Item 9 - Hazardous Materials Emergency Response ProgramI AGENDA REPOOF CITY CF POWAY C.This re ort is included: on the Consent Calendar. There will be no separate discussion of the �y report prior to approval by the City Council unless- members of the Council, staff or public Fe,�'""'^"•` ""ov:� request it to be removed from the Consent Calendar and discussed separately. If you.wish to A., THE have this report pulled for discussion, please fill out a slip indicating the reportnumber and give it to the City Clerk prior to the beginning of the City Council meeting.,. To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council From; James L. Bowersox, City Mana Initiated � William. A. Toon 4irector of Safety Services By Wl r Date February 4, 1986 Subject;, HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY RESPONSE" PROGRAM BACKGROUND Hazardous material incidents occur in San Diego County ata rate fi of 5 to 10 each week. Although the City of Poway generates no major hazardous materials, the. potential exists. Transport accidents on our streets and future hazardous material generators. 4 locatingin. south Poway are two of the possibilities. The. Unified Disaster Council of San Diego Couny has assembled a program, for hazardous materials emergency response., Thist is to be shared financially by cities and the County. The formulator payment consists of the total population and assessed valuation.- Poways share, beginning Fiscal Year 1986/87, would- be $15,569'.00 yearly FINDINGS In order to provide an effective hazardous materials response for all communities ` in San Diego County, it was determined that a Program administer th should central agency d. e. .. e Unified Th 1 Disaster Council was the logical choice due to its interaction with al agencie involved. Presently, the City of San Diego has the only response un available which is staffed by personnel. off an existing twentyTfour hour- fire engine company ACTION: ,e FEB 4 1986 ITEM 9 - )�' r is Page. 2 Honorable Mayor Members of the City Council The Unified Disaster Council's proposal. would use San Diego City's response apparatus (valued at $350,000); and twenty-four hour personnel with hazardous material response training and education.. This would be thein only job task. The unit would respond throughout the County with a backup unit: staffed by personnel with call-back capabilities. The apparatus for a backup team will be the new hazardous materials van presently, in the County` s - possession. This van was offered to us by the California State Office of Emergency Services.. Additionally, the Program calls for response from: the San Diego County Health Department to assist the personnel on the hazardous materials van. They would. respond in vehicles equipped for emergency response., Fire departments will continue to be, first responders on hazardous materials incidents and will receive training from. the program're:sponse personnel. The funding will be assessed on total population plus assessed valuation to fifteen cities and the County. The City of San Diego will pay a flat _fee of one. -half the cost of theirexisting hazardous material team; -and equipment.' Although the half price cost to them is slightly lower than. using their assessed valuation and. population, they are contributing the $350,000 response apparatus which more than makes: up the. deficit. This Program will be reviewed in. three years to determine effectiveness and cont. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council of the City Poway adopt Resolution entitled "'Resolution of the City Council of the City of Poway, California Adopting the Unified San Diego County Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Program." It is further recommended that Council direct staff to place $15,569 in the Department of Safety Services' budget for Fiscal Year, 1:986-87 JLB s WAT s sb Attachment; 1. Proposed Resolution #Z. Unified. San, Diego County Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Program FEB 4 1986 1.7 t IV, 2 of 3 RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF POWAYr CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE UNIFIED SAN DIEGO COUNTY HAZARDOUS MATERIALS EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROGRAM WHEREAS, the City of Poway is a participating member of a. Joint Powers' Agreement which established the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Organization.; and. WHEREAS, the governing body of that organization is the: Unified Disaster Council on which this City is represented; and WHEREAS, a Unified San Diego County Hazardous Materials, Emergency Response -Program has been developed at the direction of the Unified Disaster Council; and WHEREAS, such program was approved, by the Unfied Disaster Council on November -21, 1985 and ref erred. to, the cities and the. County for consideration -and inclusion in their 19`86-87 FY budget.; and WHEREAS, the Unified disaster Council also directed the: Joint Powers Agreement be amended to authorize such -`programs; and WHEREAS, a unified hazardous materials emergency response` program is in the best interest of this City_ and the entire San Diego region. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City, of Poway, State of California adopts the: Unif i:ed San. Diego County Hazardous Materials Response Program and directs appropriate funding be placed. in the 1,986-87 FY proposed budget for consideration; and BE IT FURTHER. RESOLVED, that the Unified San Diego County Emergency Services Joint_ Powers Agreement be amended. to authorize Countywide Unified Emergency Programs PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 4th day of February, 198`6', by the following votes:: AYES:: NOES ABSENT: MAYOR ATTEST: ' CITY CLERK FEB t 1986 1TE'V1 3 of 3