Item 7 - Minutes of the Meeting January 7, 1986f cn CF tMINUTES OP TEE CIT C.i1:6Rwi.L1 WJ.r7R JANaAU' 7, 1986 The January 7, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway was calledto order. at 7:02 P.M. by Mayor` Kruse at the. City Council amtbers, 13325 Civic Center- Drive, Poway, California. .K CM ANSWE MG ROLL CALL Bob:Rnery, Linda Oravec, Mary Shepard.5on, Bruce.Tarzy, Carl Kruse R STAFF MEMBERS PRESENr - Jams- Bowersox. City Manager Marjorie Wahlsten, City Clerk Steve°Eckis City Attorney John Fitch Assistant City Manager Patrick: Foley Assistant to the City Manager Kay Jimno Director, of Administrative Services Lee Lewis Director of C mmmity Services Alan Archibald Director'of Public: services Bill Toon Director, of Safety Services John Bridges Arming Director Planning Services Stewart Gary r _ Fire Marshall. Brad Kutzner Senior Civil, Engineer Alan Schuler Senior Civil. Engineer Jim Bentz Gmmmnty Services Manager Jim; Decker Sher ff"s Capra n Joe, Gamble Associate Planner' Jo Seibert Deputy City Clerk OF` ATM'TnA3M Deputy Mayor Shepardson led the. Pledge: of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL CATIONS :. Mayor. Kruseexplained the procedure for Public Oral. Cacmunications .. .€ Judy Markley, 16607 Martincot Road, asked if Council received her letter of: December 30, 1985,>requesting a stop sign at the intersection of Martincoit and Rostrata Roads.. Following discussions Council directed staff to report in two weekson alter— natives for reducing the speed in that area.. ;f { I JAN 2' 1 3986 a T E M 7 2037 Page 2 CITY OF pU AY - January 7, 1986 ' ATION: Mayon Kruse presented a plaque to- Jerome Foster in appreciation of his service on. the Parks, and Recreation. Cbmittee from. March, 1984, through January', 1986.. mr. Foster: has resigned because he is moving out of Poway. Marland. Garth, Chairman of the Parke and Recreation Ca[mitteer expressed gratitude for mr. Foster's service:. ITEMS 8 - 14 CONSENT' CALENDAR j item, 11 was pulled by staff and the public.. Item 12 was pulled by councilmember Emery.. { Motion by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilmember' Emery, to adopt the Consent Calendar as follows. 8'.: Approval of Minutes City Council December 10, 1985, Regular., Meeting December 17, 1985, Regular meeting 10 .. Ratification of Warrant: Registers December, 12, 26, 1985.y;u 13.. Adoption of Resolution No. 86-001 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the city of Poway, California, Approving, an Amendment. to the Revised San. Diego Regional Solid Waste Management: Plant 1982=-2000, for the Camp Pendleton Ysidora Landfill and: the SANDER Project at Miramar.. 14., Authorization to advertise: for public bids for the construction of one lighted tennis court at Poway Community Park with bids scheduledto be opened on January 29, 1986, Motion carried unanimously. MW4 5 ORDINANCE NO. 184 SECOND READING: SOWL FEES` Mayor Kruse read the title of Ordinance No 184, "An. Ordinance of the City of Poway, California, Repealing Chapters 16.26 Through 16.34 of the Poway Municipal Code, and Adopting Regulations Im plementing the Educational. Facilities: Section of the Public Facilities Element of the General. Plan and, Requiring a Written Certification from the School District. Prior to the Approval of Proposed Land Developments.," 20`38 k Page 3 CITY OF POWAY - January 7, 1986 x City imager Powersox stated a letter has been, received from Poway Unified School District indicating interest. in holding a joint, meeting with the City Council. prior to adoption of Ordinance No. 184. Since the meeting cannot be scheduled until after, January 9th, reccm endation is to continue consideration of this Ordinance. to January 14, 1986. Motion by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilmember. Emery, to continue the public hearing -on Ordinance No. 184 to January 14, 1986. Notion carried unanurously. ITEM 6 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT 85-12 DEVEGOPMW REVIEW 85--18 ITEM 7 CONDITIONAL. USE PERMIT 85-13 MINOR DEVEL OPb= REVIEW 85-70 APPLICANT P HOSPITAL DISTRICT' Introduction by City Manager Bowersox. He stated the request on Item 6 is to construct. a by skilled nursing- facility and on Item 7 a cogeneration plant addition toL the: existing Pamerado ;Hospital complex, located at 15615 Pcmerado Road Reconendation is for approval: of both applications with conditions. Staff reports. by Acting Director of Planning Services Bridges. r Councilmember. Tarzy asked if he is allowedto vote on these- items, since: he owns property, adjacent to the: hospital... City Attorney Eckis advised him to abstain if the action taken will have: a substantial effect on the value. of his property. Speaking in favor of staff recommendation: Victoria M. Penland, 15615 Pcmerado Road, administrator of Pamerado Hospital.. Thomas: Bast,, 2480 Arcadia,, Tucson, Arizona, architect, for the projects. He asked: for and received clarification on several conditions on the proposed resolutions. Motion by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Shepardson, to close the public hearing on Items 6 and 7 and. adopt Resolution No.. P-86.-01 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving - Conditional Use Permit 85-12. and Development Review 85-18, Assessor's Parcel Number 275-461-04." 2039 Page 4 CITY OF POWAY January 7, 1986 Councilmember Tarzy stated for the record that he dial not. participate. in discussion and will abstain frca voting on: both Item 6 and 7: Motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Tarzy not, participating in the: hearing and- abstaining.. ndabstaining r Motion by Councilmember Finery, seconded. by Councilmember Oravec, to close the public hearing on Item 7 and. adopt Resolution No., P-86-02- entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Conditional Use Permit 85-13 and Minor Development Review 85-70- Assessor°s Parcel. Number 275-461-04. Motion carried 4-0 with Council Tarzy not participating in the hearing and abstaining. IfiENi: 1.]. DEVELAPKW REVIEW 85-07` APPLICAW: KL MY. PARK APARTTUS 0, LTD'. This item was pulled from the Consent Calendar by staff andthe public. a: F City Manager Bowersox stated on December, 17, 1985, Council denied. DR 85-07, which proposed a; 54 unit apartment complex at the southern terminus of Silver Lake Drive. The resolution presented for adoptionthis evening confirms that action. A revised, resolutionhas been distributed which amends Finding No. 3 regarding ooupliance with the Zoning ordinance:. City Attorney Eckis stated a letter has been received. from the attorney for Ann. Nelson., owner of the property, requesting aL rehearing on. this application. He asked Council to direct the. City Clerk to respond to the letter indicating a. rehearing is not available, but the applicant is not barred frau making a new application.: Council concurred. Motion by Counci member Emery, seconded. try Councilmember Tarzy, to adopt Resolution No. P`-86-03 entitled, "'A Resolution of the City Council of the City Of, Poway,. California, Denying Development eview 85-07, Assessor's Parcel Number 317-490-46.1 Motion carried 4-1 with Councilmember Oravecopposed. CITY MSR ITEMS 15. City Manager Bowersox announced that Fire Marshal, Stewart- Gary has been selected by the Rotary Club for a. six-week exchange program in Germany this Spring.; 2040 N_ page 5 - CITY OF paMy January 7, 1986 ITEMS 16. A.: CouncilmemberEmery expressed concern regarding a newspaper article on the reduction of funding for the County's paramedic training; academy, and its effect on Poway.City imnager Bowers= stated Poway has not sent anyone to: the academy for several years, since we have been able to hire: trained. paramedics, however, it could• have the effect of reducing the available number of trained- paramedics. Staff will con tnue to monitor the situation. B. Councilmember Emery reported on observations of sand and gravel. trucks � using Poway Grade, Espola and. Twin. Peaks Roads. He asked for increased speed: enforcement in that area. Councilmember Tarzy, suggested staff prepare: a- position paper to be delivered to the Hoard of Supervisors opposing the proposedincrease in gravel extraction in the: Highway 67 corridor because of the traffic impact. on Poway. C., Councilmember, Emery asked the status of the. County of San Diego's pro- perty in front. of City Hall. City, manager Bowersox stated staff is still negotiating with: the County for the use of the. property. 17. Councilmember aravec asked, when the reflector. dots will be installed on all. the medians on Poway Road. Director. of. Public Services Archibald stated: they will, be: completed by the end, of, January. 18. A.: Councilmenber Shepardson asked for and, received Council~ concurrence to have: the. Parks and Recreation Committee and the Trails c om ttee work withother groups in the: community to make Poway the focal point. for "Statewide Trails Days,,"which occurrs in April. B. Councilmember 8hepardson asked for and received: Council concurrence to work with the Chamber of Commerce to sponsor a holiday decorations con- test fora next Christmas season. 19. A. Councilmember Tarzy commended Councilmember Oravec for her couragous stands regarding controlled growth in her capacity as LAFCO board member. B. Council Tarzy expressed concern regarding the: length of tune which elapses between approval of capital improvement projects and going to bid. 20 A. Mayor Kruse announced the "State of the C ty'" message will be delivered. on January 28th. 2041 Page '6 - CITY OF P WAY January 7, 1986 B. Mayor Kruse asked that the illegal dumping on Pornerado Road be cleaned us anmoc+nmar Upon motion by Counci]member 3tery, seconded by Councilmember Shepardson, Mayor Kruse orderedthe meeting adjourned to 4:00 P.M., Thursday, January 9, 1986 The. time of. adjournment. was 8:25 P.M. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City of Poway 2042