Item 5 - Draft EIR and TTM 85-02 - Green Valley Ridge, Inc.TO: FROM: AGENDA REPORT CITY OF POWAY Honorable Mayor and Members of he City Council 1;11' James L. Bowersox, City Manag INITIATED BY: John E. Bridges, Acting Director of Planning Sery DATE: February 4, 1986 SUBJECT: Draft Environmental. impact Report and Tentative Tract Map, TTM 85-02 - Green Valley Ridge., Inc., Applicant: A request for certification of the Draft Environmental Impact Report andapproval of a subdivision for 88 lots for the property in the RR -C (Rural Residential) zone located west of Espola Road and south of Del Poniente Road. APN: 321-011-20, 21 321-020-72 through 74 314-031-06 ABSTRACT PROJECT PLANNER: PARCEL. SIZE: GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: ZONING: SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS:: RELATED CASES: CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: James H. Lyon, Assistant Panner 127 Gross Acres: Residential Rural C Rural Residential C (See Attachment 4) TTM 83-05 One letter of opposition (Attach,. 8) ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Mitigation Measures and Certify Environmental Impact Report Approve subject to conditions STAFF RECOMMENDATION': ACTION:. FEB 4 1986 ITEM 5 1 OF 2 9 J Agenda Report February 4 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND A. Projects Description This application is for the division of approximately 12:7 acres into 88 lots. The site is located west of Espola Road and south. of Del Poniente Road. In October of 1983j, Mr. J. L. Roberts P President. of Green Valley Ridge, Inc., submitted a tentative map (TTM 83-05) for a 91 unit subdivision for this same property. The project was later withdrawn In March of 1985, Mr. J. L. Roberts resubmitted a tentative map application(TTM 815-021 for 91 lots. Following Staff's completion of an Initial Study, a public hearing was conducted. by the City n the ro ect . Council an May 28, 1985 to obtain public comment. o p 1 The City Council determined that a focused EIR should be prepared addressing potential impacts related to soils and geology, hydrology and. water _quality, biology, traffic circulation, and archaeology: Tentative Tract Map 85-02 is composed of 88 lots ranging in size t from 1 to 18 acres. The subject site is characterized by rolling r terrain with several prominent knolls. Two drainage courses with riparian vegetation traverse the east and central sections of the project. The design of the subdivision is based on a lot averaging method.. This method was used to preserve several significant t biological. and archaeological sites.. The lots have been located on the less environmentally sensitive portions of the project.' As prescribed by the Zoning Development Code., the number of lots was derived by designing a conventional subdivision utilizing the slope criteria: for the RR. -C zone.. The open space areas were deter- mined and the 88 lots were sited on the site Eighty-six of the 88 lots are one acre in size. l Lot 88,,located west of Midland Road, is 18 acres in size and contains a large open space easement which will preserve a drainage k courser the associated riparian vegetation, and an archaeological site. Lot 36 is also over one acre:. This two -acre lot contains open space, sewer., equestrian easements. Surrounding properties are designated. for singlefamil.y residences on. lots approximately one-half: acre or greater in size. The proj- ect site is bordered by RR -C and RS -2 to the north, RS -2 to the east:, OS iTwin Peak Elementary School.) and RS -2 to the south, and RR -A and RR -B to the: west, 20F FEB 4 1986 IT E M 5. Agenda Report February 4, 1986 Page 3 F: B Development Facilities The project is divided into three units. Unit 1 is located in the northeast corner of the project and consists of 32 lots. Unit 2 is located south and adjacent to Unit -1, and contains 38 lots. Located within the westerly 40acres is Unit 3, comprised of 1 lots. Access to the property will occur from Del Poniente Road.. An addi.- tional'access point could occur if Midland Road is extended south to interconnect with the existing developed portion of the road. The internal circulation is based on two cul-de-saced streets and a. cross lateral road which interconnects the two streets. Midland Road, a cul-de-saced street, shall be dedicated to a 60 foot width and improved with 46 feet of paving, concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk. The remaining interior roads: shall be improved to 36 feet wide and shall include concrete curb and gutter.. Althoughthis project abuts the. west side of the North County Estates subdivision and three separate roads. (Hat Creek:, Old. Station, and Fiddletown) none of the roads will interconnect with the interior roads proposed in this sub- division.. Grading for the project shall be limited to that which is necessary Ile for building pad, streets, driveways, and utility improvements., `. Drainage for,the project will be directed either into the: street or toward the drainage channels --depending upon pad locations Street drainage will be directed southeast to the storm drain system located under Fiddletown Road. A public water and. sewer system shall be designed. and constructed by t the developer to serve all lots within. the subdivision.. t Pursuant to the City's Master Plan of Trails, a. number of community trails will traverse the property. The trail from North County Estates shall be extended north along the project's east property line { f to Del Poniente Road. The trail will then follow along the south. side { of Del Poniente Road west to Midland Road, where it will turn south and follow along the east side of Midland Road. The fourth trail f segment will bisect the Del Poniente Road trail and traverse the: east side of the creek (between Lots 19 and. 20) The project. will be served by the City fire and police. Utilities will be provided by the respective utility companies (.Pacific Bell and San. Diego Gas and. Electric) Educational services: will be provided. by the: Poway Unified School District 3 of 29 FEB 4 1986 ITEM 5 a FES 4 1986 I TEM 5 41DF 2'9 Agenda Report February 4, 1986 Page 4 C. Environmental Review The Planning Services staff completed an Initial Study of potential environmental impacts which could occur as a result of the proposed project. On May 28, 1985, the City Council conducted a public hearing to obtain public comment on the project. The Council.,_ following the hearing, determined that a.focused EIR addressing potential impacts in the areas of soils and geology, hydrology and water quality, biology, archaeology, and traffic circulation should be prepared. Pursuant to. Council's determination a Notice of a. Preparation was prepared and:sent to responsible; agencies, several of which responded. to the City on the scope and content of the DEIR. The. environmental consultant.firm of Environmental Perspectives was hired through the City's selection: process to complete the Draft EIR., Following a "screen check" review by Staff, the Draft EIR was completed and distributed to a number of responsible agencies for review and comments during the 30 day public review period. Following the public review period, the C'i.ty, was in receipt of com- ments from only the San Diego County Archaeological Society, Inc. The City's . environmental consultant has prepared a. response. to the. Soc.ety'' s comments . At the time this report was prepared, the. z Society was silent to the subject response (see Attachments 6 and 7)., The Draft EIR, Page 62, provides a summary of the unavoidable, adverse impacts which would -result if the project is implemented. These impacts include: x the incremental` increase in traffic generation of 880 trips per day; the destruction or loss of existing archaeological resource located within the boundaries of the project; and the loss of significant biological resources including riparian woodland and -cons al scrub habitats, and several sensitive plant and animal species such as the Black Tailed. Gna.tcatcher and the San Diego Sagewort. Future residents of the site will. be exposed to potential seismic - related hazards as a result of project development. Grading of the site and future development will also cause a minor increase in. surface: run-off and potential degradation to groundwater in the area. } FES 4 1986 I TEM 5 41DF 2'9 t Agenda Report February 4, 1986 Page 5 x The document's summaryalso suggests specific mitigation measures for impacts which could occur as a result of the project. The -document states, most of the identified impacts can be reduced to a level of insignificance thrauarhthem Mn l =TnAni-=+4e%n ,¢ +h® the impacts to the significant biological and archaeological resources found on the project site can be avoided by a redesign of the projec:t.. The significant biological and archaeological resources found are primarily located within the two riparian corridors situated at the westerly and central portions of the project site.. Suggested miti.- gation measures within the Draft EIR would require that the subject corridors be maintained in their natural state. The redesigned project would place a minimum 100 foot wide corridorof undisturbed - riparian habitat in the central portionof the project within n an open space: easement.. In addition, the westerly riparian area and all the land between Midland Road, and the western project boundary` (approximately -18 acres in area) would be maintained in natural open space, with the exception of a proposed building site in the northerly portion of the 18 acre area. Staff is recommending that the: applicant's proposed building site area: be reduced: in size, soi as: not.. to encompass the wes ern riparian corridor which contains: a significant drainage feature. The proposed building site: is con- figured. on -figured in such a manner that any potential, impact on the. ad 3`acent significant archaeological site is' avoided.; It is. the, opinion of Staff that the project redesign and resultant open space easements would adequately mitigate; the subject impacts to, a. level of insignificance. A detailed discussion of thiss spe- cific mitigation is found on. Page 36 of the document., f A summaryof the: adverse impacts and suggested ` p ggested mitigation measures from. the Draft Environmental impact Report have been included as Attachment 5 The specific mitigation measures recommended by Staff are containedrin the attached resolution. U. Correspondence Public notices: regarding consideration of this project were sent to all property owners within 500` feet of its boundaries, and notice was advertised in the Poway News Chieftain.. One letter of opposi- tion was received and. is Attachment 8. One written comment was - received from the San Diego County Archaeological. Society, Inc. in: response to the archaeological survey in the Draft EIR.. 5 of 29 FEB 4tspsITEM: 5 6 0F 49 FEB 4 1986 ITEM Agenda Report February 4,. 1986 �¢ Page- 6. FINDINGS The.proposed project is consistent with the Ci,ty� s Comprehensive Planin terms. of its: design and improvements The, site: is. physi- cally suitable: for the type and density of development proposed.: The design of the subdivision and proposed improvements will, not cause serioushealth.problems because City services will be pro- vided a nor will they cause substantial environmental. damage because ' conditions to mitigate such impacts are,included in the attached resolution.., The subdivision design will. not conflict with: any public access , easements:. k RECOMMENDATIONS it is recommended. that the. City Council certify the Draft r Environmental Impact Report and approve Tentative Tract Map 85-0:2: subject to the mitigation measures and additional conditions con--; tai:ned in the attached resolution., JLBeJEBJHL:is Attachments-: 1.2 Proposed Resolution (TTM 85-02) - 2. Standard Conditions (TTM 85-02} 3., Site Plan. (TTM 85-02} 4. Surrounding Zoning and General Plan 5.. Summary of Impacts 6.. San.D.iego County Archaeological Society Letter 7. Response to Letter 8. Correspondence f s f 6 0F 49 FEB 4 1986 ITEM E i F RESOLUTION NO. P- i A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAYa CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE TRACT MAP 85-02 ASSES'SOR'S PARCEL. NUMBER 321-011-20, 21.; 321-020-72, THROUGH 74; and 314-031-06 WHEREAS, Tentative Tract Map No. 85-02, hereinafter "Map" sub muted by Green Valley Ridge, Inc., applicant, for the purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the City of Poway, County of San Diego, State of California, described as the: south one: half of the northwest quarter and portions of the: northwest quarter of the: southwest quarter of Section. 6, Township 14. southP Range l west and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of. Section. 1, Township 1.4 south, Range -2 west, San Bernardino Meridian into 88 lots, regularly came: before the City Council. for public, hearing and action on February 4. 1986; and WHEREAS, the Director. of Planning Services has recommended approval of the Map subject to all conditions set forth, in the Planning Services: Department report and WHEREAS, the City Council. has read anal: considered. said report, and has considered: other evidence presented at the public. hearing. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of; Poway does resolve as follows. Section 1 Findings.. The City Council makes the, following findings in regard to Tentative Tract No. 85-02 and the Map thereof.- a. hereof:a. The tentative tract is consistent with all. applicable general and specific plans because single family residential lots are proposed for an area designated by the General Plan. for that use; b. The design or improvement of the tentative tract is consistent. will all applicable general and specific j plans: because the lot sizes, arrangements, and improvements provided meet those required for resi- dential development by the General. Plan,, ce The site is physically suitable for the type. of development proposed because minimal grading for building sites: are: proposed andthe creek channels and additional areas are retained: in open spacer d. The site is physically suitable for the density of the development proposed because all lots: are one acre in size or larger and consistent. with the. General Plan requirements for that: area 7 of 29 FEB 4, 1986 ITEM 5 Resolution No. P- Page 2 $ - e. The design of the subd ivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage and avoidable inj y to. humans, and wildlife or their habitat because such damage or injury has been reduced through lot rede- sign and the creation of open, space areas; f. The tentative tract is not likely to cause serious public health problems because City water, and sewer services are available and. adequate: access to the lots will be pr.ovi.ded, g. The design' of the tentative tract will not conflict with any easement acquired by the public. at large, now of record, for access through or use of the prop- erty within the proposed subdivision; h., The effect of subdivision TTM 85-02 on the: housing needs of the San Diego region has been considered and balanced against the public: service needs of Poway residents and available fiscal and environmental resources; i. Thedesign. of the subdivision has provided, to the extent f.eas ible , for future passive or, natural � heating or, cooling opportunities' in the subdivision; and j. That. this project will not create- adverse impacts on the environment and. the Environmental Impact Report for, this project dated October 19.8:5 is hereby cer- . 1. tified in accordance with the California 4 Environmental Quality Act and State Guidelinese l Section 2 Tentative Tract Map No., 8.5-02 a copy of which is on fil.e inall Planning Services office, is: hereby approved. subject to ' the the following: conditions:; 1., Within 3:0 days-: of approval, the applicant shall submit in writing that all conditions, of approval have: been read and understood. - 2. Midland Road shall be. dedicated to a, width oft 60 fee and be fully improved to. urban street standard with 46, feet of paving, concrete curbs and gutters,: and concrete sidewalks on both sides. } FEB 4 1986 ITEM 5 8of29' S of 29 FEB 4 1986 I T414, Resolution No. P- i page 3 p 3. Del Poniente Road, shall be dedicated to,a width of 65 feet and improvements completed to urban street standards: with 40 feet. of paving, concrete: curb and gutter, and concrete j sidewalk the- side on south 4. Internal public streets shall be dedicated to a width of 54 feetand be: fully improved to urban street standards with 36 feet of paving and concrete curls; and gutters. 5. The ends of existing Hat. `Creek Road, Derringer Road, Old. Station Road, and Fiddletown: Road shall be completed with. 40L foot radius: cul-de-sacs or knuckles with concrete curb and gutter and full structural section., 6.: A temporary turnaround shall be 'constructed to the satin- faction of the. Directors of Safety and Public Services at the. southerly terminus of Midland Road.. Any streets par - ti -ally constructed due to phasing shall be provided with temporary turnarounds.. 7., Abutter's rights, of access shall be waived along., Midland Road with the exception of the northerly 15 feet of Lot 85, the southerly 15 feet of Lot 84, and the southerly 20 i feet of Lot .75'. Abutter's rights of access shah be waived along Del Poniente Road, Hat Creek Road, Derringer Road,, Old Station Road, and exi-sting Fiddletown. Road. All. other driveways shall be consolidated as shown on the tentative map and reciprocal pvocal access and.,. maintenance agreements: r recorded., 8. Fiddletown. Road as shown on the tentative map shall be renamed. 9. The developer shall reimburse the City for all. costs, including reasonable interestr associated with -extending the sewer south of' Manhole No., 1.8 to the connection with Tierra Bonita Road as shown on plans for TTM 395:1 prior to approval of a final map for Unit. 1. 10:. The developer shall reimburse the City for all costs, including reasonablenter.es.t associated with constructing the Midland. Road. sewer prior to, a,final map for Unit 3. 1.1., The developer shall, grant' sufficient right. -of -way for the construction and maintenance: of the Midland Road sewer within 30 days of approval of the final map,. 12. Sewer mains in Unit 3 shall be redesigned. to utilize the: Midland Road sewer, allowing ,the elimination of the pump station on. Deal Poniente Road... t S of 29 FEB 4 1986 I T414, Resolution No. P Page: 13. All grading activities, with the exception of that necessary for streets and driveways, shall be confined within the building setback limes: unless specifically allowed by - the Directors of Planning and Public Services 1.4. Prior to final map approval, the developer's engineer' shall prepare, and submit a detailed hydrologic: and hydraulic report on the project and the proposed storm drains-. Necessary drainage easements shall be dedicated. on. the final map ., 15. Certain, landscaped areas not on private property shall be placed in a landscape maintenance district at the discre. tion of the Director of Public Services. This. would include special entrance improvements along Del Ponente Road 16.. The building site on Lot 88 shall be reduced in size. with a designated accessto the. site,, located opposite Street. A., and be subject to the. satisfaction. of the Director of Planning Services.. f.. 17.. An equestrian/pedestrian trail improved to Community Trail standards > shall. be dedicated and constructed along the east side of Lots_ 3. and 4, along the. south side of Del Poniente Road,_ south and in conjunction with the sewer easement that starts between Lots 1.9 and 20 and along the east side of Midland Road. I8.: A grading and building construction time schedule: for each of the three units shall be provided to the Planning and Engineering Services Departments, prior to the issuance of a grading permit Section 3: The following mitigation measures: shall be implemented to reduce the significant. adverse environmental effects of the project to a level of insignificance, as identified in the pr.oject.'s EIR } A. Archaeological Resources - The following mitigative and/or test. programs for each of the: following archaeological sites: is required prior to the issuance: of a grading per- mit, and recordation: of the final tract map.: 1.. SDM-W--239 6: Due to the absence: of soils around this site, there: is no: chance of the presence of subsur- face deposits.: Therefore, the features shall be mapped, measured, and photographed.. This recording, process will adequately mitigate potential impacts to the siter. FEB 4 196 IT E [tib 5 10 of 29 i f f Resolution No. P- f Page 5 2. SDM-W-2395, Locations 2, 4, 5, 6', and 8: These features 'shall be mapped, measured, and photo- graphed. In addition, auger samples shall be taken from around the boulders to make certain that no k buried midden is present. Assuming that no deposit is found, impacts to these locations: will be mit- gated by the recording process.. Should subsurface deposits be found, further mitigation will be recommended at that time. 3., Locations 1 and 3: These features shall be recorded. in the same manner as previously recommended for- orother otherlocations. In addition, a single hand excava- tion unit shall be placed in the possiblemidden soil. Barring the appearance of the unexpectedly rich deposit, these measures should adequately miti- gate impacts to theartifacts. 4. Location 7:- The -milling features of this camp shall also be recorded and its: midden thoroughly tested.. Testing shall consists of four one -meter square hand. excavation units dug at this site and, placed to ensure that all areas. of the midden are. tested. In addition, surface cultural material shall be mapped and collected. The project sponsor/developer shall maintain a 50 foot minimum setback from this location to any property or lot lines.. The: site shall also be preserved inits- natural state. 5. ADM -W-214. Because this tie may represent the oldest prehistoric'use of the area, surface finds shall be transit -located and.. mapped.. In. addition, the: site shall be tested for a significant deposit by hand excavation of three, one --meter square units and,a series: of backhoe trenches shall be placed around. the site; in order to ensure that no buried deposit exists outside the perimeter of' the surface scatter. Additional mitigation may be required, based on sub- sequent testing.. 6. The series of testsand other recordation procedures identified above shall be undertaken by a qualified archaeologist. The archaeologist: retained to imple.- ment the testing/recordation program shall meet with representatives of the San Diego County Archaeological. Society, Inc., prior to undertaking the subject program for the- purpose: of establishing the testing methodology and basis upon which further mitigation will be necessary. Upon completion of the program, test results and mitigation recommendations, I1 of 29 • FEe 4 1986 ITEM, 5 if determined necessary,, shall be made available to the Society for review and comment to ensure that mitigation measure are sastisfactory. However, this: review and comment process should not unnecessarily delay approval of the final tract map B. Biological Resources - The following measures shall be. implemented to reduce.significant impacts to biological resources 1. The developer shall be required to fence both sides of the open space easement over the westerly -portion of the project site. The area shall also be posted, and fenced, prior to the commencementof the constructionperiod. 2. In regard to the designated open space easements, the } developer shall also be required to: a. Improvethehabitat quality, if necessary, by revegeta.ting disturbed areas, with plant species indigenous to the coastal sage: scrub on --site.: - b. Prohibit, activities that will degrade habitat f� quality, Ce.,g. , dumpin.g, brushing of native; vege- tation,, etc.) c.. Prohibit uses, disruptive to wildlife, including those which create loud: noise, excessive lighting, etc.. (e g., off-road vehicles). s, d. Ensure that landscaping in the vicinity of the ?' open space areas includes non-invasive exotic or native: plant species so as not. to create adverse competition to: the.nat.ive vegetation, and there— fore, enhance conditions for native wildlife. e. Require: future: homeowners with, lots fronting an open space area to maintain. said areas in their natural. state t 3. Pursuant to State Law, alteration of or encroachment into either of the on-site stream. courses (westerly and central riparian corridor.) require a' Section. 1603` permit from the California Department of Fish and Game. A permit from. the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers could also be required. C. Other mitigation measures to offset impacts to the biolo— gical gicaresources, which were not considered significant f shall include the following.- 12 ollowing. 22; of 29 FEB t 198t 4;� itis Resolution No. P-' Page 7 I. Reduce all habitat losses to the maximum extent _ possible by minimizing grading on each individual lot. 2. Do not grade. during the breeding season (generally late March through June). 3. Grade in phases in order to forestall impacts to wildlife. as long as possible.' 4. Property owners shall be encouraged to maintain the ungraded portions of their lots ` in :natural vegetation.: 5. All cut and fill slopes that result from earthmoving operations shall be immediately revegetated with; native plant species. 6. The large granite: rock outcroppings throughout the site, especially in the riparian. habitats, shall remain -undisturbed. Section 4: Tentative Trac Map No. 85-02, a copy of which i on file in the Planning Services office, is hereby approved subject to the attached Standard Conditions. APPROVED and ADOPTED by the: 'City Council of the: City of Poway r State of California, this 4th day of February, 1986. Carl R. Kruse:, Mayor ' ATTEST* I a f Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk FEB 4 3980; ITE 5 g 13 of 29 OF Pp 3; NAND` DCONDITIONS: OF , PROVAL �Y Subject: 'ITN 85-02, AFPlcant: Green Valley Ridge, Inc. e roy0f c you l Location: West of Ela Rd.' and South of Del Ponente Rd. TKEspo f r Those items checked are conditions of: approval. s CITY OF POWAY I. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING: AND BUILDING- SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH,THE FOLLOWING. CONDITIONS:: A. SITE,DEVELOPMENT 1. Site shall be developed in accordance with. the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein. 2. Revised site pians and building elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning; Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval. of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the. Zoning Development. Code and all other applicable City °Ordinances in effect at the time of building Permit. issuance:., 4. The developer. shall provide a minimum of 25$ of the lots with: adequate sideyard area for recreation. vehicle storage pursuant. to City standards, and the C".C.&R..`s shall prohibit the storage of. recreational vehicles in the required front yard i E setback.- 5. Mail. boxes, on 'lots 10,;000 square feet or less in size and in areas where sidewalks are required, shall be installed and located by the developer subject to approval by the Planning Services -Department. 6.. The developer shall integrate an appropriate variety of. .Zpproved. roof materials and colors.into the -design of the residential development in a manner which is both compatible and complementary' among each of the residential units.. 7. Trash receptacle multifamily developments shall be:enclosed by a 6 foot high.masonry wall with view -obstructing gates pursuant to. City standards.. Locationn shall be subject to approval by the,Planning Services: Department. 8. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated, shielded from view and sound buffered, from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Services. Department. 9. Prior to any use of the project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all conditions of approval contained herein shall be completed to the satisfaction -of the. Director of Planning Services.' 10. The applicant shall comply with.the latest adopted: Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical Code,. Un form Plumbing Code, - National. Electric Code, Uniform Fire Code', and all other applicable codes, and ordinances in effect at the time: of building permit. issuance. 0261. Prior to the issuance of building permits for combustible construction, evidence shall be submitted to the Director of Safety Services that water supply and f:acilitie;s for fire protection is available. Where additional fire protection is be required by the Director of Safety Services-, it shall serviceable prior to the ':time of construction. -m5 E 'MD mr12.. For a new residential dwelling unittsi, the applicant shall pay development.fees at the established rate. Such feesmay include, but not be limited to.: Permit and Plan Checking Fees., School. Fees Cin accordance with City -adopted policy 4 and/or ordinance), Water and. Sewer Service fees. These fees shall.be paid: - a. Prior to final map approval. FEB �98Q 11`E. � � QF 2.b. Prior to building permit issuance. asrequired by the Planning Services Department. 4. Streettrees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger,: shail be: installed in accordance with the City of Poway ordinance and shall, be planted at an average of every 3G feet on interior streets and 20 feet: on exterior streets. S. A minimum of S0 trees per gross acre, comprised: of the following sizes, shall be provided, within the development; 20% -- 24"' box or larger, 701 - 15: gallon., and 1.01; - 5 gallon to, the satisfaction of the: Director of Planning Services and in accordance with thet approved landscape: plan in all multifamily and: PRD projects.: 6. All landscaped areas' shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition_ free from: weeds., trash, and debris..: FEB o�2q 4 9980 1, TE 1 13. For anew commercial or industrial development, or addtiorn to development an existing development, the applicant.shall pay the established rate.. Such fees may include, ,but not fees at be limited tot Permit and Plan Checking Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees. These -fees shall.be:paids a. Prior to final map: approval. b. Prior to building permit. issuance. 14.. This approval shall become null and void ifg',buildinperm s are not issued. for this; project within one year from the date of project approval. 15. Street names shalt be approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the recordation of the final map, and to the issuance of street addresses shall be provided, prior building permits. r` 16. Building: identification and/or addresses shall be placed on to be_p2ainly visible new-and existing buildings so as road; color. of identification and/or L£ from the street or access: addresses shall contrast with thein background co or. B. PARKINGAND VEHICULAR ACCESS= l.. All parking. -lot landscaping shall consist of a minimum of one fifteen 1151' gallon size tree for everythree t31 parking spaces. For parking lot. islands, a minimum 12 inch: wide walk I adjacent to=parking stalls shall be provided and be separated from vehicular areas by a 6. inch high, 6 inch wide portland concrete cement curbing., r Z:. Parking,: lot lights shall be low pressure sodium and have a maximum height of eighteen (18) feet from: the finished grade of the parking surface and be directed away from all property lines, adjacent streets and residences. 3. All two. -way traffic aisles shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide and emergency, access shall be provided, maintained free. and clear, a minimum of 24 feet wide a all. times during - construction in accordance with, Safety Services Department. requirements. 4.. All parking spaces shall be double striped. C. LANDSCAPING' 1. A detailed landscape and irrigation plan shall be. submitted to and approved by the Public Services_Department and Planning. Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits. H 2. A Master Plan of the -existing on-site trees shall be: provided: to the Planning Services Department prior to. the: issuance of building permits and prior to grading,to determine which. trees shall be retained. r; 3. Existing on-site trees shall be retained wherever possible and E' shall be trimmed. and/or topped. Dead, decaying or potentially dangerous trees shall be approved for removal atthe discretion of the -Planning Services Department during the review of the Master, Plan of existing- on-site trees. Those, trees which are approved for removal shall be replaced ona tree -fora -tree basis asrequired by the Planning Services Department. 4. Streettrees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger,: shail be: installed in accordance with the City of Poway ordinance and shall, be planted at an average of every 3G feet on interior streets and 20 feet: on exterior streets. S. A minimum of S0 trees per gross acre, comprised: of the following sizes, shall be provided, within the development; 20% -- 24"' box or larger, 701 - 15: gallon., and 1.01; - 5 gallon to, the satisfaction of the: Director of Planning Services and in accordance with thet approved landscape: plan in all multifamily and: PRD projects.: 6. All landscaped areas' shall be maintained in a healthy and thriving condition_ free from: weeds., trash, and debris..: FEB o�2q 4 9980 1, TE 1 D. SIGNS "oIrl. Any signs proposed far this development shall be designed and approved inconformance with the Sign Ordinance.., . 2. A Comprehensive Sign Program for this development.shall be. submitted to the. Planning Services' Department for their review prior to issuance of building permits,. Approval shall be by - the City Council. E. RECREATION' - 1. On lots having a private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail on or. adjacent to their property, the developer is required to have-contained within the C.C.&R.°s the following statements _ In purchasing the home,, I have _read the C'.C.&R.'s.and, understand that said lot is subject to an. easement for the purpose of allowing equestrian/pedestriantraffic. W0001, The developer shall improve the, equestrian/pedestrian trail system in accordance with the adopted. sign: standards and. to the satisfaction of the Directors of Public and Planning Services. a.. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. 3. An open space easement shall be grunted to the City over, upon, across and under the area, defined on the final maps as an equestrian trail. and no building, structures or other things shall be constructed,, erected, placed or maintain ed on subject easements except for the construction and: maintenance of said; trail and structures appurtenant to the trail. 4. Dedicate the., Master planned equestrian/pedestrian trails to the, satisfaction of the. Directors of the Departments of Public°and Planning: Services. in accordancewith thel Master' Plan of Trails Element. S. Parkland Dedication or payment of Park Fees at the established rate shall be mades _ a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance.. - F. EXISTZNG'STRUCTURES: 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform Building Code for property line clearances considering user area and fire-resistiveness of existing buildings. 2.. Existing building(s)- shall be made to comply with current building and zoning regulations for the intended use. or the building shall be demolished. 3. Existing sewage disposal facilities shall beremoved, filled and/or capped to comply with appropriate grading; practices and the Uniform. Plumbing Code. G. ADD'ITrONAL APPROVALS REQUIRED' l.•. Development. Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to the issuance: of a building permit.. 2. Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to recordation of the final subdivision map. - 3.. This Conditional Use Permit is granted: for a period of: R month(s): at. the end of which time the City Council may add or delete condi;tons:, or revoke the Conditional Use Permit. s 4. The developer shall display a current Zoning and! Land Use Map 6 OF 29 In the sales office at all times, and/or suitable alternative to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning; Services. FEB 4 1980 ITEM M 17OF29 FEB 4 1986 I T E !U' CR(S. When public or private equestrianlpedestrian trails are required as a part of the subdivisions the developer shall display a map in the sales office, of said subdivision, Indicating the trails. . 6. All sales maps' that are: distributed or made available to the public shall include but not be limited to trails:, future and existing schools, parks, and 'streets. . 7. The developer shall provide a: noise display board in the sales office to the satisfcation of the planning Services Director. The `display shall include the site plan and noise stud'y,.. 8 Working drawings shall include a certification: by a recognized acoustical expert that the: requirements, of the City of Poway's noise ordinance will be met. . 4.. At the completion of construction, and prior to-occupanc-yr interior and exterior CNEL shall be determined by field: testing at developer's expense. Tests to. be: conducted by a recognized acoustical expert. No occupancy permits -shall be granted. until Condition G-7 is met to the satisfaction of the Building' Code(latest adopted edtion)`"Sound'Transmission Control.' 10. The applicant shall provide verification of State Board' of Equalization notification and that appropriate: reviews and/or approvals have been accomplished to the satisfac- tion of the Director of Administrative Services. II._ APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT `THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT -REGARDING COMPLIANCE'WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: H. GRADING I. Grading of the subject property shall be in. accordance with the Uniform Building Code-, City Grading Ordinance, approved x grading plan and geotechnical report, and accepted grading a practices. 2.: The contain certificate signed by grading plan shall a- a. a registered civil engineer that the: grading pian has preserved ' a minimum. of 100 square feet of solar access for each dwelling unit and for each future building site within the subdivision. 3. A soils report shall be: prepared by a qualified engineer licensed. by the. State: of California to perform such work: y a. Prion to final map" approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance:. i 4. A geological report shall. be prepared: by a qualified engineer or geologist and submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. S. The final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval, by the Planning Services and Public Services Department and shall be completed prior to recordation of the final subdivision map or issuance of building permit, whichever 6. comes first. A pre -blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted a to the satisfaction oaf the City Engineer prior to any rock blasting. Seismic recordings shall be taken for all blasting and blasting shall occur only at locations and levels approved by the -City Engineer.: I. STREETS ANY SIDEWALKS 1. Ali Circulation Element roads shall be dedicated: and improved to Circulation. Element road standards and to the specifications of the, Director of Public Services.. 17OF29 FEB 4 1986 I T E !U' ` 2. The de:per shall pay a,pr.o-rata share fo e'installation or mode 1ration of the triff is signals- at .. s a. Prior to<final map approval. b.. Prior to building permit issuance« 3.Vehicular access rights to Circulation: Element roads shall be dedicated to thel City of: Powayt and labeled on: the final map to the satisfaction of the. Director of Public Services or by separate document. 4. All interior and exterior public streets shall be constructed to public street standards. Wr f 8 ). fe t in. widths sha1l. be requited. on 5. Sidewalks gae ne } of -t= • --� c ,,tiEs 'T S? •tt's) b. Reciprocal access and maintenance and/or agreements shall be provided insuring access to all parcels over private road`s:, driven or, parking: areas and: maintenance thereof to; the satisfaction of the Director`af Public Services. 7. Street striping and signing: shall. be, installed' to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 8. All street structural sections- shallbe submitted to, and approved by- the Director of Public Services. 9. Street, improvement plans: prepared: on standard size heels by a Registered Civil Engineer shall be submitted for approval by the D recant of Public Services. Plan, check and inspection expenses: shall: be paid by the developer.. 10. All exterior street improvements shallbe constructed prior to issuance of building permits, to the satisfaction of the: x Director of Public Services. ,w 11. Street- improvements: that, include,' butare not. limited to: a.: Sidewalks e• Cross: gutter., d b.. Driveways f. Alley gutter c. Wheel chair ramps Tg.. Street pawing: d. Curb and gutter h.- Alley paving t shall be constructed prior to the occupancy of the units to: the satisfaction of the Director of Public: Services. 13. All damaged off-site public works facilities including parkway treear shall be repaired or replaced prior to exoneration of bonds. and; improvementar tothe satisfaction of the Department of Public Servicea.> 13. Prior to any work being performed in the public right-of-ways, an, encroachment permit, shall be obtained from: the Public Services: office: and appropriate fees paid, in addition to any, other permits- required'. 14. The developer shall pay one hal E. the. cost of a. City approved landscaped median along the project frontage(s),: r:J a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building; permit issuance. 1S.. Street Lmprovements,andmaintenance shall: be made. in accordance with, City Ordinance standards fore a,.. urban streets= 44A. - S" 9!9929' b., Semi -rural. streets c. Dedicated rural streets — d. Non -dedicated; rural streets -- B?rT6. The developer, shall pa:y, the Traffic Mitigation. Fee at the , s established rate:: M0010a: Prior to final. map approval. FEB, 4 1986 1 T M 5 1 � of � 9 b. Prior to buaiciin.g permit issuance. t J. DRAINAGE: AND FLOOD CONTROL 1. Intersection:drains will be required at. locations: specified by the Director of Public Services and in accordance with: standard engineering practices.. 2. The proposedproject falls within areas Indicated as subject to flooding under the National Flood Insurance Program andis subject to the provisions.of that program and City Ordinance.: 3. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water, originating within the subdivision, and all. surface waters that may flown onto the subdivision from adjacent lands,- shall be required.. Said drainage -system shall . include any easements and -structures as: required by the: Director of Public Services to properly handle the drainage. 4. Portland cement:concr.ete cross gutters' shall be installed where water crosses the roadways., S. The Master Plan. of Drainage Fee.: shall be paid at the established rate:in-accordance-with the Drainage ordinance: a:. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior -to building -permit issuance. 6:. Concentrated flows across driveways, and/or sidewalks: shall. not be permitted. t X., UTILITIES 1. All proposed utilities within the project shall be installed underground including existing utilities along Circulation. Element roads and/or highways less than 34..5 KV. 2'. Utility easements shall be provided to the specification of ,. the: serving utility companies and the Director of Public Services. 3.. The: developer shall be responsible for the relocaation-and! undergrounding of existing public utilities, as required. -�{ 6 ! 4. Water, sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall be designed and constructed' to meet requirementsof the City of Poway and the Health: Department -of the County of San Diego. S. Prior to acceptance of property for sewer service, annexation to the sewer improvement area shall -occur, 6. The applicant shall pay for a water., system analysis to. establish the proper size and location for the public water. system. The amount will, be determined by the cost of the analysis and shall be paid. a. Prior to final map approval.: b. Prior to building permit issuance. 7. The applicant shall, within 30 days after receiving approval of the tentative tract map, tentative parcel map, use permit, ok development review, apply for a tetter of Availability (LOAT to. reserve: sewerage avaf.lab.iiity and post with, the City, a nonrefundable reservation fee equal to 20% of the appropriate sewerage connection fee in effect at the: time the 8. LOA is issued.. Developer shall light construct ,a system: conforming to City of Poway Standards at no cost to the public, subject to the following,; a. Cut-off luminaries: shall be *Installed which will provider true 90 degree cutoff and prevent projection of light. above the horizontal fromthe lowest point of the lamp or light.emitting refractor or device. b. All fixtures shall use a clear, low pressure sodium: vapor light source. OF 9, FEB. 4 1986 I -TE N �; is -- Ce Advance energy charges and District engineering charges -shall be -paid by the developer. d. Annexation tothe lighting district shall be accomplished and evidence. of annexation and payment of lighting fees shall.be presented to the City prior to final map approval or building permit issuance, whichever occurs first. 9. Cable television services shall be provided and installed underground. The developer shall notify the Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be accomplished. L. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS AND APPROVALS 1. Permits from other agencies Gill be required as follows: a. Caltrans: b.• San Diego County Flood Control District c. Other 2. A copy of the Covenants:, Conditions and Restrictions. (CC&R's)' and/or Articles of Incorporation. of the Homeowners Association shall be subject to the review for compliance with conditions herein, to the satisfaction of the City -Attorney and. Director of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the Secretary of State, the County Recorder and the, City Clerk at the time of final map consideration. 3. Prior to -recordation, a. Notice of Intention to form Landscape and/or Lighting Districts shall be filed with. the City Council. The. engineering costs involved in district formation shall. be borne by the. developer. 4. Final:. Gael -ate tract maps shall conform to City standards and. procedures. S. By separate: document prior to the recording of the final r t subdivision. map, or on. the final subdivision map, there shall. be granted to the City, an open space easement -evee ass t o�a"r�lc-fir � ;69bs- 1 Gammon Said, open space easement shall be approved as to form: by the City Attorney and shall limit the use: of said open space to recreational purposes, including buildings, structures and improvements 6. Should this:subdivson be further divided, each final map;shall be submitted for approval by the Director of Public Services T. All provisions. of the Subdivison Ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land.. 8. Those portions of the subject property proposed! to be held: under common ownership shall be labeled such and identified by a separate lot number on the final. map. 9.. Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall be installed and provided, or deferred by -guaranteeing installation within. two years frommap recordation or prior to building permit issuance, whichever occur.s.fir.st, by the execution of a performance agreement,, secured with sufficient.securities., in a form approved by the city Attorney. All necessary processinqfees.'deposits, and charges shall be paid pr or ta.f nal map approval. 10. Prior to final map approval, all dedications shall be made and easements grantedd as- required above. De 11. The tentative map approval. shall expire on 110651 unless an, app icatior for time extension is received W p days prior to expiration in accordance with- the City"s, Subdivision Ordinance. FEB 4 1986 ITEM 5 CITY OF POWAY TENTATIVE TRACT s I40LAMOif ,wamraw iV i GAS_ EQUESTRIANTRAIL f" s-". isrrr uu-r �I _. i --j— ms, �� 1 — .• i 2r. I s � �.��-�`� Wit- •wa ' , .( '"` � __.._ / r� ;-r / r :� � Tri i � , j!1 J /.:. � l ` „ � �• • 1 r+. i � r / i•/ i »h :ice �u...S- ,� •�/''��� t! / 'n !. �i '1��� •,'� /!',. _ .e _ =tel • .:'r l % .` : ri: ,� z;. !.~ As 46 . = eve. �` � . •�l'�a ' . r }� � . `�. � a .�..��a��ew.- ewei err.. ./- .ane.• � � r+���. 1 Y . •, n e� awe:M� �.. - •1 in 4 eewes = �e� jQy>IIMw 8 �� � � �'if _ _ ��'� �_r+'-•� � e a: , - /' tee. �� }-�s� • • . `• �. ' raft RtA1t!'R_ATIY<,TW.'f es es ���e.eee-. 4. yw• GREEN VA- LLE ITS' F P ITEM :M85-oma OWAY • TITLE e } SCALE' ATTACHMENT { F 1 2 Z of 2 9 FEB 4 1986 ITEM 5 p X.1 SUMMARY A. Unavoidable a idable Adverse impacts The eventual conversion of undeveloped land to urban. uses will result in curtain adverse effects which cannot be avoid- x ed. The unavoidable impacts which, will occur as a result of the implementation of the proposed residential development includes 1. Incremental increase in traffic generation and distribu- tion inthe project area and City-wide. r 2." The destruction/loss of existing archaeological resour- ces which are located within the project boundaries. 3. The loss of open space and., more importantly, the loss r, of significant biological resources, including riparian woodland and coastal sage scrub habitats, and several sensi- tive plant and animal species. - :' 4. The project site and future residents will be exposed to potential seismic and seismic -related hazards, including i earthquakes, settlement:, and subsurface instability., 5.. Grading of the site. and future development will cause a � minor increase in surface runoff n a d potential degradation to the.: groundwater in the area. B. Significant Environmental Impacts The only impacts whish have been: determined to be signifi- cant include those which will occur to the biological resources. Other impacts: described in this document are 3 either not significant or can be reduced:- to a level of insig- nificance if appropriate mitigation measures are iin lemen- p t ed s Without redesigning the project as proposed in Section. IV..0 i (Mitigation Measures), project implementation will result in substantial alteration and/or, loss: of both the: riparian woodland and coastal. sage scrub communities on site which ort several sensitive s su c' pp pe ies of plants and wildlife:. The most significant loss will be the loss of the Black.- tailed Gnatcatcher habitat and ultimate potential loss of the five to eight, pairs which were observed inhabiting the property. C. Mitigation, Measure Several mitigation - measures will be required and' others are ; recommended; to eliminate the adverse environmental conse- OF 2 9 ATT ` MENT 5; EV4 - �+y-...�:....._.;_..w--:"'✓«t'�u--r�...n--� 1986 ITEM 5 w m-..-.-... ... '" ':'tea:aha'. `, - ■ quences resulting from project. implementation. These mea- sures are summarized 'below. 1. Traffic. and Circulation o Midland, Road must be extended from Del Poniente Road. south through the: property and improved to collector street standard o The southerly half section of Del Poniente Road must be improved along the northern property boundary. o Internal circulation shall be reviewed by -the City"s E Traffic Engineer to ensure that sight, distances:, ' street grades, and four-way intersections are: ade.- quate. o Regional. trail kinks identified in the City's Trails Element should be included in final site design. o Lots 85 and 91 should include forward facing exit driveways, or accessvia private drive extensions be- tween lots. 89 and 90 .and lots 80 and 84 o Stopsigns should control traffic on. Midland Road and Fiddletown Road at Del_ Poniente Road:' and: on Fidd.letown: Road at Tierra Bonita Road. 2.. Archaeological_ Resources o Each of the, -archaeological sites/resources noted in this document, shall be mapped, measured, and photo- graphed. o Auger samples shall be taken at th.e following sites* _ SM -W-23.95, and:* Locations 2, 4, 5r 6, and: 8. Further mitigat.i.on will be, recommended.t if necessary, after testing. o Middens shall be tested with hand excavation units to determine: if: subsurface resources exist. In addition further mitigation. will be recommended, if necessary after testing. o SDM-W-214 shall be transit located and mapped. Sub- surface testing shall also be conducted with hand excavation units-, which could result. - if: additional' mit,igation...7 if significant resources are: found. 3. Biological Resources: The only mitigation measures) which will offset the signi.- ficant adverse: impacts to th.e: biological resources i.s a des - redesign of the project in order to eliminate habitat des } FFa4 ME i�Ldvt 5 4 OF 2,9 3 2.5oF2'9 as possible after grading. FEB' 4 1986 ITEM: 5 w truction and elimination of the: sensitive Black -tailed Gnat - ca -cher.: it will be necessary to preserve approximately 40' acres of the coastal sage scrub habitat: as well as a 200 - foot. zone on either side of the westerly creek centerline. In, addition, other measures such as fencing off the: open eas enhancin habitat quality, prohibiting activ- space ar , 9 ties that are disruptive to wildlife or degrade habitat: and controlling non-native predators would also be required. t. Without redesigning the projecas describedr the City must make the apgro.priate: f indings� of overriding consideration in orde=r tok approve the project. Other mitigation measures that are recommended to reduce. the � ` impacts to other sensitive (although not sign-ificant,) spe-cies, include o Reduce all. ;habitat losses by minimizing grading o Do. not grade during the breeding season (generally >r� hate; March through June. o Grade in phases; to minimize impacts to wildlife. o Avoid grading areas it which sensitive plant species are located. o Preserve the large granite rock outcroppings. o Revegetate all cut: anal:, fill slopes exposed by grading with. native specie immediately.: o Establish an, off-sitpreserve for the Black -tailed e. Gnatca.tcher.. This will require the- cooperation of the Ci.tyr County, and: other public, and private entities. 4. Soils and Geology Additional geotechni-cal studies will be. necessary to deter- mine, the specific design criteria for earthwork, foundations and other, consideration. The following measures are recom- _ mended. o Remove:: all compressible material and replace it. with properly compacted fill. o Cap lots with expansive: soils exposed at finished pad elevations should be capped With selectively -graded granular material. o Proposed graded' slopes should be: analyzed to evaluate F sfi�hiltv'. 2.5oF2'9 as possible after grading. FEB' 4 1986 ITEM: 5 w 7 t y4 o Adhera:nce to the Uniform Building Code or state -of -the - art design parameters. o Surface and/or subdrains may, be recommended to control surface and subsurface water, if encountered.. 51. Hydrology and Water Quality- The existing drainage facilities in the surrounding area. and those: proposed tol collect water on-site appear to be ade- quate and, in. some cases;, oversized. However, the: applicant r will be required to identify the means by, which surface flows can be reduced to a level which does not exceed dis charges occurring in. its presently undeveloped state so that downstream properties are not adversely affected. D.- Non -Significant Impacts i Non-s-ig nificant impacts which will occur as a result of project implementation as well as those which will be re- I duced to insignificant levels through mitigation include: 1. The: addition of 910 daily vehicular trips and the resul- E tant increases in noise and air emissions. `� 1 2. The loss, of archaeological resources located on the subject. property. 3.: Impacta to, non -sensitive: biological resources.: 4. Exposure of new construction and future residents to potential seismic activity. 5. Minor increases in surface: runoff caused by grading and: construction of the 91 homes. Other impacts which will occur, but which have been deter- mined to be7 insignificant by the. City during the initial study include those, to air quality and noise, energy re- sources, public facilities and services, housing and land us:e/ra1evant, planning. 26aj29 .. FEBA 1986 ITER 5 k { IOXeGO CO n } San Diego County Archaeological Society, Inc. '^ .a F. Environmental Impact Report Review Committee y `v P. 0. Box _A-81106 San Diego, SCA 92138 ®�O November 27, 1985 0C1CA'- To: Mr. James Nessel, Associate Planner. Department of Planning Services City of Poway 13202 Poway Road R E C E Poway, California 92064 DED 21985. Subjects, Draft Environmental Impact Report P r�NiY DE? Rei Ei Green Valley Ridge (TT 85-02) Dear Mr. Nesselo On behalf of this committee of the San Diego County Archaeological Society,; I have. reviewed the subject.DEIR and its cultural resources appendix. Regarding potential direct impacts to cultural resources, the DEIR calls for a series of additional tests to -identify the nature of the resources: present so that mitigation.measures can be finalized. This is acceptable,, asfar as it goes but, since the results of the tests are not now known, we cannot judge whether the impacts willultimately be properly mitigated. In order to resolve this matter,,, we would request the opportunity to, review the test report and comment on the proposed mitigation. Indirect impacts of the proposed project are not adequately addressed. The potential for such impacts may exist, at least to locus 9,: indicated in the report as being located of the property. If this, or any other cultural resources, is located close enough to the project area to be impacted by grading, utility lines, equipment. staging areas or, other construction activities, mitigation measures must be provided. Temporary or permanent fencingnear sensitive. areas is one possible mitigative action. possible Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this DEIR.. Sincerely,; f J es W. Royle Jr.. airperson, EIR Review Committee COOO Environmental Perspectives Archaeological Associates t f SDGA.S President. ; ATTACHMENT 6 a ..OF FEB 4 i98o TEM 5 RESPONSES TO COMMENTS Green Valley Ridge (TT 85-02) San Diego County Archaeological Society, Inc. James W. Royle, Jr.., Chairperson, EIR Review Committee 4 November 27, 1985 s 1. Regarding potential. direct impacts to cultural re t sources, the DEhR calls for a series of additional tests to identify the nature of the resources present so that mit- k gat -ion, measures can be finalized. This is acceptable, as far as it goes: but, since the results of the tests are not now known, we cannot judge whether the impacts will ul.t mately be properly mitigated'. In order to resolve this r matter, we would request the opportunity to review the gest report and comment on the proposed mitigation., j The series: of additional tests identified in the Draft EIR Will be undertaken by a qualified archaeologist prior to recordation of the final tract map. The archaeologist re- tained`to implement the proposed testing, program shall meet with representatives of the San, Diego County Archaeological Society: Inc., prior to undertaking the testing program, for the purpose- of establishing the testing methodology and basis upon which further mitigation will be necessary. Upon completion of the program., test. results and mitigation recom- mendations, if determined,necessaryr shall, be made available to the Society for review and comment to, ensure that miti- gaton measures are satisfactory. However, this review, and comment process: should not unnecessarily delay approval: of the: final tract map_' 2. Indirect impacts of the proposed project are not ade- quately addressed. The potential for such impacts may exist, at least to locus 9, indicated: in th� report, as being located off the property. If this, or any other cultural resources, is located close enough'. to the project area .to be impacted by grading, utility lines, equipme:rit staging; areas or other, construction activities,mitigation measures must be: provided.. Temporary or permanent fencing near sensitive areas is one possible mitigative action possible.: The project sponsor will be. required to redesign the ten- tative tract, map to reduce significant impacts to biological resources. As a result, the area west of. Midland Roam. will be preserved an its natural,s ate. Locus. .9, approximately 70 meters (23G feet) southwest of locus 7 and: situated off the property will not be affected by the development when redesigned.. Neither that site nor others in.. the project environs will be adversely affected by grading or other project -related activities and no direct or indirect impacts B 4, 1988 ITEM,5 �8 ®F Z9 ATTACHMENT 7 are anticipated as a result of project implementation- The fencinge measures identified above will not c este assarY afteer tile is revised to e tentative- tract map ro osed development stantial open: space buffer between the Q p. and the off-site resource ( s) • 29 0 2,9 FEB -4 1986 ITEM 5 -.. ITY—,OF iof 0 CARL. Rr KRUSE,: Mayor G1't`t MARY SHEPARDSON, Deputy Mayor BRUCE TARZY, Councilmember LINDA ORAVEC, Councilmember E RE BOB EMERY, CouncilmemberOIL -� JAN NQTICE OF PUBLIC CIVOF POWAY C1Tll CLERK'S OFnC'E NOTICE. 35:Y GIVEN' that. the City Council of the City of. Poway will hold. a Public Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive,, Poway California 92064 on Tuesday, February 4,: 1986 at 7`:00 P.M.or as soon as possible thereafter to consider the following item:: L DRAFT ENVIROMM%TrAL IMPACT REPORT AND TENTATIVE TRACTMAP' 85-02 k' VAIZEY' RIDGE INC. r ADPLT..ANT: a request to divide 127 acres into Sa single family lots within the RR -C (Rural. Residential) zone, located 4; west of Espola Road and -south of Del Poniente. Road.. The project also k i includes consideration -• , �f a Draft Environmental Impact Report.., APNs321-011.-20; 211, 321=020: 72-74, 314-031-06 ANY INTERESTED PERSON wishing to express their concerns an favoror against the _ above: may appear in person at the meeting or submit their concerns in writing to r the City Clerk,; City of Poway. If you challenge the matter in court, you may be' limited to raising only those issues you or someone else: raised at, the public. hearing: described in this notice,, or in written correspondence delivered. to the . City Council at, or. prior to, the. public hearing'. IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK at the meeting., please fill out. one of the speakerrs slips which are located at the back of the Council Chambers, to the rightof the doom as you enter.. Use' a green slip if you are in favor of staff' s, recamendationor a red: slip if you are opposed. The agendas which gives the order of the meeting,.. is also located. there. You must give the speaker's slip to the City Y Clerk prior to the, meeting or, prior to the subject item in order to be called to the podium: to speak. - We uLge: you. to: contact the: Plaj-uiing Department prion to the meeting: to find out fi what their recom endation tor the City Council will. be. This will: make, you beater prepared. to speak at the meeting n!"favor or opposed to the. recampen- dation. Staff planner on this project is Jim Lyon and. can be reached: at 748-6600 or 695 1400. Their office is at 13202 Poway Road.: s' /' Marjorie. K., Wahlsten,. City Clerk...: F GTS eV -1 r S FEB 4 1986 ITEM, 5: City Hall Located at 13325 Civic. Center Drive 4 I►iaing Address., P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92064 • (619) 748-6600, ('619)' 695=1400 ATTACHMENT 8 0 I