Item 12 - Resolution of Denial for MDR 85-59AGENDA ]REPORT 0'OF: PQiiiA �Y niE GOVT TO: Honorable: Mayor and: Members of the City Council FROM':: 'James L. Bowersox,t City Ma INITIATED BY: John E:,: Bridgest Acting Director of Planning Services DATE February 250, 1986 SUBJECT: Resolution of Denial for Minor Development Review, 85-59 BACKGROUND. On February 11., 1586, the: City Council heard Minor Development Ste' Review 8.5:-5:9.' requesting the installation of a dishantenna,. ten feet six. inches- in height and ten feet in diameter, for the property located at 136'4T Orchard Gate Road., After reviewing, the submitted j materials., and; listening to. concerns.... expressed by the neighborhood regarding the adequaeyF of the: proposed screening, -the Council denied the minor development review request. RECOMMENDATIO' It is recommended that the. City Council adopt the attached resole-- tion for the denial of Minor Development. Review 85-59' JLB :iJEB° s.SEC a i s x Attachment: r 1„ Proposed Resolution: t z `i 3 M 4 That the. proposed, development does not encourage the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and pro.- perty within the City in that the antenna proposed: is a large, unaesthetic structure which, as a resultofc the topography of the site and the location of buildings on the site and neighboring sites, cannot be screened from. adjacent and neighboring properties: to the south 2 of 3 FEB 2 5 1986 IT E M 1c RESOLUTION NO. P- A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF POWAY, CALIFORNIA DENYING MINOR DEVELOPMENTREVIEW 85-59 ASSESSOR"S; PARCEL NUMBER 2.75-731-15 4 WHEREAS, Minor. Development Review 85.-591 submitted by Ruppert feet six. and. Wanda Jones, applicant, requests a dish. antenna, ten: in diameter for the- property located inches in height and ten, feet at 13647 Orchard. Gate Road, in the RR -C. (Rural Residential C') zone, and WHEREAS, Section 1T.3T.02.OF provides that such an antenna shall not be approved unless the antenna can be screened from view of adjacent. properties.; and WHEREAS, on February 11, 1986, the City Council ty- .:held; L a hearing on. the above -referenced item; WH on F ruar� 25 1,1 86 , th ,.City Counci -, , held a sine t h ':ng on the :above -referenced idem. f OW, THEREFORE, the City Council does hereby resolve as follows:. _ Section is Findings:. -`' 1.. That the. proposed. development- is in conformance with the �re Poway General Plan. 2: That the proposed development will have an adverse aesthe- tic, health, safety, or architecturally related impact upon. adjoining properties in, thatr as a. result of the site and topography and the. looat:on of buildings on neighboring sites, the: dish antenna cannot be screened. from adjacent and neighboring properties to the south. 3. That. the proposed development is not in compliance with the Zoning Ordinance in that the dish antenna cannot be screened from adjacent and neighboring properties to the south.. 4 That the. proposed, development does not encourage the orderly and harmonious appearance of structures and pro.- perty within the City in that the antenna proposed: is a large, unaesthetic structure which, as a resultofc the topography of the site and the location of buildings on the site and neighboring sites, cannot be screened from. adjacent and neighboring properties: to the south 2 of 3 FEB 2 5 1986 IT E M 1c 3 of 3 Resolution. No. P Page 2 Section 2`: City Council Decision.• The City Council hereby denies Minor Development Review 85-59. APPROVED. and. ADOPTED by, the City Council of the City of Poway, State of California, this 25th day of February, 1986. Carl R. Kru se , Mayor ATTEST: Marjorie K. Wahlsten, City Clerk FEB 2 1986 ITEM 12