Item 7 - Minutes of RDA Meeting January 21, 1986FES4 198- tTEM 7 185 .i��-�--i-•-v..�,-., ..- .-.-.���.:,:�.:� .�, - �.. , --�_ _ n„F�- --.-- _ - _ �:� _ _ .. _ ._._w�_� _ ,u .- _ �..� .�» � �:.�,,.- . : ;. _ate--��� ,...-<... = Page 2 - CITy OF POWAY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY - January 21, 1986 ITEM 12 COOPERATION* AND REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT POiMERADO SOUNDMM PROJECT This item was pulled from the Consent Calendar by Director Shepardson. Staff report by Executive Director Bowersox. He stated this project includes the construction of a noise attenuation wall, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, street lights, and landscaping along the east side of Pomerado Road. from. Robison. a enc Boulevard to Glenoak Road. In order for the Redevelo g t Agency, to utilize funds for public improvements, a resolution determining that the improvements are of benefit to: the project. area must be adopted. The cooperation and reim- bursement agreement between the. Agency and the: City provides, the mechanism fon 7 the Agency to participate in this project. } Motion by Director Emery, seconded by Director Shepardson, to adopt Resolution No. R-86-04 entitled, '`A Resolution of the Poway Redevelopment Agency Determining Certain Public Improvements to be of Benefit. to the Paguay Redevelopment Project; Authorizing the Payment by the Redevelopment. Agency to the City of Poway of the Value of the Installation and Construction of Such: Public Improvements; and Approving and Authorizing the Execution of a Cooperation and Reimbursement Agreement Therefore Between the City and the. Agency." Motion carried unanimously. E7CUTIVE DIRECTOR ITEMS 14. Off Docket Item - Exclusive Negotiation Agreement - Poway CC= CenterLtd. Approval of this. agreement. would allow Poway Creek Centerr Ltd, to work with the Agency for 60 days in order to put together an auto dealership: on the former site of the proposed. Poway Creek Center on, Poway Road. Recommendation: is to approve: the agreement and authorize the Executive Director, to execute it. Following discussion regarding the purpose of the agreement. and its benefits to the, applicant and the, Agency, the Directors concurred that no purpose can be served by tying up the property for, an additional. 60 days:. Even. without anexclusive negotiation agreement, the applicant is able to put together an. application. for a use on the: property. Motion. by Director Tarzy, seconded by Director Oravec•, to oppose staff L recommendation and deny the exclusive negotiation agreement with Poway Creek: Center, Ltd. Motion carried unanimously. AWOURNMENY Upon motion by Director Shepardson seconded by Director Oravec, Chairman Kruse ordered the meeting adjourned. The time of adjournment was 8:35 P.M. Marjorie',t& Wahlsten, Secretary Poway Redevelopment Agency 18G M FEB 4 19806; IT E 7