Item 6 - Comprehensive Sign Program 85-02AGENDA REPORT z 1� of G � CITY OF POAY C iN THE00 GQ� TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Counci ; aI FROM: James L. Bowersox, City Man INITIATED BY:: John E,. Bridges, Acting Director of Plannin S vices E DATE: January 28' ,, 1986 t SUBJECT: Comprehensive Sign Program 85-02 ABSTRACT s Municipal Code Section. 17,40.170 states that a Comprehensive Sign Program shall, be developed forall commercial. centers consisting of four or more: tenants:.. 3 ost office building has been rehabilitated and now The vacated.post g contains four separate suites. Three of the four suites have been leased and therefore the: requirements of a. Comprehensive Sign Program are -applicable ., Staff is. recommending approval. of the CSP fir 85-02 with conditions. The intenb of this grogram is to integrate signs with buildings and. landscaping design into a unified architectural unit. This is dome by using uniform; colors:; letters, and sign style for all signs within the center'. BACKGROUND. The applicant has proposed a sign program consisting of ld inch dark yellow letters mounted on T -III plywood stained with #713 Olympic. Brown. The plywood will be framed by a galvanized "can" painted Frazee Madera Mahogany Brown (Attachment 4).. The length of each: sign may vary according to the number of letters and the size of the building face In no case shall the maximumm length exceed. 1.4 feet or exceed 21 square feet in. size. ACTION: OF 8 JAN 2 F 19% IT E M. t i m Agenda Report January 28, 1986 ;r Page 2 t Two signs are currently locatedon the west -facing wall. of the building. One: reads "Dance Emporium" the other, "Jazz, Tap, Ballet.." The Sign Ordinance specifically states. that only one sign k per business per frontage is: permitted. As both of these belong to the Dance Emporium, the second sign --"Jazz, Tap.,. Ballet" --must be removed.. A tentative location: has been, proposed.fora a freestanding sign, however, no renderings were proposed.as part of this application. A freestanding sign is an. equally important component of the Comprehensive, Sign Program. Staff has prepared a suggested freestanding sign design in order to provide design recommendations: for the applicant's: future freestanding sign.. Significant changes to recommended design, and/or location of the sign shall. be subject. to approval by the. Director of, Planning Services The City's. Sign Ordinance requires the freestanding sign to be no higher` than 8 feet nor greater than 65 square feet in size and shall, follow the basic combinations of color and style found on the building signs A Landscaped; area, equivalent to the square footage, of the freestanding sign, shall be incorporated around the base of the sign.. FINDINGS; The proposed Comprehensive Sign. Program conforms .with the -City's Sign Ordinance and will enhance the visual quality of the center, t RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the City Council approve Comprehensive Sign. Program 85-02 subject to the attached conditions, } JLB: JEB ::JHL :. i,s Attachments 1. Proposed Resolution 2. Site Plan 3 Building Elevations: 4. Comprehensive Sign Program 5. Recommended Freestanding Sign k r RESOLUTION NO P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY- COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY r CALIFORNIA APPROVING COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAM: 85-02: ASSESSOV S PARCEL NUMBER 31.7-130-42' WHEREAS,. Comprehensive Sign Program 85-02 submitted by Sharon Belardo, applicant, requests approval of a Comprehensive Sign Program for the: property located at 13.430 Midland Road, and WHEREAS,. on January, 28, 1986, the City Council held. a public hearing to solicit comments from the public both pro: and can,. relative to thisc application;. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as: follows SECTLON 1: FINDINGS i� The proposed. Comprehensive Sign Program is in compliance with the. use and requirements of Section 17.40.010 of the Zoning F. Development Code.: SECTION. 2.. CITY. COUNCI L. DECISION The City Council hereby approves Comprehensive Sign. Program. 85-02. subject to: the following conditions: 1. Within 30 daysof approval, the applicant shall submit in writing: that all conditions of approval have been. read and. understood ., 2. The second sign on the west side of the building that reads: "Jazz:, Tap r Ballet"' must be removed.. 3 The proposed design of the freestanding sign shall neither, exceed eight; feet in height nor 65 square feet in size:. It shall be compatible- with the color and styl.e� of the other signs, within the center and i.s, subject: to approval by the Director of Planning Services: 4:. A landscaped planter area equal to or greater than the square footage of the freestanding shall be planted around- the: base of said. sign.. 5. All non -conforming signs must be removed: prior, to approval of, any new signs 17 ■ { i - 3 PLC R - � c p F Ny Q ?-WP-STIB.H ,fit ITY� (' WAY ITEM" TITLE � (� AL �s L7 V ` r SCALEC1: Q�Vrsv ATTACHMENT e �` JAN 2:8 1986 � TEM fit` G 5 a 8 z - - Ate_ � - i• rt t TNEaiur+ aa� ac..r _Y AHC& :a 42fela t SA2L TM(r'tw6idi r f —r . I y DANCE 1 �t Pfr SHoB Tioa Itlili�yls iiAfNl %.1,.._. 1 i.ii•' i mlol $ of JAN 2, 8 1986 IT E, M 6 Rif 20/6DA ;(XTLZ t' z4.4 &ICx 7222' ;owTE kWC & AC fi/ACICT Each sign shall comply with the above 'sign style and colors. The length of each s+gn shall be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.The length shall be in proportion to the wall face and be subject to approval by the Director of Planning Services.: Only one sign per business; frontage is permitted. shall exceed two signs: . Logos are permittedand shall not exceed one-third of the sign length and shall be limited to the colors white, black, and/or red. Wall signs shall be limited to identificationof business use or service.: 7 QF ATTACHMENT4 JAN 28 1986 ITEM U 1 CITY OF POWAY ITEM 0.5 Z. SCALE TITLE FrzmqarzNxzN4 sa44 ATTACHMENT :: ,l