Item 10 - Award of Construction of Traffic Signal, Drainage Facilities and Street Improvements on Twin Peaks Rd. at Midland Rd.41 t REE CITY OP POWAY =is report is, included on thg Consent. Wender. There will be no saparate:discussion, of the report prior, to approval'. bg the un city Council less members of the Council,,: staff or, public ��e "`�+�+, reQuest:it:to, be:zemoved from :the .Consent :Calendar and discussed separately. If you wish to; 7HE GQv have this report pulled: for discussion,: please: fill outa slip indicatinq the: report number and give: it to the City Clerk, prior to, ;the: beginning of the City Council aesstr TO Honorable Chairman - Board of Directors of The Poway Redevelopment Agency FROM: James L. Bowersox, Executive:Dire c INLTIATEDB.Y:- Alan:D.. Archibald, Director of Public Services: Brad Kutzner, Project Manager : �jp'' DATE:: February 25, 1986 SUBJECT:° Award of Construction of Traffic Signal,, Drainage Facilities: and Street Improvements: on Twin Peaks Road. at Midland Road.: --- ABSTRACT' Bids were received on. February 12, 1986: for this; project.: It; is recommended that. the Board. of Directors award the contract to the low bidder, - Wm.., J. Kirchnavy, Inc.,, in the: amount of $'250, 456:..5.0. FINDINGS The: following five bids were, received for the project.: 1 •. wm.. J.: Kirchna. $250,4:56.50 2.. Olson Cons=truction 2'71,.38:5..00' A 3. T..B•.: Penick. & Sons 272t497.501 4 •. Hayward Construction 28.7,;15.9°.;31 5- Asphalt, enc. 341,.8.88.:50 Funding for the project, waa budgeted as: a loan from the Ci y R s; General Fund With design modifications-,; the project, will require - additional funds.; It is anticipated that $150,.0'00..00 will be needed.. Money, is available in the h%idland Road widening project (5204). RECOMMENDATION: F. It is recommended that the Redevelopment. Agency award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder,. Wm.. J. Kirchnavy, Inc., in. the, amount ,. Of $:25G -,,456,,_5G and transfer the- aa'a f-; n"=1 cT a �t FEB. '251986 4TEM' 10,