Item 6 - Request for an "All-Way" Stop Sign Installation at Martincoit and RostrataJudy Markley 16607 K-artincoit Road Po. (71 year residents �( Zc I would first like to thank the Staff for their time in reviewing the lower`Nartincoit Roadr safety situation. After reading their reed mendations,, I was disappointed to see their° stand on the• stop sign.. I feel their recommended items t thru 4 would help,,if implemented, but urge the importance the stop sign would have. No where else,in Green Valley are flashing, red beacons., and street eights installed at a stop sign intersection, LEY H: ? I. submit as evidence FOR a stop sign(s) these petitions signed during the week of January 12 ,1986 ; a map showing the affected area and accidents over the last seven2 years and a July 5', 1984 Poway Chieftain article about our last plea.to City Council on.this very safety subject. y During our collection of signatures, we found overwhelming support fQr the stop signs from people, who live,, work or walk in the specific area. of discussion. I learned. of more accidents than I had actually been aware of. T:ae. ;.ap denotes accidents, one accident involving a female child 'r t by a vehicle on her way to school in 1;075 and £he fatality in 1971: of a. 1'Zyr old on.'- is, bike. I was quite surprised. to learn t at the*87- �F; l., at. their- Jan. 15th Board of Directors' Meet ng the G'.V.G.A.Is ten: board members hastily voted to endorse the staff reco,:�.r�endations and oppose: the stop. sign. Had any of these members. lived in this: stretch of -XIMrtiricoit cher: on the map: or talked to any of us who do,, they may have agueed. 'With.. t:-�e local homeowners. and voted for a stop sign to increase pedestrian safety id this dangerous section. Did they have full, knowledge??`? The July,,1584 Chieftain article- hmg.3ighted in yellow, states the then haayor Tarty said and I, quotelf and if we decide we still need a. stop sign, we still can do it rile, article also says how councilmembers told residents a stop sign could b- installed ata later, date. As they article continues & I will. quote staff's The guardrail -could provide a PERiIATI�iIT solution, regarding cars leaving the highway and. da;-aaging private property . " end o f quote,. Wel ...., when will Vais later date be considered:-' and :ghat about the property damage caused at the Dec-:rber. 26th accident site andthe: fact a vahicle DID leave this. toad%highway? F'inally,;wf feel the installation of a stop _sign,, as stated ID.-fore,, would be a PREVS!�T:�TIV3 measure 'taken by City, "ouncil. to try to alleviat t ,e seriousnRss o� a unique situ�L on in a residential area used by hoa;iemmers;adult walkers and joggers and children walking; to Painted Rock School. or their bus stops: to fiddle School & High School. Please consider stop signs as,a step in the right direction to. solving thismost important unique kills... s tuati on fie will also needwilling compliance of ��•V� residents:to sofves eed problems., Remember speed-Thank you. - Mu r - Le Sc. in u o r�� �f. c re of ac Ix aos.. obsar' ect 5t4c, 090 Ac lell i 17 r �. o• A Alf •. r CL itits 71, Mar (t t r 72 +►C- �> ti i5 I MAC �` -ice -: of - 1.I� Ar '04 \` _ ' • r, ,.. ,�tt .. K ,.•-C►tui' 0.96�G.,, . ja SG�tC t • 89AC` ,0' 098 s3 '� F- y ' K AC w 1 130 0 SOAC o , 0 396AC o - , . � _ c" Ac :d f ?t 7 s• r,. vENWDA RO STRATA R D., A, VALENCIA, COPCOMW SENDRD) ca.L c t ta' c`cyC , is Y14P M"� GE:.C� SEC 2 5 ♦ T I3S-R2W _ RCS 7 244 7 245.- 724(_ .'n�..,..�f ICIL ai. 40 July 5, 1984, NEWS CHIEFTAIN F .. __ t t-fto%ake tw"%n. rtJnCG it -� - ;+, dstr`s er fog oure • ,s •A street guardrail and Councilmembers asked fog lines,. paddle reflectors - 7 - reflectors soon will be in staff to look into it further, hi the- curve area and a stalled: on Martincoit Road' telling the residents. a. stop steel guardrail through the _ in Poway, between Painted always' could, be installed at - curve.: ' Rack School: and Rostrata a. later date.. - -'"The ° guardrail would - T : Road,: buta.stap sign is. "We'll try' this first," , provide a permament sant « only in the discussion Mayor-Bruce Tarzy said, tion regarding cars leaving, t ` stages. "and if we decide we still the highway and damaging - Poway City Council last need: a stop sign, we still. privateproperty," thestaff r week approved spending can do " it. report indicated. 14,04Q' to make Martincok Speed isl the primary con-' In addition, the shoulder , _.i safer,,- primarily for cern on Martincoit,. and . area of Martincoit will. be 'graded, ' • = pedestrians,- a majority of residents and staff have and landscaping them: elementary school been working together.for will be: cleared to give: at ' -: children: some time to develop atter.- .least a four=foot Although some residents natives for eliminating: the , unobstructed: walkway to -. in the area urged the city to problem. children going to and from install. a stop: sign on Mar- The city` previously school: tineoit at the Rostrata in established a 25 mile-ger: Some residents ersection, staff recommen- hour zone in the: curve area wondered aboutusing; a - 'edagainst. it, saying it north of Rostrata: and, near. -solid wood: fence instead of would be hard to show a the school, but drivers: are the steel guardrail, but, valid need for it, especially not conforming. ` staff indicatedthat for - if citations were contested Residents urged stepped safety considerations, the ' ,• in court. up- law enforcement; and steel guardrail, which: can _ --- - • - --; - - - - staff reconunended install be painted something other- ing raised reflectors along than whiter, is the best _ - Martincoit's centerline and choice. - -T _ ,!. '. -••. !i••rr-� _ ,• • •- - t' .. .` •.: - • . .. ..• • • C i ' • ! ! !�� j /oaf . i . �„S. ,_ - .s ..i _ .. .• • \ ,��, .�1 N _ " •L•',• Ali C• : q' G - 1.'-.- o• q - �: - •�, - - . , I , AGENDA REPORT CITY OF PO'WAY TO Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James. L. Bowersox, City Ma INITIATED. BY: Alan D.. Archibald, Director of Public Services J DATE: January 21, 1986 SUBJECT Request for an "All -Way" Stop Sign Installation at the Intersection of.Martincoit and Rostrata BACKGROUND , Based upon previous concerns expressed by the Green Valley residents, the Engineering Division analyzed.Martincoit Road between Rostrata and Green Valley Creek Based upon the engineer's report., a 25 MPH'speed limit was established on October 11, 1983 by Resolution No 83-74 r Subsequently, the: City Council received a petition asking that the City Council further investigate Martincoi.t Road with specific emphasis on pedestrian traffic from. Rostrata to Painted Rock School At the June 26, 1984 meeting,. the 4< City Council authorized the expenditure of $1.4,,000 for the construction of asphalt berms, an earth walkway`, guardrails raised reflectors, and additional traffic control measures. At the January 7, 1986 meeting, the. City Council: asked staff to restudy Martincoit Road with particular emphasis of estab lishing an °All -Way'" Stop at Rostrata Road. With the abandonment of the Irrevocable Offer. of Dedication for Rostrata Road., west of Martincoit,, Rostrata Road forms a "'T" intersection. with Martincoit Road.. 1-2artincoit Road is posted 35 MPH south of Rostrata and 25 MPH north of Rostrata past Painted Rock School. Speed studies conducted on January 10, 1986 showed that both nc:rth and southbound motoristss typically exceed both the 35 and 25 MPH zones by 5 to 10 MPH.. t ACTION. 1af 4 JAN 21198- ITEM y Request for. "All-Way"Stop Page, 2 January 21, 1986 FINDINGS In order to further improve: the safety of Mar.tincoit Road north of Rostrata, the following measures should.be implemented: 1. Provide regular radar surveillance in the area of the reverse curves. t 2 Replace the Reverse Curve signs with a 2.5 MPH Reverse Turn sign. 3. Add Reduced Speed Ahead signs with rumble: strips on both ends of the curves:. 4, Strip the centerline with solid double yellow strips and additional. raised. reflectors. S. Add Chevron alignment. signs on the guardrails to provide additional emphasis of the curves., 6. Trim the vegetation along Mar.tincait Road to provide better sight, visibility. An "'All -Way" stop sign at Martincoit, and Rostrata Road does not d meet the traf f is warrants established in the Uniform Traffic Control Devices Manual. in fact,, the manual specifically discourages. the use of' stop signs at. low volume: intersections to control speeding. In order to `establish an "All -Way stop, the: above mentioned traffic safety measures should'be implemented along with the installation of flashing red beacons and street lights This would require an implementing resolution and budget amendment to fund.the beacons and street lights. In addition, the Green Valley Civic Association Board of Directors considered this matter a their monthly meeting on January 15, 198:6 It was their recommendation not to install the, z 3 -way stop. RECOMMENDATION It. is recommended that in lieu of the establishment of' an "All -Way" stop, the six measures described in the, findings above be implemented. JLR ADA: pw 2: of 4 JAN 21 1986 t T E Mb JAN 21 1986 !'TEM' Powayp.] II t *dent t o tra _11c acct t asnee: for- stop sign By Linda Ko2ab would be a "preveentative measure.": Staff Writer "Please consider- our request be- POWAY— A. resident of Martin- fore a fatality occurs,"'she asked: - colt Road has urged the Poway City City Councilman Bob Emery said ' 1 Council to install a. stop sign on her the *city has monitored the. traffic road. problem on Martincoit- Road: since. Judy Markley, who. lives in the 1984, and he saicL. "This. letter indi-' ' 160M block of Martincoit, made her ' cates there's still a problem out appeal at Tuesday's council meeting: there:" Previously, Markley' had: written Eme said the cit h uld do ; t4 Mayor Carl fuse to report that. some ing o gtocurtailthes . • ; on Doc. 26 a pickup truck traveling —Councilmn. Bruce, Tmy sal he down Martincoit Road careened: past didnotobject to taking any safety* :. . a guard Taff and crashed. The truck measures, but he° said neighbors in. ' landedon a walkway near Markley's: the area: should be notified about f-.: home., f ture council: meetings on: the subject., The mother of two said, "(Safety When the city, discussed putting. a-... on) this waikwayhas previously been; stop sign; there once before;: said' ' brought to your attention in that it is ' Tarty, "This subject was a source of well traveled' by walking, and jogging some disagreemenVI I adults, and by children walking to Tarzy, said there are: sections of • Painted Rock Elementary School" Poway, such as the Mardmit• Road ` Council members directed= the city area, where, drivers often go too fast: ataff-to report on speed: problems in He said' he does not believe a stop -; the area and to determine whether, a. sign necessarily ° will be the answer.. k i -.atop sign on near near Rostra- He added hat a city staff report Martincoit ta. Road would -slow traffic in the help. the council determine "to what. t area: extent them:.is a problem." "We, homeowners and, residents, Emery said Martincoit Road is it requested' in the summer of 1984, that like a "ski ramp;" with drivers pick- r in addition to the guard rail which ing up speed along. the street as they was; to be installed, a stop. sign be head toward Espola Road! . ,. _- placed on: Martincoit Road at the. '.,Rostrata Road intersection," Mark-.-MR�'Oir KilSe to give ;i ley said. Markley said the recent truck ac- state of cit address cident raised questions about the POWAY — Mayor Carl Kruse will, speed on the roadway. deliver a state of the city address at " "Though the guard rail was some- the regular City Council meeting at c what, effective, the speed issue has p.m. on Jan. 28. not been resolved," she said. "I feel if Kruse is expected to touch on a. driver had: to consciously stop his some of his goals for the one year he vehicle at a stop sign;: he would be will be in office; as well as provide _ i more aware; of the actualspeed he an overview of capital improvement i was traveling." She said a stop sign projects planned in 1986! 1�Y 4 of Q JAN 21 1986 IT E M 6