Item 2 - PDC for Chip Paulson - Poway TVm Y Agenda Report February 13 r 1.986 Page 2, 3 Y Policy 36.c Signage should be integrated into the overall site. and architectural design pro- cess- to provide signs that are consistent with architectural style, color, material, and landscaping themes. Policy 41.a. Site planning submittals for devel- opment review shall include the location of landscaping, parking areas, access, and struc- tures on adjoining parcels. Policy. 41.b The site plan shall illustrate com.- patiblity with the planning of adjoining pare { cels in the areas of building configuration, building design, landscaping materials.. parking configuration, and. access. Policy 41.c The site plan shall consider the feasibility of cooperative agreementsfrom, parking, access, and maintenance, thereof Policy 41..d Where a commercial, area abuts: a P residential..planned area, the: following improve- ments m :rove- ,-- ments shall be; made to ensure compatibility:. Structures: shall be adequately set back: from; the: rear yard to avoid land use impacts An eight, foot. high solid masonry wall shall, be constructed along the adjoining property line., Landscaping in the form of trees, shrubs, and groundcovers shall be planted within a five (5) foot area on the inside area of they wall.. Policy 42.a Front yard setbacks: should be varied to discourage a monotonous line of buildings each, the same distance from the street. Policy 43:.a On individual freestanding commer- cial struc ures, parking areas should, be located to the side or rear of the building.. Policy 4a.h The feasib .lity of shared parking areas. and access between adjoining lots shall be considered. k Z J Y Agenda Report February 13 1986 Page 3 i Policy 45..e Landscaping in parking areas should be dominated by trees that both screen and cool theaparking area. Policy 46.a The location of freestanding signs j should be integrated with other site planning elements,, particularly building location and orientation, landscaping,. and access points. Policy 4:6.b. Directional signs shall be small in size and located only where necessary., PolicZ 49.a The relationshipof width th and height of a new or renovated commercial. struc tune should be: compatible with similar propor— tions of existing adjacent buildings. Policy 49.b A11 structures shall be taller than two Stories or 35 feet, whichever is less Policy 49.c Larger linear buildings should bet broken by projections or recessed areas that give. the appearance of smaller adjoining `-, buildings. Policy 49.d The appearance of massive or monu- mental scale buildings should be: avoided. through design or setbacks. Policy { 50!.a Colors. used in. commercial. construc— tion should be primar.ily_earthtones with comple— mentary accents in, muted shades of reds blues,, greenst grays, and yellows_. Policy so.b A totally monocromatic appearance should be avoided through the use of' complemen- tary colors. Policy 50, c Materials used in commercial construction shall have textured surfaces such as rough sawn woods,, split -face block,.stucco and facade brick. a a Policy 50.d Excessive use of smooth surface materials such as metal, plastic, and glass should be discouraged or off -set by overhangs or architectural projections, 3oFZ r k FEB 13 1986 ITEM Agenda Report February 13, 1986 Page 4 , .1 Policy 5 .a Building entrances and windows should be: enhanced by canopies, balconies, or other architectural details that complement the building des-ignr color, and materials. Policy 52.b The height of the roofline should be compatible with adjacent rooflines by avoiding radical changes in height. Policy 52.c All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be completely- screened from view from: any adjoining street level and, reasonably screened from ad.joining residential areas by parapets or other roof structures . Policy 54.a. Wall and window signs shall. be used for identification only. Policy 54.b Signs should use complementary colors and materials and should not detract from the. overall appearance of-the building. ZONING: 17.:10..04.0 CG Commercial General Zone. The CG .Commercial General zone is; intended as an area for the location of roadway-oriented ' retail ser- vice and wholesale: commercial activities;. (,Ord... r 113. §l(Exh. A 3.0(part} },, 1983) 17.10.130 Development Standards- _Pr02erty -General Re uremen s:. The followingrequire- ments in commercial zones: are the minimum unless otherwise stated: F. CG A. Lot area, sq. ft. or, acres HMO f 0.00- 3. 3. Lot width (in feet) 60 C Lot depth (in feet) 10 D. Frontyard setback (in. feet)20 E.gide yard. setback Cain feet,) 10/10 F. Gide yard, setback street 2.0 ( side; (in feet) f. G.: Rear yard (in feet) o l FEB-13 1986 ITEM 2' Agenda Report February 1.3, 1986 Page 5 17.10.150` F. Roof Appurtenan.ces--Screen.ng.. All roof appurtenances including, but -not limited, o, air conditioning units and. mechanical - equipment. shall. be shielded and architecturally screened from view from on-site parking areast adjacent public streets and adjacent residentially zoned. property. G. Reciprocal Ingress and Egress® Reciprocal ingress and egress, circula.tion.and parking arrangements shall be required to facilitate the ease of vehicular movement between adjoining properties. 17.10.180 Signs. Sign requirements in: commer- cial zones shall be as; follows- No sign or out- door advertising structure shall be permitted: in any C zone except as provided ,in. Chapter 17.0'r (Ord. 113 510Exh A 3.6), 198:3 17.40.280 C'. Legal Nonconforming Freestanding Signs. g Any ' permanent freestanding sign measuring 65 square feet or less than. 25 feet or less in height, which was; properly erected. ' pursuant to the: regulations. in existence at the time of its erection or placement., and with: a, valid sign. permit, and/or'buildi,n permit, g P t, hal be: allowed to remain for the useful life of the si n g , providing that such sign structures remain in. full compliance with subsection B- of Section 17.40.1370 , Section 17.40.:260 and 17.40 270. Such signs must be brought into,con- formance if a.building permit or permits are subsequently issued on the site for major exterior modificati.ons; unless such conformance: is. waived by the Director of Planning Services. v Agenda Report. February 13, 1986 page 6 t „. 17.42.030 Schedule of off-street parking, requ.rements. The schedule of off-street y' parking requirements shall be- as>follows 1UlINIMUM OFF-STREET USE. PARKING REQUIRED." B. Shopping Centers and General. Commercial Uses; as listed in. Section 17.10.080, except. as noted below.- elow:3. 3'.Appliance and/or_ 1 space/500 furniture stores square feet: of r gross floor area 17.42.03Q.D 3 USE MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING REQURIED 3. Storage 1 space/1,000 squarer feet of gross, area for the first 20,000 :3 square feet. devoted to storage plus the required parking for square footage devoted to other- uses.. i space/2,000 square feet. for the- hesecond. second.2000Q° square feet.- eettspace/4,00 space/4,000 0 square feet for area in excess of 40,000 square feet. 17.44:.O5Q B. No nondonforming use shall be enlarged or extended in. such- away as to occupy any part of the: structure or site or another structur : or site which it: did not occupy at the time it became: a, nonconforming use, or in such a, way as to displace any conforming use occupying a, structure or site, 'except as permitted in. this G chapter. y &OF FEB; 13 1986 tT E M 2 Agenda Report February- 13, 1985 Page 7 17.50...070 Findings. The City Council may grant a variance to a regulation prescribed by this: title: with respect to fences,: walls, hedges,, screening, or landscaping; width, or depth; front, rear, or side yards, coverage; height of structures; usable open: space, or,frontage on the: public street., as the variance was, applied for or in modified form,: if, on the basis of the application and the evidence submitted, the Council makes findings of Fact that establish that the circumstances prescribed in subsea - tions A, B, C, D, E.. and F: of this; section do apply.; A. That there are special circumstances applicable to the property, (size, shape, topo- graphy, location, or surroundings) or the intended use of the property, and because of this;, the strict application of the zoning deve- lopment ordinance: deprives the property of pri.- vileges enjoyed by other properties in the vicinity under. identical zoning classification. and B That granting the variance or its modi- fication is necessary for the -preservation and enjoyment of a substantial property right po ses .ed. by.other property in the same vicinity and zone and denied, to the property for which the variance is sought; and C., That granting the variance or its modi- ficat on will not be materially detrimental to the public: health., safety or welfare, or in- furious to the property or improvements, in such vicinity and zone in which the property is located; and D. The granting of this variance does not constitute a. special privilege inconsistent with the: limitations upon other properties in the. vicinity and zone in which such property is; situated, and: E. The granting of this variance does not allow a use or activity which is not otherwise expressly authorized by the ` zoning development regulation governing: the parcel of property; 4 F; iLFEB 13 1980. 4 T E M 2; I Agenda Report February 13 1986. Page 8 ` i F. That granting the variance or its modi- fication will. not be incompatible with the City General Plan. (Ord. 113 §1(Exh., A 10.2.7), { 1983) GENERAL COMMENTS: The applicant is requesting consideration of a E second story addition to an existing two story building. The first floor is approximately 3500 soars feet. The existing second. floor is � q g approximately .. 1, 400 square feet.. The subject. parcel is a reversed. "L"' shaped lot.. The existing building is directly fronting on Powaay Road with a nonconforming front yard set- back of less than one foot:.. The existing side yard setbacks are: also nonconforming (less' than one foo .} .: The:: proposed addition would be located on the north portion of the building with a front set- back of 12 feet (an encroachment of eight feet into the required 20 foot front setback ) . The proposed. addition would. be in alignment with. I the east and west faces of the existing f building. The existing sideT yard setback measurement is les than the required: ten foot. distance. Thus:, to construct the addition., as; proposed, a variance would need to be granted. Pursuant to Code Section 17.40.280.C, legal non— j conforming freestanding signs must be: brought into conformance if building permits are issued ` on the site for major exterior modifications. Should the applicant wish. to formally submit an application fora Variance and Development Review, all necessary forms shall be submitted with appropriate fees. JLB :.JEB : JDG: i s Attachments: t' 1:0Surrounding General Plan and Zoning 2. Agreement of Understanding 3. Concept Sketch - - � •sass ..?.•oma ss•�a >v'>3.S•sc:•: •s•ai .ti •i:'r��� e + �?•' i. �'a .1 1'N a a o�.� y>..e�'+ t s i��� ! > v t.; ^..✓ _<•�.Fe s I iasis?: ++Ya )yam, �. •i�i� P•tig �� ��J ' i%+.i �. !� i i i•••s� nJ : +a\ e i a�vs vow. v'w ?. ^v ,a?/r. Yi`ba lag *Y.Ii.�I•':r a +t i « -••• -41k&4'0, 0;* a e' >.-, ;'+, ;;�-• +: see+!. •' « orae v,! e. • • �aNi o �a 'e: a s • • ♦ ®>s :a, .:•r . ..w •! s: w r�•s�t7�:. ��� � a s•A� 1."3s-- i" • � :.,e_ r;� � . sir•.. yrs' rss••n9x� .�. R aea • e e- a e a W G, sa•s«�: a i�••asa•� � .•°y z�::,l:�.. r•fi� i s i tee. � 4f,*** wasrl- - e,,"''"'"r ! i,J �' •1 1 ! i i ®� a .. e lac7•bwth as syr. ss e. we • i e • a, ***Goes a♦l.erts�:o •a.••a• •few 00 048 ! v. r " <.�" e • e t:I: �7 ter* I 3 4w zr wY.•f •' CG • a � � Y [�� �v#•y ey lV L� x' to ffr& Q lKipq { x• . t : k r 7ftR _ O S RR �� l y 'r°rw°• E .....,.....,p �. RC ie.nt: RR.• hereinafter referred to as "Proponent" enter into this Agreement of Understanding based upon the following facts:: Proponent clgris or has an, equitable interestin land described by tax assessor's parcel number(s) 3117 2- ,7,,,_t;" Proponent desires to develop this property in accordancewith the will of the City and: without the a ense of a protracted development.. City is concerned that Proponent will create develont pians unsatisfac- tory to City and consune ti.ne and effort of City employees needlessly on unsatisfactory development plans unless City assists in. directing Proponen Based upon the above.—ntioned facts, City will grant. Proponent a hearing prior to filing any application for development upon the following understanding: A. City will render no decision with regards to any developrent proposal or part. thereof. B. City will receive no evidence, specific in nature, in support of a par- ticular deveoprn?nt plan. C. City will make no representations that will obligate the City to render a decision in favor of or against any development proposal or part thereof Proponentnay subsequently submit. D. If any development, proposal is subsequently submitted, Proponent will proceed as its sole and exclusive risk with, the understanding that. City has rade no representations upon which Proponent nay rely. • Proponent: ture FEB 13 1986 ITEM 2 SCALE: ;UM.* ATTACHMENT:: FEB 1 3 1986 ITEM 2