. THERE WILL BE A 3 MINUTE TIME LIMIT PER SPEAKER, UNLESS A LONGER PERIOD OF TIME' HAS BEEN REGOTIATED WITH THE MAYOR IN ADVANCE.. ; { TIME WILL NOT BE PROVIDED TO SPEAK ON AN ISSUE UNRELATED TO CITY GOVERNMENT. ff' MEETING' CAUSE TO ORDER AS CITY COUNCIL/PLANNING COMMISSION/REDEVELOPMMr AGENCY � 1. ROLL CALL - EMERY, ORAVEC, SHEPARDSON, TARZY, KRUSE ;t 2... PLEDGE' OF ALLEGIANCE - DEPUTY MAYOR SHEPARDSON 3:. PUBLIC ORAL COMMUNICATIONS i; CONSENTCilLGMARL`eIOTICE: TO PUBLIC ITEMS NUMBERED 7 THROUGH 14 MY BE ENACTED IN ONE MOTION AT THIS POINT IN THE MEETING. 'THERE WILL BE NO SEPARATE DISCUSSION OF THESE ITEM PRIOR TO THE TIME; COUNCIL VOTES ONr THE MOTION UNLESS THE MEMBERS OF COUNCIL, STAFF, OR THE PUBLIC REQUEST SPECIFIC ITEMS TO BE REMOV-' AND DISCUSSED SEPARATELY. THOSE ITEMS WHICH ARE; REMOVED WILL BE, CONSIDERED IN THE ORDER IN WHICH THEY APPEAR ON THE AGENDA.. IF YOU WISH. TO PULL AN ITEM, PLEASE FILL OUT A SLIP AND: GIVE TO: THE CITY CLERK. NEW PUBLIC' HEARINGS 4. *Resolution No.. - Parkland Dedication Fees as required by Chapter 16.38 of the Poway Municipal Code. i CITY m''S CATION Close public hearing; adopt Resolution r *EXHIBIT ENCLOSED NEXT RESOLUTION NO. IS 86-004 #E MXT IN PREPARATION NEXT ORDINANCE NO., IS 185 NES PLANNINGRES. M. IS P-86-04 NEXT REDEVELOpmWr RES. LN. IS R-86-04 CITY OF POWAY' CITY MUNCIL ASA January 21, 1986 Page 2 5., Variance 85-07, Alan and Ester Macllroy, applicant: a. request to reduce a required side-yard setback area _from 20 feet to 15 feet to alba the construction of a. one car garage arZ -workshop addition to an existing- single family residence located at 16427 Avenda.Florencia.. CITY MANAGER"S ATIOU: Close public hearing; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. STAFFIS 6. *Report regarding Judy Markley's request for stop sign at Rostrata and Martincoit. (Referred from January 7, 1986, oral cications3 CITY MANAGER,'S RECMf4ENDATION: Klement six measures, including radar sur- veillance, "rumble stripsn, and raised reflectors rather than stop signs. CONSENT CALCAR. 7. *Approval. of Minutes City, Councils January 7, 1986, Regular Meeting .. January 9, 1986,: Adjourned Regular Meeting 8. *Approval of Minutes Redevelopment Agency: January 7, 1986, Regular Meeting: January 9, 1986, Adjourned Regular Meeting 9. *Ratification of Warrant Register January 9, 1986' 10.*Resolution No. Ordering, The Summary Vacation, of a. Public Service Easement Within Parcel 52 of Record of Survey. No. 4253 (VAC 86-01), 13856 Sagewood. Drive ll *Resolution No. - Annexing Territory to the Suer' Improvement District of the City of Poway (Harris), 13856 Sagewood Drive 12.*Approval of Cooperation and. Reimbursement Agreement for the construction of a noise attenuation wall, and ,the installation- of curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and landscaping along the: east side of Pcmerado Road in the Paguay Redevelopment Project Area.. A. Resolution. No. Resolution of the City Council S. Resolution No. R-86 Resolution of the Redevelopment Agency z s CITY OF POWA CITY WJNC.tL AGENOA a January 21 1986 Page 3 • 13:. Progress Pay Estimates: Poway Road medians Phase: N - Damoa Construction,; 21 Poway Road sidewalks - Damon Construction 31 Lake Poway West, Expansion Phase 111-8 - Fritz_ A. Na,chant . 14.*Resolution No. _ - Ordering the srY' Vacation of certain roads and the: reservation of certain public service easements i in. Tract. 409OR. (Hirsch Ranch (VAC 86-02.3' CITY MUM= ITM . 14. CMATT2I�tiEY 15. C=y COUNCIL ITE 16. ROBW EMERY_ 17. LINDA CRAVEc 18., MARY SHEPARDSON 19.. MWCE T ARZ 20` .. CARL. MUSE AWCr