Item 5 - EA, CUP 85-14, DR 85-20 and VAR 85-08 - Andrew LaiI AGENDA REP. OR CITY OF POWAY TO Honorable. Mayor and Members of the City Council FROM: James" L. Bowersox, City Manag r INITIATED BY: John. E'. Bridges, Acting Director of Planning Services" 7 DATE: February 25, 1986 r SUBJECT: Environmental. Assessment:, Conditional. Use: Permit 85-14 Development Review 85-20c and Variance 85-08" - Andrew Lai, Applcantx A request to construe a 55 unit. motel, and manager's office/apartment in the CG (Commercial. General) zone y' located at 12.430 Poway Road. APN 3.17-540-10 13`, 14 ABSTRACT PROJECTPLANNER-: James H. Lyon,. Assistant Planner r �.: PARCEL SIZE:. 1..01 Gros Acres - GENERAL PLAN DESIGNATION: Commercial General TONING.: Commercial General SURROUNDING DESIGNATIONS:� (See Attachment 3 f RELATED CASES: None CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED. None ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: Issue a Negative Declaration. { STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions t ACTION. Y i rt2 EM z "- k -: .-.v..:..:. � ,_ • -.,.:- +': t.:.. _ _ , v -.. '.. , -:'.-mac-- ^.-. wa -. - Agenda Report February 25, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND A. Project Description This application requests approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CLIP 85-14), a Development Review (DR 84-20), and a Variance (VAR 85-08) to allow the construction: of a two story, 20;,470 -square foot motel and a 670 square foot manager office/apartment. The project site is located on the north side of Poway Road approxi mately 360 feet. east- of Pome,rad , Road. Tune Craft is located to the west and a: Mobile Service Station is to the east.. A large undeveloped; knoll: is to the northof the. site:. The applicant proposes to construct. 55 guest rooms of which 14 are proposed to contain kitchenettes. Section. 17.10.180 of the: Zoning Development Code mandates that only 25 percent of the units may contain kitchenettes.. One kitchenette: unit. mus be deleted. to comply with the. City Code. The Code additionally limits the lodging of a room to 30 days:. The two story, 25 foot wood framed structure will be stuccoed in- sand nsand color., with the exterior doors and trim painted a dark ivory colon., Hand, rails and other wood trim accents will be stained brown A hollow octagonally shaped brick. the screen will enclose the. lower half of the balconies. Flat, oxford brown concrete the will be used for the: roof. covering Three elevational. levels have beenincorporated into the structures. design in order to reduce the amount of grading.. Window popouts and exterior. wood accents, wall inserts,. balconies and the continuation of the pitched roof have i been provided. to enhance the long east fading wall.. In addition, extensive landscaping will be required to further, screen the building face. i` The motel swimming pool, spa, and: shade structure are located. on the south end of the motel adjacent to Poway Road The second story of the building cantilevers over one half of the pool and spa area. A six foot high off -set stucco wall, with landscape planters incor- porated into the interior side, will be constructed at the frontyard setback Time to: screen the pool area and to reduce traffic noise The -motel', s lobby/manager°s apartment is located in a separate, 670 square, foot building -west of the main, structure. The lobby and registration desk are on the first floor and the residential manager's living quarters: are located above. Although the applicant has incorporated a: number of design features into this building, addi- tional accents are necessary to further enhance the east and north elevations FEB 25 1986 ITEM 5 r Agenda Report February 25, 1986 Page -3 Landscaping for the project. will include mounding and theplanting of street trees within the 20. foot wide planter adjacent to Poway Road. Additionally, the ten foot side yard setbacks surrounding the dobby/manager apartment and: the: areas _adjacent:to the retaining walls and in front of the required eight foot. high. block wall separatingthe commercial and residential, zones on the north property line will.be landscaped. The proposed eight foot side yard,seaback adjacent o the east property liner will be, planted with trees and: shrubs Per. City Code, the: equivalent of one tree fox every three parking spaces will be incorporated into. the parking lot landscape plan. f The subject lost ranges in size from 62 to 140 feet in. width and is 408` feet in depth..: The, design of the motel was primarily dictated 'by the irregular shaped. lot. Section 17.10.130 of the Zoning Development: Code: required. a ten foot minimum side yard setback for -this zones however, as part of this application,, has, requested.a variance to per- mit: a two foot encroachment into the eastside yard setback area.. The encroachment is necessary because the lot is extremely narrow near its: midpoint and to accommodate a minimum depthmotel room,. required parking, and a narrow area of landscaping along the. west property Line` at that point a reduction of the required setback from ten to eight fee is necessary.. The granting of the. variance would not cons:ti.tute. �,. a special privilege or, be inconsistent with the General Plan in that there are other buildings- in the surrounding areas. that are constructed with a. side yard setback of five feet or less.. A further analysis. of this, request indicates that. there is a six foot high retaining wall on the west side located approximately three feet. east of the property line:. To comply with. City required parking and road- way widths, the= wall located adjacent to the Galileo Restaurant: parking to , must be elevated. an additional five, feet to a maximum of 11 feet is height, if it is to be constructed on the property Line.= The wall, height. tapers to the north: to approximately eight feet in, height. Staff has analyzed the relationship of the: Galileo parking lot and i motel, and. has determined. that, with. the: proposed: design the lights from the automobiles using: the Galileo Restaurant parking lot would. shine into the second story of the motel.. Landscaping proposed for the wall. would be, eliminated. because of required. driveway parking, and. building width. To resolve these problems,. Staff is: recommending that the City Council approve the. two, foot variance request, allow the pro posed 11. foot, high retaining wall to remain, and: require the applicant to acquire an easement or boundary adjustment to perma.t the cons.truc- tion of a second wall approximately faur fee is; height at the top of sd on the Galileo: Restaurant, property, would. lope. This: wallr locate shield the motel from automobile headlights and provide an addi,t,ional five feet of landscaping along the westerly boundary of the project, (see Attachment 4) 4 3, OFFEB 25 1986.IT EM' 5 �1 ■ Agenda Report February 25, 1986 Page a B. Development Facilities Accesa to the project. is. via a 30 foot: shared driveway between Tune Craft and. the proposed: motel t A. landscaped median is located. directly in. front of the driveway, restricting access to west bound traffic only. Although the overall slope of.' the property is approximately five percent, there is a ten foot. high slope of approximately sixteen per- cent Located within. the front one third of theproperty. Staff has worked closely with the applicant to reduce grading by providing a multiple pad foundation:. Retaining walls,: however,: will still be required. along the majority of the west property Tine to provide adequate parking areas.. Drainage ofthe property will be in a. general southeast direction toward Poway Road. • The Public, Servicesi Department is requiring , the applicant tocomplete a hydrologic/hydr.aul,c study to determine if. the: existing drainage facilities are; adequate to accom- modate the additional run-off produced by the construction of this pro- ject., ro- ject As the proposed project site consists of three individual- parcels ndividual parcels a merger of the pagcels must be approved: prior to the issuance of the building -permit. Water, sewer, and other utilaies:I are.presently available to the site The City Fire Marshal. has: required a sprinkler- system to beinstalled within the motel.. An additional fire hydrant shall be located -toward the rear of the lot. Although not required the applicant has proposed an emergency vehicle: access location in the northeast, corer, of the property. C. Environmental Review The. 1.01 gross: acre site slopes approximately five percent to the. south wi.th`a ten foot of approximately sixteen percent rise occurring within the front one third of the property. The previously graded site lies. vacant and void of trees and significant amounts of vegeta S tion. Small. shrubs and annual grasses cover the fringes of the par- cel.. There are no rare or endangered species nor historical or cultural aspects associated with these parcels A review of the. proposed Environmental Initial Study and an on-site } inspection indicate that potentially significant impacts exist tela tive to the area. -wide. drainage and the addition of traffi-c, noise, and light generated by the proposed development. Conditions for the miti. gation. of those impacts contained within the proposed resolution. include, but are: not limited to the: payment of traffic mitigation fees the master plan of drainage. fees, and the: construction of an eight foot, wall on the north property line With these measures, a Negative Declaration is recommended. OF. � 1 FES 2 5 1986 ITEM 5 . qF 1 F 8 2 5 1986 S T E M .ate RESOLUTION NO.. P A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OE" THE. CITY OF POWAY j' CALIFORNIA APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE; PERMIT 85-14 DEVELOPMENT. REVIEW 85-°20 AND VARIANCE: 85-08 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 31.7-540-10, 13, 14 WHEREAS, Development Review 85-20,r Condit Tonal. Use Fermi t; 85-14, and Variance, 85-08' submitted by Andrew Lair applicant,. requests toyconstruct a 5.5 unit motel. and managers living quarters property located at 12:4.3:0 Poway Road, in the Commercial General (CG) zone , and, WHEREAS, on February 25, 19860, the, City Council held a hearing on the above: -referenced item. NOKr THEREFORE',, thea City Council does hereby resolveaS follows. Section 1: Findings:: CONDITIONAL; USE- PERMIT' } l.r That the location, size, designs and operating charac I _terist.ics of the propos=ed us.e will be compatible; with and 3- F will not; adversely affect or be. mate=rially detrimental to adjacent uses, residents, buildings, structures::, or k� natural resources: 2. That the 'harmony in scale, bulk, coverage,, and density is consistent, with adjacent uses; 3.; That theme are available public facilities, services, and utili.t:ies Y t 4.. That there will not: be a harmful effect upon desirable ne ghborh,00d char.acteri,stins 5. That the: generation of traffic: will not adversely impact the surrounding streets and/or the. City's Circulation Element; n y 6. That the site is suitable for the type and intensity of, use: or development, which iso proposed.- 7. roposed,. That there will, not be signi=ficant harmful effects upon environmental, quality and natural.. resources 8 That. there are no other relevant negative impacts of the: proposed use that: cannot be mitigated, and. } FEB' 2 5 1986 t TE M �. I g. That the impacts:, as described above, and the locationof affect the City the. proposed use will not. adversely Poway General Plan for future: as wellas: present r development.. r { DEVELOPMENT REVIEW 1. That the. proposed development is in conformance with the Poway General Plan.,. 2. That the proposed development will not have: an adverse related. r aesthetic, health, safetyr or architecturally impact upon. adjoining properties.. 3. That the proposed development is in compliance with the Zoning. Ordinance. 4. That the proposed development encourages the orderlyhind' a harmonious appearance of structures. and property wi the: City. VARIANCE 1,. 1 i cable to the: That there: are: special circumstances app .. A property t size:," shape, topography, location, or intended use of the property, and surroundings),, or the because of this, the str."ict. application of the Zoning Y Ordinance: deprives the: property of privleges enjoyed, by other properties in the vicinity under identical zoning the lot limits classifications in that the odd shape of the buildable area o f the, lot and creates a dif f"icult site plan design. problem; 2. That granting the variance or its modification is. necessary for the. preservation and enjoyment of a substantial pro- perty right possessed by other property in the same vici- for which.: the: nity and zone and denied to the property variance is sought in that other properties in the: same zone and vicinity have: constructed structures with se backs of less than five feet, 3.. That granting the variance or its modification will not be tmaterially detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or injurious to the property or improvements in ed is locatset n such vicinity and zone in which the property in the vicin�ay with that there are other structures backs: with less than that: proposed, FE 2 5 1986 IT E M. � 7 cra A r k Resolution No. P Page: 3 4., The granting of this variance: does not. constitute a. spe cial privilege inconsistent with the limitations upon other properties- in. the vicinity and zone in which such property is situated in that setbacks of five feet and lesst exist in the: name: area; 5. The granting of this variance does not allow a use or activity which, is not otherwise expressly authorized by the zoning regulation governing the parcel of property; and 6. That granting the variance or its modification will not be incompatible with the Poway City General. Plan Section 2 Environmental Findings:;: The City Council finds thatthis project will not have signifi cant adverse impact on the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration.; Section 3 City Council, Decision:: The: City Council hereby approves. Conditional Use Permit 85--14, Development Review 85-20and Variance 85--08 subject to the following; conditions: 1.. Within 3.0 days. of approval, the applicant shall: submit in: writing that all conditions of approval have been -read and understood. 2. An alley type commercial driveway with modified handicap rampsparallel to the s:id.ewalk shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. 3:. Should the new driveway be built, on a location that is different from the existing driveway just east of Tune Craft: building, said location shall be subject. to City Engineerl-s approval and said existing driveway or a portion thereof shall be closed. and replaced with a new curb, gutter, and. sidewalk. 4.. The, developer shall. construct a water main extension from the existing water maim in Poway Road to the: most northerly fire hydrant location on site - locations of fire hydrants shall; be to the, satisfaction of the. Fire Marshall.. The new, mater main and its appur.t.enan.t.fixtures: shall be in accordance with City of Poway specifications. I Resolution No.. P-. Page 4 5. A 20 -foot -wide water easement shall be dedicated to the: City of Poway prior to building permit issuance. 6. Water meters, can. be set at locations designated by the developer within the easement and shall be subject to, review and approvalby the City Engineer., 7. The developer shall notify the City of Poway Public Services Department of the number and sizes of water meters to be installed prior to issuance of a building permit.. 81.5 A new sewer lateral. shall be constructed from the existing sewer main in Poway e Road to the: north right-of-way linof said road. Sewer lateral construction and its appurtenant fixtures shall be, in,accordance with City`ofPoway speci-, fications. 9. Surface drainage shall be: as shown per City approved grading plan. od lGe A ditailed hydraulic/hydrology analysis shall, be provided to the City to determine the run-off to be produced by the development and to effect on the existing driveway devices to be used by the, project. Should ,the: amount of run-off produced by said development result in an amount. that exceeds: the capacity of existing drainage devices, construction of additional drainagia devices will be necessary 7 to mitigate the effect. Such devices, shall be per City Engineers approval. Surface drainage shall be. confined within the development and directed towards the street. A 11. Improvement plans shall be prepared for street. .improve- ments, water and sewer lines construction.- It shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer and submitted to the City for review and approval by the City Engineer. 12. A covenant of property merger shall be filed and. recorded Prior to: issuance of a building permit. Said property merger is, to combine those: parcels identified as APN 317-54.0-13 and aportion of APN 317-540-I0 and 14 (said portion, of APN 31.7-54.0-10 and 14 identified as Parcel 13 in.Certificateof Compliance. C85-005, recorded May 10, 1985, F/P 1654.193. Since Assessor's Parcel, Numbers (APN) are subject to change-#, said numbers herein before men- tioned are those that identifies the subject development as of the date of this instrument,. Resolution No. P Page 5 13. A reciprocal access and maintenance agreement shall be: executed between the owner of the development and the owner of that lot where Tune: Craft building is now located.. It shall be reviewed and approved by the City' Engineer prior to recordation in the Office of the: Recorder of San Diego County. 1.4. The: developer shall get approval prior to building permit issuance from all. easement holders in the development wherein a building or buildings and any other structures affect the: easement use:. i, 15. Whenever City of Poway Specifications is mentioned herein, it shall. mean, but not be limited to CALTRANS Specificationsr Public Works Specifications and the San Diego Regional Standards. ri 16 Prior to occupancy the applicant shall acquire an easement or, boundary adjustment of at least five -feet in a westerly direction and. construct- a four foot: block wall across the easterly border of the Galileo Restaurant parking lot. at the top of the slope:. The wall design and. location shall- be hallbe subject to the satisfaction of the Director of Planninga Services and shall be constructed. prior to occupancy of the. facility. 17. The applicant shall provide additional architectural embellishment for the exterior of the lobby/manager's living quarters- subject to the satisfaction of the Director- of Planning Services 18.. The developer shall provide solar panels: to serve the swimming pool and: spa. Said panels shall be located so. as not be be visible from Poway Road.. Minor modifications to the building parapets necessary to screen the solar panels shall be subject to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services.. 19 One kitchenette unit must. be removed permitting a total of 13 kitchenettes 20., The parallel parking spaces must be expanded to 22 feet in. length:. One: of the four parallel parking spaces; shall be deleted to accommodate the required increased, length of the other three with the: remaining area to be equally divided on either ends of the parking area. Said areas shall. be landscaped.. G QF -21 FES 25 1986 ITEM: E M . 5 Resolution. No. P- Page 6 Section 4: City Council: Decision: • The City Council hereby approves Conditional Use Permit 85-14 Development Review 85-20, and Variance 85-08 subject to the attached Standard Conditions APPROVED and ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 25th day of February, 1986.. ATTEST': Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk tQFw Carl R. Kruse, Mayor FEB 2 5 1$86 F T t M Gl�� of oW,� STANDkelD CONDITIONS F' kr'PROVA!_ Subject: Applicant: !1l cam' ry: m ' Location: .= Those items, checked areL conditions of approval. CITY OF POWAY r. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACTTHE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND BUILDING SERVICES REGARDING COMPLIANCE WITS THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: A. SITE`DEVELOPMENT 1., Site shall. be developed in accordance with the approved site plans on file in the Planning Services Department and the conditions contained herein.. 2. Revised site plans and building, elevations incorporating all conditions of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Services_ Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of this request shall not waive compliance with all sections of the Zoning Development: Code and allother applicable City Ordinances in effect.at the time of building Permit issuance.. 4. The developer sha1L provide a minimum, of 25% of the lots with adequate sideyard area for recreation vehicle: storage pursuant to City standards, and the C'.C.&R.:'s shall prohibit the storage of recreational vehicles in the required front yard: setback. S. Mail boxes, on lots 10:,000 square: feet or less < in size and in areas where sidewalks are required,, shall be installed and located by the developer subJect: to approval by the Planning Services Department. 6. The developer shall integrate: an appropriate: variety of pproved roof materials and colors. into, the design of the, , residential development in a manner which is both compatible: and complementary among each of the residential units.: 7. Trash receptacle multifamily developments shall be enclosed by a:6 foot highmasonry wall with view -obstructing gates. pursuant to City standards.. Location shall be subject to approval by the Planning Services Department. 1 8.. All room appurtenances, including air conditioners, shall be architecturally integrated, shielded from; view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Services Department. [3d"09. Prior to any use of the project site: or business activity being commenced'. thereon;, all conditions of approval contained herein shall. be completed to the satisfaction of the Director of PlanningL Services. Aga C4'YY 146940m{Z` 10 The applicant shall comply with the latest adopted Uniform Building Code, Uniform. Mechanical Code, Uniform. Plumbing Cade, National Electric Code, Uniform- Fire: Code, and all other applicable codes and ordinances in effect at the time of building permit issuance., W10011. Prior to the issuance of building permits For combustible construction, evidence shall, be submitted to the: Director of Safety Services. that water supply and facilities for. fire protection is available. Where additional fire: protection is required by the Director of: Safety Servicest it shall be serviceable prior to the time of construction:. 12. For a. new residential dwelling unitts), the; applicant shall pay development fees at,the -established rate. Such fees may { include:, but not be limited to: Permit and Pian Checking Fees, School Fees (in accordance: with City -adopted policy and/or ordinance), Water and: Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid: a Prior to final map approval.. b.. Prior to building permit, issuance. � FcB 2 5 196 IT E M 1 2 0F � I 13. For a new commercial or industrial development, or -'addition to an existing development, the applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate. Such fees may include, but not be limited toe: Permit and Plan Checking Fees, Water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall. be paida a. Prior to final map: approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. 1-014• This approval shall become null'and void if building permits are not issued for this project within one year from the date of project approval. 15. Street names shall be approved by the Planning Services Department prior to the recordation of the final map,, and: street addresses shall be provided prior to the issuance of building permits. 16.. Building identification and/or addresses: shall. be; placed on: all new, and existing: buildings so as to be plainly visible color of identification and/or f from.the street or access road; addresses shall: contrast with their background color. ; B. PARKING AND VEHICULAR. ACCESS 1. All parking lot landscaping shall consist of a minimum of one. fifteen: t151 gallon size tree for every three t3? parking spaces.. For parking lot island's,'a minimum 12 inch wide walk adjacent to parking stalls shall be provided.and be separated from vehicular, areas: by a.6 inch high, 6 inch: wide por,tland concrete cement curbing.. 2. Parking lot lights shall be low: pressure sodium and have a. maximum height of eighteen (18) feet from the finished grade, of the parking surface and be<directed away from all property lines, adjacent streets and residences. k 3". All two-way traffic.aisies shall be a minimum of 24 feet wide and emergency, access shall be provided, maintained' -free and clear, a minimum of 24 feet wide at all times during construction, in accordance with Safety Services Department requirements. 4. All, parking spaces shall be double striped. C. LANDSCAPING 1. A detailed landscape and; irrigation plan: shall be submitted to, and approved by the Public Services.Department and Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits. 2. A Master Plan of the existing on-site trees shall be provided'. to. the Planning Services Department prior to the issuance of building permits and prior to grading, to determine which trees shall be retained. 3. Existing on-site trees: shall be retained wherever possible: and shall be trimmed: and/or topped. Dead, 'decaying or potentially dangerous: trees: shall be approved: for removal at the discretion of the Planning. Services Department, during the review of the Master Plan of existing on-site trees.. Those trees: which are approved for removal shall be replaced on a tree -for -tree basis as required by the Planning. Services, Department. M60004., Streettrees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger, shall be installed in: accordance with the City of Poway ordinance and shall. be planted at an average of every 30 feet on interior streets and 20 feet on exterior' streets. S. A minimum of 50 trees per gross acre, comprised of the following sizes, shall. be: provided within the development; 20% 24" box or larger, 701 - 15 gallon,, and 101 -5 gallon to the satisfaction, of the Director of Planning Services. and in accordance with the; approved landscape -plan in all multifamily and PRD projects. 6. All, landscaped areas shall be: maintained in a healthy -and. thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris.. f 3' OF, 2 1 FES 25 1986!TEM 5 D. SIGNS: 1. Any signs proposed for this development shall, be designed and approved in conformance with the Sign ordinance.. 2. A Comprehensive Sign Program for this development shall be submitted to the:Planning Services, Department for their. review prior to sshance of building permits. Approval shall be by the City Council. Z. RECREATION 1. On lots having a private or public equestrian/pedestrian trail on or -adjacent to their property, the developer is 4 required to have contained within the C.C.&R 's the following. statements In purchasing the home°, I have read. the C C.&R.'s.and° understand that: said lot is subject to an easement for the purpose: of - allowing equestrian/pedestrian . traffic. 2. The developer shall improve the. equestrian/Pedestrian trail, system m in acrordance with t_e adoptedted sign standards: and to the satisfaction of the: Directors of Public and: Planning Serviceso a. Prior to final map approval. b.: Prior to building permit issuance.. 3. An open space easement shall. be granted to, the City over, upon, across' and under the. area defined on the final: maps. as as equestrian trail and.d no building, structures: or other, things shall be constructed, erected, placed or maintain ed on subject. easements except For the construction and maintenance of saidtrail and structures appurtenant tothe. trail. 4. Dedicate the Master planned equestrian/pedestrian trails to the satisfaction of the Directors of the Departments of Public: and Planning Services, :in accordance with. the Master Plan of Trails Element. 5. Parkland Dedication or, payment of Park Fees at the z established rate shall be made: a. Prior to final map approval. b,. Prior to building 'permit issuance.; F. EXISTING STRUCTURES I. Provide compliance with the- Uniform Building Coder for property line: clearances considering uses area. and t f fire -resistiveness of existing buildings. 1 2. Existing building(s) shall be made to comply with current building and zoning regulations for the intended use or the } build'i:ng shall. be demolished. 3. Existing sewage: disposal facilities shall be removed, filled and/or capped to comply with appropriate grading practices II i and the Uniform Plumbing Code. G. ADDITIONAL APPROVALS. REQUIRED: 1. Development. Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior, to- the issuance of a building permit. 2. Development Review or Minor Development. Review shall be accomplished prior to recordation of the final subdivision map'.. 3 3. This Conditional Use Permit is granted for a period of monthtsi at the end of which time the City Council may add or delete conditions, or revoke the Conditional Use Permit. } 4. i The developer shawl display a current Zoning and Land. Use Map ' in the sales office at all times, and/or suitable alternative. to the satisfaction of the. Director of Planning Services. FEB 2 5 1986 i T E. M S. When public or private: equestrian/pedestrian trails are required as -a part of the subdivision, the developer shall display a map in the sales office, of said subdivision, indicating the trails. G. All sales maps that are distributed or made available to the public shall include but. not be limited to trails, future and i existing schools., parks, and streets.. 7.1 The developer shall provide a noise display board in the sales office to the satisfeation of the planning Services Director.. The display shall include the site plan and; noise study. 8, working drawings shall. include a certification. by a recognized' acousticalexpert that the requirements of the City of Poway's G f_ noise ordinance will be met. 9. At the completion of construction, and prior to oceupancyf intericr'and exterior CNEL shall be.determined by field testing i at developer's' expense. Tests -to be conducted by a recognized acoustical expert. No occupancy -permits shall be granted until. Condition G-7 is met to the satisfaction of the Building Code (:latest adi opted edition) "Sound Transmission Control." 10.. The -applicant shall, provide- verification of State Hoard' of Equalization notification and that appropriate: reviews and/or approvals have been accomplished to the satisfac- tion of the Director. of 'Administrative Services,. II. APPLICANT` SHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC SERVICES DEPARTMENT REGARDING COMPLIANCE. WITH THE: FOLLOWING CONDITIONS.: H. GRADING 1. Grading of the.subject property shall be in accordance with 1 the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, approved; grading plan and geotechnical report, and accepted grading practices.. Z. The. grading plan shall contain a- certificate- signed by a registered civilengineer that the grading plan has preserved a minimum: of 100i square, feet of solar access for each: dwelling. unit and for each future building site within: the subdivision. 3. A soils report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer licensed by the. State of California to perform such work: a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. i .T'7ti ff '-rr 4E_ 4F.A 10; t�- G�tenc 4. WG, ological report shall be prepared'.by a qualified engineer or geologist and: submitted at the time of application for grading plan check. 5.. The final grading plan; *shall be subject to review and. approval by the Planning Services and„ Public Services Department and shall be completed.prior to -�-_'_-_`-- -` "-_ c_-& CC-<jW-4*A map as -IT ccavas�a�c4., 6.. A pre -blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted. to the satisfaction oof the City Engineer prior to any rock blasting. . Seismic recordings shall be taken -for all blasting and blasting shall occur only at locations -and levels approved by the City Engineer. 1. STREETS AND SIDEWALKS 1. All Circulation: Element roads shall be dedicated and improved to Circulation Element road standards and to the specifications of the Director of" Public. Services. • 2. The devrz per shall pay a pro -rata share for a installation or modification of the traffic signals at a. Prior to final. map approval., b. Prior for building permit issuance.. 3. Vehicular access rights to Circulation element roads shall be dedicated to the City of Poway and labeled -on the final map to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Servicesor by separate document.. 4. All interior and exterior public streets shall be constructed to public street. standards . S., Sidewalks (4.5./ 81 feet in width shall. be required on tooth/cnei; sidets! of_o_, • S. Reciprocal. access and, maintenance and/or agreements: shall be provided: insuring access: to all parcels over private roads, dsi.vem or parking. areas and maintenance thereof to the satisfaction of the Director Of Public.Services. T.. Street striping and. signing shall be installed to. the: satisfaction of the Director of Public: Services:, 8 All street structural sections. shall be submitted to, and approved by the: Director of Public Services. 9.. Street, improvement plans prepared on standard size sheets by a Registered Civil- Engineer shall. be submitted for approval by thel Director of Public Services Plan check and'. inspection expenses shall be paid by, the developer.. 10'4 All, exterior street improvements shall be constructed' prior, to Issuance of building permits, to the satisfaction of the, Director, of Public Services., 11. Street, improvements that include, but. are not limited` to; , a. Sidewalks le:. Cross gutter _ .b. Driveways E.. Alley gutter 'o`c. Wheel chair ramps. � S.treet paving 'fid.. Curb and gutter. h;., Alley paving shall be: constructed: prior to the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction of the. Director of Public Services. 12. All damaged' off-site public works fa cilities,including parkway trees., shall. 5e repaired or replaced prior to, exoneration of bonds and. improvements, to the satisfaction, of the Department of Public Services. Mr 13. Prior to any work being: performed in the public right-of-way, an encroachment permit. shall be obtained from the Public Services` office and appropriate fees, paid, in addition to any other permits required`. 14.. The developer shall pay, one half the cost, of a City approved landscaped median along: the project frontage(s) a. Prior to final map approval. b.: Prior to building; permit issuance. 15-. Street, improvements. and maintenance shal.L be made. in accordance with City ordinance standards; fort a.. Urban streets - b Semi -rural streets c. Dedicated rural streets { 'kms =3: d.. Non -dedicated rural streets 16. The deve3.over shall pay the: Traffic Mitigation Fee at the established) rates a. Prior to;final map approval... �? QF' Z 1 b.: Prior to building permit issuance., FEB 2.5 1986' 1 1 T EM, C�, f K J. DRAINAGE' AND; FLOOD CONTROL } 1. Intersection drains will be required at locations specified by the Director of. Public Services and in.accordance with standard engineering practices. 2. proposed The ro P P project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the National. Flood Insurance Program andis subject to the provisions of that. program and City Ordinance.- 3., A- drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all. surface, water originating within the- subdi.vision.: and all: surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision from adjacent lands, shall be required. Said drainage system shalt include any easements and structures as required by the Director of Public Services to properly handle the drainage:. 4. Portland cement concrete cross gutters, shall be installed: where ,water crosses the roadways. 5.. The, Master Plan of Drainage Fee shall be paid at the established rate in accordance with the Dra,inage,Ord'inancee a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. S. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalka shall. not be permitted. . K. UTILITIES 1. All proposed utilities within the -project shall, be installed, underground including existing utilities along Circulation Element roads; and/or highways less than, 34.5 HV. 2. Utility, easements shall be, provided to the: specification of the serving utility companies; and the Director of Public Services.. 3.. The developer shall: be responsible for the relocation and undergrounding: of existing public utilities., as required. 4e Water, sewer,, and fire protection, systems. plans: shall be designed and: constructed; to meet requirements. of the City, of Poway and the Health Department of the County.of San Diego. S. Prior to acceptance; of property for sewer service, annexation to the sewer improvement area shall' occur. 6. The applicant shall pay for a water system: analysis: to establish the proper size and: location for the public water system.. The amount will: be determined by the cost of the-- analysis and shall be paid.-. a.. Prior to -final map approval. b. Prior to building permit issuance. 7., VtU0ff_J-b 49AP NP w e applican.f shall, within. 30 days: after receiving: approval of the tentative tract map, tentative parcel map, use permit,: ok development review, apply for a Letter of Availability (LOA): to reserve; sewerage: availability and post with the City,- a nonrefundable-reservation fee equal, to 20% of the appropriatesewerage connection fee in effect.at the time the LOA is issued. MS. Developer shall construct a light system conforming to City of Poway Standards at-no cost to the public, subject to the following: P_ Cut-off luminaries. shall be installed which will provide true 9'D degree cutoff andrevent p projection of light above the horizontal from the lowest point of the lamp or ri light emitting refractor or device. b. All fixtures shall use a clear, low pressure sodiumvapor light source.. FES 2 5 1986 ITEM 5 OF i c. Advance energy charges. and District engineering charges shall be paid by the developer. d. Annexation to the lighting district shall be accomplished, and evidence of annexation and payment. of lighting fees shall be presented to the City prior to final map' approval or building permit issuance, whichever occurs first, 9.: Cable=television services shall be provided and installed underground:. The.developer shall notify the: Cable company when trenching for utilities is to be: accomplished. L. GENERAL. REQUIRED NTS AND APPROVALS 1. 'Permits from other agencies will be required as follows: a_. Caltrans._ b. San Diego County Flood Control District c. Other o: 2. A. copy of the Covenants,. Conditions, and Restrictions ECCBR''sI and/or Articles of Incorporation of the Homeowners Association j shall be: subject to the review for compliance with conditions .herein;, to: the satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director 3 of Planning Services, and shall be filed with the 'Secretary of- State,, fState. the.County Recorder and the City Clerk at the: time of final map consideratioa., 3. Prior to recordation, a Notice of Ietention to form Landscape and/or Lighting Districts shall be filed with the City Council. The engineering costs involved`. in district formation shallbe borne by the developer. 4. Final parcel and tract maps shall conform to City standards and procedures:. r 5. Hy separate document prior to the recording of the -final subdivision map, or on the final subdivision,map, there shall be granted to. the. City, an open. space easement over - Lots Y. common areas; Said open space: easement shall be approved as to form by the City Attorney and shall Limit the use of said- open space: to recreationa purposes,- including buildings, structures and. improvements. 6. Should this subdivison be. further divided, each final map shall be submitted for approval, by the: Director of. Public Services. 7. All. provisions of the Subdi.vison Ordinance of the Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land. . 1 8:.t Those portions of the subject property proposed to be held under common -ownership shall be labeled such and. s identified by a separate lot number on the final. map 9, Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall. be installed and: - provided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation within two years from map recordation or prior to building permit issuance, whichever occurs first, by the execution of a performance agreement, secured with sufficient securities, in a form approved by the city Attorney. All, necessary processing fees, deposits, and - chargesshall be paid prion to final map approval. a S 10. Prior to final map approval, all dedications shall be: made andeasements granted as required above. 11. The tentative map approval shall expire on unless an application for time extension is received 30 - days: prior to expiration inaccordance. with the City's Subdivision. Ordinance:. FEB., 215 1986 1'T E IVf 5 g �` � waifs "-� .•?� ° y • � � �' '•� ®d� s s .....: IVs, '� ^ � `•` .. t'....•. Q pow CG JtAl ' 'Ile F . •s . o o ®. n p�" r w 4G t7AkK r VF Ar e: cim-Y OF ITEM POWAY TITLE /�-�.Edt�•-- SCALE : ATTACHMENT' : 3 _ r FEB 2 5 1986 IT E, IV3' 5 t 2 ar FEST 2 5 1986 1 EM �'�{:t,tf)nj�ta:i �Y Rii�'Ri�tt Y••.iir 1.:' /., %�♦"4' -j4�.'�C�f :�fr���'Cs1�i 4%�.4?iiF ! �I.'. .,n�M .w."4� .t:.�• QQ. Q;