Item 6 - Minutes of Meeting January 21, 1986CITY OF POMY, CALIFORNIA, MINUTES OF THE CITY COUNCIL REG)LAR MEETING JANUARY 21, 190060 The January, 21, 1986, regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Poway was: called. to order at 7.03 P.M. by , Mayor Kruse at the:. City- Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway,, California. C*ff=I NEMBHs, ANSWEPMG ROLL CALL: Bob Emery, Linda Oravec,. Mary Shepardson Bruce Tarzy, Carl. Kruse z STAFF MWMRS, PRESENT' Jams Bowersox City Manager Marjorie Waahlsten City Clerk Steve Eckis City Attorney John Fitch Assistant City Manager' Patrick Foley Assistant to the: City Manager Kay Jimno Director of Administrative. Services Alan Archibald Director of Public Services Bill. Toon Director of Safety Services Jim Decker Sheriff's Captain } Alan Schuler Senior Civil Engineer Brad Kutzner Senior Civil Engineer. Joe Gamble: Associate Planner Sharon. Crockett Assistant Planner V Jo Seibert Deputy City Clerk PLEDGE CF AI LM114 ICE Deputy Mayor Shepardson led the Pledge of Allegiance. PUBLIC ORAL C NNUNICATIONS Mayor Kruse explained. the procedure: for Public ural Communications. Thomas Lorenz, 14323 Sladon Court,: presented a petition signed by 188 resi- dents of the Windmill Subdivision, requesting that a traffic signal be installed on Ccmnunity Road at. Aubrey Street because of the increased traffic volume resulting from the. opening of Twin Peaks, Road.. Council t referred the request to. staff. - for a report and directed staff to notify 1 Mr. Frena: when the item. is scheduled_ for Council review. James Lyons, 12223 Colony Drive, asked for clarification of Council action- ctionregarding regardinga day care: facility which: was proposed, for his neighborhood as compared to the action taken on January 14th regarding the, GEWO project.: City Manager Bowersox stated the preschool pre-development: conference was; for; a conditional use permit to allow the school, in a r residential. zone. The item. on. January 14th regarding GII++iCO was: the approval of a Development Agreement for a property which was: already zoned for cj al use. FEB 4 1986 IT EM 6 2051 FEB 4 1986 ITEM 6 2052 Page 2 - CITY OF PONhY - January 21, 1986 Patrick: Flynn, 12232. Colony Drive, asked the proposed completion date for State Route 56 and who; has the responsibility for buildingthe road. City Manager BowersoX stated expectations are: that it Will be built within. three to five years. It will be built by developers such as the builders of Rancho Carmel in the City of San Diego and. GRCO in the: City of Poway.: Mayor Kruse suggested Mr. Flynn contact staff if he has j other questions regarding the proposed. highway. ITEMS 7 - 14 } CONSENT' CALENDAR i Itm 12 was pulled: by Councilmember Shepardson.. Motion. by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Oravec, to adopt the Consent. Calendar as follows: 7. Approval of Minutes - City Council. January 7, 1986. Regular Meeting January 9, 1986, Adjourned.Regular Meeting 9. Ratification of Warrant Register- January 9, 1986. 10. Adoption of Resolution. No. 86-004 entitled, Resolution of the City' .t°A Council, of the City of Poway, California, Order�.ng The SumYry Vacation of a, Public Service, Easement Within Parcel 52. of Record of Survey No. 4253 (Vacation VAC 86-01),," Peter J. and Janis M. Harris, owners.: 11. Adoption of Resolution. Na. 86-005 entitled. "A Resolution of the City Council of the City. of Poway, California. Annexing: Territory, to the Sewer Improvement District_ of the City of Poway, Harris Annexation. 13. Approval of Progress Pay Estimates. #3. - Fritz, A. Nachant. - Lake. poway West Expansion Phase IIIB. - $93,886.. E #2 - Damon Construction - Poway Road Medians Phase IV - $74,951.23 - J -4.L Adoption of Resolution No. 8.6-006 entitled, "A Resolution of the City Council; of the City of Poway. California,: Ordering: the: Sunwry Vacation of Blue: Sage- Road, Cross Fox Court` Morning Air Road,, County Day, Road., Twisted dp'per , Reservation Branch Road, i Road and. Horizon Court, and the n of .Win . Certain Public Service Easements, for Sewer,. Water Line, and Drainage Purposes, as Dedicated by County of Sane Diego's Tract No. 4090R,, Map No. 6:-02). 113:60 (Vacation VAC: 86 -02). - Motion carried. animously. Motioncarried.unanmously. l i is FEB 4 1986 ITEM 6 2052 Page 3 - CITY OF PUAAY - January 21, 1986 9 m PARKLAND DEDICATION Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He stated that the: Council annually establishes parkland in -lieu fees in accordance with Chapter 16.38 of the Poway Municipal Code.The fees are calculated based upon current estimated popula- tion, total estimated cost for parkland improvements, and average population per dwelling unit. The fees recommended for 1986 arethe same as 1985. There was no one present wishing to speak on this iten. Lotion by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Counci3msmber Oravec, to close the public., hearing and adopt Resolution No. 86-007 entitled, "A. Resolution of the: City Council of: the City of Poway, California, Establishing the In -lieu Fees for Parkland. Dedication: for Calendar Year, 1986.1t Motion carried unanimously. ITEX 5 VARIANCE 85-07 APPLICANT: AIM AND ESTHER MAOI 0Y Staff report- by City 11anager Bowersox. He stated, the request is to reduce a sideyard setback area, from the required. 20 feet to- 15 feet to, allow the construction, of a one -car garage and workshop to an existing single family resi— dence at 16427 Avenida. Florencia. Recommendation is for approvalwith con k ditions.. r There was no one resent wish to s ' P ng peak. on this item. Motion by Councilaonber Oravec, seconded, by Council.member Emory, to close the public hearing and adopt Resolution No. P-86-04 entitled, "A Resolution of the: City Council of the City of Poway, California, Approving Variance 85-07 Assessor's Parcel Number. 275-313-04." Motion carried unanimously. ITR4 6 , TRAFFIC CONTROL: MARTINCOIT` AND ROSTRATA ROADS Staff report by City Manager Bowersox. He gave background. information on traf f is control measures instituted. in this area in the past. At the request of Council. on January, 7th:, an engineering study was done on.Martincoit. Road.: The study indicates that both north and southbound motorists typically exceed the � t FE8 4 19 a ITS. E 2053 Page 4 - CITY OF POWAY - January 21, 1986 posted speed limits by five to ten miles per hour. However, an all. way stop is not warranted because the intersection does not meet the criteria established by the: State in that Martincoit has a far greater volume of traffic than Rostrata. Recommendation is to implement the followingsafety measures rather than to r install the all way stop: 1) provide: regular radar surveillance in the area of the: reverse curves- 2 ); replace: the, uReverse Curve ° signs with a 1125' MPH Reverse Turn" sign; 3) add. "Reduced Speed Ahead signs with rumble strips: on. both ends of the curves; 41 strip the centerline, with solid double yellow strips and additional raised reflectors; 5) add. chevron alignment signs on the guardrails to provide additional emphasis of the curves, 6)trim the vegetation along Martincoit Road, to provide better sight visibility. Speaking against staff recommendation. and in favor of stop signs Judy Markley, 16607 Martincoit Road., She presented a. petition signed by 116 residents of the area supporting the, installation of stop signs on'. Martincoit and a, map showing the location of 15 vehicle accidents which' have occurred on Martincoit Road since 1978.' Tan Markley, 16607' Matincoit Road. Douglas Gammon, 16577 Martincoit. Road. Joanne Gulde, 12575 Cresta Court, San Diego, Safety Patrol. Advisor at Painted. Rock School She: cited instances of speeding vehicles during periods of time when children are crossing Martincoit. Ilene Littlefield, 16608 Martincoit Road. Margo Pagnni, 16409 Orchard Bend Road. Council discussed the need for warning lights it stop signs are installed because of the poor design of the road, the. steepness of the incline, and the: sight restrictions. Council also expressed concern regarding the City's liab. lity position if stop signs are installed in an intersection that does not meet. the guidelines set forth by the State. City Attorney Eckis stated Council has identified unusual circumstances that relate to this intersection which would justify installation of the stop signs even though state. -suggested guidelines may not technically be met. Mr. Eck 'is further opined that Council will be taking every reasonable precaution to warn motorists of the upcoming steep signs if Council also requires. all. or most of the safety measures recommended by staff. In his opinion, the City would have immunity from liability should liti- gation, occur itigation,occur if such safety treasures are taken. in conjunction with the installs- fi tion of the; stop signs. Motion by Councilme tuber oravec, seconded by Councilmember Emery to direct staff # to bring back a resolution authorizing the, installation of stop signs and red r warning lights at the intersection of Martincoit and Rostrata Roads and to: implement. the safety measures outlined. in. the Agenda Report with the exception of the rumble strips., Motion carried unanimously. FEB 4 1980 ITA?4 6 Page 5 - CITY OF POW - January 21, 1986 RECESS AND CALL TO ORDER mayor -Kruse, recessed the meeting at 8;00 P.M. and called it back to order at 8:11 P.M. All Counc lmembers were present. i ITEM 12 COOP TIN AND REI14MRSD� AG 2EE +T POMERADOL SWNDWALL;-PRO.7FCT This item was pulled from the Consent Calendar by Councilminber Shepardson. Staff report by City Manager Bowersox., He stated this project includes: the construction of a noise attenuation wall, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights, and, landscaping along the east side of Ponerado Road frau Robison Boulevard to Glenoak Road. In order for the Redevelopment. Agency to utilize funds for public improvements, a resolution determining that the: improvements are of benefit to the project area. must be adopted. The cooperation and reim- burse ent agreement between the Agency and the City providesthe mechanism for the Agency- to participate in this: project. motion,' by Councilmember Emery, seconded by Councilmember Shepardson, to adopt Resolution No. 86-008 entitled, "A. Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California, Determining Certain- Public Improvements to be of Benefit to the Paguay Redevelopment Project; Consenting to the; Payment by the: Redevelopment Agency to the: city of Poway of the value. of the Installation and construction of such Public Iaprovements;l and Approving and. Authorizing the: Execution,' of a. Cooperative. and Reimbursement Agreement, Therefore Between the City and the Agency." Motion carried unanimously. COUNCILMEMBM ITEMS: 14., Councilmenber Emery, asked for and received Council concurrence to consider participating in National City's centenial. celebration parade in: November, 1987. Coucilmember Shepardson suggested. staff work with the developer of Piedmont Park to provide alternate horse trail access to Lake Poway behind. Poway High School until the construction on.Espola.Road is complete. E i' 19. A. Councilmember Tarzy asked staff to expedite. the final patching of. Stone. Canyon Road, B. Councilmember Tarzy asked the status of the. airporter service. City Manager Bowersox stated the: present carrier went out of business. A bid package is being prepared with the new carrier expected to be operating by April 1, 1986.. FEB 4 1980 ITEM b 2055 Page 6 CITY OF POWAY January 21, 1986 20. Mayor. Kruse reviewed the agendafor the joint meeting of City Council/Powe; Unified School District. Board to be held February 6„ 1986. ADJOUl NMEN Upon motion by Councilmember Shepardson, seconded by Councilnember Oravec, Mayor. Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned, The time of adjournment was 8;.35 P.M. Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk City oil_ Poway FEB; 4 1986.ITEM 6 2056