1986 02-04 AgendaNEW PUEMIC HEARms. 4. *Environmental Assessment and Tentative Parcel Map 85-01, ERB; Engineering Inc., applicant, Donald Sanchez owner: a request for a two (2) lot. division of 1.25 gross acres, located at 15044 Espola Road. CITY MANAGER'S RECOMMENDATION: Close public hearing; issue Negative Declaration; adopt Planning Resolution approving with conditions. *EXHIBIT ENCLOSED NEXT RESOLUTION NO. IS 86-012 #EX IBIT IN PREPARATION NEXT'ORDINANCE NO. IS 185 NEXT PLANNING RES. NO. IS P-85-07 *E�' REDv 't PNE�NT" RFS. NO. IS R 8^.-06 1 CITY OF POWAY - CITY COUNCIL 0A February 4, 1986 Page 5. *Draft Environmental mxpac.t. Report and Tentative Tract po Map 85-02, Green. Valley Ridge Inc..,. applicant: a request to divide. 127 acres into 88 single. family lots, located west of Espola Road south of Del Poniente Road;: ` this project also includes consideration of 'a. Draft Environmental Impact --Report.. CITY MANAGER" S RECOMMENDATION: Clos(i public hearing; certify draft EIR adopt. Planning Resolution approving with conditions. CONSENT AR 6. *Approval of Minutes, - City Councils January 21, 1986, RegularMeeting. To *Approval of Minutes - Redevelopment Agency: January 21, 1986, .Regular Meeting 8. *Ratification of Warrant Register - January 23, 1986 9., *Resolution No.. - Adopting San Diego County Hazardous Materials- Emergency Response Program 10.. *Acceptance of specific public ° improvements andrelease: of bonds, Willow Creed kpart�ments r located on CD Hilleary Place., SDevelopment, applicant, " 11.*Award of Bid for. Bike Lane Improvements on Camino del Norte and Civic Center Drive. I2:a*Acceptance of public improvements and release of grading and improvement securities, Lomas Verdes, Estates,. TM. 81-01, Unit 1 . . CITY MEAGER IfiENSS 13. CITY` A`ITOERP+M ITEMS 14: CITY COUNiCIL ITSM 15. ROBERT EMERY r 16. LINDA ORAVEG k' t` 17..; MARY SHEPARDSON d J 18. BRUCE: TARZS fi r. 19.: CARL ]RUSE r CITY OF POWAY CITY COUNCIL AGENDA February 4, 1986 Page 3' ADJaiRNMENT Adjournment to Thursday, February 6, 1986, 7:00 p.m., Meadowbrook Middle School,. 12320 Meadawbrook Lane for joint meeting with the Poway Unified School District Board of Education. TENTATIVE BMX FOR FEBRUARY 6, 1986 For confirmationof items on the Agenda, please call the City Clerk's Office, 748-6600. 1. Presentation regarding Redevelo hent (City) 2. Discussion regarding joint use capitalimprovement projects (City) 3 Presentation regarding Poway High Stadium revitalization (PUSD) A. Financing B. Enchancrts 4. Discussion regarding reciprocal land agreements (PUSD). 5. Discussion regarding developer g school fee ordinance (City) (This item has been advertised as a public hearing by the City and will be conducted as such by the Mayor) it Discussion regarding impact of City construction projects on District (PUSD) 7. Discussion regarding long term cOnmunication process (City and PUSD)