Item 6 - EA, TPM 85-06 - U.A. MalikAGENDA REPORT CITY OF P`OWAY F 1N 'iiiE r Honorable Mayor and Members o e City Council F FROM: James L Bowersox, City Mana INITIATED BY John E. Bridges,Acting Director of Planning Services' DATE: February 25, 198E SUBJECT':: Environmental Assessment., Tentative Parcel Map: 85-06,t U.A. Malik, Applicant: A request for approval to subdivide: ., 91 gross acres into four lots in the RS -71 (Residential Single Family) zone located. at 1391.5 Eastern: Street ABSTRACT` PROJECT PLANNER: James H. Lyon, Assistant Planner PARCEL SIZE.: 91 gross acres r 86. net. acres; GENERAL PLAN,DESIGNATION Residential Single: Family S. ZONING: Residential Single Family 5 SURROUNDING' DESIGNATIONS':: (See Attachment 31 RELINED CASES None CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED: One-Z.etter of opposition (Attach.. 6'') ENVIRONMENTAL RECOMMENDATION': Issue a Negative Declaration STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions: ACTION: FES 25 1986 ITEM 6 Agenda Report February 25, 1986 Page 2 BACKGROUND A.. Project Description This application requests approval of a Tentative Parcel. Map (TPM 85-06) to allow the division of .91 gross acres into four parcels-. The lots will range in size from 6,12.0 square feet to 10,769 square feet. A slope analysis of the site yields an average slope of - approximately five percent.. The property, located approximately 370 feet south of Edgemoor Street and east of Eastern Street, is zoned RS -7 (Residential Single Family 7).. The surrounding zoning designations consist of ' RR -C to the east, RS -7 to the north and south, and Mobile Home Park. (MHP) to the west.. The site presently contains. a.single family- house amilyhouse located within: ` the boundaries" of Parcel 4 of the proposed tentative map,; The remainder of the site is vacant and consists, mostly of native grasses and 16 mature pepper, elm, and eucalyptus trees. Two metal storage sheds presently located to the rear of the house,: but'within proposed Parcel 1, will be removed. Section: 17.08.,170F of the Zoning Development Code requires a side yard set S back. of five and a street side yard of ten feet. The existing house has a. four foot northern side yard setback and will 'be f a. allowed to remain. The south street side: yard setback, when h measured from the proposed Parcel 4 property line requires ten feet. The: existing house lies only five feet from the proposed t property line To resolve: this: problem, the: garage and a portion of the house must be removed to comply with the ten foot street side: yard setback. requirement., The removal, of the garage would create a non -conforming structure., A new or modified garage -will be required to comply with- City standards that require a converted or damaged garage to be replaced with a similar structure..Or depending:- on the final location of the: cul-de-sac and the extent of demolition required, it may be. necessary to raze -or: relocate the entire house. There is sufficient area within the building- enve-- lope to construct a new garage in front of the existing house (see Attachment 5). Each of the: modified parcels meet the minimum.lot size requirement with the inclusion of' the cul-de-sac. The revised square footage for each parcel is as follows Parcel 1 8,700 Parcel, 2 7,0'02,• Parcel 3 8,065; and Parcel 4 - 9'",719. B Development Facilities Access to the site will be taken from. Eastern Street via.a 50 foot wide. road easement.. The Department of Public Services has recom— mended a minimum paved roadway width of 36 feet and a 38 foot radius cul-de-sac. Concrete curb, gutter, and sidewalk are also required on. the east.side: of Eastern Street, fronting the project As. required by Section 17.08.190D of the Zoning Development Code, all on-site utility lines rust he underground.. '. -> r Agenda.Report 4 February 25, 1986 Page 3 The Safety Services Department has conditioned the map to require that a fire hydrant be located on the north east. corner, of Eastern Street. and the private driveway.. The hydrant must be in service before. framing of any new homes Water, sewer, and other utilities as well as police and:fire protection. are: adequate to serve the site Approval of the map will require the extension of sewer and water mains to serve the four, lots Additional improvements required prior to finalmap approval include but are not limited to payment -of Park Fees, Traffic Mitigation Fees, and Master Plan of Drainage Fees. C. Environmental Review The gently sloped property contains a single family dwelling and two storage sheds in the north half of the property. The remaining, vacant acreage is covered with shrubs and annual grasses. There are aproximately, 16 mature trees on site ranging from.4 to 16 inches in diameter and consist mainly, of pepper, elm, and eucalyptus trees only. This number -includes six fruit; trees. Careful construction: of the private driveway will require - the •removal: of four orange trees . ' No ' historical cultural aspects are apparent, nor will views or vistas be screened as a result of the development. Theaapplicant has. proposed to sell the future lots and, therefore, no grading is proposed under this applca tion. Staff has reviewed: the: Environmental Initial. Study, made an on,- site nsite inspection of the property, and has determined that poten- tially significant environmental impacts, exist related to the cumulative: impacts of additional traffic generated by the project and the: project's impacts on the area -wide and on-site drainage. Staff recommends the issuance of: a. Negative Declaration. with, mitigation measures for traffic and drainage, as well as other conditions noted in the resolution. D. Correspondence Notice of Public Hearing was: sent to property owners within 500 feet of thepproperty and published in the Powa News: Chieftain.' One letter of opposition was received and is a ace as Attachment 6. 31 OF 18 FEB 9- 5 1986 t�' b s, Y Agenda Report February 25, 1.986 Page. FINDINGS The proposed parcel. map is consistent. with the. General Plan requirements for residential, development, and. its design, and improvements are consistent with the Zoning Development Code. The; site, is: physically suitable for the proposed type and density of development.because the, proposed development can: adequately support two single family residences.. Pubtic access easements wi.l1 not- be, compromised as a result: of this development or asso— ciated improvements.: The project will. not create any significant, impacts, on the environment.. In addition, no serious public health; problems are likely to occur as water and sewer services, are available RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the City Council issuea, Negatives Declaration and, approve Tentative Parcel Map 85-06 subjectto conditions contained in. they. 'attached resolution . JLB ; JER I JHL... 3 s:. `. Attachments:, 1.. Proposed Resolution. TPK 85-06 2:.: Standard.. Conditions TPM 85-06 3.. Surrounding. General. Plan and Zoning 4:.: Site Plan TPM. 85-06 5. Location of New Garage s. 6. Letter of opositio.n a i a} yy 'a t � Q.F 18' FEB 2 5 986 ITEM 6 RESOLUTION NO.. P A RESOLUTION OFTHE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF'POWAY, CALIFORNIA APPROVING TENTATIVE PARCEL MAP 85-06 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NUMBER 314-°221-10 WHEREAS, Tentative Parcel. Map No.. 85-06, hereinafter "'Map" submitted. by U.A. Malik, applicant, for the: purpose of subdividing the real property situated in the: City of Poway, County of San Diego, State of California.,. described as the south 189.40 feet of the north 1501:.20 feet of that portion of the southeast quarter of Section. 12 Township 14 south, Range 2 west San Bernardino Meridian into four lots..., regularly came before the City Councia for public hearing and: action. on February 2.5 , 1985; and WHEREAS,.the: Director of Planning Services has recommended approval of the Map subject to all conditions, set forth in the Planning Services Department report;: and WHEREAS, the City Council has read and considered said report and has, considered other evidence presented at, the public: hearing. NOW, THEREFORE', the. City Council of the: City of Poway does resolve; as, follows: Section 1: Findings.: The City Council makes: the. following findings in regard to Tentative Parcel No. 85-06 and.the Map thereof: a.. The: tentative parcel. is consistent with all applicable general and specific plans: b'. The design or improvement of the tentative parcel is consistent will all applicable general and specific plans;: i C'. The site is physically suitable for the type of development proposed; d.. The site is physically suitable for the_ density of the development proposed,• e. The design of the subdivision is not likely to cause substantial environmental damage, and avoidable injury to humans and wildlife or their habitat• f. The tentative: parcel is not likely to: cause -serious public health problems- Resolution No. P Page 2' g The design of the tentative parcel will. not. conflict with any easement: acquired by the public at large, now of record, for -access through or use of the property - within the proposed subdivision.: h:.. That, this projec . will not create adverse impacts: on the environment and. a Negative: Declaration is issued i. The effect of subdivision TPM, 85-06: on the: housing needs of the San Diego region has been considered and.balanced against the public service needs of. Poway residents; and available, fiscal and environmental resources (residential only) and 7.: The design, of the subdivision has provided, to the extent, feasible, for4 future, passive or natural heating or cooling opportunities in the subdivision (residential only) Section 2 - Tentative Parcel Map No . 85-06,,. a copy of which, :s on file in the Planning Services office., i.s hereby approved subject. to all >. of the: following conditions: u 1. Within 3Q days of apgr.oval, the applicant shall submit in writing that. all conditions of approval have been read. and understood.: 2:.. Roadway construction within street right-of-way shall be constructed according to City of Poway Specifications: and/or Sarf Diego Regional Standards. 3.: A concrete sidewalk, (:4...5 feet wide) shall be constructed on, the east side of Eastern Street according to City of Poway Specifications and/or San Diego Regional Standards. 4:., The: existing 8 inch A.C. _water main in Eastern Street shall be extended southerly to a point opposite the south boundary of the development. 5:.. The developer shall construct a residential fire hydrant on the northeast corner of Eastern Street and the: private driveway. 6:. There is an existing 8 inch V..C., sewer main fronting the development.: Sewer laterals and clean -outs to serve the four parcels shall be installed, from this main at. locations designated by developer., but, subject to approval by the City Engineer.. The: sewer main shall be extended to the: east pro- perty line requiring a 2:0 foot wide dedicated. easement bet ween Lots; 1. and 2. 6 QF 1. $ FEB Z 1986 1 T E M 6 V Resolution No. p Page 3 7'. Easement for private access and private water and sewer line for Parcels 1 and 2; shall be reserved on the map__ 8. A detailed-hydraulic/hydrology analysis to: determine the run-off to be produced, by the development and.lits. effect on existing drainage devices shall be submitted to the City. Should the amount of run-off produced by said deve- lopmen.t. result in an amount that exceeds the capacity of existing drainage devices, it. will be necessary to miti- gate the effect. Such: devices shall. be per the: City Engineers approval. v. Surface drainage shall be confined within the development and directed toward the street. 9`-. Improvement plans shall be prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer for the construction of street improvement, water main, and sewer main installation and shall be submitted to the City for review and approval: by the City Engineer., 10. The developer shall, repair and/or remove: and replace` damaged curb and gutters along Eastern Street per City of Poway specifications. 11... The: access road. to Parcels 1 and. 2 shall be improved. and dedicated. to- semi. -rural road standards and shall be sub- ject. to review by the City Engineer. The road. shall have a 36foo . paved width within the 50 foot wide easement and a 38 foot radius cul-de-sac within. a. 45 foot radius ease- went. 12:. The: existing garage and/or portions of the: house shall be replaced or modified to comply with required street sdeyard setback prior to final map and subject to the q satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services., 13. 1 The roadway easement shall be dedicated to 50 feet in width with 36 feet of paving curb to curb with a 38 foot radslucul.-de-sac to the satisfaction of the Director of Safety Services. To comply with the: City °s minimum lot size requirements, the depth. of Parcel 3 must be extended from: 102to 109 feet in Length. Section 3 Tentative Parcel Map No.: 85-06, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Services office, is hereby approved subject to the: attached Standard Conditions.: Resolution No. P- Page,4 APPROVED and: ADOPTED by the. City Councilof the City of Poway, State of California, this 25 day of February, 1986- Carl 986f Carl R. Kruse, Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie R Wahlsten, City Clerk 8aFiB FEB2 5 1986 ITE M STANDARD CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ;t Subjects 1!55, =40 -- - Applicant: Location: s C�Ty IN: THE- t Those items checked are conditions of approval.. CITY OF POW" I. APPLICANT'SHALL CONTACT. THE: DEPARTMENT OF'PLANNING'AND BUILDING SERVICESREGARDING COMPLIANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:: A.: SITZ DEVELOPMENT i 1.. Site: shall be developed in accordance with the approved site, plans on. file: in the. Planning Services Department. and the conditions contained herein.. 2. Revised site plans and building elevations incorporating all conditions• of approval shall be submitted' to the Planning Services Department prior to issuance of building permits. 3. Approval of: this request shall not waive compliance with all • sections of the Zoning Development Code and. all other applicable City Ordinances in effect at the time of building Permit issuance. 4. The developer shall provide a minimum of 2S% of the lots with adequate sideyard area for recreation vehicle storageL pursuant. to. City standards, and the C.C.,&R.'s shall prohibit the storage of recreational. vehicles in the. required. front. yard' setback.; f 5. Mail. boxes, an lots 10,000 square feet or Tess': in size and in t areas where� sidewalks. are required, shall be installed and located by the developer subject. tm approval by the Planning r Services -Department. C 6.: The developer shall integrate an-appropriate variety of approved roof materials and colors into the design of the C: residential development in a manner which is both compatible and complementary among each of the: residential units. 7.L Trash receptacle multifamily developments shall be enclosed by a 6. foot high masonry wall with view-obstructing gates pursuant to City standards. Location shall be subject to approval, by the Planning Services: Department. 9. All roof appurtenances, including air conditioners:, shall be architecturally integrated, shielded from view and sound buffered from adjacent properties and streets as required by the Planning Services Department.: 9.: Prior to any use: of the -project site or business activity being commenced thereon, all conditions of approval contained. herein shall be completed to the satisfaction of; the Director of Planning Services;. The applicant shall. comply with the latest adopted. Uniform Building Code-, Uniform,Mechanical Code, Uniform Plumbing Code, National, Electric Code, Uniform Fire, Code, and all other applicable codes and, ordinances: in effect at the time of building permit issuance. mo*11. Prior to the issuance. of building permits: for combustible construction, evidence-shall be submitted to the: Director of Safety Services that water supply and facilities for fire protection is available. Where additional fire protection is: required by the Director of; Safety Services, it shall be serviceable prior to the time. of construction. I2. For a new-- residential dwelling unitts), the: applicant shall pay development fees at the established rate.- Such fees may include, but not be limited tat Permit and Plan. Checking Fees, School, Fees tin accordance: with. City-adopted policy and/or: ordinance), Water, and Sewer Service Fees. These fees shall be paid: a. Prior to final map approval. etc FEB 5X986 IT E tv� ,. 1 $ b. Prior to building permit issuance.. i 13. For: a new commercial or industrial development, or addition to an existing development, the applicant shall Day development include, but not fees. at the established rate. Such fees may be limited tos Permit. and Plan Checking Fees., Water and Sewer Service Fees. These fees, shall be paid;: a• Prior to final map approval. b.t Prior to: building permit issuance.. 14. Thia approval shall become null and voidif building permits are not issued for this project within one year from the date of project.approval.: . =,15. Street names shall be approved by the Planning; Services Department, prier to the recordation of the final map, and to the issuance of atr.eet addresses shall, be provided: prior building permits., i [M'16.1 Building identification and/or addresses shall be placed on. to be visible all new and existing buildingsso as plainly - road; color ofidentification and/or from.the street or access addresses. shall contrast with their, background color.. ACCESS 8. PARKING AND VEHICULAR 1. All parking: lot. landscaping shall consist of a minimum of one fifteen (15:1 gallon size, tree for every three (3) parking spaces.. For parking, lot islands, a minimum. 12 inch wide walk adjacent. to parking stalls shall be provided and be separated from vehicular.- areas. by a 6 inch high, 6 inch wide portland, concrete cement curbing. 2. Parking lot lights shall be low pressure sodium and have a maximum height of eighteen. (18.) feet from the. finished: grade of the. parking; surface and be directed..away from: all property lines, adjacent streets and residences.. 3. All two-way, traffic aisles shall be a minimum. cf 2.4 feet wide. and emergency access shall, be provided,. maintained free and cleart a minimum of 24 feet. wide at all times. during construction in, accordance with Safety Services. Department requirements..: [� 4.: All parking, spaces shall be double striped. t. C. LANDSCAPING l., A detailed landscape: and irrigation plan, shall; be submitted to and approved, by the. Public. Services Department and Plann.inq, Services Department, prior to the issuance. of building permits. 1' 2,. A Master Plan of'' the. existing on-site trees, shall be provided. to the- Planning Services Department prior, to the: issuance of building permits and prior, to grading, to determine which trees. shall be retained. t 3-. Existing on. -site trees shall be retained wherever possible and shall be, trimmed and/or topped. Dead, decaying or potentially dangerous trees: shall be- approved for removal at the: discretion. of the Planning Services Department during: the review of the: r Master Plan of existing on-site trees.. Those trees which are 1 approved for removal shall be replaced on a. tree -for -tree basis as required by the Planning Services. Department., t 4. Street trees, a minimum of 15 gallon size or larger,_ shall be installed in accordance. with the City of Poway ordinance and shall be planted at, an average of every 30 feet on, interior { streets and 2.0 feet on exterior streets:. S. A minimum -of 50 trees per gross acre, comprised`. of the following sizes, shall be provided within the. development; 2,0-% - 241 box or larger, 70.1. - 15 gallon:, and lot - 5 gallon to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services: and in 4� accordance with the approved landscape plan: in all multifamily and PRD projects. 6. All landscaped, areas shall be maintained in. a heathy and, thriving condition, free from weeds, trash, and debris.. Qp �J1 1 V QF 18 FEB 9 ci 1986 itT s !: EI i 6 �L D. SIGNS 4 L. Any signs proposed for this development shall be designed and P approved in conformance with the Sign Ordinance. 2. A. Comprehensive Sign Program for this development shall be submitted to the Planning Services Department for their review prior to issuance of building permits. Approval shall be by the -City Council.. E'.. RECREATION` l.. on lots having a private or public equestrian/pedestrian,{ trail on or adjacent to their property, the developer is required to have contained: within the C.C'.&R.:'s the following statements, In purchasing the home., I have read: the. C.C.&R.'s'and understand. that said lot is: subject to an easement for the purpose of allowing equestrian/pedestrian traffic. 2. The developer shall improve: the equestrian/pedestrian trail system in accordance with the adopted sign: standards: and: to the satisfaction of the Directors of Public., and. Planning. Services; a. Priorp to final map approval. b. Prior to building permit; issuance. 3. An open space easement, shall. be -granted to the: City over, upon, acrossi and under the area defined on the final maps as as equestrian trail and: no building,_ structures; or other things shall bm constructed,- erected:.. placed or maintain ed on subject easements except, for the construction and maintenance of said trail and structures appurtenant to the: trail. i 4. Dedicate the Master planned equestrian/pAdestrian trails to the satisfaction. of the Directors: of. the. Departments of 'p Public and. Planning Services in accordance with the Master Plan. of Trails. Element... f' f 0200005. Parkland Dedication or payment of Park Fees. at the: established: rate shall'be made:: a. Prion to final, map approval. b., Prior to building permit issuance.: F. EXISTING STRUCTURES' 1. Provide compliance with the Uniform. Building Code for property, line clearances, considering- use,. area. and fire -resistiveness of existing buildings., Woe2. Existing building(s) shall be made to comply with current building and. zoning regulations: for the intended use or, the building shall be demolished.. 3;. Existing: sewage disposal facilities_ shall be: removed'., filled and/or capped to comply, with; appropriate grading practices: and the Uniform Plumbing, Code. G, ADDITIONAL APPROVALS, REQUIRED 1., Development Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to the issuance of a building permit. 2. Development. Review or Minor Development Review shall be accomplished prior to recordation; of the final subdivision map. 3.. This: Conditicnal Use Permit is granted for a period of month:(s.l at the end of which: time the City Council may add: or delete conditions,. or revoke: the. Conditional Use Permit. 4:.. The developer shall. display, a current. Zoning and Land Use Map in the: sales office at all times.,and/or suitable alternative . 1. OF ,81 to: the satisfaction of the Director of PlanningServices. �. FE2 19-3 E !YI' b M 5. When publico private equestrian/pedestrian trails are required as a part of the subdivision, the developer shall, display a map in the sales office, of said subdivision, indicating the: trails 5.- All sales maps' that are distributed or made available to the public shall include -but not, be limited. to trails, future and existing: schools:, parks, and 'streets. ' �! 7. The developer. shall provide.of the planning,Services noise dsplaynsales ServicesDirector offce.. to the, satisfcat on The display shall include the site pian. and. noise study. 9 Working drawings shall include a, certification by a'of Powized acoustical expert that. the requirements of thea City of oway's noise ordinance will. be meta ~ 9., At. the completion. of construction, and prior to occupancy. interio=°aetermine3 by field nd-exteriar CNEL,shall be d testing at..developer's expense.. Tests to be conducted by a recognized acoustical expert. Nooccupancy permits.shall be granted: until. Condition G-7 is met to: the satisfaction of the r BuildingCode.t.latest ad opted edition `Sound Transmission Control. 10 The applicant shall provide verification f State tate Board of Equalization notification: and that appropriate and/or approvals. have been, accomplished to the satisfac tion of the Director of Administrative Services. Zh. APPLICANT SHALL CONTACT THE PUBLIC -SERVICES DEPARTMENP REGARDING' COMPLIANCE kllTil THE, FOLLOWING CONOITiONS: 8. GRADING" Grading. of the subject property shall be in accordance with the Uniform Building Code, City Grading Ordinance, approved° grad"ing; plan and geotechnical report.. and accepted. grading:�_y practices *.. The gradinq plan shall contain a- certif teats signed by a registered civil: engineer that. the grading plan has preserved a minimum of 100` square feet. of solar access for each dwelling ilding si a within the subdivision. unit and for each future bu 0200003. A soils_ report. shall be prepared by a qualified engineer Licensed by the.S'tate of California to perform such work: a. Prior to:final map approval. b.: Prior to building :permit issuance. CQe00'4. A geological report shall, be prepared.by a qualified engineer or geoLogis.t andsubmitted-at-the time of application for grading pian check.: rt 5. The -final grading plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Services_ and Public Services Department and r shall be completed prior to tecordatian; of the final subdivision map or issuance of building permit, whichever comes first.:; 6. A pre -blast survey of surrounding property shall be conducted r. prior to any rock. Eo the satisfactioa:aof the City Enginee blasting.Seismic recordings shall be taken for- all blasting and blasting shall occur only at locations and levels approved 3 by the., City Engineer. 1, I.. STREETS AND+SIDEWALKS la All Circulation Element roads shall be dedicated and improved: to Circulat•7on� Element. road standards and t the specifications of the Director of Public Services. FEB 2' 5 1985 ITEM b 12 OFT 2. The developer shall pay a pro -rata share for the installation or modification of the traffic signals at a. Prior to final map approval. b.: Prior to building permit issuance. 3. Vehicular access rights to Circulation Element roads: shall be- dedicated. to the. City of Poway and: labeled on the final. map to tha satisfaction of the Director, of Public Services or by separatia document. 4. All interior and exterior public streets: shall, be constructed to public ,street. standards. S. Sidewalks (4.S / 4)` feet in width shall be required an fissr![�les#�rl' side(s) of --sic • ne'S. Reciprocal access and maintenance and/or agreements shall: be provided insuring: access to all parcels over private roads*. drives vr- parking: areas, and, maintenance thereof to the satisfaction of the Director of: Public Services..: MOOT. Street- striping and signing shall be installed to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 8.: All street structural sections shall be submitted to. and approved by the Director of Public Services. MOOO'T Street improvement plans prepared osr standard size- sheets' by a Registered Civil. Engineer shall. be submitted for approval by the Director of Pubiic:Services. Plan check and inspection expenses shall be maid by the developer. m. All. exterior street improvements shall bei constructed prior to issuance of building permits:, to the satisfaction of the: Director of. Public' `Services. ll., Street improvements that include, but are not limited to: a., Sidewalks ___,_e. Cross gutter. b. Driveways f .. Alley gutter Aorc. wheel chair ramps �/ q. street. paving d. Curb and gutter ,._.-,.a.: Alley -paving %hall be constructed prior to the occupancy of the units to the satisfaction_ of. the Director of Public Services. [000il.. All damaged off-site public works r facilities. including parkway tr.ees-t shall be cepa:ired or replaced prior to: exoneration of bonds. and: improvements, to the satisfaction of the, Department of Public Services.. M013. Prior to any work being performed in the, public right-of-wa.y� an encroachment permit shall be obtained. from the. Public- Services; office and appropriate: fees. paid., in addition to any other permits: required., 14. The developer shall, pay one half the cost- of a City approved landscaped median along: the project frontagetaft a. Prior to final map approval. b. Prior to buildingpermit Issuance.. mr2S. Street improvements and maintenance shall 'be made n- accordance with City or.dfinance standards: fort a. Urban streets b... Semi -rural streets; -- c. Dedicated rural streets C1 d. Non -dedicated rural streets 6:. The developer shall pay the TraHic Mitigation. Fee at the established rates: C I a_ r d, Prior to final map approval. FEB' 2. 5' 1985 T E .o, I8 b:. Prior to; bu.i_dinq Permit Issuance. 6 • J. DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL 1. Intersection drains will be required at locationsspecified by the Director of Public Services and: in accordance with standard engineering practices, 2.. The proposed project falls within areas indicated as subject to flooding under the National Flood Insurance Program and is: subject to the: provisions of that program and City Ordinance. eUZ0,3. A drainage system capable of handling and disposing of all surface water originating within. the subdivision, and.all surface waters that may flow onto the subdivision from adjacent: lands,-shall be. required.. Said drainage system shall s include any easements and structures as required. by the Director, of Public Services. to properly handle the drainage. 4. Portland cement concrete cross. gutters shall be installed where. water Crosses the roadways. 5.. The Master Plan of. Drainage Fee shall be paid at the established rate in accordance with the: Drainage. Ordinance:' a., Prior to final map approval.. b. Prior to building.permit issuance. 5. Concentrated flows across driveways and/or sidewalks shall not be permitted. R. UTILITIES [ 1. All proposed utilities= within the project shall be installed underground including- existing utilities, along Circulation Element roads and/or highways less than 34.5 KV'., Z. Utility easements shall be provided to; the specification of the serving utility companies and the, Director, of Public f Services. 3.. The developer shall be responsible-for the relocation and: undergrounding of existing public utilities,-=- tilities, 4. 4. Water, sewer, and fire protection systems plans shall be designed and constructed to. meet requirements of: the City of Poway and. the: Health Department of the County of San Diego. m ,.'Prior to acceptance: of property for sewer service, annexation to the sewer improvement.area;shall'occur. The water applicant shall pay for a system analysis to. establish the-proper size andlocation for the public water system. The amount will be determined by the cost of the analysis and shall be paid.: a. Prior to,final map approval. b. Prior to building permit Issuance. 7. The applicant shall, within 30 days after receiving approval of the tentative: tract map, tentative parcel map, use permit, ok:development. review,: apply for a, Letter. of: Availability (LOA)' to reserve sewerage availability and post, with the City, a nonrefundable: reservation fee equal to.20W of the appropriate sewerage: connection: fee in effect at: the time the LOA is issued. W0008. Developer shall construct a: light system conforming to City of Poway Standards at no cost to the public, subject to the following:: a. Cut-off luminaries shall be installed: which will provide: true 90 degree: cutoff and prevent projection of light above the horizontal from the lowest point.of the lamp or i' light emitting refractor or device. . b. All fixtures shall use a. clear, low pressure sodium vapor light source. j 1 T E M' 14 OF S FEB c. Advance energy charges and District engineering charges shall be paid by the developer. d. Annexation to the lighting district shall be accomplished and evidence of annexation and payment of lighting fees shall.be presented to the City prior to finalmap approval or building permit issuance, whichever occurs first. 9. Cable television. services shall be provided and installed'. underground. The: developer shall notify the Cable company when trenching: for utilities is to be accomplished. F f L.. GENERAL'REQQIREMENTS AND APPROVALS L. Permits from, other agencies will. be: required as follows:: a. Caltrans, b. San: Diego County Flood Control District c. Other: 2. l A copy of the Covenants, Conditions and. Restrictions (CC&R's)' and/or, Articles of Incorporation gf the Homeowners Association shall be subject to the review for compliance with conditions herein;, t* the: satisfaction of the City Attorney and Director of Planning Services, and: shall be filedwith the Secretary of State,' the County Recorder and the City Clerk - at the time of final map consideration. I. Prior to recordation, a Notice of intention to form: Landscape and/or Lighting Districts shall be filed with the: City Council. The engineering costs involved in district formatio shall be borne by the developer. 4r Final parcel. and tract maps shall conform, to City standards- and procedures. �! S. By. separate document prior, to the recording; of .the final. subdivision map, oron the final subdivision map, there: shall be granted to the City,: am open: space: easement over Lots : , common, areas. Said open space easement shall. be approved as form by the City Attorney, and. shall limit. the use of said open space to recreational purposes-, including buildings,. structures and improvements. M0106. Should this: subdivison be: further divided, each final map shall be -submitted for approval by -the Director of Public Services. W0007. All provisions of the Subdivison Ordinance of thea Poway Municipal Code shall be met as they relate to the division of land. 5ir'S.. Those: portions of the subject property proposed to be held.under common ownership shall, be labeled such and, identified by a.separate lot number on the final map.. MO0009. Prior to final map approval, all of the above improvements and requirements shall be installed and provided, or deferred by guaranteeing installation within two years from map recordation or prior to building permit issuance, whichever occurs first, by the execution of a performance agreement,: secured. with. sufficient securities, in a. form approved by the city Attorney. All necessary processing fees, deposits, and charges shall be paid prion to final map- approval. 0. Prior to final map approval, all dedications shall be made and easements granted as required above:. fl;?rll,. The tentative map approval shall expire on ti ' unless an: application for time extension is received 0. days prior to expiration in accordance with the City Subdivision: Ordinance. 15 op 18 FEB 2 5 1986 ITEM b MH OS ' 19 RS,2: sfe�t`�• fps t . ......." .......... 1 l r e�w yrs. r:"Far. s•. 1' a �i..�+j� :� ate♦ � � ; is f�'fs •».etr«.,..a �- ie f=`i iiis� ,+� ,� k►i� ��. errs: s t.�l►, f. E...._� �- •11e� e I I e Alwe I�s !Dace !•e e ! e ITEM: s��fa� ,may TITLEfl�ec.N ATTAC'HME'NT 3 1 6 of 18' FEB I Stet la. , as e4r wile f ! sr , c 1 } iir► i .., r lt+at wmimm/ NO aar�. r ., !' DODO zaf.'5.. w ION AO' OPOOO OMNI" awn • CITY OF POWAY SCALE L ITEM : 55"oG TITLE 5[r0 ATTACHMENT 18 OF 1 8 WA F CITY OFP0 CARL R. KRUSE, Mayor R EC V ED, 3' MARY SHEPARDSON', Deputy Mayor BRUCE TARZY, Councilmember LINDA, ORAVEC. Councilmemberp 1� BOB EMERY, Councilmember B. ��� �yFISO CIQF POWAY c , IN tHF, T`i CITY CLERK'S OFFICS _. NOTICE CP PUEMXCLM F { NOTICE,- IS ABY Gr= that. the City Council of the: City of Poway will, hold. a. Public: Hearing in the City Council Chambers, 13325 Civic Center Drive, Poway California 92064: on Tuesday, February 25, 1986 at 7:00 P.M. or as soon as possible thereafter to consider the following item: ENVIRQ TAL ASSESSMENT, TE 4TATIVE PARCEL MSP` 85-06 � T A. MAt„IF€, APPLICANT: a request to subdivide: .91, gross acres, into four lots in the RS -7 (Residential Single Family 7), zone, located, at 13915 Eastern Street. The: issuance of an E3rNegative. Declaration is reccxnmended. APN: 314-221-01 j ANY ITID PERSON: wishing to express theirconcerns in favor.- or, against. -the, above may appear in personat the meeting or submit their concerns in writing to the: City Clerk, City of Poway.: If you challenge: the matter in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public, I' hearing described in this notice, or in written correspondence delivered to the. City Council at, or prior to, the public hearing. IF YOU WISH TO SPEAK at the: meeting,, please fill out one of the speaker's slips which are: located at the. bacic of the Council Chambers, to the right of the: door as you enter. Use a green slip if you are in favor. of staff's recottnlendation or r a red. slip. if you. are. opposed.. The agenda,, which gives the order of the meeting, is also located there:.. You must give: the speakers slip to the City Clerk prior tothe meeting or prior to the subject item in order to be. called to the podium. to -peak. t We urge you to contact the: Planning Department prior to the meeting to find out whatthein reccxnrnndation to the City Council. will be. This will make you better prepared to speak at the meeting in favor or opposed to the recommen- dation. Staff planner, on this project is Jim Lyon and can be reached at 748-6600` or 695-1400. Their office: is at 13202 Poway Road. p.— ) Marjorie K. Wahlsten,, City Clerk -oOC, l JC3H C. BE'eT Eit I39IS PIPPNEY ROAD �. City Hall Located: at 13325 Civic Center. Drive: POWAY, CAL. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 789, Poway, California 92064 (619) 748-�v, toly) b05-1400 C FEB Z5 1986 ITE M> i RECEIVED FEB 2 4 1986 A- CITY OF POWAY , `r CITY CLERK'S OFFICE �. - ` �� ,�"�°� .; r t Resolution No. P Page_ 2 g. The design of the tentative parcel will not conflict. with any easement acquired by the public at large, now of record, for access through or use of the property within 4 the proposed subdivision,-- ubdivision; h. h. That this project will not create adverse impacts on the environment and a Negative Declaration is issued; i. The effect of subdivision TPM 85-06 on the housing needs of` the San Diego region has: been considered and balanced against the public service needsi of Poway residents and - available fiscal. and environmental resources presidential. - only); and J The -design of the subdivision has provided, to the extend feasible, for future passive or natural heating or cooling{ opportunities in: the. subdivision ('residential only). I Section 2:: Tentative. Parcel Map No. 85-06, a copy of which is on file in the Planning Services office:, is hereby approved subject to all of the: following conditions: a - 1. Within 30 days of approval, theapplicant shall submit. in writing: that all conditions of approval have been.read and. understood.. 2'. Roadway construction within street right-of-way shall be, constructed: according to City of Poway Specifications and/or San Diego Regional Standards. 3.: A. concrete sidewalk (4,. ,5 feet wide I shall be constructed, on the eastside of Eastern Street according to City of Poway Specifications and/or San Diego Regional. Standards. 4. r The existing 8' inch A.C. water main in Eastern Street shall. be extended southerly to.a point opposite the south boundary of the development. x 5.. The developer shall construct a residential, fire hydrant on. the northeast corner of Eastern Street and Stkeet . ".A..; ", 6. There is an existing 8 inch V..C., sewer main: fronting the development. Sewer laterals and clean -ousts: to serve the four parcels shall be installed from this: main at locations; designated by developer, but subject to approval, by the. City E Engineer. The sewer main shall be extended to the. east pro- { = perty line requiring a 20 foot wide: dedicated,easement bet- ween Lots 1 and 2.. Section 3 Tentative Parcel Map No. 85-06 a copy of which is on file- in the Planning Services office, is hereby approved subject to the attached Standard. Conditions. 1 Resolution No. P Page 3 7. Easements for water and. sewer maim shall be. dedicated on the'map or by separate instrument subject to approval of L 4 the City Engineer'.. 8. A detailed hydraulic/hydrology analysis to determine the run-off to be produced by the development and its effect on existing drainage devices shall be submitted to the City. Should the amount of run-off produced by said deve- lopment result in an amount that exceeds the: capacity of existing drainage devices, it will be necessary to miti- gate the effect. Such devices shall be per, the City Engi.neers� approval. Surface drainage shall be confined within the development and directed toward the street. 9. Improvement plans shall be prepared by a Registered. Civil Engineer for the construction of street improvement, water main:, and sewer main installation and shall be submitted. to the City for review and approval by the City Engineer. 10. The: developer shall repair and/or remove and replace damaged. curb and gutters along Eastern Street per City of Poway specifications. 11 The access road to Parcels 1 and 2 shall be improved and dedicated to semi. -rural. road standards and shall be: sub- ject to review by the City Engineer. The road shall have a 36 foot paved width within the 50 foot wide easement and a 38 footradius cul-de-sac within a 45 foot radius ease.-- ment. 12. The, existing garage and./or portions of the house , shall be replaced or' modified to comply with required street sideyard setback prior to final. map and subject. to the satisfaction of the Director of Planning Services. 13. The roadway easement shall be dedicated to 50 feet in width with 36 feet of paving curb to curb with a 38 foot radius cul-de-sac to the satisfaction of the Director of Safety Services. To comply with the City's minimum lot size requirements, the depth: of Parcel 3 must be extended from 102 to 109 feet in length Section 3 Tentative Parcel Map No. 85-06 a copy of which is on file- in the Planning Services office, is hereby approved subject to the attached Standard. Conditions.